6:52am Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 12:51pm Nov 21 2010)
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Posts: 1,256
Hello... this is a really random RP. For some reason. There's this book called 'Kingdom of Trees'. But it's not just any old book, it's a book,that when the reader reaches p90, they are taken into the world that the book is set in, and are trapped. However, a group of people called the 'Society of Freedom' which was created by the first three people ever to get trapped are working their way to escaping, and taking everyone else with them. (These 3 people are: David Philipson, aged 24, from 1869, Millie Cardiff, aged 8, from 1914 and Olivia Baxter, aged 14, from 1994). Yes, you are stuck at your age in the Kingdom of Trees. The Kingdom of Trees is a very pretty place, there is a large castle belonging to a savage king, 3 daughters (Ellie, Marie, and Sophie), his son (James) and his wife (Cat). The king is a shapeshifter. He takes the form of a bear, and therefore has all the forest creatures at his command to kill. There is a small village home to approximately 400 people, but the rest of the Kingdom is trees. You get hold of the story somehow, and read it, and get trapped in the world. The RP will end when everyone escapes (page 60 at least maybe?). People in the RW do know you go missing. BIO Name: Age: Gender: Deion: Personality: Here's my person: Name: Sophie Wood Age: 13 Gender: Female Deion: Quite tall for her age, long brown hair usually in a ponytail, and creamy skin. Personality: Clever, and mature. EDIT It will start when we have at least 5 people. (Hopefully more!) ANOTHER EDIT We're starting, so any people who HAVEN'T done a bio yet, but want to join, please begin from reading the book!

Albino Uilus 24/120
7:07am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Can I Join?)) Name: Sumnor Pegagnyx Age: 19 Gender: male Deion: Tall, a slim build but with obvious power in his limbs. He was given odd.... talents, we shall call them for the time being, when he was brought into the book. He was always a dark, loner type person in the real world, always wore a leather jacket with a long sleeved shirt, along with jeans, the bottoms of which were tattered and torn. His hair was down to his shoulder blades, unbelievably dark black in natural colour, he had never believed in artificially colouring it. Personality: He likes his own company, not enjoying it when people tried to pry into his past, the abilities the book gave him only seemed to make him more worried about being with other people, afraid for his own safety as well as theirs. Ever since he had been orphanned at the age of 14, he had been unique in personallity as well as dress sense, which was the main weapon he used in an attempt to be left ot his own devices.
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7:08am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
Yep, you can. :)

Albino Uilus 24/120
7:10am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
So how many people are you looking for?
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7:21am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
No idea... just a mo, I'll post something in the main post that I forgot.

Albino Uilus 24/120
9:00am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 548
((Can I join?)) Name: Kyoko Age: 15 Gender: female Deion: Kyoko is a dark person that keeps to her self and rarely let's anyone get to know her. She hides behind her silver hair to keep a dark secret, well secret. She is 5'4 and dresses only in black or grey. She usually wears a black long sleeve shirt with grey cargo pants and purple Vans. Her hair always falls over her right eye to cover it. Personality: She is quite and secluded within her mind. She won't let anyone know her past but sometimes she lets her guard down and her mouth betrays her. She will do anything and everything in her power before she would ask for someone's help. She is smart and calm but her temper can catch up to her.

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V
9:23am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
(Uh-hu, sure! The more the merrier!:))

Albino Uilus 24/120
10:12am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((Are you okay if I post the starting point for my character, to get it done?))
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11:34am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:09pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,361
12:14pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
(You sure can, Rocca)

Albino Uilus 24/120
12:55pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Join as the son? <3))
1:01pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 1:06pm Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,361
Name: Eli (E-lye) Age:17 Gender:. male Deion: Eli stands at about 6’3 he has brown shaggy hair and surprisingly yellow eyes. But has somewhat of a baby face that’s makes him look innocent even though he doesn’t want to be. He is quite skinny but has muscle m*censored* and is covered in nasty large scars all over his body and especially on his back some even the length of his back stretching all the way across (he doesn’t like to talk about how he got them).Eli has a thick southern accent and is from Louisiana. He never wears shoes or a shirt just torn up jeans covered in paint, gr*censored* stains and motor oil. Personality: Eli is a tough boy, he had to be growing up and that’s all he ever knew. He will talk to you but never says anything about his past when brought up he often answers “I ended up here didn’t I?” Eli’s often sarcastic and even sometimes funny He will become your friend with time because he has trust issues but doesn’t like emotion too much he thinks its weakness and someone will hurt him if he shows any so don’t expect a heart to heart conversation with him. But if your ever in trouble he tends to protect his friends with his life.

