2:43pm Aug 20 2011
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There was a stunned silence as Nikki looked from one woman to the other. When she finally got the point that neither of them would rescue her, she smiled at the little girl. "Sure thing, sis." She took her time coming up with an idea, trying to think on the girl's personality while planning out the design in her head. Defintately something... Princess-y.
That was all she needed. The top of the dress tightened to fit comfortably, giving a suitably high heart neckline and a pouffe of tulle for each sleeve. The skirt dropped in a slightly modified ballgown, gathering in places to add fullness, and decorated with diamonds and sapphires. It swished and swung, twirling as any princess's dress should. It looked like a modern, classier Cinderella, which Nicole thought was perfect.
For the personal touch Nikki made the dress a deep midnight blue, adding silver embroidery along the hem in the form of prancing, rearing, and galloping horses. Elbow length white gloves completed the ensemble, and Nikki beamed with pride. "A true lady of your house.
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9:20pm Aug 21 2011
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ooc:// bump
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9:29pm Aug 21 2011
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Faile gave a wide, beaming smile. "Indeed, young princess. You look beautiful. Now, wait one second... I have something for both of you girls." Faile stepped lightly back to the alcove in the back of the room and pressed a switch in the wall. A portion of the wall fell away, leaving a gap wide enough to enter. After a few moments, she returned, bearing two beautiful wooden boxes, one inlayed with silver, the other with copper. "Come here, Melody," the fae said, giving the girl a motherly smile as she approached. Faile laid the silver inlayed box on the table and opened the copper one, kneeling down as she did so. Inside the box was a small silver tiara. It was filligreed in an airy design of butterflies, with gemstones for wings. The creatures seemed to flutter in shades of ruby, sapphire, emerald, and obsidion. "This was my first tiara. It is something that is very special to me, and it is a symbol of your rank as a lady on this home. My mother gave hers to me when I was not much older than you, just as all Fae mothers do. I would like for you to have it now, little Melody." The little girl gave a bright smile as Faile gently took the tiara from the case and placed it with care upon her brow. "There, little one. Now you truly look like your father's daughter. And as for you, Nicole. Would you like to see your gift?"

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9:34pm Aug 21 2011
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Under Eirian's bemused gaze Nicole could barely contain her entusiasm, and nodded eagerly. She went to where Faile stood, eyes bright.
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12:11am Aug 23 2011
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Faile laughed at the girl's bright ex pression gently. "So eager, little Nikki, like a little bird." With a bright smile on her face, Faile retrieved the silver box and held it out to Nikki before removing the lid. Inside was another silver colored tiara. This one was shaped into a pattern of winding rose vines. The blossoms were bright ruby and opal, with the leaves made from emeralds. The thorns of the roses were crafted from obsidion. Faile placed the tiara on Nikki's head with a loving smile. "This was the tiara given to me when I came of age. It belonged to my grandmother, and to her grandmother before her. I want you to have this, since you are a lady of the farie, and have need of one. One day, perhaps the Queen will present you with your own final tiara, the way she has for Eri and I"

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9:09am Aug 23 2011
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ooc:// I'm gonna wait to reply to our many awesome roleplays until I don't have to rely on my s*hit phone, but I will reply. I promise.
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10:34am Aug 23 2011
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With calm, quiet reverence Nikki accepted the tiara, placing it on her head with a grateful smile up at Faile. "It's absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much, Faile. I will take good care of it, and when I am given my own tiara, I will return it to you." She turned to Eirian, who nodded. "It suits you. Faile, you will be a good, just mistress to this home. But I believe our guests will be here soon!"
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11:38am Aug 23 2011
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((I trust you! At least you can log in with your phone. Mine won't even let me do that!)) Faile gave the other two women a warm and greatful smile. "Thank you. I am glad you like it, Nikki. Now, shall we go?"

