Street Dogs (adventure)

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6:52am Jul 15 2011

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Posts: 224
"Yeah, of course," Todd grinned, shaking himself lightly. "If there where leaders, there would be arguments. I mean, we all have good ideas but if we have a leader the power might go to his or her's head." Then he looked shyly at his paws. "I know it's not my place to know, but whatever gave you the idea of having a leader? I mean, you don't have to answer of anything," he quickly added in a mumble. Embarrassed, he decided to shut-up, instead shooting sideways glances at where the raccoon had been. He could still smell its scent, teasing him through the snowy day.


7:25am Jul 15 2011

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Posts: 1,314
Pezzo frowned. Never before in her life had she encountered a dog pack where the role of alpha was rendered unimportant, and possibly even unwanted! "But the whole point of having a leader is to rely on someone else to make decisions," she said. "Real alphas maintain order and equality. And who says there would be conflict? Leaders can be fair. If you asked me, having no leader would eventually result in a pack's downfall. Members would fight for authority. Without a superior's opinion, dogs can go in separate ways during disagreements and fight one another. Without leadership, you will disperse, and be overcome by other packs."  
Then she made a pawstep closer. "And I know this because I am a dog, and this is how dogs live. What kind of lifestyle are you adopting?" 
On second thoughts... maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to join this particular pack. This wasn't natural... It was slack! But Pezzo decided to hear him out anyway. 


10:49pm Jul 15 2011

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Posts: 224

Todd was a little confused. Why couldn’t Pezzo understand this was better for the pack?

“Well, we all have different strengths and weaknesses. So whenever a situation comes up, whoever is most suited becomes like the leader. For example, if we were running low on food I probably might be elected leader um...can hunt well...” he ended in a mumble, tail low. He looked at his paws, very embarrassed.

“But, um, normally there’s no official leader. The power might go to his or her head, and that could ruin the pack and weaken us,” he quickly added. "That doesn't mean we're lazy, though. We all work just as hard to help each other. That means we stand a better chance against other packs."


7:37am Jul 16 2011

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Posts: 1,314
Pezzo considered his words. He spoke sense, he had logic - but it went against the canine instinct which had been embedded in her mind since dogkind began. Still, she could always join for a short while, and leave if their odd pack-structure became too... strange.
And then, another thought came to her.
What if she were to try and establish herself as their leader?
No, it would be mad. First off, she doubted they would accept her strange and deeply-embedded ideas with enthusiasm. Secondly, an alpha enforced his or herself with physical as well as mental means. Pezzo could twist their minds and bend their will to herself if she wanted (not that she ever would). But in a struggle for authority, she would lose, small dog that she was. The Pointer positively towered over her, and it was only his submissive and shy personality that kept her safe from his teeth. 
"I see your points," she said. "But, just consider this - every time I have been driven out of a territory, it was always because of a group lead by a single leader. That leader, who knew what needed to be done, and whose judgement his pack respected. So what if his power went to his head? He still earned himself a new territory for his followers. He found them a new place to sleep, to feed, to possess. And if he became arrogant, well... he would be driven out, or killed."  


7:06am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

"We are all the leaders," Todd said simply. "If there's too much power devoted to one dog, we discuss it as a pack. If that dog continues they are chased from the pack by the others."

He could see Pezzo's logic, but he didn't like it. It went against everything his parents had taught him. For a fleeting moment, he could almost see Gryphon as leader. The dog was strong, brave and just. 

"That's actually not a bad idea," he murmured. "A leader...hmmm...but," he added softly, "I doubt the others would approve." 

Tood looked up at the cloudy sky, and a soft flake touched his nose. He licked it off. 


((Aagh, Nom, where are you?! *cries* LOL))



10:19am Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((Someone catch me up. I will explain my absense later.))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

7:49pm Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783
((WB Nom =D To be honest, not much has happened since your last post. It's pretty much just been Pezzo and Todd discussing pack life xD. I'm going to go back and reread where Gryphon, Shadow, and Doon left off, if you want to continue from there. :3))


10:05pm Jul 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
(( Sorry to bump in. I've been lurking, and watching your every move o.o anyway, I see my friend Nom's back. If Nom sees this, does she/he (Dang, I'm so sorry!) want be to bump up the Unwanted wolf Rp? ))

Create your own banner at!

