Street Dogs (adventure)

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4:56pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 783

(Oh gawd.  Poor Shadow xD)

Waking up, Gryphon found that the rat was still with him and he was most certainly alone.  Where was that dog?  He couldn't be faring very well, Gryphon was sure of it.

Being as impatient as he was, Gryphon got up to leave, placing the rat in the other dog's trash can. Slowly, he began to saunter back to where Shadow was to kill a few rats to eat.  

 Perhaps I will never see the dog again and we can forget about each other.  I wouldn't mind that.  He may have run far away and made a new home somewhere.  

Just as he was starting to believe they would never cross paths again, Gryphon saw the lean frame of his adversary, standing not too far off.  Quickly, so as not to alert him to his presence, he ducked behind some garbage cans.  In his haste to get there, however, he knocked a can over.  The resulting crash was extremely loud.  Gryphon froze and stood as still as he could.  Why was he so scared? The other dog was weakened, he wouldn't be a challenge if they fought again.  The problem is, I don't think i could bear to bite him again, Gryphon realized.  

 Then, Gryphon became even more determined not to be found when another realization struck him.  Shadow could easily get involved in this.  What if he attacks her?  It would be entirely my fault.  I should never have gone into his territory.   


5:08pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 496
(I feel the need to make another character to keep Pezzo entertained. Since we're in New York, how 'bout a very stupid Pigeon? Pigeons are stupid in general, possibly even dumber than my big brother (lol, jk, jk), but the one I'm thinking of, is actually stupid enough to approach and try to make friends with a normal hunter, a stray dog. Could this work? You said no cats, but you never mentioned anything against idiotic pigeons.... >:) )

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

5:20pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 783

(That's hilarious, Nom.  I love it.  this rp has been nothing but serious so far and I think a comedic element would do it good.  If Shattered doesn't allow it, though, she does have another character.  He's been asleep all day and hasn't been used at all xD  I can make another character as well, I've got plenty of rp wolves I can convert into dogs.  That's what I did with Gryphon.  If the pigeon thing gets okayed, though, you should probs get to rp him since it was your idea. I think it's brilliant!)


5:38pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 496
(Yush! Now who knows where Shattered is?)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:05pm Jul 1 2011

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Posts: 783
(No clue.  You should make up a character bio for him anyway xD  I don't see why she would say no) 


11:52pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 6:23am Jul 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 224

((I wouldn't =P And I'm here again *raises hand and waves it about* =) ))

Shadow sighed. "Gryphon?" she tried, but there was no answer. Annoyed, she followed his scent. Soon enough she came across a fresh scent - and blood.

Anxiously she called out again, "Gryphon!" Not surprisingly, there wasn't an answer. Shadow quickened her pace, ears pricked as she moved through the biting snow. Finally, she scented his familiar smell and gave a soft bark of relief, heading toward it.

Suddenly a dog jumped out at her, wild-eyed and quite intimidating. "Aaagh!" she yelped, scrambling back. Instinctively she then jumped forward, bowling the stranger over before leaping away, heart racing. Her wide eyes stared down at him, and she realised she was shivering.


5:23am Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 224
((Aw...the one time I'm on and no-one's here! =( =P ))


5:54am Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 496
(So I can create the stupid pigeon? Yay! Should I use my own made up bio template or do you have a specific one for me to use?)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

5:56am Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Nom - it's fine, I'll probably make Pezzo stumble across you guys anyway. ^^ And lol, would a fox or a raccoon be ok to roleplay, Shattered? I wouldn't make them a big character, just a neighbour to Pezzo or something. Or a rival, who knows... No worries if I can't. ^^
And Shattered, I think I'm in your time zone too.
A few moments passed while Pezzo continued to feed, tearing at the cold white fish, before she heard a faint crash coming from where she'd heard the commotion between the dogs. It was the bin Gryphon had knocked over in his panic to hide from Doon. The Beagle-cross, now rather concerned, snapped her head up and watched. Her form was taut and tense. She was not a cowardly creature by nature, but she was now very much on edge. 
She whipped her face around to see the russet-coloured canine with the long brush-tail slinking around by a damp, shadowy building. Pezzo ran at it, barking loudly, with her hackles raised up. She'd met foxes before, and enjoyed persecuting them. The fox gave a hiss and skittered away with its fur fluffed up, all flustered. Once she was certain it had gone, Pezzo returned to her fish. But something niggled at her mind, the kind of unsettlement that could be mistaken for curiosity. With the battered fish hanging in her mouth, she turned to face the direction of the crashes and the fighting, intrigued.
Would it be worth investigating? 


5:56am Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
(Sorry for posting twice, but I made Doon leap at Shadow in my last post with him. I'm pretty sure we all got that, except you. Just in case you were confused, but can you edit your post so Doon jumps out at her?)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:00am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 6:20am Jul 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 224

((LOL have at it!! Create your own, I'm too lazy ;) And I forgot about Todd!! O.O))


Todd woke up cold. "Shadow?" he whined, but she wasn't nearby. Groaning he stood and stumbled out the door, shaking his head. He shivered in the biting wind, glancing around. It seemed deserted.

