6:52pm May 27 2011
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(... I don't know how to come in right now. :/ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:12pm May 27 2011
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ooc:// How about this: Your character is a friend of Eirian's or Nicole's, you were maybe kind of sort of eavesdropping, and come in like, "Can't forget me, biotches!"
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7:31pm May 27 2011
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(OMG you read my mind. xD I was thinking about doing that, but I wasn't sure.. :D ) Shay was in the bushes. She smirked. What a wonderful conversation! It was interesting, and they didn't even notice her. Ha, the imbeciles. Something told her they were about to leave soon, though. She'd have to make her move a few moments later. After a while, she jumped out and shouted, "GOTCHA! Don't forget about me, you turds!" Smiling, she walked into the group. "I see we've found another with the True Sight. Ok, ok. So, we doing the switch or what?" (Hahah... eh... fail. xc )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:38pm May 27 2011
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ooc:// Now we wait until Fyre gets back from wherever she is, and we shall go to our girl Melody's house. Until then, I'm looking up cocktail recipes. o.o
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10:41pm May 27 2011
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1:12pm May 28 2011
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OOC: Sorry! Sorry! I've not had internet till now! I've been trying... And I have to work after this, so it'll be around 1030 my time (Central) before I can get back on IC: Garrett was giving the stallion a distrustful look when the new person burst out of the trees. ""Ahh!" He yelled as he jumped back, instinctivly reaching for his absent gun. Seeing that it was a friend of the others, he stilled and stood watching, waiting for an introduction.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:11pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 3:11pm May 28 2011)
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Shay saw the new guy was waiting for something. Oh yeah, he didn't know her. Heehee, she scared him! Hilarious. With a laugh, she momentarily paused, then spoke. "I'm Shay. A Phouka. One of the Fae. Y'know, like these crap-heads," she said jokingly. "And the fact that I'm friend and not foe will hopefully help lift your spirits about me, I think. Now that you know who I am, how about starting off with a simple 'Hi'?"
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:57pm May 28 2011
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Shaking their heads in perfect unison, Llew, Eri, and Nikki watched to phouka. Nicole was the one to break the silence. "Shay, this is Garrett. Garrett, this is Shay. Now, get on your horse so we can meet your sister and get on with our evenings. I feel that meeting her might be important, and that we should do so as soon as possible." She turned to glare at the phouka, huffing. "If you'd like you can come along, though I don't expect that this is your type of outting. Either way we need to leave as soon as possible." With a quick nod, Llew's brows furrow. "Nicole is right. This feels... right. We must be on our way, so I can figure out why that is. Come with us or leave us be, phouka." The word comes out as a sneer, and Eirian shakes her head dolefully. Some will just never learn.
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6:05pm May 28 2011
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"Ahh, shuddup," Shay says, ignoring their snide remarks. "And I'm coming with you. This is, obviously, my type of outing. Almost everything is." She takes everything said as a light joke, but on the inside, she's dying from the others' words. ( Giant fail. Hm, does she have a horse, too? o3o And they all hate her. D; )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:03pm May 28 2011
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ooc:// Awww, they don't hate her. Llew just finds her annoying, and Nicole is really impatient. She loves her phouka buddy, 'cause phouka are fun. Also, phouka in their animal mein can easily keep pace with a faerie steed. Probably shoulda mentioned that.
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7:18pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 7:18pm May 28 2011)
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(Ah. Do the Phouka, like, change their forms quickly at will. ._. Please excuse the questions, I'm new to Faeries. :u )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
7:20pm May 28 2011
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ooc:// It's okay. ^-^ And yeah, they do. It's less like changing, more like... throwing off a disguise.
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7:43pm May 28 2011
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(Ok. c: Shall we wait for Fyre now? )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
8:03pm May 28 2011
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ooc:// Yosh.