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12:00pm Aug 23 2011
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The sidhe sighed, pulling up to her full height, then nodded. She led the ladies out of the house into the courtyard where the menfolk stood, greeting them with a slight incline of her head. Her record of having perfect timing went unblemished, for no sooner had she made her silent greetings than her cousin rode in on his fine black charger, dressed in is customary black, a sign of mourning over being placed so beneath the other Royals. He lept gracefully from his mount, all smiles and shinig silver-blue eyes. One by one he pulled each of the three sidhe into warm, familiar hugs, laughing all the while. "Eri, Llew, Faile! How good it is to see all of you. And these two beautiful ladies. You, young lady, must be Melody. You have the look of your sire about you. And Miss Nicole. I do believe you might be one of the few admirers I have left." His charm cranked up, he turned a coy grin on the poor girl, who could do nothing but gawk. He was gorgeous; a living legend. Pink painted her cheeks, and the Goblin King laughed merrily before turning to the men who stood with Lleweloth, shaking their hands in turn. "Ah, and since you are clearly Miss Nicole's father, you must be her betrothed. I can tell from one look at her that you are a truly blessed man, to have such a beautiful bride-to-be."
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11:05pm Aug 23 2011
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Garrett gave the king a wary smile as he shook his hand. Pulling Nikki to him a little abruptly, he pressed a kiss to her forehead before saying, "Yes, I am very blessed indeed. Thank you, King Jareth." Garrett was utterly discomfited by Nicole's reaction to the other man, and it statled him how jealous he was. Faile gave Jareth a warm smile. "Welcome home, Jareth! We are so glad you could come to visit us! Lord Matthias will be here in a moment, I think." Indeed, even as she spoke, the fae was arriving in a carriage pulled by four horses with manes of fire. He alighted from the carriage and came directly to them. Lord Matthias was dressed in suprisingly modern clothes. He wore a pair of tweed britches and a matching jacket, with a white shirt and a tartan cap. Matthias bundled forward, gripping Llew's hand with both of his and pulling Faile and Eri into warm paternal hugs. Standing for a moment, he regarded the mortals with undisguised curiosity. He suprised them all when he pulled a notepad from his book, along with a quill and ink bottle, and quickly scribbled something down before greeting the others. Kneeling down, Matthias rumaged through his pack for a moment, before pulling a small box out and instructing Melody to hold out her hands. Once the little girl had complied, he opened the box to reveal a small glass dragon. It was only about five inches big, and it was curled into a ball, with its tail laid over its nose andits wings folded across it's back. "Here, my child. Take the little thing out," the farie lord instructed. Melody pulled the creature from it's box and was utterly suprised and delighted when it came to life, swarming up her arm to curl lovingly on her shoulder and nuzzle into her hair. Melody laughed with joy, reaching up to pet the tiny thing. "He is called Flame, Melody. He belongs to you now. He'll keep you company, and protect you," the Fae lord told her, with a gentle smile. Standing, he greeted the others. "You, my lady, must be Nicole. Welcome to farie, child. Welcome home. And you sir," he turned to Garrett. "I salute you as a warrior. You are a worthy addition to this family." His look when he turned to Scott was a little puzzled. "Where have I met you before, good sir?"

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11:28pm Aug 23 2011
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At Garrett's sudden movements Nicole blushed, embarrassed by her wildly inappropriate reaction to Jareth. It was just the remnants of her first love. Sure, it had been the love of a very young girl, but her first love none the less. And yet, what she felt for Garrett was the love of a woman who recognized her strengths and the strengths of the ob ject of her love, and saw how they complimented one another. To reassure him she snuggled into his side, grinning sheepishly at the wild, darkly beautiful Goblin King. He grinned back, eyes flashing mischievously until... Until he turned, and caught both Eirian and Lleweloth glaring openly. Right. Got it. Don't flirt with the bride. Successfully hiding what would have been an exceedingly mood-dampening sulk he perked up at Matthias's arrival, watching Eri and Llew light up yet again. But what was this? The girl's father was rcognized by a fae lord. What could this mean? Judging from the man's ex pression, confused and even the slightest bit frightened, he was as clueless as the rest. Scott took a step toward Lord Matthias, head cocked to the side. To Jareth, he moved like a wolf circling a new arrival not knowing whether friend or foe, but leaning toward friend. And his teeth did seem a bit large... "I don't know. But I feel like I've seen you." ooc:// O: So this is the plan for the Parents: Scott is a werewolf, but he was bitten, not born, into the Pack. He was't born with the Sight like everyone is assuming. He got it as part of the Curse. Anna is the one parent from whom Nikki inherited the Sight, and is an agent of Nicnevin, the Unseelie High Queen. Whaddya think?
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11:48pm Aug 23 2011
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((Ooooo... I like this... Hmm... So does she come to our side or stay evil?)) Garrett sensed danger in the air, and suddenly noted Scott's strange reaction. He thrust Nicole and Melody slightly behind him, putting his body between them and any threat. "Take Mel," he said softly to Nikki. Faile turned deeply watchful eyes on the pair. There was something...odd about Nicole's father. She was sensing something wild at work here, but had no idea what it could be. She noticed Garrett taking a protective stance in front of the two girls. That man was brave enough to be a sidhe warrior. She joined him, taking Llew's arm to pull him close, and reaching out her hand to Eri. Under her breath she muttered to the other two sidhe, "What is this wildness I am sensing. Could Scott be not all that we think he is?" Lord Matthias took a step back from the man, a little afraid. Scott reminded him almost of a werewolf meeting a potential foe. Oh god, surely not... Matthias remembered a child that he had found many years ago. The little one had been savaged by a werewolf, but Matthias had nursed him back to health and sent him back to his parents. It could not be! Afraid, he said a single word. "Caredia. You were once in Caredia."

