Street Dogs (adventure)

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2:07pm Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Imma make seperate colours for my characters, methinks.
 Hamish, ever nosey, was bustling over the constant, flat roof of a terrace. She resembled only a fat grey ball of fur, trailing a fuzzy cocoon of striped black and white, and a foxlike face with a black band across her eyes. A band like what a thief might wear, and a thief Hamish was.
She tensed as she heard a small chattering - the furious language of another raccoon - and instantly a dark glint came into her eye. Perplexed, Hamish scuttled further on delicate black hands and peeked over the edge.
On a metal staircase, an angry raccoon was sitting, glaring down at two stray dogs. One was smaller than the other, with short legs and a dark tan body. Her ears were flopped over. The other dog - much taller - was brown and white. By the smaller stray's defensive stance, the big dog was the intruder. Oh, how interesting, Hamish thought appealingly. A fight! Nobody had spotted her, or would notice her. All eyes were fixed on the standoff between the dogs, anticipating a dispute. Only the female raccoon's snout and black band could be seen, hanging over the edge like one of the chubby pigeons, dark with the building.


10:37pm Jul 2 2011

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Posts: 224
" hate to break it to you but this isn't your patch. It's mine and Shadow's and Gryphon's. So, yeah. I'm Todd, by the way," he replied, wondering what this dog was doing here.

"Yes! No!" Shadow backed away to Gryphon's side. "What's is going on today?! There's new dogs everywhere!" She shook her head, ear flat. "Do you know this dog too, Gryph?" she asked in a lower voice, using her nickname for Gryphon.


8:36am Jul 3 2011

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Shattered, in one of my earlier posts, I said that Pezzo's territory is two blocks away from where Gryphon and the others are. I don't mind if you missed that, but, well, Pezzo will sure fight for her land right now. ^^ 
The Beagle-cross went very still and very quiet all at once. She tilted her head to one side, taking no note of the names given to her at all. Names meant nothing to Pezzo. They were only important if you wanted to address somebody, and addressing somebody formally meant respecting or taking note of one's presence. She was only paying attention to this Pointer because he was on her turf. Who was he, strutting through on those long legs of his? Cheeky imbecile. 
"Are you one of the dogs that was fighting two streets away?" she asked. Her voice was cold and piping, not one used to tender talk. Then she looked away. "No, you can't be. The fight was moments ago. You could not have reached this alleyway in that time. The paths are too twisty, too mixed. Go away." 


1:45pm Jul 3 2011

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Posts: 783

Gryphon looked away from the dog he had fought with to look at Shadow.  "Know him?  Well... yes, you could say that."  

He stepped forward so that his body was shielding Shadow's. Turning to once again face the other dog, he said "So, you decided to take your anger out on another dog about something that was entirely between us?  Shadow is innocent.  It's me you want, I am the one who bit you, after all. "

Once again becoming angry, Gryphon said, "Go ahead, come at me.  Or are you afraid I will best you once again?  Come and exact your revenge, if that is what you believe you are doing.  Return the favour and bite me.  Bite me and we will be even, alright? It's that easy."  

Gryphon sat down directly in front of the dog, calm and expectant.  

"Do it," he almost spat. 

Of course, Gryphon didn't expect the other dog to actually bite him. He began to wonder, though, when he saw the anger reflected in his adversary's eyes.  A moment of panic struck him when he realized that the dog may do exactly what he had told him, if only to vent his anger a bit.  Better me than Shadow, was his only comforting thought in this situation.


6:08pm Jul 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((Sorry guys! Will make this better ;) ))


Shadow gently leaned against Gryphon, shuffling him aside. "Don't do it!" she warned the stranger in a growl. "Just tell us what you want and we'll see if we can help. You're outnumbered anyway." 

"Who is he if you know him? Why's he here?" she hissed to Gryphon, and she realised she was shivering a little - perhaps from shock or cold That couldn't happen, she thought to herself, drawing away from her friend slightly. It was impossible that she could fall for Gryphon, wasn't it?


"Fighting dogs? Where?" Todd's eyes narrowed, and he glanced from side to  side uneasily.  He sniffed the air, trying to catch a scent. It was then he realised he was two blocks from his territory. He backed away hastily.

"Ooops. Sorry," he muttered, watching Pezzo anxiously. "My mistake!" He didn't know this dog, and wondered if she'd attack him now. "It was mistake, swear! I didn't mean to come here. I'll just leave."


6:52pm Jul 3 2011

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Posts: 783

"No, don't try to stop him. I deserve this.  Look at what I did to him," Gryphon said to Shadow in a hushed tone.