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1:41am May 29 2011
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OOC: Sorry again! Man, I wish I was a housewife! But I'm off tomorrow, so yay! More time! IC: Garrett was still eyeing Shay a little distrustingly, but he decided to be polite. "Hi. I'm Garrett. Sorry I almost shot you there." He turned to look at the others, then vaunted up into the saddle. "All right guys, let's get going. I agree. Somehow, this company, this is right. Something good is going to happen for all of us." He spun the horse around and offered Nikki a special, jubilant smile. "I'm ready to see my sister, guys. Let's go!" He started to ride forward, but stopped short at Faile's voice. "Hold on there!" Faile laughed. "Just a quick glamour to hide the humans. No one will be able to see us Fae, but you will stick out like a sore thumb." She raised her hand and her eyes flashed. "There. Now, you may procede." She bowed low over her horse and gestured to Garrett to lead the way. He turned back to make sure everyone was ready now.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:51am May 29 2011
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With a 'yee-haw' -someone had been watching all of her cowbow movies, Nicole thought- Eirian took off after Garrett, plunging through the woods. Nicole and Lleweloth followed hot ontheir heels, Nikki casting a glance back to make sure that the rest of the gang was in tow. She felt something peculiarly like adventure rising in her gut, and, frankly, she loved it. Eirian obviously felt the same, her eyes wide with adrenaline. She leaned forward, her hair mixing perfectly with her mare's mane. Turning to her right she saw that Lleweloth's lustrous black hair was blending with his own mount's. In her case the contrast between her coloring and that of her mare was drastic, which made her sigh a little. Faeries and their steeds, like boys and puppies. She shouted 'hyah', urging her mare into a mini race with Llew's handsome stallion, drawing a ringing laugh from the knight's usually thin-pressed lips. He seemed like a completely different person when he laughed, and the sound made Nikki unusually gleeful, as if nothing could possibly go wrong. She steeled herself against the emotion, reminding herself that falling in love with a fae, no matter how kind or accepting, was not a good idea. The thought caused her gaze to find Garrett's back, but she shook off such notions quickly. 'Birds of a feather, Nikki. That's all. You only like him because he can see them two. He's the only proof that you don't belong in a loony bin. Chill.' She took her own advice, focusing on keeping her seat at her mare's current speed, which was a task in and of itself.
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1:53am May 29 2011
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OOC: So, for the most part skipping the ride?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:02am May 29 2011
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ooc:// Yosh.
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2:21am May 29 2011
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OOC: Figured. IC: An hour later, Garrett stopped everyone on a small cliff overlooking a largish white house. "That's where she lives now. Her foster parents have been pretty good to her... But she has always wanted to live with me. I'm going to call her and ask her to come out to the bluff. She hangs out here all the time, and if I tell her I'm here, she'll come running." With that, he pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and punched Melody's number in. She answered on the third ring, talking loudly enough for her voice to travel to the others. Garrett flinched and held the phone out, both for his hearing's sake and so that the others could hear. "Hello? Garrett? Garrett! Omigosh you finally called!" the teenager's voice was highly excited and Garrett laughed, a huge smile breaking over his face. "Mel! I just talked to you the day before yesterday! What do you mean, finally called?" "I don't know. I just knew you were going to call. What's up, big bro?" "Do me a favor. Go out to that bluff you like so much. I want you to take a picture and send it to my phone. I have someone here who wants to see it," Garrett fibbed. "Ok! I'll send it in just a few! Love you!" "Love you too," Garrett said and hung up. "Maybe it would be better if the rest of us hid in the woods a little ways back. You could introduce us then as your friends," Faile sugested. "That sounds like a good idea. She's comming." He looked away from them only for a second to see if he could see his sister yet, but when he turned back, they were gone from view. The fallen leaves crackled as Melody came into the clearing, blue eyes bright with laughter and dark hair streaming in the breeze. "Hey, Mel. How are you?" Garrett asked. Melody let out a scream and ran to her brother, who swooped her up into a hug. "Garrett! What are you doing here?" she asked excitedly. "Well, I have a few friends I'd like you to meet. I'm going to let them introduce themselves." He raised his voice slightly. "Come on out, guys!"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:37am May 29 2011
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For a moment, Nicole, Eirian,and Lleweloth were all stunned motionless. The Seelie knight was the first to move, the other two tracking his movements as he dismounted, stepping out into the girl's view. Immediately Eri and Nikki saw the resemblance, and apparently, so did Lleweloth. His eyes filled with something like love, or as close to it as either women had ever seen on that serious, brooding face. He took a step forward, taking Melody's appearancelike a mirage, as if she would disappear if he were to breath to hard. Her blue eyes, her mother's. That skin, so soft and pale it looked like moonlight, her grandmother's. And that hair, black as a raven's wing... His. "She never told me... Why would she not tell me..." His eyes never left her face, those deep amber eyes filling with tears. Even when Eirian appeared behind him, holding him to her, he didn't look away. Nicole took all this in stride, pulling herself up by the bootstraps. She dismounts and walks passed Eri and Llew to where Melody stands, holding out a hand. "This might seem awfully confusing, but I'm Nicole O'Danaan, the golden haired woman is Eirian, the red-head, pumpkin skinned woman is Faile, the cat is Shay, and the man is-" He cuts her off, his voice like a knife despite how hushed it is. "Your father." He stands a little taller, taking a step toward her cautiously. "I am your father, Lyr Lleweloth Loshen, knight of the Seelie Court." Straightening himself to his full height, Lleweloth pulls back the tears. Behind him Eirian gasps, and even the unshakeable Nikki looks shocked. His true name. She raises an eyebrow, but neither of the women comment. To give one your true name is to give them complete power over you, and Lleweloth had just given it to a girl he'd only met. Even his cousin had never been given the honor. She nodded, silent, smiling a little at the point of the girl's ears and the magick in her eyes.
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