"Hello?" he called. "Anyone?"

Trotting through the drifts he lifted his nose, scenting the air. "Shadow? Gryphon? Hello?" he barked quietly, not wanting to attract unwanted attention. "Jeez, where is everyone?"

He turned a corner and saw a strange dog, female. "Oh! Hi, I guess," he said, surprise. "What are you doing here? Does Shadow know your here?"



6:10am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 6:10am Jul 2 2011)

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Posts: 496

Name: Buzz

Age: 1 year and 2 months

Gender: Male





Buzz is a stupid as you get them. He's also very stubborn, and likes to believe that he's always right, even when his answers sound like something coming from a baby's mouth. He's very talkative, but all that talking hasn't done a thing for his pea sized brain, which he rarely uses. Do you know that once when he was being chased by a cat, the cat told him to fly, but he was all "No, No! I'll get it! Give me a second! It'll come to me.". Stupid bird.

Anyway, he's also very arrogant and vain, and believes that he's the "Hawk of the Skies." As if. Anyway, he loves to think that he's getting the better deal on something, and will go out of his way to make him think so. Sometimes it's just better to let him think that he's getting the better end. Save youself the trouble.

Likes: Bread, Tidbits of food, shiny stuff, being right.

Dislikes: Being wrong, sequins, paper, having to think.

Other: None

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:12am Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Um, Shattered, nor trying to be awkward, but Pezzo's completely alone. xD She doesn't know the others yet. Sh's heard OF them, and nobody knows her name (since she hasn't shared it with anyone yet). 


6:13am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 6:18am Jul 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 224
((LOL cute. He's the perfect thing this RP needs! =D *edit* Ooops. Will edit Todd and Pezzo =P Thanks =) ))


6:23am Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
All edited *sheepish grin* Sorry guys =P


6:32am Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: xD No worries, srs.
I'll make my second character's bio soon. Can't choose between a raccoon, a red fox, or a seagull. :c 
 Pezzo turned around, startled at the introduction of a third intruder. A tall, learn Pointer stood facing her. He spoke in a friendly manner, but Pezzo was not calmed. Her hackles remained up, and she glared at the dog with unfathomable eyes. A raccoon stealing food in her territory was bad luck, having a fox hover around was downright annoying. But having another stray dog, bigger than her, lingering near her bins... was a call for trouble.
"Go away," Pezzo warned after dropping her fish. The Beagle-hybrid knew with despair that she would lose in a battle against this gundog, but if he was a kindhearted creature he would yield. The chances were slim, for sympathy was not known in this stray dog's existence. "I don't know a Shadow. This is my patch. Clear off." 


6:39am Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 496

"I'm a walking on a high wall, a high wall. I'm a walking on a high wall, and....umm.....How does the rest of that song go?" Buzz sang, and then trailed off, not exactly sure how the song that he created ends. He just stood their, his eyes floating up to the sky, perplexed about how he should end hsi song. "Oh well." he said, before opening his rather disheveled looking wings.

 Flapping them hard, he rose a few inches into the air. "Caw!  The Hawk of the Skies has risen." he said, before flapping off in what is supposed to be a flight trail, but looked more like he did after he ate hot sauce on that cold nacho chip one time.

After landing precariously on a garbage can, Buzz turned his attention to the other living creature in the area. A large dog. "And who are you?" he asked, cocky and vain all in one go.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

8:30am Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: I posted by raccoon's bio with Pezzo's. ^^ 


12:55pm Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496

At some point during the leap which seemed to last almost forever, Doon realized something. Something which he would of noticed, should of noticed before. If only he hadn't been so blinded by his sheer hatred and loathing, and the memories which haunted him, making him who he was. This was the completely the wrong dog. This was a Fae, a Femme, a Female dog.

Twisting his back like a cat in mid-fall, he landed beside the poor Fae whom he had scared a great deal. He landed on his back, on his already sore shoulder. A shot of pain riveted through his already frail and weak body. His mind was blurred with images of his past, and it was all he could do to clench them closed. Tightly. Try to close out the pain, the memories, the past.

Of course it would not work, because half of the pain was coming from inside his head, and closing himself up wasn't going to help him rid himself of that at all. Doon howled out in pain. Pain for what he had done. Pain for what he hadn't. 'What did I do wrong?' he thought as he reawakaned his eyes to the bright world around him. To reality. And reality is not sugar-coated.

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

1:45pm Jul 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

Hearing the dog howl, Gryphon peaked out from behind the garbage cans.  

Another fight?  Gryphon couldn't help but wonder.  Should I come out?  Shadow may be in danger, may need help. The dog I fought with seems okay, he can walk around.  He won't be too angry, I'll just approach them and see what's happening.

Not caring how much noise he made anymore, Gryphon ran to where the dogs were standing.

"Shadow?  Is everything all right?"  he asked, then he stole a furtive glance at the other dog.   

"H-hello?"  he said cautiously. 


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