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12:59am Aug 25 2011
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3:16am Aug 25 2011
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Scott's eyes went wide, and he looked stricken. "You... It wasn't a dream. I... I thought... After meeting Anna everything just seemed so different. I started forgetting. Or I think now that I was forgetting. Then it just felt like waking up from a dream. I... Anna... She must be the one. It was... Not my wife. Not my Anna." The man collapsed, folding in on himself like crumpling paper. Nikki, without thinking, pushed past Garrett and all the others, kneeling at her father's side. Their eyes met, and Eri, clutching Faile with one hand and her cousin with the other, watched as there was a moment of confusion, and then a shared agony. "My mother. She was the one who gave me the Sight. Dad, you're..." "Cursed." He turned up to Matthias, eyes piercing as fang and claw, twisted with fury and pain and betrayal at the deciet. "She made me forget. Gave me... Gave me wolfsbane. Poison. In small enough doses to weaken me to her... administrations." Nikki choked on a sob, arms tightening around her father's neck.
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3:12pm Aug 26 2011
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Garrett pushed Melody into Llew's arms and knelt beside his distraught fiancee. He pressed his chest to her back and snuggled her into him, not breaking her hold on her father. With one arm wrapped around her waist, he leaned forward, resting his head on hers and placing his other hand hesitantly on his soon to be father in law's back. "Shh..." he murmmered to his love. "Hush now, it will be ok. I'm here with you. I'm here with both of you. It will all work out..." Garrett kept his voice as soft and sootheing as he could. Faile could only stare, aghast, at the heartbreaking scene before her. If that was what had happened... if Scott was really a werewolf, it meant that he had a pack family somewhere. Not all werewolves were the vicious things most thought they were. In her mind, Faile began planning to find them. Outloud, she leveled a piercing stare at Matthias. "Tell us what happened," she commanded, looking every the inch the Lady of the House. Matthias gave her a devestated look. "I found young Scott as a child. He had been attaked by a rouge wolf and nearly killed. I nursed him back to help, gave him back to his human parents, and, after disposing of the rouge, sent the local pack to him. After that, I never worried for him. After all, he had the pack to keep him safe. We must find them. They could be in severe trouble."

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7:36pm Aug 26 2011
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Scott shook his head, ignoring everyone but Matthias. Nicole would be safe with Garrett. "There is no danger to the pack. I... I remember, a little. Faerie is bringing it back. Anna must have told her overseer, and had them suppress my... condition. The pack will not know I exist. They will have nothing to do with this; if anything, Anna will have assumed that I'd been born with it. The Sight doesn't show everything. There is no need to involve them now. But I need to get somewhere I won't be a danger to anyone. After all these years, my transformation will be... Horrible. I need to be locked away with something I can destroy without doing harm to private property or humans. Or fae."
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7:44pm Aug 26 2011
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"If you have never been with the pack... Perhaps they could help you through this..." Faile mused aloud, looking back and forth between the other fae there. From Llew, to Eri, back to Jareth and finally Matthias. She needed someone's opinion on the matter. Matthias was still struggling to come to grips with the young boy he had nursed growing into a man without ever knowing his real herritage. He would be no help. Faile turned pleading eyes to the other three.

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8:31pm Aug 26 2011
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Llew moved closer to his betrothed, nodding. "I agree. Wolves know how to deal with their kind. With them you will be safe, and so will they. You might fight, but they will know how to keep you from doing serious damage." Following her cousin's lead Eri giggled, attempting to lighten the mood. "And besides, with no offense to your prowess a born wolf is ten times stronger than one who is bitten, even at a young age." Jareth laughed with her, eyes shining. "Surely you wouldn't be able to do too much to one of them, even if you wanted to. I am with the other three; you will be safe to yourself and others if you are put with your pack." Nicole looked from one adult to the other, and finally nodded. They knew best. Scott sighed, and dropped his head with relief. "Alright. We better get ahold of them soon." it was out of his hands.
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8:36pm Aug 26 2011
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Faile smiled, feeling better now that a decision had been made. Now, she started making plans, as was her wont. "Matthias, contact your pack. I know that you have close ties with the wolves. As for the rest of us..." She turned to the others. "I will volunteer my own mound for this. It an be a haven for the pack. We will cast spells to make it suitable for them, as well as safe. And Jareth, would you happen to have a few goblins who would make for good servants to the wolves? Since the goblins are almost indestructable, they might be the best thing." She mentally ticked things off in her head, not realizing that some of the people around her probably thought she was crazy.

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12:17pm Aug 27 2011
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The goblin nearest Jareth shuddered, and the king gave a rather wicked grin. "Oh, indeed I do." He turned to Nikki, still grinning. "You remember in that mortal movie, the character Ludo?" She nodded, and gave the ghost of a smile. "His kind would make most suitable wolfkind servants, don't you agree?" She actually giggled, nodding again. Kareth turned to Faile, bowing at the waist. "If you will excuse me, I will contact them at once."
Well, at least his daughter was happy here. They would be safe. This Faile was a good person for her to be close to. Llew smiled, pulling his lady into his arms. "You, my dear, are a genius, and better than any general I know at rallying your troops."
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