10:58pm Jul 9 2011
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Garrett laughed, knowing it was so. "Yes, it tends to be. Melody has been telling me for years to 'find her a sister.'" The little girl laughed brightly and clung to Nicole. "I'm keeping her," she said decisivly. Garrett burst into laughter and agreed as best he could through his mirth. It was at that moment that Faile came into the room. "Lord Matthias will be here in about two hours, his retainer said. Ladies, let us retire to the dressing room to freshen ourselves. Llew, if you would not mind, would you please provide the gentlemen with appropriate clothes. If simply will not do to appear unprepared."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:52pm Jul 9 2011
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ooc:// I will reply in the morning. My keyboard is being stupid.
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11:55pm Jul 9 2011
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((It's cool. I'm still watching that anime, haha. It's better than I thought it would be.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:59am Jul 10 2011
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ooc:// First, lol, jk. Got it working. Second, dost thou speak of Ouran? =3 bic:// Lleweloth laughed, noting the look of distaste that flashed across Scott's face. "At once, my Lady. We will make ourselves ready for the arrival of our honored guests." Still chuckling a little he motioned out the door with his arm, turning to the men. "Well, let us away to a place where we can robe ourselves appropriately to recieve visitors." Scott grumbled, but followed Llew none the less through the halls. He really hated dressing up, but at least this time it would be something in which he had some interest. Nikki and Eirian both smiled, nodding. "Of course, Faile. We women must make haste." Kissing the top of Mel's head, Nikki gave the girl a squeeze. "I'm glad you like me. I don't know what I would do if you didn't. Now, are we going back to that crazy awesom dressing room?"
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5:39pm Jul 10 2011
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((I do indeed. Over halfway done...)) Faile favored Llew with a gentle smile. "Thank you, my lord." Turning to the ladies she said, "Indeed, Nicole. Tonight, we must look the part of royalty!" Laughing, she lead the way back to the room and went inside. "So who would like to go first? This must be more formal than our daywear."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:41pm Jul 10 2011
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Nikki practically jumpe at the opportunity, her face bright with anticipation. At her enthusiasm Eirian laughed, eyes shining. "Someone is quite eager. It appears that you've earned yourself quite a reputation, Faile." Nodding, Nicole jumped onto the pedastal, slipping the plain slip over her head.
Lleweloth led the men to the dressing room, only addressing them once they were all in and attentive. "Now, for the ladies, they rely on one another to pick a suitable style. However, being men, the magick of our room works a bit differently. You take a set of plain gray clothing, and imagine it into whatever you want it to be. That way, we do not need to dress in a manner similar to a show. Rather, we each go into our own spaces and pick our own clothing. Remember, the magick of this room is free magick, the only limits of what it can design being your own imagination." With a nod he turned to a private corner of the room, slipping into the plain gray clothing. His apparel become a blousy white shirt, covered by a silver vest embroidered with the slightly darker silhouette of vines, all under a jacket of midnight blue. Silver buttons flashed, matching the piping around the hems and cuffs, as well as the intricately tied lace cravat, which was held with a giant star sapphire, the center of which glinted boldly from the lace folds. His pants matched his jacket perfectly, with white stockings and polished black boots. After admiring himself in the mirror for a moment Llew straightened his cravat, adding a flair of lace to the ends of his shirt's sleeves, willing it to peek out from the cuffs of the jacket. "Perfect." Having watched the process Scott nodded, going to his own corner and putting on the same starter outfit. With heavy concentration he watched the style conform exactly to Lleweloth's, though, with a grin, he changed the colors. The lace remained silver, as well at the vest and buttons, though the midnight blue was replaced by a blue of the sky, which contrasted against his darker coloring in the same manner that the midnight contrasted to Lleweloth's fair skin. The stone in his cravat became a smooth oval lapis lazuli, the vibrant color sharp against the softer hues of his silks. With a chuckle he turned to Llew, beaming with pride. "Also perfect." The fine cut and style of the clothing emphasized the wild nature of his bright blue eyes and the curly, tumbling mass of black on his head and the roughness of his stocky, powerful build. He looked as though someone had put a wolf in a noble's clothing. In retrospect, that was fairly close to the truth. He flashed a toothy spark, which managed to bypass the sophistication of his clothing, turning him momentarily savage. ooc:// I've just decided that Scott is a werewolf.
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11:32pm Jul 10 2011
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((Wow. So, is he staying with Mama? Or coming home permanatly to farie?)) Garrett observed the others' choice in clothes and stood for a moment, thinking. "I know what I believe is appropriate. Maybe you guys won't think so, butif it is completly inappropriate, we can change it." With a sharp salute, he dissapeared into the dressing room and reemerged shortly in his dress uniform, crisply pressed and starched, with his boots shining. With his broad buid and intense, honest eyes he was the perfect picture of the Army. Had a movie producer looking for a man to cast as a soldier been wandering by, he would have signed Garrett on the spot. "Is this ok?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:44pm Jul 10 2011
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ooc:// He might convince Mama to come to Faerie with him. I haven't quite figured that part out yet. But Scott s kind of based off my dad (hudurr) and we always joked that my dad looked like an Italian mobster who moonlighted (no pun intended) as a werewolf. Hence, Mr. O'Danaan is a werewolf. Mama might be some kind of Fae as well, though I see her as being Unseelie, even though I love my mommy. Like... she's been keeping an eye on her daughter all these years, working enchantments over her husband to make him forget his true identity and forget about Faerie completely. p.s.: Nikki wants Faile to make her a pretty dress. Eri can dress Mel and Faile. bic:// Both of the men smiled, proud. In unison they spoke, heads held high. "Perfect." They broke into laughter at that, and it was Scott who broke the spell first. "I don't think you could've imagined anything more perfect for yourself." Lleweloth nodded, amber eyes shining. "Indeed. This is who you are, and it suits you perfectly. To Nicole, this is what a knight in shining armour looks like."
