Spirits of the Lands~ Strictly Literate Roleplay

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7:30pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Mar 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 345


It is 6,000 years before, a land before humans had been properly educated and where animals, as well as demons exist along side with them. The land is peaceful, the clans well-fed, the hunters pleased with their own treatment from their clan for they are the spirits that keep the clans as they are.

The wolves are the rarest hunters though, having been wiped out once before. They slink in the shadows, and no clan has these predators’ spirit.

That is when the demons attacked the clans.

They came like a hurricane, unexpected by all, even the wisest of mages couldn’t have seen it coming.

These demons took over the bodies of many, causing insanity to break out, and animals to become manic and sick. Nobody knew how to stop them.Except the once abundant predators which could only be the wolves.

But the wolves were only a small population but the wolves did not know this. They did not care, they just fought from instinct. They did not know how in peril they were.

That was when five wolves appeared. The White Wolf of the Snowy Arctic, The Black Wolf of the Dark Forest, The Gray Wolf of the Mountains, The Brown Wolf of the Light Forest, and lastly, The Red Wolf of the Desert.  

No one knew of them, but for some reason, the demons feared them more than any other wolf. These wolves had no special power but they had something else.

They were the spirits of the lands, but nobody, not even they knew it.

And so, the journey begins…  


1.      Please follow all Rescreatu Role playing Rules.

2.      When speaking OOC please use (( [[ {{

3.      This role play is Strictly Literate, which means I don’t want people role playing who can’t speak English properly. Don’t want to be mean, but it is how the cookie crumbles.

4.      I request that you use your best grammar and punctuation.

5.      Posts must be at least three (FIVE SENTENCES) good paragraphs unless you have writers block, but I do request that even with writers block, you try to post at least one of the three paragraphs.

6.      To join, please say “I am the voice that calls” and to know that you read the rules please say “I am the predator that you fear”

7.      You may only have ONE character unless I say otherwise.


9.      Please do not use pictures for the characters, written deions only, unless I give permission in an rmail for you to use one.

10.  If there are too many girl players, I will ask that you make a boy character until the ratio is equal but besides that, only one character.

11.  Rules may be created, changed, or deleted by my own devices.

12.  This is a realistic wolf role play, just based about 6,000 years ago and with demons which the wolves in this story are going to be hunting down and…just read the plot…

13.  I am the alpha female, do as I say or I bite you…


Character Slots/Information:

The White Wolf of the Snow: Hakurou (white wolf) , a she-wolf with fur the color of pure white snow. She has blue eyes of the ice that covers the sea in the winter, and small body. Taken Kaiyo (surprise)

The Black Wolf of the Dark Forest: Kuroi (black), a he-wolf with fur the color of darkness. Yellow-gold eyes and a large body. He should be cold and distant, doesn’t really care about others. Taken Dragonstar

The Gray Wolf of the Mountains: Haiiro (grey), a he-wolf with fur the color of rocks. Yellow-gold eyes. He should be strong and stubborn. Taken wolf18834

Brown Wolf of the Light Forest: Chairo (brown), a she-wolf with fur the color of light bark from a tree. Greenish-yellow eyes. She should be shy and quiet, like the forest. Taken YummiLand

The Red Wolf of the Desert: Akai (red), a he-wolf with fur the color of red fire. Yellow eyes. He should be hot-tempered and mischivious. Taken siritachi1

Character Sheet~

The Wolf You Are And It’s Name:

Age Of The Wolf:

Detailed Physical Deion:

Detailed Personality:



7:35pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 834

I am the voice that calls

I am the predator that you fear

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

7:36pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 834
((May I take Wolf of the Light Forest: Chairo (brown), a she-wolf with fur the color of light bark from a tree. Greenish-yellow eyes. She should be shy and quiet, like the forest…?))

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

7:39pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Yes you may ^^))


7:41pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 834
((Thank-you :) My other bio will be posted tomorrow :)

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

7:42pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Okay ^^))


7:46pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 834

((Can't wait!! Urgg...my thread doesn't seem to be getting attention..))

