2:51pm Jun 16 2011
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Nodding, Llew decided he should follow them to greet his new extended family, chuckling at Melody's warm reaction to the women's entrance. Eiria gigged, hugging the little girl back. "Good morning, my lady. And to you, Nicole. As Faile said, it is time for the ladies to make themselves presentable to our menfolk." Watching Garrett playing around with his sister was awesome. She laughed at his rogueish display, clutching her sides. "That's my big, strong man." The entrance of Faile and Eirian seemed to be just another event made for the day. Nikki smiled as Mel ran to them, looking up at Garrett wistfully. "Many apologies, love, but it appears that womanhood is calling. Rather obnoxiously, I might add." She gkissed him lingeringly, holding his gaze for a second before removing herself from the bed to go and join Eirian, Faile, and Melody. Being the only other male Llew cast one of those sentence-in-look glances, this one reading, 'Alas, the mysteries of women.' He shook his head, voice giving tone to his reluctant acceptance of this confusion. "Well, Garrett, it appears that we are alone in this. I say we seperate to dress, then reconvene to decide what to o about this attact on our masulinity."
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3:33pm Jun 16 2011
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Faile and the other women left the room with their laughter trailing behind them. "Let us make ourselves beautiful. We'll see what the menfolk have to say then," she said when they were out of earshot. "Shall we use the design room, my friend?" she asked Eirian, speaking of a room usually reserved for great balls. Inside it, a woman could slip on a simple white sheath and have it transformed into a new gown by a friend. It would be a fun way to introduce the two mortals to farie dressing. Garrett stared after Nikki for a few moments, a little flustered, untill Lleweloth's words kicked in. "Oh, huh? Sorry." He looked after the ladies again. "I don't exactly have anything to change into. Am I... Is she really... I'm getting married, aren't I?" he asked.

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3:54pm Jun 16 2011
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Lleweloth chuckled,watching the boy's reaction. "Yes, yes you are. If you like, you can borrow something of mine until the tailors finish with your wardrobe or you get what you want from home. Or, since the ladies think they're so smart with their magick dressing room, I can take to to my magick dressing room, which they know not of. Basically you walk in in anything, and it magically changes into whatever you want." Eirian giggled, nodding emphatically. "Oh, how wonderful! Ladies, prepare to be stunned." She led Nicole along by the hand, stepping quickly through the halls, coming to a rather plain room, though it hummed with magick. Shivering a little at the sensation, Eri turned to Nicole. The other girl responded similarly, her fingers flexing as if trying to grab at something. Her eyes were wide with wonder, a smile slowly making its way across her face. "Oh, Eri! This is too cool."
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4:19pm Jun 16 2011
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Garrett rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little overwhelmed. "I'm getting married..." sighing, he looked up at Llew. "I guess, whatever is easiest. I'm none to picky." Faile laughed softly as she stepped into the room. "All right now, Melody, would you like to be first?" she asked, gesturing to the dais in the center of the room. The circular walls were lined with mirrors and there was an alcove set off to the side which was lined with drawers of jewelry and cosmetics. Melody stepped up onto the dais and Faile slipped a plain white shift over her head. The others watched as the overly large shift becae smaller, taking on the shape of an empire waisted dress with a split overskirt and small, puffed sleves. The scalloped neckline was square. Then, colors started flowing over the dress like water, pinks, purples, greens, and finally blues. In the end, the little girl wore an overdress of brilliant pool blue, with a tropical blue green under skirt. Her waist line was lined with silver cord. "Like it?" Faile asked. Having recieved the little girl's nod, she turned to the others. "OK, who's next?" OOC: High ho, high ho, it's off to work I go...