Then, once again addressing the other dog, he said "Come on, this is what you wanted, isn't it? This is the reason you went after Shadow, because she is close to me.  How you knew that, I may never know." he paused for a moment before continuing.  

"It's not important anymore.  Just attack me, try to kill me, whatever it is that will end this.  Shadow doesn't need to be a part of this, though.  Let her go."  Gryphon hoped he was getting through to the other dog.  

Hopefully it will just be a quick bite and we can call it even, he thought.  But what if he does want me to pay with my life?  How will Shadow and Todd cope?

He braced himself, unsure of what his next move should be.  Maybe I should just make a break for it, and hope he won't give chase.  

He watched the dog uncertainly, tensed and ready to instantly launch into fight or flight.



5:39am Jul 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Okay, thanks. :)
 Satisfaction swarmed within Pezzo, but it lacked smugness or contempt. It did not feel wise to taunt this bigger dog. All this stranger had done was mix up boundaries - an error frequently made by strays. Or a favourite excuse when they realized their invasion was futile...
"Hmph, don't stress over it," she mumbled. "Just don't make the same mistake again. As for the fighting dogs... I heard a scrap further up. Don't know who they are personally,
but their territory's right by mine." She tilted her head, suddenly stirred by a thought.
She'd been living by herself for a while, and even though she liked it that way, it was not the most efficient way to live. A small stray mongrel, hiding away from the open, kept safe by her own seclusion... Pezzo had lost all previous territories to bigger or tougher dogs. One pack of three strays had claimed her last piece of land, however small. The den by the vent was a new home - a week was the time she'd spent there. Maybe, this dog... if it was a part of a pack... 
"I'm, er, Pezzo. What was your name... again? Sorry, was it... Ted?"    


5:04am Jul 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bump. Anybody here...? 


9:49pm Jul 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783
((Bump.  I'm here, but I can't really post anything without Nom and Shattered. Shattered is away, I believe.  I remember seeing a post of hers saying something like that. I think Nom should be around, though.)) 


6:14am Jul 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: That's no problem, I can wait. :3 


6:08am Jul 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((Hey guys, back! =D ))


Shadow stared, wide-eyed at the dog. "Gryph.." she muttered. Her ears flattened back as she sniffed the strange dog's scent, thinking over what Gryphon had just said. Messy, messy... she thought, and it had to be now. When there's an intruder right there and Gryphon's talking about being close and death. She hunched her shoulders and prepared to leap in front of her friend.


"Todd, yeah," Todd said, with a quick smile. ((If dogs can smile)) "Then you might've heard Shadow, my friend, or Gryphon. We belong together in a pack. And you, where's your pack?" he asked curiously. This new dog was strange...but was that good or bad? Good, he decided. He also decided to wait and see how things turned out before leaping off to see what trouble Shadow or Gryphon had gotten into.


11:10pm Jul 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783

((Welcome back, Shattered :3 Um... I still don't know what I can write without Nom posting first so... for now I'll just bump I guess))



4:55am Jul 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
(Thanks =) Do you know where Nom is?))


10:06am Jul 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: No idea where Nom could be...
 And yuh, dogs can smile. They sort of bare their teeth in a grin, or let their tongue hang out. It's very sweet when my dogs do it ^^
 Pezzo's ears perked up again when she picked out the word 'pack' from Todd's explanation. We belong together in a pack... It almost seemed too easy for her. 
Of course, Pezzo would have to deal with the trust issues she had against her own kind. She'd been allied with previous neighbours, but had never been a member of a true dog gang. The Beagle-cross found it difficult to socialise and form bonds - except for her puppies, and the dog who fathered them. He disappeared one day, and although the loss had left Pezzo feeling a bit forlorn, it had not completely broken her spirit. Perhaps if she teamed up with this friendly and unsuspecting Pointer and his pack, Pezzo would be better protected? She didn't care for making friends, but if they were good-mannered dogs, then all the better.
She would dearly miss the boxes by the vent, and the lovely warmth it promised, though... 
"I live alone," Pezzo answered, without emphasis to suggest her independence or a morose tone. "This area belongs only to me. One of my daughters occasionally visits, but I rarely let others hang about... How many are you in your pack? Have you been a part of it for long?"


6:39am Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((LOL kool =) )) "Oh, since I was born I was in this pack. Well, metaphorically of course," Todd replied. "There are two others in our pack, and we all share whatever we have. Food, water, shelter...the list goes on." For a second he paused, regarding Pezzo curiously. "Why do you live alone? Don't you get lonely or cold or hungry sometimes?"

Todd knew he wouldn't be able to bear not having his sister and Gryphon around him. 


