7:31am Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
[[ooc:: Are we allowed to make a rogue cat, or is it just StoneClan for now? o3o;]]
Berryfern backed into the shade of a pine tree, her eyes wide with fear at the scene unfolding in front of her. She blinked heavily, confused as to why the ginger rogue had picked a fight with Shadow, who seemed to be the equivalent of the deputy. Rising up quietly, Berryfern shook herself and noticed that a few spots of blood flew off onto the ground. Cautiously, she nosed forward and sniffed the limp form of the large rogue. "Did you kill him?" she gasped, shocked that a cat could hurt another for a simple comment.
7:41am Apr 6 2012
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Shadow stared at the fallen Rogue, then looked at the she-cat with a look of annoyance written plain across his muzzle. "Yes. I killed him." He growled at her, "and if I hadn't he would've killed you. You don't understand how the hierarchy works in a gang, she-cat. He challenged my decision and my judgement. All anyone wants in a Rogue gang is power. Power, and a legacy of bringing death." He seemed to speak of it as if he were not part of the gang - like he was more one of the clan cats than a Rogue. He looked at the fallen tabby and scowled. "That cat has taken more lives in your clan than he could have himself if he were leader," He paused, then said something very strange for a Rogue, "I doubt Starclan will accept him now."
7:56am Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Berryfern was confused. She had listening to Shadow's words in awe, trying to read the look in his eyes as he commented on the life of a rogue cat, before stalking away to lick at her wounds thoughtfully. She had settled herself into a small patch of cold sunlight, swiping a wet paw over the tabby patches on her ears. The statement that she had found most confusing was the fact that he knew what StarClan was. How did a rogue come to hear about the warrior ancestors of the Clan cats? Twisting round and lifting a paw from the ground, she began to clean the gash on her shoulder. She hadn't realized how deep the cut was, what with everything still going on. The rhythmic movements of her rasping tongue on her fur made Berryfern sleepy, and soon she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
10:02am Apr 6 2012
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Ashwhiskers fur bristled slightly when he listened to Shadow and Berryfern talk. He didn't intervene. For some reason he didn't sense hostility from Shadow as he talked to her, but if her jumped in, he might feel threatened and a fight would start.
He watched as Berryfern fled, intending then to see Shadow himself, but he saw Berryfern look at the Fresh-Kill Pile and try to leave camp. Realizing what he was thinking, he padded over to try to join her. However one of the Rogues challenged her before he got there, and then Shadow beat him to protecting her. He skidded to a halt a few tall lengths away, watching the battle until the rogue went limp.
Ashwhisker's eyes widened, and he turned his attention to Shadow as he spoke. What the black tom said confused him, and he opened his mouth as if to speak then thought better of it. Right now was not the time to question that cat.
Hesitantly, he padded over to Shadow, picking his words carefully. "Shadow, will you approve a few cats leaving camp to hunt? If we don't replenish out food soon, our injured will only get worse, and anyone capable of taking care of the clan will weaken more." He didn't think Shadow wanted them all dead. As a healthy clan, the rogues defeated them. With their numbers slashed, they had no hope of doing it again, so there was no reason to fear Stoneclan's remaining cats recovering.
"If need I'll take a couple of rogues with me, either to help or just keep an eye on me."
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:34am Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 123
Flashfoot watched his brother drop to the ground after digging most of the first grave. He was obviously exhausted, past the point of trying to help his clan as he usually did. His breathing was heavy, some of his wounds bleeding again from the strain of his muscles.
"I don't know where Dewfur is, but I'll get some moss, brother. Rest for now." Flashfoot murmured, looking around. He didn't have to look too hard to find some, and tore it loose in his teeth. He went back to his brother, who was now motionless on his side. For a moment, Flashfoot was convined he had died, but as he got closer he saw that he was still breathing, in an uneasy sleep. The tom did what he thought was right with the moss on the wounds still open, and made his way back into camp, looking around with his head down. "Dewfur?" he called, looking around, unable to see the medicine cat anywhere, "Dewfur! My brother needs seen to badly." His voice fell to a whisper after the second calling of the cats name. He hopped around searching, still favoring one of his back paws.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
10:52am Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Waking from her slumber, Berryfern felt better; her muscles were refreshed, and her wounds were less raw. She arched her back luxuriously, and stretched her mouth in a yawn. Looking around, she saw Flashfoot hopping around looking anxious. She padded over, and rested her tail on the tom cat's shoulder. "Flashfoot, you need rest. You should go to sleep. Where's your brother?" Berryfern mewed gently, her green eyes seeking his.
