6:35pm Mar 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( I guess youc an since no body is really interested anymore ;-;))
6:46pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// You could have told me this was up Kaiyo...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:49pm Mar 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( I'm sorry DX I thought I did. I forgotteded I'm sorry Dragonchan DX))
7:02pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
The Wolf You Are And It’s Name: Black Wolf of the Dark Forest || Kuroi Age Of The Wolf: Three Years Detailed Physical Deion: Kuroi is true to his name; for he is pitch black like the shadows he runs in. He is larger than moset wolves and he is almost all muscle. It ripples under his fur when he moves. Speaking of his fur, it is short around the head and steadily gets longer as it goes down his neck and back. His paws are large as well -- but small enough so he doesn't look akward [[ Yea... don't know how to spell that word -scratches head in confusion- ]] when walking in them -- and arrow shaped with a darker than black pad on the bottom. His yellowy golden eyes are always cold and are set into his head so he can see all. He also has one, vertical scar over his right eye. Detailed Personality: Distant and cold; Kuroi cares for nobody. Except for himself. He sees the world change around him and does not want to stop it. Nor should he. What does he gain from anything others do? Nothing. He works and operates on his own for he is better that way. This lone wolf lives without a pack and likes it. Tell him what to do and he just might snap in your face; he follows his own life and lives by his own rules. Other: Kuroi is the Spirit of the Dark Forest that he calls his home; though he does not yet know himself.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:03pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Its fine, Kaiyo-chan. I found it. Though I am still rather peeved.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:06pm Mar 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( I'm sorry DX I'm sorry DX I'm sorry DX! You can be co-owner and and and and and and and I'm sorry Dx))
7:07pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Co-Owner... hmmm? -thinks hard- I will forgive you... for nao.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:12pm Mar 25 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( YAY :) We shall start soon :) ))
7:18pm Mar 25 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:43pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 345
Hakurou snorted as once again, she lost the scent. She had been following it all day, from the icy mountains where she lived, to the slowly fading snow grounds that were heading towards a place with tall brown and green things. Was it the forest? It couldn't be. She had never seen them, and they were only a story told to her by her pack. Her pack..she left them only hours ago, which she didn't understand. She had suddenly gotten up and started to run, as if something or someone was calling to her. Hakurou sighed and lifted her muzzle to the air, testing the scents, looking for the one that said "Food". She caught it and a wolf-like grin fell upon her maw as she took off once again. She howled without knowing why as she stopped a few paces ahead, then realizing that there was also a slightly stale scent of wolf on the air. She could smell some fresh markings as well, so decided that she should be cautious. Another howl came from her then all was quiet as she waited for an answer.
3:57pm Mar 26 2010
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Posts: 5,310
A sleek black wolf moved through the shadows cast by the trees with ease as he stalked an old doe. His yellow-golden eyes were narrowed with concentration as he followed its scent. By now, he was closer than he was an hour ago. The doe was moving slow and -- from its tracks -- looked like it was going lame in one leg. Stalking up behind a bush, he spotted the deer he was tracking and a low growl of victory escaped his maw. Stalking forward, he froze when a faint howl rose up into the air. The doe froze and lifted her head; looking at the black wolf in front of her, but not really seeing him. Flicking its tail, the doe lowered her head. He moved a little closer when another howl split the air; this time closer. He growled loudly and the elderly doe bolted. He chased after her for a few seconds before letting her escape. He'd find her later. A lame deer was always easy to track. But who had howled? Not that it concered him. But there was a small pack of wolves living around here and sometimes asked for his help if was willing to offer it. A sigh visably shook his body. He lifted his muzzle and howled back; deep and long. Then he ended it as he shook his head. Another growl sounded from his maw before he started to track the lame doe.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:16pm Mar 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( bump... Sorry Dragon, I'm dead for our other roleplay as well ))
12:18pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Aw... Its okay, Kaiyo-chan. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:29pm Mar 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 345
(( What now? ))
12:36pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:16pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,771
Each paw-step brought him closer. Akai’s creamy, flaxen belly fairly touched the ground, as he hunted a pesky desert hare. After lounging all afternoon, Akai had grown hungry and the heat was not as burdening, so he decided to find some food. Time had gone by as he searched, and he was about to quit when the tawny rabbit hopped into sight. Now Akai was crouched low on his stomach, judging the distance, and keeping his shadow out of the hare’s sight. With a lethal tightening of muscles, Akai snatched the prey before it knew he was coming, and before Akai hit the ground, the hare’s life was over. Collapsing onto the gritty sand, Akai panted in the heat. Sure his ancestors created his body to be prefect in hunting, skill, and survival of this dreaded wasteland, but he still overheated as he exerted himself. His russet coat dispersed the heat faster than the other colors, and he soon began to eat his meal. It was a quick snack, but it could last him a week. Prey has never been abundant here. He buried the remains like all his former pack did. It showed that he respected the gift of life that was given to sustain his own. Akai left his pack soon after he matured, and no longer needing his mother or the pack for help. He could have stayed but his was tough like most, and Akai found that he was fond of the old wolf. He didn’t want to fight him for the maidens. His reminiscence of home was disturbed when a howl echoed in the empty wilderness. Akai lifted his snout to the air, but could scent nothing. The howl was close but still too far. Stretching his back by bowing in the front and lifting his tail to the sky, Akai pushed off with his hinds and trotted forward. I am curious about this wolf. Who would come so close to the joining sectors? As he trotted along at an enduring pace, Akai heard another howl and being that is was a bit closer he could tell that it was a vixen. Tricky little thing, it might be entertaining to meet her. His maw itched to join in, so he did. Akai never denied himself something he wanted. Akai stopped his jog, opened his jaws, and gave a deep, long howl. It was a purely masculine sound, and he knew that the other wolf would know hear it as well.
Just call me Siri.
7:05pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Haiiro padded through the land, cluttered with stones of many shapes and sizes. A cold breeze whipped at his face, though he chose to ignore it. The mountains had hardened him against this with its coldness, so unlike other lands, though he had only imagined those lands, unlike the mountains of his home which were the only thing he had experienced. He lifted his head in the air, searching for a scent that would guide him to an exhilarating hunt. Haiiro was disappointed by what he picked up. Only mountain hares, something that he had no eyes for. Haiiro only wanted the elk who sometimes traveled to the mountains, to drink from the refreshing streams. Haiiro wanted to sink his fangs and claws into the large prey that could feed many. Mountain hares were something that he could've only wanted if he were a pup by now. Haiiro had tasted elk meat and now he was determined to find an elk, no matter how or where. The stony gray wolf uttered a low growl of anger, that he would have to settle for the smaller prey. The large wolf sniffed again, trying to find a scent that was the strongest, the hare that was the most nearby one. When Haiiro decided which scent trail he should follow, he heard a howl, and his heart leaped. Howls always made his pride come up to the surface, made him want to howl no matter what circumstance, despite how stubborn he was and if he would scare away all the prey. Haiiro opened his mouth and let out a howl. It sounded rough like most wolves who were in the mountains and it gushed forth like the mountain streams. The howl rose and lowered in pitch like the rivers and their waves that splashed with different sounds every time.
4:36pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.