((Sorry it's so short. A little brain-dead =P))


6:56am Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Heh heh, don't worry about it. I appreciate a post at all, even if it is "brain-dead" :3 
 Pezzo shied away slightly, disconserted by the question. "I don't mind being by myself," she lied. "Hunger isn't a problem, neither is the cold... I find my way about. I have also been n the streets for the majority of my life, so I've learned, you could say." Pezzo, for some defensive reason, was most unwilling to tell this newcomer about the precious den by the vent. Such a home would have been sought after by many dogs had they known about it, or were small enough to squeeze through the gap in the fence. Pezzo would not expose its existence to anyone, for fear of having it taken from her.
She tilted her head, also considering his statement that everything the pack came across was divided between its members. This, again, could be a tremendous advantage to her... Everyone looking out for one another... Naturally Pezzo would have to do the same, but for some reason, the idea appealed to her still. She would never tell them about the den by the vent, however...
All the while Hamish watched and listened. They seemed to be discussing the whereabouts of a rival pack - the family of the intruding Pointer. But even the raccoon's inquisitive personality was getting nudged aside by her hunger, and the hunger her babies were certainly feeling. Perhaps it was time to stir some trouble, steal some reserves...
Timing was crucial, however, and patiently Hamish hovered above the two, eyes scouring over the bins and the rubbish.  


3:02am Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((LOL thanks =P =) ))

Todd tilted his head sympathetically. “I wouldn’t like being alone. And plus, being a pack gives you a better chance don’t you think?” Then, hurriedly, he added, “no offence, of course.”

For some reason he got the feeling that Pezzo wouldn’t take kindly to being bluntly offended, as he so often did to others quite by accident. Suddenly a strange smell drifted to his sensitive nose, and he growled low in his throat.

                “Raccoon!” he hissed, ears flattening. He looked around warily – he didn’t like the creatures and they generally didn’t like him either. It would be better to chase it off before it did some damage, even if this territory wasn’t his own.


12:51pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Nowproblem. :3
 Pezzo did not find the energy to feel offended. After all, the Pointer had pointed out a reasonable and obvious fact, a fact of life. Therefore, it would have been highly illogical to feel insulted at the statement. Just because Pezzo, indeed, lived alone, it did not mean that this was the most convenient way to live. However, even if the newcomer meant it in a friendly fashion, Pezzo had to admit Todd sounded slightly pompous or suggestive.
"None taken," she replied. "Although, if the leader was a tyrant, how much better would it be?"
Quickly, though, Todd jumped into action and began peering suspiciously around the alley. A raccoon, eh? Probably the one she scared off earlier. If so, then it shouldn't be something worth worrying about. As long as it kept away from her bins...
Hamish was rumbled. And so soon? Somehow, the damn mongrel stray had snuffed her out. How on earth had he managed it? Little did Hamish know, however, that the Pointers' field of expertise was tracking and sniffing out unfortunate things - hence the breed's name. The raccoon, disturbed but not angered, shuffled a little further over the edge, and let out a shriek. The Beagle-cross whipped around, and barked three times up at Hamish. Can't reach me up here, dogs! she thought slyly to herself.  


5:21am Jul 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

((LOL Todd is a Pointer =P))


"We don't have leaders," Todd answered distractedly. He was glaring at the raccoon, eyeing the gleaming silver trash cans next to her. With a sharp bark his hunting instincts took over and he leapt. Claws scrabbling for purchase, he cursed as he slipped and fell into one of the cans.

"Ooops," he said sheepishly, sitting up. A banana peel was perched like a hat on the top of his head, and he shook it off crossly before clambering out.

"Sorry bout that," he mumbled, a smile shining in his bright eyes.



6:33am Jul 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: 'Zactly. ^^
 Pezzo let out a small "hmph-hmph" in a modest laugh. Todd seemed to be a humble and honest Pointer, which made it seem all the more amusing and sweet when he stumbled out of the debris with that bashful ex
pression. "Don't bother the raccoon," Pezzo drawled, looking up to the black-banded pest, chittering mockingly at Todd from its safe position upon the roof. "I only rush at them when they're actually on the ground..." She paused. "Did you just say you don't have leaders?" Pezzo cocked her head confusedly. What on earth...? 
Hamish, relishing the moment where the Pointer tumbled over his own feet, scuttled away from the roof's edge and out of view. What was wrong with the dog, rushing at the bins like that whilst she was so high up? Still chuckling maliciously, she slipped over the edge and pressed her face between the railings of the stairs, still a protected height from the two mongrels. Let's see if he was ambitious enough to climb the metal staircase, only to watch her escape between crevices only raccoons could ever enter...

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