11:03am Apr 6 2012 (last edited on 11:03am Apr 6 2012)
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Posts: 938
Midnightpelt got up slowly and padded over to where Ashwhisker was and stood next to him and said to Shadow "I think it's within our best interest to gather a lager food supply", Midnightpelt looked over at the mere pile of food in the middle of the camp "we need to gather more to feed everyone including your rogues please allow us access to go hunting with one or two of your rogues, that way we won't be able to flee", Midnightpelt walked a little closer to Shadow and bowed his head to him "I will go hunt with Ashwhisker and and two rogues to gather food, i ask your permission Shadow" with this request Midnightpelt went and sat back next to Ashwhisker.
11:30am Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 123
"I should, but I can't yet." Flashfot replied, glancing at Berryfern. He looked around, and sat for a moment, catching his breath.
"My brother fell asleep by the grave we were digging for Snowstar... Either that or passed out. I tried putting moss on his wounds, but I'm no medcat." He opened his mouth, panting a bit. "I'm worried. He wouldn't stop working and- Urg. I should have made him rest sooner." The tom stood again, looking around for Dewfur. He started moving in the direction of the med cats den, hoping he'd be there if not amoung the others.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
12:21pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 1,036
Shadow looked between the two cats, one ear flicking slightly before he replied stonily. "There will be no need for a Rogue to join you on your hunting trip." He stood and padded away from them without a second word or glance back, going back into the leader's den and settling just inside the entrance, surveying the destroyed camp left in the wake of his gang-mates.
12:48pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
As Flashfoot left, Berryfern hesitated for a moment. Should she ask for permission before leaving, or just go? Throwing a scathing look at the black rogue who had destroyed everything she knew, she decided that they didn't deserve her co-operation. Hauling herself to her feet, she made her way out of camp and opened her jaws to cast around for the familiar scent of Brambleclaw's pelt. Finding the trail, she followed it quickly. Berryfern reached the tabby cat soon after setting off, and bent to his side to check him over. "I'm no medicine cat," she said out loud, despite of the fact that Brambleclaw probably couldn't hear her. "But I think you need food, water and rest." Swiftly she bounded away until she reached the point where Flashfoot had torn moss from a rock. Clawing some more away from it's hard shelter, she rolled it into a ball and picked it up in her teeth. Trotting back, she stopped at a nearby puddle to dip the soft green substance in. A few more steps and Berryfern was back at Brambleclaw's side, dribbling water into his mouth.
12:54pm Apr 6 2012
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Ashwhisker gave Midnightpelt a grateful look. He felt much safer hunting with a clanmate than he would a rogue.
His ears flicked towards Shadow as he left, the grey tabby watching until he couldn't see the black cat against the shadows of the den.
"One moment," he murmured, bounding over to the Leader's Den. He paused outside the entrance, one paw lifted slightly as though he wasn't sure whether to continue inside or not.
"Shadow, may I have a word with you?" he asked, deciding to ask permission before entering.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:01pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 123
Brambleclaw woke with a sneeze as water dripped onto his maw. He lifted his head to see Berryfern, though for a moment he didn't recognize her... Why was he laying on the ground? He rolled onto his belly and started to get up, pain shooting though his muscles.
"Oh... I stopped moving. Getting moving agains going to be a pain." he mumbled, plopping his head back down, "What are you doing, berryfern? Shouldn't you be having your shoulder looked at?" - - - - - - - - - - Flashfoot called amoung the other cats, but still caught no sight of Dewfur. He had to be here somewhere, likely looking at other cats wounds. As soon as the medicine cat had a moment, Flashfoot would drag him to his brother. [ :| Next time I see Russ, imma poke him. XD ]
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
1:19pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 1,036
The black tomcat raised his head, settled just inside the den with his paws tucked under his body. He blinked sleep away from his cold eyes and his ears flicked back at the interruption. It took him a moment to process what was going on. His reply came somewhat softer than usual, but no less deep or powerful. "If you must."