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5:24pm Jun 16 2011
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Nicole, having watched all of this with her usual girlish delight, practically danced with glee. "Oh, me, me!" She ran onto the dais, her excitement bubbling uncontrolably. "Something so spectacular, Garrett will be actually speechless. I want his jaw to literally drop." Smiling to Faile, she trusted the sidhe to ind the ideal cut and color, whereas Eirian would mess around, making a few hideous designs before settling on the right one. "You are indeed. Perhaps just something of mine, for now." Lleweloth gave Garrett a knowing grin, and snapped his fingers. A tunic in forest green appeared in his hand, with matching trousers. The tunic was of a heavy brocade, embroidered with bronze leaves that, until hit by the right light, blended into the fabric. Bronze lined the neck and Renaissance-style pieced sleeves, all of this meant to be worn over the plain white shirt, which by itself looked rather piratey. Handing the clothes to Garrett, Lleweloth gave something between a nod and a very shallow bow, still smiling. "When you are dressed, I'll be waiting in the dining hall. The house should show you to it. Then perhaps you might like to discuss how shocked you are over your betrothal with me."
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12:46am Jun 17 2011
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Garrett exchanged a look with Lleweloth. "You're as freaked out about this as I am..." He was still shaking his head when he ducked back into Melody's room to change. Faile laughed at Nicole's exubiance. "Hmm... That can't be too hard." She laughed as the perfect gown came to mind. The shift lengthened untill it swept the floor like water, pooling slightly in a flowing puddle at the girl's feet. The sleeves of the gown were nothing more than wide straps holding it up and the neckline dipped into a deep, narrow V. The fabric of the gown swept around like a wrap, with the left end longer than the right. The tail end of the fabric was swept up and fastened at the right hand side with a silver broach and trailed down like a small fabric waterfall to join the pool on the floor. The dress complete, Faile concentrated on color, sweeping through a few changes before deciding on a vibrant fire engine red. She smiled as she moved around the dais, admiring her handiwork. "What do you think?"

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6:20pm Jun 17 2011
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Nicole made sure to capture the whole process in her mind, smile growing with each passing second. When the red appeared Nikki laughed, for what had once reminded her of water now looked more like fire. Eirian, noticing this as well, scrunched her face for a moment in concentration. The effect was that the red fabric devoloped a three-tone shimmer, hinting at oranges and golds where the light hit right, and the wide strips were struck a bright copper. Nicole squealed, giggled bursting forth. "Oh, you two! It's perfect!" Nodding, Eirian turned to Faile. "All thanks to you, Faile. That cut is truly divine. And I would never have thought of it, or that brilliant red. You've made our Nicole look like a fire spirit despite her earthy coloring. However, now it is your turn. On the dais, if you please." With a chuckle, Llew turned. "How very true." Going back to his room Llew pulled from his wardrobe the first thing to reach his hand, happening to be an outfit in deep navy, the cut very traditional. The house crest was emblazened over his heart, though the rest of the trim was all gold piping, bringing out the deep amber of his eyes. He gave a chuckle, thinking that, if he'd only been born blue-eyed like his mother or silver like his father, he would've perfect match to the house colors. Unfortunately he got his grandmother's eyes, that warm honey hue. Too bad. Now dressed he went to the dining hall, smiling at the staff who set the food before him, glad to see them smiling back.
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10:17pm Jun 17 2011
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When Garrett strode into the dining room he was still adjusting his new clothes, obviously uncomfortable in his new finery. Slumping heavily into a seat, he smiled at everyone in the room. "I like my uniform better," he said to Llew, whom he thought was laughing at him. "Speaking of which, I have duty on base tonight. As much as I wish I could just dissapear, I am a grown man and I signed a contract. I will abide by it. It would dishonor my daddy if I did anything else. My contract is almost up though. Another year. And then there's Nikki's family I should meet. I hope her dad doesn't shoot me... And I have to find her a ring..." He laid his head in his hands, overwhelmed by all he had to accomplish. Faile smiled at the improvements in the dress. "Your coloring is so lovely that I cannot think of a color you would not sparkle in. The red just screams, look at me, however." She mounted the dais. "Now my coloring, on the other hand, is a nightmare... Do you know how few colors look pretty with orange?" She held up her bare arm.

