2:54am May 29 2011
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Melody stood staring at these strange, wonderous people that her brother had brought into her life. Her brother was hovering protectively beside her and she saw the flash of relief and gratitude towards the young humn woman who had stepped forward. Melody was smiling, absoltuly ready to embrace everyone as her dreams come true, when the tall, handsome man spoke. With his words, her world came crashing down. "My, my father? But, Mama... Oh Garrett!" With that she flung herself around and into her brother's arms. "We never knew... Mama would never tell us... Garrett..." the poor girl sobbed into Garrett's chest. He looked up from muttering nonsense words to soothe her and gave the others a helpless look, asking what to do. Here, Faile stepped past the motionless sidhe and went to stand beside the crying girl. "Now there," the sidhe whispered softly. "Shh, little one. Do not cry. We will set all to rights in just a few moments. Shh... Come, sit with us. Talk with us, and we will sort this out. Do not weep so, sweet child." Faile's melodious voice seemed to work to calm the girl and she was able to lead Melody to a ring of stumps she had counjered, leaving Garrett standing back and feeling utterly lost. He had always known that there was something special about his little sister, and their Mama, but to discover this truth... He felt as though he had no ground solid enough to stand on.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:11am May 29 2011
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Nicole stepped toward Garrett after Melody had been pulled away, meeting his gaze. "Well, we all know that this would be important. We just didn't know why. Now we do. Come, let's see how this little talk goes." She smiled gently, shrugging, leading Garrett to the circle of stumps, he to Melody's right, and she to his. Nikki and Eirian both looked to Lleweloth, who had sat across from Mel, and appeared to have been organizing the explanation in his head. After a moment of silence, he found her beautiful, ethereal eyes once more. "Garrett, you were very young. Too young to remember much. I... I had just been knighted, and wandered out to celebrate. I found your and Melody's mother in a clearing, looking up at the moon. You... You have her eyes, you know." This he said to Melody, a tender, adoring smile gracing his features. "She was beautiful, and she looked so sad. Garrett, your father was a good man; faithful, intelligent, loving, and gentle. But he traveled, and your mother was lonely. When our eyes met, i couldn't resist. I used no tricks to make her go off with me. My faerie looks were enough. She might as well have been forced, for all the choice she had." He said this almost to himself, the words hateful. Taking a deep breath, reaching for Eirian's hand, he continued. "I visited every night for a week. I didn't know that humans didn't show signs that early, otherwise I would've stayed longer. Even then, I was sure she would call for me if she were to be... with child. I gave her my name. My full name. She need only have said it aloud, and I would have come to her, to you, Melody. You must understand, I didn't know. I... I have always wondered... What had happened to your mother." Tears again appeared in Lleweloth's eyes, turning the amber to fire with the brightness. "You must have always felt that you were different. Your ears, your unnatural beauty. Maybe a gift, something you're almost too good at. You are Fae, or half, anyway. And undeniably mine." Eirian smiled, trying to inject some cheer into the moment. "I guess that makes you my second cousin, but I shall see you as more of a niece, since Lleweloth is a brother to me. I shall be your Aunt Eirian, but if you like, you may call me Auntie Eri." She smiled, the ex pression soothing on her serene features, pale gold eyes bright. Nicole nodded, trying her best to mirror the ex pression. "The point is that you aren't alone, and never will be again. We'll be your family from now on, if you want. I may not be Fae, but I'm as much Llew and Eri's sister as... well, their sisters. If you want we can leave, and you can talk to Llew and your brother, or just your brother. Right, guys?" She looked to Llew and Eri for support, and both of them nodded in agreement.