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9:55am Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// BUMP
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8:02pm Aug 15 2011
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ooc:// Once more for you, Fyre <3
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10:08pm Aug 15 2011
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((Garrett is more appropriate than ever, since I just shipped my husband off to Army basic.)) Garrett gave the other men a grateful smile. "I'm glad you think so. I hope I can be hero enough for her," he said, softly. Faile led the ladies back to the dressing room, planning a dress for Nikki in her head. It had to be perfect, fit for a Lord and a King. It could not be too elegant, to outshine them, but it could not be to plain, to appear at a disadvantage. Her mind made up, she turned to where Nikki stood on the dais, already wearing one of the shifts. Faile circled her, adjusting the gown as she moved. First, a floor length a-line hem, with a slight train, then, a deep square neck and corseted bodice with thick straps for sleaves, leaving Nicole's arms bare. A peekabo lace stomacher, crissed crossed by velvet ribbon. The skirt split into a flyaway of velvet, with a pleated underskirt showing through. Then, color; Faile chose a deep, sapphire blue for the velvet overdress. The sumptious material was complicated by shimmering irridesent silver crepe underneth, with white lace an the corset and deep blue velvet ribbon. "There. How do you like it, Nicole?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:26am Aug 16 2011
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Sott grinned, punching the boy's shoulder. "Oh, hush with that kind of talk. If I think you're good enough, and Lleweloth thinks you're alright, then Nikki must love you, because the two of us have much higher standards for what a good man should be." Llew nodded, chuckling. "Her father is right. If I thought you were even a hair's breadth below Nicole, I would have never let you enter my home." Nicole flushed with glee once Faile was finished, trning this way and that to admire her new dress from all possible angles. "Of course it's perfect! Faile, you really have outdone yourself." She hugged the sidhe with a happy little sigh, and Eirian nodded in approval. "Would you like to go next, dear,or will you insist as last time to go last?"
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12:22pm Aug 16 2011
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Garrett hid the urge to flinch when Scott hit him. The man could hit HARD! Shrugging it off, he gave them another smile. "Thank you. Where do we need to be to meet our guests?" Faile smiled brightly at Nicole, delighted with her reaction. The girl was made for farie style. "I do not mind waiting, if everyone else would like to go first."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:36pm Aug 16 2011
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Lleweloth shrugged, obviously clueless. It had been much too long since he'd had proper dignified guests in his home. "I suppose we would be greeting them in the courtyard. That's as good a place as any that I can think of." At this Scott chuckled. The knight was clearly lost without his lady to keep matters in hand. He took the lead, earning a grateful glance from Llew s he walked into the open, well-lit courtyard. "Maybe it wouldn't hurt for me to go next..." Trying to hide her eagerness Eri stepped onto the dais, winking at Mel and Nikki. "No need to be so forceful, Faile."
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11:54pm Aug 16 2011
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Faile laughed with the others, sizing Eri up and thinking. She stood for a moment, one hand on her hip and the other holding her chin. It suddenly occured to Faile that Eri would make a wonderful queen. A smile crossed her face as she made up her mind. The shift lengthened, to puddle at Eri's feet, with a train streching several feet behind her, in a soft, flowing silk. The bodice became an empire waist, with the sleves really only for decoration, draping off of her shoulders in fluid sweeps. It was almost as though the straps of the dress had fallen and looked better there so been left. She tightened the bodice just enough to give form, but left the rest of the gown flowing like water over Eri's curves. Now color swept across, a pale, sea washed turquoise from top to bottom, darkening in some places and lightening in others, like water reflections beneth the surface. "It this acceptable, my friend?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:05am Aug 17 2011
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"Perfect. No get your tush up there. I have just the thing for you."
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12:12am Aug 17 2011
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Faile laughed and climbed the dais. "I'm at your mercy, friend."

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1:44am Aug 17 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Aug 18 2011)
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"Trapped!" Eri giggled jokingly, then set about her work. There was some initial drag, as Eri fussed over the ideas flitting across her mind. The bodice came first, fitted, sleeveless, with the back swooping in a manner that was both daring and dramatic. The skirt lengengthened in tiers, the full, fluffed layers at odds with the powerful strike produced by the bodice. After a moment of consideration Eri made the edges of each la yer jagged, as if the dress's hem had been torn while running through a field of brambles. In the front the skirt reached Faile's knees, with the back sweeping back in a train as regal and elegant as her own. "That way you can show off those gorgeous legs of yours." She giggled, winking at both Faile and Nikki before continuing. Starting at where the bodice met the skirt, gold vines began to snake around the sidhe's torso, sprouting leaves and grapes, creating quite an interesting effect, as they acted like straps across the back and were bright against Faile's pumpkin skin. Muttering softly to herself Eri went through colors, finally decided on a shade of sea green that wouldn't clash with the lady's coloring. After a few tweeks, adding a deep amethyst to the grapes decorating the bodice Eirian stepped back, smiling triumphantly. "There. Perfect."
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12:41pm Aug 19 2011
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ooc:// Bump.
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12:23am Aug 20 2011
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Faile smiled brightly as she admired her gown. "Oh, Eri! It's amazing! I love it!" Stepping down from the dais, she smiled at Melody. "Mel, who would you like to design your dress?" The little girl looked between the three women indecisivly for a few moments, before pointing. "I want Nikki!"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!