11:35am Apr 8 2012
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Posts: 379
[[...Bump? o3o]]
11:44am Apr 8 2012
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[Waiting on Loki]
11:49am Apr 8 2012
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Posts: 379
[[Ah, okay :3]]
1:50pm Apr 8 2012
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Posts: 3,426
((Sorry. ^^; Been distracted. >>; ))
Ashwhisker's eyes widened slightly as his mind put things together. He sat there in silence, pale blue eyes locked with hard golden ones.
After a moment, he dipped his head. "Understood," he replied, getting to his paws.
He left with a thoughtful ex pression on his face. It wasn't his right to dwell on Shadow's situation, but he found himself doing so anyways. He glanced up at the stars, then lowered his head and shook it. No matter, he needed to focus on hunting for his clan.
He closed the distance between himself and Midnightpelt at a run, skidding to a stop beside her.
"Ready to go hunt?" he asked. It would be good to go out and work his shoulder and leg, otherwise they'd probably stiffen.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
1:59pm Apr 8 2012
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Posts: 123
"Thank you Berryfern." Brambleclaw purred, leaning forward to take the mouse in his maw, "However, I'm going to request we split it. You have to be as hungry as I am." He purred, setting it on the ground, and using a paw to hold it there as he tore off a peice and chewed it. His stomach grumbled for more.
- - - - - - - - - - Flashfoot groaned and simply flopped on his side. He didn't see Dewfur anywhere. What was going on? Had the rogues killed the medicine cat? He hadn't seen any kits or the expecting queens either... Had they...? His eyes drifted towards the nursery, and his heart sank. "I should check.." he urmured, though he was afraid of what he'd find.
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
2:35pm Apr 8 2012
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Posts: 379
Berryfern licked Brambleclaw's shoulder affectionately, and bent down to take a bite of the juicy meat for herself. Swallowing a little more, her mind started whirring. The food restored her energy; the young she-cat hadn't realized how hungry she was. Finishing her half, she lifted her head again to swipe her tongue over her jaws and whiskers. "Thank you for sharing with me," she purred, dipping her head gratefully. "Do you think you could walk back now?"
9:22pm Apr 11 2012
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Posts: 1,372
Posting to subscribe. Going to read up and make my post. <3
9:23pm Apr 11 2012
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{...forgot to press the 'subscribe' button last time. Sorry! ;u; /derp }
10:08pm Apr 11 2012
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A small tom, a fresh warrior, still very green, was having a hard time keeping his tall ears to himself. He was insatiably nosy to start with, and when Ashwhisker wanted to speak privately to the mysterious black rogue tom, he couldn't help himself. He hunched down to try and appear even smaller, and stared at the ground, as if fascinated with the color of the cold, unfriendly earth, giving the illusion that he wasn't listening. But his tall ears were facing back in the direction of the cave. He could not hear everything, of course. Just a few words and phrases here and there. Something about fighting and...something. He definitely heard, though, that no one was to be told. He blinked at this, interest expanding greatly.
Now, there was something a bit odd about this tom. Feathermist's luscious silvery-blue pelt was mostly unmarred. There were no visible cuts or scrapes or blood matted. No ruffled fur or notches in his ears or bright red lines on his muzzle. He heard Ashwhisker coming, and hopped up, trotting a few steps away and proceeding to lick himself before he came out from the leader's den. The den that once belonged to Snowstar, the beloved clan leader. He could see how battered and utterly destroyed his clanmates were. His appearance in comparison was...well, not much comparison at all. Examining himself, his chest rose and fell with a sigh. Hopefully he could go about helping as much as possible, putting his good health to a noble cause in helping his family and not be questioned.
With a wary glance towards where Shadow was dwelling, he turned his attention to a frantic Flashfoot. He could see the panic and confusion in the cat's eye. He frowned worriedly, and trotted up to the tom. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern clear in his yellow eyes.
4:48pm Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 4:48pm Apr 12 2012)
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Posts: 123
"I believe so." BrambleClaw replied, offering the she-cat a bit of a purr. He started to hobble back into camp, body sore and throbbing. He stumbled a little every few steps, occasionally leaning to BerryFern for balance, but was soon back where he belonged.
- - - - - - - - - -
FlashFoot glanced at the young warrior, struggling for a moment to remember his new name. FeatherPaw... Feather...Wisp? No, FeatherMist. "FeatherMist, have you seen DewFur around?" he questioned, flicking his ears down, "My brother was hurt badly, refused to rest and I'm afraid he's made himself worse. He needs to be seen to befo-" FlashFoots attention was quickly dragged to the entrance of the camp, where BerryFern and a stumbling BrambleClaw were making their way back.
[Wheres everybody else? XD]
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
5:14pm Apr 12 2012 (last edited on 5:16pm Apr 12 2012)
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Posts: 938
[Midnightpelt is a he Grave XD]
Midnightpelt watched as Ashwhisker left the leaders den and run up to him he stopped in front of him and asked "ready to go hunt?", Midnightpelt swiped his tail across the ground before answering "yes, let's depart now it's much better to hunt at night, plus we have plenty of time before dawn since the sun has just set", with this Midnightpelt turned toward the exit of the camp still with the feeling he was being watched, a slight shiver was sent down his spine.
Hunting should take his mind off things for a while since he was one of the lesser injured cats despite his condition that no one knew about he was a good fighter, he looked over at Ashwhisker studying his wounds 'they are fine' he thought.
8:34am Apr 13 2012
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Posts: 379
Berryfern was careful to not walk to fast on the way back to camp. Letting Brambleclaw lean on her shulder for support every now and then, they were soon back at the familiar stony space that was their camp. Making sure Brambleclaw was alright, she gave him a quick lick on the head and padded away. Even after half a mouse, she was still hungry from the battle. Using a fore paw to lift up a small branch, she found a battered thrush underneath it. Bending down to sniff at it, Berryfern quickly swallowed most of the bird. It wasn't the best meal she had had in her life, but today wasn't a normal day. Lifting her head up and swiping her tongue over her maw, her green gaze flitted about camp, resting on each group of cats in turn. After reassuring herself that every cat would make it through the night, she spotted Feathermist and Flashfoot, who's eyes were, of course, staring at his brother. Padding forwards, she settled down beside Feathermist and looked him over. "I feel like we haven't spoken in moons, Feathermist!" She purred.
2:35pm Apr 18 2012
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Posts: 379
[[...Bump? o.o; Just found it in my alerts xD]]
6:56pm Apr 18 2012
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Posts: 123
[ I was trying to give someone else a chance to post... :E ]
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?