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

7:48pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

"I am the voice that calls"

"I am the predator that you fear"

May I please take: 

The Red Wolf of the Desert: Akai (red), a he-wolf with fur the color of red fire. Yellow eyes. He should be hot-tempered and mischivious.

Just call me Siri.

7:49pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Yes you may ^^ ))


7:52pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 7:52pm Mar 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299

(( "I'm the voice that calls"

"I'm the predator that you fear"

May I be the remaining wolf, The Gray Wolf of the Mountains: Haiiro (grey), a he-wolf with fur the color of rocks. Yellow-gold eyes. He should be strong and stubborn?))


7:53pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Yes you may ^^ ))


9:10pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345

The Wolf You Are And It’s Name: The White Wolf of the Snow; Hakurou

Age Of The Wolf: One and a half

Detailed Physical Deion: Like a true Arctic wolf, she is pure white with small ears, a shorter muzzle but a smaller body then most wolves. She has icy blue eyes, the only one that is the most different from the other wolves, but no one knows how she kept her ice eyes. She has a scar at the base of her tail that looks sort of like a snowflake.

Detailed Personality: She is at times quiet and peaceful, but other times, she becomes infuriated, like a sudden snow storm, she is cold and distant, blowing everyone away and encasing them in a feeling that could only be described as a freezing fear. For the most part she is kind and usually is a great wolf to have on your side. She looks fragile, but has the bite of ..well a wolf...

Other:  Unknown by all, she is the spirit of the Arctic, and isn't very close to the other wolves because she is from the cold north whereas they live in warmer weather for the most part.


10:18pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 6:04pm Mar 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

The Wolf You Are And It’s Name: The Red Wolf of the Desert; Akai

Age Of The Wolf: Four years

Detailed Physical Deion: Keeping true to the desert colors, Akai is a rustic red. His paws and underbelly are the most vibrant burgundy. While his back and the crown of his head are sun bleached a fiery red-orange. The tips of his ears, nose, and tail are a flaxen to ward off sunburn and heat. His amber eyes shimmer like the sun that beats down on him without mercy everyday. They are surrounded by an ebony outline to keep the glare of the sun away. His claws are pale ivory-gold color, much like the sand in his territory. Being such a seasoned wolf, Akai bares a scar over the top of his left-hind paw and a strange "S" marking on his right shoulder, the fur seems to be singed a deep red that is nearly black.

Detailed Personality: Akai is cunning; he has to be in order to survive in a desolate territory. He often tricks innocent, little creatures for sheer entertainment. Though, his curiosity often leads him astray and he finds himself depending on his mischievous ways to get out of trouble. Akai can be well mannered, but he sees no point in doing so. His desert viper tongue makes all weary of him. For legends say, a wolf's head can still bite, even after death. 

Other: Not sure just yet.

Just call me Siri.

1:49pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Now we just wait for the others ^^ ))


3:31pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 3:33pm Mar 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299

The Wolf You Are And It’s Name: Haiiro

Age Of The Wolf: Three years

Detailed Physical Deion: Haiiro is a well-muscled wolf with boulder-gray fur. His eyes are a yellow-gold color that gleam occasionally when the sun hits him. Haiiro's claws are curved, and he tries to keep them like that, in case he has to use them. Haiiro's fur is very long, which kept him warm when he was in his mountain home. Scars can be seen criss-crossing over Haiiro's muzzle. Haiiro's gray fur is darker along his spine.

Detailed Personality: Haiiro is strong-willed, from all his time living in the cold mountains, fending for himself. He refuses to lose an arguement, and likes to have his way, no matter how much he has to risk. Haiiro's stubborn streak leads him into trouble with others. Haiiro is quick to snap when angered. These qualities have almost always caused Haiiro to end up in a fight.

Other: Nothing...


3:56pm Mar 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Yaay only a few more then we can start ))


6:14pm Mar 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Bump ))


11:50pm Mar 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,771

((Kaiyo, could Akai have amber colored eyes? Like a gold with orange hue. Just wondering.))


Just call me Siri.

10:21pm Mar 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 345
(( Sure why not xD ))


11:29pm Mar 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,372

[[ Literate roleplay? -lurklurk- I might join ouo ]]

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