2:16am Jul 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
((LOL hiya WolfDemon =) ))


5:46am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 5:47am Jul 18 2011)

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Posts: 1,314
Pezzo didn't say anything more (she'd ranted quite enough by now, and suspected her friend had taken in her point of view). Instead, she remained still, and watched as a noiseless fleck of white drifted down and landed on Todd's warm nose. It melted and was swiftly licked off. Again and again, more dots of crispy white flew down until all around them it was snowing. It was a remarkable sight, and all the while, completely silent. The mass of white in Pezzo's colourblind sight felt slightly dizzying, and she was beginning to feel extremely cold. The first few layers of snow had been rendered transparent moisture by the puddles, but she knew if it snowed all day, by nightfall everything would be gleaming and clean.
 Pezzo shivered. "Well, I had better be off," she said. "I need to eat." She considered Todd for a moment. "Ey, you look like you could do with something. Do you want to stick around for a minute? Or have you got to go?" Pezzo's intentions were quite selfish, in a way - she only wanted him around so he might talk a bit more about his pack... If she wanted to join, she'd need to know more...
From up above, Hamish watched as the dark alley down below was smeared by a shifting pattern of falling snow. Fluffing herself up, she turned away from the dogs and began a trek to her den - over fences, along walls, squeezing through whatever gaps stood before her. It would going to get dreadfully cold soon. Her babies needed her. They were late kits this year, and were already at the mercy of the freakishly early snow...


3:53am Jul 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224

"If you don't mind," shrugged Todd. This strange Pezzo dog intruiged him, with her strange ways and equally strange way of thinking. But it's not nesescarily a bad thing, he thought, and then wagged his tail, licking off more snow.

"Where to?" he asked, shaking himself. He loved to play in snow - just hated standing still in the cold. He much prefered to moved around and be active, keeping himself warm.


"Gryphon?" Shadow asked nervously, eyeing the strange dog. 


3:00am Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 224


4:06am Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 4:07am Jul 21 2011)

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Posts: 3,371


(Is it too late to join this?)


5:05am Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
((Nope =) ))


7:44am Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 3,371

(Name| Rook

Age| Adult

Gender| Male

Breed| Wolf/husky hybrid (if wolf hybrids are allowed)


Personality| He is usually quiet and serious, and rarely smiles or laughs. (rp the rest out?)

Mate/Crush| Open/looking

Why he/she is on the streets: He was born a stray, and has always been on the streets.

| Other| none



 Age| Young Adult


 Breed|Austrailian shepherd dog mix


 Personality|Very easygoing and laid back. Also very open minded. She’s the sort who can get along with pretty much anybody. It’s very difficult to make her truly angry or even irritated, because whatever’s going on, she has a tendency to adapt to it and go along. She’s prone to saying/doing seemingly random or spontaneous things, but is never hyperactive. She’s basically a happy and good-natured dog, and won’t hesitate to help someone out if they need it. She has a good sense of humor and doesn’t usually take life too seriously. It should also be mentioned that she’s curious about virtually everything, from the workings of the natural world to human machinery. She has a particular affinity for human culture (for lack of a better word). She’s fascinated by it and often ends up wandering through cities or other populated areas as a result. She also loves clocks and watches though he himself has a very poor concept of time.
Though she’s mostly non-confrontational, preferring to work out differences through nonviolent methods, as a drifter she has come into situations where a fight was necessary, so she knows how to handle himself if that sort of situation arises. However, his aim is never to kill, only to get his point across. So in a fight to the death, his reluctance and hesitation may hurt her chances of winning.
Also, she is easily lost in his own thoughts. She also may notice somewhat insignificant details of a situation while missing the underlying point entirely. As mentioned earlier he is prone to absent-mindedness.

 Mate/Crush| Open/looking

Why he/she is on the streets|She was abandoned by her old owner.

 Other| none))


1:57pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 783
((Sorry I haven't posted, I just don't know how to continue without Nom. Do you mind if I make another character, Shattered?)) 


2:02pm Jul 21 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Sorry, been away camping. I'll post soon. :3 


3:50am Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
((Accepted everyone. Thanks, Wolfeira =) And queenkira - if you have less than 4 charries then sure =D))


6:30am Jul 22 2011

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Posts: 1,314

Pezzo turned around to face the bins - one toppled, the other two still standing. "I can bet there'll be something in one of these," she said. Pezzo made her way towards the fallen bin, and tugged vigorously at the plastic of the bag inside until it tore. The mongrel shoved her head inside. Rummaging about, she found a grip on something. Something made of cardboard that smelt of cheese. She tried to tug it out but the hole in the bag was too small. 
Pezzo worked to make the hole bigger, spilling out some more garbage as she went. The narrow, square-shaped box was tugged out. The lid flopped over. Inside was two narrow strips of unfinished pizza, cold and hard. Pezzo dragged the box away from the bin to her own spot on the other side of the alley.
"Your turn," she offered to Todd. Happy as she was to share her feeding-grounds, this find was hers, and hers alone. After all, she was not accustomed to the Pointer's favoured custom of 'sharing'. "Help yourself." 


11:44pm Jul 22 2011

Normal User

Posts: 224
((Aaargh! I will post soon, promise. I'm just a little brain-lacking @ da moment D=))

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