1:29pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Berryfern let out a rumbling purr of amusement at Brambleclaw's words. She touched her cold nose the tom's ear, swiping her tail across the ground and sending up pine needles. "Don't worry about me. You're the one that's lying here!" She meowed, nudging him playfully. Her own injuries could wait; they weren't as bad as some. Rising to her paws again, she pushed her shoulder against Brambleclaw's, giving him something to lean on. "Here, I'll help you up. Then we'll find something to eat and go back to camp. Can you manage that?"
1:35pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 123
"Ah... I guess thats right, huh?" BrambleClaw replied, happy to see a bit of joy on a clanmates face. He let her help him stand- not entirely sure he could get far on his own anyway.
"Yes. I think I can manage that... Then a few moons of sleep sound nice." he replied, purring a little and looking at her. Hopefully the rest of the clan would get a bit of amusement soon as well. He hobbled a few steps, feeling all of his sore muscles scream. "Urg. Digging while in this condition wasn't my smartest idea, was it?"
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
1:47pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
Letting out another purr, Berryfern rested her tail on Brambleclaw's back. She dug her claws into the ground, and walked with him as the tom walked a couple of steps. "No, I don't think it was the best thing to do," she mewed, dipping her head in amusement. She stepped forward again, but stopped dead in her tracks. As her ears pricked, she heard it again; a tiny scrabbling noise in the earth a couple of tail-lengths ahead. Signaling with a flick of her ears at the mouse, Berryfern bent into the hunters crouch and began pulling herself forwards, stalking the mouse in quiet concentration.
2:22pm Apr 6 2012 (last edited on 2:22pm Apr 6 2012)
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Ashwhisker slipped inside the Den, dipping his head respectfully to Shadow before sitting down a tail-length or two away from him.
"I wanted to thank you for protecting Berryfern," Ashwhisker said, his voice hesitant, almost thoughtful. If he said anything wrong, Shadow might rip his ears off or worse. "But that cat was right. Why are you looking out for us? Why get your paws dirty for our sake?"
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
2:35pm Apr 6 2012
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Shadow stared at the ground as if he were holding conversation with it instead of the cat sat a few tail lengths away. He remained silent for a few minutes, before he opened his maw to speak to him. Those cold yellow grey eyes glanced up from the stone, boring into him. "Because I know what each and every cat in this clan is feeling at this moment. I have experienced the terror and the pain that they felt. This clan was lucky." He looked out toward the camp. "Scar has a greater number of cats on his side than you think. This was only a half of the force he has." He paused and stretched his paws out in front of him, raking the stone with his claws; sharpening them. "When Scar comes back down that mountain, we are going to drive him out. If I must leave after that, then I shall. My goal will be achieved and this clan will be left in peace." A long moment of silence, then a hard glare. "You will tell no-one."
2:45pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 123
Brambleclaw purred happily at the female. If his foolishness put Berryfern in a good mood, that just added worth to the work he had managed. Every bit of joy brought to the clan would make them closer to normal.
He noted her signals, and nodded slightly. He would be able to hold himself up long enough for her to hunt... If he had the ability, he would hunt as well, but he doubt his stiff muscles would let him move quick enough to catch anything.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
3:01pm Apr 6 2012
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Posts: 379
As she raised her hackles and prepared to pounce on the plump mouse, Berryfern could hear her heart beating in her ears. All of a sudden she was taken back to her apprenticeship, and when she had to fish in the river to become a warrior. The spray was freezing, and even from that her pelt was plastered to her sides. Narrowing her eyes, she concentrated on the task at hand rather than imagining her warm nest. A silver shape flashed past, and she plunged her paws into the water helplessly. Cursing under her breath, she setled back to try again. Raising one sandy coloured paw, she hesitated for another split second before hooking a gleaming fish out of the water and throwing it to the warriors behind her to kill. Purring happily, she waded back to the shore and shook herself, incredibly pleased at her catch... With a start, Berryfern realized she was shaking herself in present time too. Her eyes widened when she remembereed the mouse, and she leapt forward to land with a soft thud on the mouse. Killing it with a swift bite to the neck, she picked it up in her maw and spun round to deliver it to Brambleclaw.