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3:39am May 29 2011
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Garrett turned to look at Nikki with a sad smile. It seemed she was always saving the day and he was deeply grateful. Faile was speaking now. "Yes, we will leave and allow you to speak on you own, dearheart. Just know this, please. The man who raised you was a wonderful man. I met your mother once, though she had no idea who I was. She loved him dearly and told me so. But, there is a strange attraction between Fae and human. There are some humans who are all but irrisistable to our kind. I believed then and I believe now that your mother was one of those. She would have been almost impossible for ANY male sidhe to resist. Do not hold this against either one of them. It is a great gift. Remember that." So saying, she rose gracefully to her feet. "Garrett, and... and my... my... father, I'd like you to stay. Actually, I think, if we are all family, you should all stay. Garrett, maybe you should tell them our family story?" the beautiful young woman said, turning tear-filled eyes to her older brother, who streched his arms out to the tiny girl. She rose from her seat and sat on his lap, like she had when she was little. Garrett took a deep, shuddering breath and began their tale. "I was five when Mama became pregnant with Melody, here. I don't remember much, but I do remember the yelling when Daddy found out, and Mama crying. Still, Mama and Daddy loved each other so much that they worked through everything. Daddy was so happy when Mel was born. We all were. She was perfect and she was beautiful and she was ours. Then, when Mel was seven or eight, Mama got very sick. She stayed with us as long as she could, but she was just in too much pain. She had to let go. After that, Daddy quit the traveling job and stayed at home with us, working out of his home office. Three years ago, Daddy contracted an advanced form of brain cancer. He died not long after. I was only 17, so we were both put into the state system and seperated. As soon as I could, I joined the Army and started saving up so I could get Mel out of there and bring us back together. That's what I was telling you about earlier." By the end of his recital, Melody was once again sobbing, clinging to his chest. The pain in his eyes was as clear as day, but he sat there, meeting everyone's gaze determined to be strong for the young girl he protected.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:43am May 29 2011
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ooc:// I am so loving this, but it's a quarter to four in the morning, and I gotta get some sleep. Grad party hopping tomorrow. Night!
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3:47am May 29 2011
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OOC: I'm loving it too. Have a good night!

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:21pm May 29 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:52pm May 29 2011
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(Grrr. You really don't like to wait for me, do you? :c ) When Shay was introduced and called a cat, she was angered. "Wolf-Dog," she muttered enough for Melody to hear. She was back to her normal self by now. The happenings were so... emotional. But Shay didn't usually cry during these things. Heh, come to think of it, she only cried during a sad movie once. For Llew to give out his real name, though... It was... definetely a surprise and a shock. Not only to her, of course - probably to the others. I mean, he had just seen this girl for a few minutes and already they're talking like they've been seeing each other every day for years. Then again, now we apparently know Llew's Melody's father. Oh, such juicy information! But, of course, Shay wasn't really mean. She wouldn't tell anybody about these happenings.
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
3:23pm May 29 2011
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OOC; I'm sorry...

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:50pm May 29 2011
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( S'okay. ;D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
5:34pm May 29 2011
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ooc:// Rrrrrrr! Sorry. I've been hopping grad parties for... nine ish hours. And yet, I've only been thinking about how to reply. OwO By the way, the mom's name is now Genevieve. (Jen-eh-veeve) Because it's the French variation of Guinevere and it's pretty. bic:// The small motley crew of fae and human watched, listening intently to the story. At the part concerning Genevieve's death the tears began to fall silently from Lleweloth's cheeks. He imagined her alone and pining for him, and his heart shattered.In his mind she had been cold, tired, and in pain, with no consolation of his presence. He might have been able to save her. It was not uncommon for one who loved a faerie to die of a broken heart, and he had no doubt that such had been the case with Genevieve. He listens to the rest of the story, numb. Eirian and Nicole take him into their arms, bringing him nearer to Melody. "I... Could have... My darling Genevieve. I was the Lancelot to her Guinevere. I..." He looked to Melody, gently touching her cheek. "I loved her, and, if you will let me, I shall love you. I want you to know that my greatest joy would be to take my place as your father, if you shall let me. I can glamour your foster parents into believing that they are seeing the right papers, and become your legal guardian, or give guardianship of you to your brother." Now he looked to Garrett, smiling through the silently falling tears. "You have been good to her, and for that I am eternally in your debt. A faerie cannot lie, and we are held by life and death to the letter of our word. Thus I give you mine, that I will alwaysbe indebted to you, and at your call, regardless of the choice made tonight." Nicole took that moment to meet Garrett's eyes, her ex pression meaningful, the turned to Melody. "I really hope that no matter what, you both will choose to live with us. I have made the decision in my heart to run away to live with the Fae. You know, even a full human can almost completely stop their aging by consuming only Faerie food. Little known fact." Amidst all the emotion she looks as unshakingly cheerful and bright as ever. The mastery of her feelings came from years hiding her Sight and her knowledge of Faerie, of having to keep the secrets to herself, telling not even her closest sister, or loving mother. Now she schooled her face into one of optimism, reassurance, and hope, a heady combination in her emerald, gold-flecked eyes.
