2:03am Jun 12 2011
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still there?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:16am Jun 13 2011
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ooc:// Yep. Preeetty much. Also, Sorry to worry you!
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10:57pm Jun 13 2011
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((It's ok. So, where do we want to go with this. Obviously, Eri will be queen eventually, but what happens to put her there?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:07am Jun 14 2011
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ooc:// I was thinking that in a really rash move the queen tries to have Faile executed, but her knights all revolt against her except maybe, like, three, and someoe (oh no, couldn't be Llew, could it?) suggests that Eri be crowned in Silarial's place.
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1:35pm Jun 14 2011
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OOC: That could work. Hmmm... Faile will have to insult Isadora...

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:42pm Jun 14 2011
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ooc:// Not too hard. Pretty much anything could be taken as an insult.
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11:55pm Jun 14 2011
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((Maybe her dress for the wedding will be unsightly. Or there's the whole not invited to Nikki and Garrett's wedding...))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:13am Jun 15 2011
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ooc:// I think the not-being-invited would work just fine.
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12:32am Jun 15 2011
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OOC: That works! Are we ready to start again?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:15am Jun 15 2011
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ooc:// How should we?
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1:35am Jun 15 2011
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((Hmm... Nikki finding Garrett asleep on Melody's bed, maybe. Then we can maybe do some dress shopping or trying on or whatever, something light before we get up the courage to go announce to the queen about the weddings))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:44am Jun 15 2011
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ooc:// I shall begin then! Give me but a moment...
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1:55am Jun 15 2011
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Nicole started her morning with a yawn and a lazy stretch, letting the soft sunlight filter through her window. It lit up the gentle hues of her room, making her smile. She rose with another stretch, slipping out of her bed, casting a grin over at Eirian's still-sleeping form. The light caught the delicate ivory fabric of her long, floor-length night gown, showing the full curves of her body in what should've been an embarrassingly seductive silhouette. However, Nikki didn't think that today was a day to think of such earthly things. Instead she went to Melody's room, moving with care through the halls. Her feet padded softly against the cool stone floors, making a quiet shushing sound as she moved. Eventually she reached her destination, and had to stiffle a giggle at the sight of Garrett curled tight against his sister. Nikki smiled adoringly at them, bringing herself to sit on the edge of the bed, brushing a stray lock of hair from Garrett's eyes, her own tender, the light once more having it's way with her, the loose fabric billowing around her. Her hair was lit up like a halo, casting a strange glow around her features. "Good morning, Mister."
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2:04am Jun 15 2011
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The voice was soft and sweat and musical, flowing like water. Garrett opened his eyes slowly and beheld an angel clothed in white sitting beside him. He was disoriented for only a moment before he remembered everything that had happened the day before. Nikki, his wife-to-be. He raised the hand that was not holding Melody to trace Nikki's face lovingly. He drew her down for a soft kiss. "Good morning, beautiful. Have you seen my fiance?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:47pm Jun 15 2011
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Giggling a little, Nicole blushed at the comment, allowing herself to be kissed. "Are you saying that I am too beautiful t possibly be your wife-to-be? Because I doubt she'd like to hear that very much. But she might forgive you, if you ask nicely." With her free hand Nikki pressed Garrett's to her face, leaning into that touch with a sigh. This was a good morning to be alive.