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10:11am Jun 18 2011
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Eirian tossed Faile's self-evaluation aside, snorting. "Please. You shall look like a goddess." Under her gaze the shift began to change. First it grew in length and folds, sweeping the floor. A train stretched behind, ending around two feet back. Biting her lip in though Eri added a tattered effect to the edges, shaping them to look like layers of leaves. The design began to form itself, an off-the-shoulder empire waist, with draping reniscent of the Greek style. Thin bands began to work themselvesin a twisting pattern around Faile's midriff, pulling the fabric against her curves where it would have otherwise appeared baggy. Then color. The autumn-based sidhe obviously did not know how incredibly useful a specific color palette was. The majority of the dress was a leafy green, and towards the edges took on many other shades. The leaves were a mottled blend of darker greens like evergreen pines, and the reds, golds, browns, and yellows of dead and dying leaves. This was the general pattern for the entire train, which appeared to have been stitched entirely out of them; a train of leaves woven together. The tie holding the dress make a brilliant gold, and a clasp of the same bright metal appeared on Faile's shoulder. Marveling a moment at her handiwork, Eri giggled. "I do believe I have done it again. Now, I believe that my sorry appearance must be mended." Screwing up her face in mock distaste, Eri stepped onto the dais. Prior to last night's events, Lleweloth would have been completely useless in this situation. Thankfully that was no longer true. He stood, his ex pression understanding and comforting. "I would not expect you do break such an honorable commitment, and neither would Nicole. She knows that often I have had to break plans with her to serve the duties of knighthood, and you are no different, your world's equivallent. Perhaps today before you are expected on base she will take you to her father. Most likely she has already planned it thus. And do not worry about a ring; our craftsmen are unmatched. Since you are family, I would be honored if you would choose a ring from the family vaults. Much of that finery has gone unworn for generations, and I should like to change that."
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12:40pm Jun 19 2011
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ooc:// Bump
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3:03pm Jun 19 2011
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((Sorry!!)) Faile gave a mischievious smile. "Hmmm... For our Lady Eirian..." The shift began to shorten, till the asymetrical hemline landed in it's highest point in the middle of the Fae's lower thigh and at it's lowest slightly past her knee. The halter neckline plunged in a deep, narrow V, reaching almost to her navel. Now the color shifted, switching back and forth between brilliant white and bright pool green tourquoise. It finally settled on a white base with tourquoise splashed across it, like waves breaking over it. "What do you think, Eri?" Faile asked, still smirking. Garrett gave Llew a deeply grateful smile. "I appreciate that. I really do. For her wedding ring, I would like to buy it myself though. The money isn't an issue. I just have to find a place that sells things that are right for her. I would like to look for something to give her though, if that would be possible. You should find something for Faile and Melody too."

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3:57pm Jun 19 2011
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She clapped, giggling. "Oh darling, it's perfect." Spinning she admired the flare of the fabric, turning this way and that. Nicole gave her the thumbs up. "She's right, Faile. You really can do wonders with a dress. Now that we are all properly dressed, what's the next step, or do we go to our men now?" Lleweloth nodded, his ex pression turning thoughtful. "There are faerie jewelers who set up shops in mortal cities, if you'd like me to show you to their places. Or I could simply accomany you i your shopping endeavor, since I do indeed need to by my lovely ladies." He grinned, settling into his seat more comfortably. "I appreciate your desire to be self-sufficient. It makes my heart warm to know that Nicole is in such trustworthy hands." Though the smile remained, for a slit second Lleweloth's eyes turned cold, hinting to the wrathful warrior lying under the surface. "And trustworthy you had better stay. Sometimes I think of Nicole as being as much my daughter as Melody is to me now. While the house binds you to marry her, it does not bind you to be a good husband. I, however, do." An instant later he was back to the warm, friendly self he'd taken to so recently, all sign of threat gone.
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12:56am Jun 20 2011
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"Thank you!" Faile said brightly. She had always had a love of fashion and designing. "Shall we do our makeup and hair before we join them? I'm sure they're having a nice little manly chat." Faile laughed as she walked Melody to the alcove and showed her where to sit. The Fae began brushing the girl's long dark hair. "Nikki, it's time you learned the art of the smokey eye..." she continued her chatter to the others. Garrett took in Llew's hard ex pression with one of his own. "I am a good man. Nikki will never want for anything, so long as I am here to take care of her. Melody never has. I love Nikki. As crazy as that seems, I do. I don't believe that we would have been bound otherwise. And maybe farie had something to do with the timing. I certainly would have waited a few years to ask her to marry me otherwise, but it has no sway over my feelings. Don't worry. Now, as to my baby sister, you make sure that you are as good to her as I have ever been. I helped raise that kid and she means the world to me." The two warriors locked gazes for a moment, taking one another's measure, then Garrett smiled. "And yes, I would like it if you introduced me to your jewelers. We could suprise all of the girls with sparkly things."