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6:23pm May 29 2011
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Melody shifted in Garrett's lap, unsure of what to do. She had always known that Farie was real and that a part of her belonged to it. But this... this was more than she could have ever imagined. Garrett's dad had raised and loved her as his own, but her mother had always told her that her real father was special. Melody had never understood that, till now. "Mama didn't die unloved," she said, looking earnestly at the man who was her father. "She's right," Garrett said, backing his sister up. "She and Daddy loved each other. Maybe it wasn't what she had with you, Lew, but she was at least content. Don't worry about her." He shifted Melody around so she was looking at him again. "And you know Daddy loved you like his own. He would want you to take this chance. Just because you get to know Lew, doesn't mean you loved dad any less. He would understand that. If you want to do this, then we'll work it out. I'm always going to be with you. No matter what." He smiled at her. "It's what big brothers do. Lew," he said, looking up at the sidhe man his mother loved, "I never considered looking after Mel a burden. I never have regreted it. She's my sister, half or not, and I love her. I'm going to continue to look after her, whatever choice she makes. I want you to know that." His eyes were hard on the other man, hoping his meaning was clear. He would protect his sister with his life. Faile moved up behind the other sidhe and layed a comforting hand on Lew's back. She offered Garrett a soothing smile and bent to whisper in Lew's ear. "I believe they will come. The son of your lover is very strong. He will see Melody through to trusting you. Just be paitient, dear." While she spoke, Garrett and Melody had a conversation of their own. When they finished, they looked up and Melody spoke. "Ok. I agree. We'll go with you. And I will take the time to get to know you, sir." She nodded towards Lew.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
6:29pm May 29 2011
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OOC: So, your opinion, Lleweloth and Faile? Couple or friends. Either way works.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
7:27pm May 29 2011
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ooc:// Oh, easy. Couple. I see it now. Defintely couple. bic:// Llew nodded to Faile, grateful for her warmth and assurance. She had always been more sensible that Eirian, and more feeling than himself. It was good to have one around who could sense the emotions of others when he could not, read deeper into their thoughts. He sighed, smiling at their spoken decision and wiping the tears from his cheeks. Eirian's smile appeared as well, and Nicole's widened, becoming more genuine. Lleweloth took Derek's word to heart, nodding resolutely. They were in accord in this, then. "I am filled with joy that the two of you have chosen to come with me. And please, Melody. You need not address me as 'sir'. I am, after all, your father. However, I understand that you might not feel comfortable calling me such, and you could call me Llew, as Nicole does, if you prefer." His smile softens, eyes glistening. With a contended sigh of relief Nikki steps forward, wrapping Melody in a hug. "Welcome to the family, Melody." She steps back, grinning like a maniac once more. "Llew, be quick about the papers. We wanna get home before sunset to show Mel around." He nods, mimicking her ex pression. Both Nicole and Eri feel a warm glow, this being the first time they'd seen such a look on his stern face. He leaves, appearing moments later. "It is done. They believed that I was from your 'system', and that I had come to take Melody to her real father." Eirian's eyebrows shot up. "How did you convince them without lying?" "Simple. I told the truth in such a way that they assumed. I said, 'Excuse me, is this the residence of Melody Michaels? We have located her real father, and have come to take her her rightful home. I believe that you will find these to be the required papers.' Then I gave them the glamoured paper and walked away. I didn't lie, and managed fine." He smiled, his face full of elation and mischief. "Now, if you all are ready..." He turned and whistled, calling the horses back to them. After mounting his own ebon stallion, he led the silver dappled mare to Melody. "Can you ride, daughter?"