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2:54pm Jun 15 2011
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"I don't know about asking nicely," Garrett laughed, looking over at Melody, who had woken up when he spoke. "But I might tickle forgiveness out of her!" He lunged tackling Nikki to the bed and proceeded to tickle her mercilessly. Melody joined in, tickling her feet while he took her waist. Laughter echoed through the halls. A room over, Faile awakened to the sounds of loud laughter. She moved to rise, but found herself helf tightly. She blushed as she remembered the events of the night before. Rolling over, she stroked Lleweloth's dark hair from his face before pressing a kiss to his eyelids. "Good morning, my love," she said softly.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:08pm Jun 15 2011
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Nikki was tumbled to the bed, and fought back all she was worth. However, retaliation was hard when one was too busy laughing uncontrolably and defending sensitive tickle-points to set up much of an offense. She might have gotten in some tickling to melody and Garrett, but the double attack made it that much more difficult. "I give, I give! Have mercy!" Managing to toss the words out between giggles, at some point Nicole laughed so hard tears began to pour, and the bed was a writhing mass of limbs. If all that noise next door hadn't woken Lleweloth up, surely Faile's delicate touch did. He sighed, opening his eyes slowly, relishing the sight of her so calm and at peace. Kissing her forehead with the same gentle emotion he smiled, eyes still dream-laden from sleep. "Good morning to you as well, my dearest. Oh, how my joy has grown, to fall asleep beside an angel, and waking up to find that she has not left me, and that it was no dream. Tell me, oh wondrous vision of beauty, was I dreaming, or did you truly agree to be my wife?" ooc:// Aw, couples.
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4:04pm Jun 15 2011
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OOC: I know! I really think that one says everything about how different they are. Aww... Still laughing, Garrett rolled Nikki again, so that he lay on his back with her curled against his chest. Melody sat by his side, all three panting from their game. He squeezed Nicole a little tighter and placed a kiss on her hair. "There's my little soon-to-be wife." He smiled at her. "Did you sleep well? I don't guess I ever found a bed." He laughed and ruffled Mel's already messy hair. "Though I don't guess Mel minded sharing." Faile gave him a wide smile. "Yes, my lord. I did agree to be your wife. Though wether it will prove to be dream or nightmare is yet to be seen." Still laying on her elbow above him, she traced the contours of his face. "I believe your daughter and the other children are awake," she said, listening to the happy noise.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:32am Jun 16 2011
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It felt so safe and comfortable to be in Garrett's arms that Nicole decided she would just never leave. Instead she snuggled against him, pulling his strong arms tighter around her. At his statement she giggled, nudging his side with her elbow. "Really? Is he being honest, Mel? I kinda pegged him s being a bedhog. Lord knows that I'd kick him out of my bed, no problem. Wouldn't want him stealing all my blankets." "It is surely no nightmare." Pushing himself up a bit Lleweloth kissed her gently, pulling back just to look into her eyes. They were so beautiful. Finally he turned his head, catching the sound of the younger ones at play. A beaming smile took his lips, and the knight chuckled deeply at the merriment. "Shall we join them, or let them tire themselves out before we bid them good morning? I believe Eirian might still be sleeping, or perhaps she's listening in on us in hopes of hearing something embarrassing." A loud, jovial laugh sounded from the other side of the door, unmistakeably that very sidhe. With a gallant stride she entered the room, already bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. "Good morning, lovebirds. Have you slept well, if at all?" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively, at which point Llew threw one of the extraneous pillows at her,whch she caught... with her face. "Oh, come now. I was only joking." Llew laughed, not moving an inch. "I slept very well, thank you. Like a babe." ooc:// Do the creep-ah.
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11:37am Jun 16 2011
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OOC: She always does that, haha. Melody smiled up at her new sister sleepily, the play still not having fully awakened her. "I don't mind," she said, patting Garrett on the head. She stage whispered to Nikki, "He's afraid of the dark..." With a laughing roar, Garrett sprang up and tackled Melody, tickling her this time, untill she screamed for mercy. "I am not afraid of anything." He puffed his chest out and flexed his, rather impressive, muscles. "I am a man. A man fears nothing!" Melody could not suppress her giggles. "Oh, Eri," Faile sighed. "Good morning. Could you, in the future, save your evesdropping untill a little later in the day?" With a smile, she pressed a kiss to Llew's lips and rose from the bed regretfully. "My love, the ladies will see you gentlemen at breakfast. It is time that Eri and I introduce Nikki and Melody to the wonders of a Farie toilette." She left the room, taking Eri by the arm to walk with her. Stopping by Melody's room, she quirked her head at the odd sight on Garrett's preening. Stifiling a small laugh, she said, "Nicole, Melody, come with us. We will prepare for the day together!" Melody lept from the bed and ran to them, wrapping her arms around both in a hug.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!