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1:13am Jun 20 2011
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At the comment, Nicole blushed. "Oh, come on. I really have to put on make up?" The idea scared her a litle, to be honest. She'd always done without. Her mother had always said that girls who needed make up to make themselves prettierwere ugly to begin with. That didn't stop her from wanting to give it a shot, but it did keep her from trying. She looked to the other girls with caution, eyes wide. His wrath appeased, Lleweloth nodded. "Then I give you my blessing. I believe you to be a good man, but one can never be too careful. I trust that you love her, by the way. The idea may be ridiculous, but something about those touched by Faerie... It has a way of bringing Destiny into a very real, tangible thing. So love at first sight isn't as rare as mortals are led to believe in this realm." He smiled back, nodding. "Then some time in the next day or so, I shall show you the wonders of faerie crafts."
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1:21am Jun 20 2011
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Faile laughed at her. "Of course! You are beautiful as you are right now, but the way you paint your face tells people what you are after in that moment, much more subtly than most other ways. Your dress, for example, screams look at me, in a good way, don't misunderstand my meaning, but your face says, please do not see me. Two different messages, you see." Faile turned to Eri. "Do you not agree?"

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1:43am Jun 20 2011
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With a nod Eirian steered Nikki into a seat in front of one of the vanity mirrors. "Indeed I do, my dear friend. I feel like she has this incredible dress, like nothing I have seen on her, being every the sensibe young woman. Now we must make it so that while she is noticed for her beautiful dress, the gaze sticks on her for her big, bright, gloriously defined eyes. Now again I fall to your expertise, for I have very little experience applying makeup to anyone." She began running a brush through Nicole's hair, the sensation working to soothe and calm the girl in her seat.
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1:49am Jun 20 2011
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Faile smiled and quickly finished plaiting Melody's hair. She had braided the sides of it into a coronet with blue and white ribbons that trailed down to mingle with the rest of her hair. The little girl sat and watched as Faile moved to Nikki and turned her around to face her before diving into her cosmetics. "Your complexion is so beautiful, it does not need much. Just a touch..." Faile talked the whole time she worked. At the end, Nikki's eyes looked seductivly smoky with a charcoal colored shadow, black liner and several coats of mascara. Her lips were softly nude, keeping the focus on her eyes. "There, look and see what you think? Then, when Eri is done with your hair, I will work on hers."

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2:02am Jun 20 2011
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Through all of this Nicole held perfectly still, afraid to move. One sidhe hovered near her eyes, while another tugged and twisted her hair. Shortly after the one was finished, the other was, as well. Eri took a step back, admiring the work. She had done something -goddess only knew what- to give her hair an unnatural shine, bringing out the natural, if slight, auburn high lights. It was pulled into a loose, twining confection of small braids and loose curls at the nape of her neck, tendrils falling with what appeared to be reckless abandon all around, framing the carefully done face. Satisfied, Eirian turned to Faile. "Once again you have exceeded all bounds of genius. No I suppose you shall force me, whether I like it or not." Obediently she sat, scrunching her face.
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2:12am Jun 20 2011
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"Her hair is lovely, Eri. Garrett has found for himself a beautiful wife," Faile agreed, setting to work on Eirian. "My sweet, innocent friend. Your makeup will not say what your dress does." She laughed softly, still muttering about colors as she painted. "There! You look lovely!" Eri's eyes were done all in shades of tourquoise and white, with a shimmery tourquoise shadow, white shimmer eyeliner, and deep black mascara. Her cheeks were touched with a soft peach color and her lips wore just a touch of a warm pink. "Now for your hair." With a few deft twists, Eri's hair was a mass of curls perched seemingly haphazzardly on top of her head and streaming down to frame her face. Faile secured a bright feather into the pile and she was done. "Do you like it?" ((Yeah, I know, I'm a fashion freak))

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2:24am Jun 20 2011
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Eirian giggled, the brushes tickling her nose. At the finished effect, she looked in the mirror and preened happily. "You are a master of your craft, my friend. Were you of lesser rank, I would hire you for the pure purpose of having you clothe me and make sure that I never look any less than I do now." She smiled sincerely up at her friend, her glittering eyes shining with a new depth of color at Faile's deft hand. "You have made the three of us look like masterpieces. At the very least, let me do your hair."
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