1:07pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,256
(If you want Rika. Have another character too ifyou want)

Albino Uilus 24/120
1:07pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Yay. <3))
2:00pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Name: James Wood (Your character Sophie is the King's daughter,right?)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Deion: He's tall and lean, as well as built for speed and strength when in combat. He has shoulder-length chocolate-brown hair that frames his semi-pale face and brings out his strange grey eyes.
Personality: He's a kindhearted boy, but is blindly loyal to his father andis willing to do whatever he tells him to do. He is often found outside in the woods caring for injured animals such as deer and foxes (If they exist here. P:).
Name: Marie Yox
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Deion: She is of average height and her lean build is suited for quick speed and great flexibility and agility. She walks with cat-like grace and her soft features always hold a smile, whether it be hidden within her vibrant green eyes or visible on her lips. She has a very slightly childish face that is framed by long, wavy black hair. She speaks with a light French accent and when she gets nervous, she speaks in rapid French. She is most often seen in a loose T-shirt with a pair of flare-bottom jeans. She rarely, if ever, wears skirts.
Personality: She is a sweet girl most of the time, but she is also quite vicious if you get her mad at you. She is a loyal friend that is willing to do anything for someone she feels close to.
(9Her personality and clothing choices are based off of me. :D Everything else is not. P:))

3:03pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 1,361
bump C:
7:43pm Nov 20 2010
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3:17am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 2,378
((You'll see the abilities I mentioned in this post...)) Sumnor was walking through the darkest woods he could find, jogging when necessary, attempting to evade the snatchers that were following him so readily, not knowing they were truly going to their deaths. He broke into a run, dashing between trees, the snatchers working for his old boss - from the real world - as Sumnor was the one who said he should give the book a read. His boss wanted him to work for him once again, as in the real world Sumnor had been somewhat of a hitman, taking out people his boss didn't take a liking to. Of course Sumnor declined, with his new found talents the job would be too easy, and he'd rather live life as peacefully as he could, he knew he ewas stuck here and he just didn't want to be bothered while he was. he heard movement in front of his position, going to backtrack as he heard mvoement coming from that way as well. He spun, realising only now that he'd been surrounded, Oh Sumnor, silly man, you know better than that. his own thoughts teased him as he circled on the spot, looking for the first of the snatchers to get to him. They all seemed to emerge fromnothing at once, various knives and swords at the ready, all laughing at the seemingly unarmed Sumnor. "Wha' yer gunna do now, boy? we've got ya out-gunned, and out numbered." "Well for one I'm going to talk normally and not in taht obsurdly over exaggerated slur that you call a voice." The man snarled at him, hatred already flaring. "And second, I'll kill you all and be back home for tea." he threw his arms down to the sides, englufing them both in blue flames that didn't affect him in the least. "Now, you should be running." "Ee's only a lighter boys! kill 'im!" They all ran at him, only to be met by tendrils of flames, running across their flesh, turning it molten, or running them through, leaving them a blabbering mess in the last few moments of their lives. "Now, which way's home again?" He then began ot walk in a random direction out of the woods, hoping someone would find him for once in his life, actually wanting to return to the camp... or the village as the others liked to call it. "Oh I never thought I'd yern for a home." He was becoming increasingly adept at masterring the flames he could produce from nowhere, rather impressed at himself having dealt with the scurvy group without having to bl ink.
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7:18am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 312
[[Can I please Join? I can't post my bio now.. but will as soon as I can]]
"Imagine the things you could do, if you just let your imagination run wild" ~ SerenityMist ;)
"OMGZ It's Serenity! NO-WAI!" (sayz you) --- YES-WAI :D I has posted in this thread ;) Feel Special. Am currently looking for a SILVER UILUS FOR KIR if you have one let me know :)