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7:50pm May 29 2011
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Faile smiled warmly at Lew as he completed his tasks. It was good that he found Melody. She had for a time feared that he would go the way so many of the sidhe males had gone and begin to harden himself to the world. She also moved forward to wrap her arm around Melody's shoulders as the girl's father offered her the horse. Melody smiled at the golden sidhe woman who was holding her, though she never released Garrett's hand. Faile had been absolutely wonderful to her from the start. Not that the others had not. They had all been incredably kind. It simply seemed that Faile understood what she was going through a little better. Her eyes brightened at the sight of the beautiful mare. "Yes! Garrett taught me when we were young. It's been over a year since I've been able to ride though." She turned back to Garrett with a huge grin. "Help me up?" Garrett laughed at the happy look at his sister's face. He hadn't seen her this happy since their... his... father's death five years ago. His eyes glowed with grattitude to the others and he found himself smiling at Nikki again, mouthing the words "Thank you," over Melody's head as he grabbed her around the waist to place her in the saddle. He took his own place beside his sister and waited for the others to be ready.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:05pm May 29 2011
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They all returned Garrett's nod, smiling. Eirian and Nicole were just as grateful for Melody's affect on Lleweloth as Garrett was for Lleweloth's affect on Melody. This was a day in which tears and joy had been shed, and it would end with joy. With a whoop not unlike his battle call Lleweloth led them back through the woods, leaning into Bucephalus's neck, his heart pounding in time with the pounding of his mount's hooves. He felt so happy, it made him wild and reckless. He had not felt such elation since the first day with Genevieve. To have that joy returned to him made Lleweloth feel indestructible. He smiled at Faile, urging his steed on, feeling the earth shake with the power of striking hooves. Within the hour Lleweloth called the horses to a halt, standing in the middle of a hilly field. He looked around, trying to find some marker unseen to anyone else, or at least, unseen to Nicole. When he'd found what he'd been looking for Llew grinned, dismounting. "We shall go directly to my personal wing." He turned to Melody, Garrett, and Nikki, explaining. "We Fae live in these hills. We have an intricate world beneath your own where we conduct our bussiness. Please follow me. The horses will follow Bucephalus back to my stable, where they shall be tended." He moved between the hills with certainty, and the one he stopped in front of seemed no different from the rest. He spoke a word in Old Gaelic, touching the side of the hill. A door appeared, and he opened it, stepping in. The hall gleamed in the torchlight, its deep, warm glow filling the massive space. The cieling was high as a cathedral's, similarly vaulted. Just below the beams hung faerie lights, glowing orbs of magick. A hearh lay to their right, with a massive fireplace, tables, couches, and lounges. Immediately a small, walnut-skinned faerie approached them eyes, his black-irised eyes bright. "Ah, Master Lleweloth. Welcome. We have dinner prepared, if your guests would like to eat. Sarabela warned us that you would arrive with company, and it truly warms my heart to see you surrounded b-" Towards the last part, the brownie had taken to looking amongst the group, and he cut himself off as his gaze landed on Melody. He swept into a bow, long pointed nose scraping the floor. "Mistress. We are honored to have you in Rowan Hollow. Master?" At this Lleweloth nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Logart. Well, company? Shall we eat?"
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8:18pm May 29 2011
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Melody looked around her in amazement as they made the treck from the horses to... her father... she was still having an issue with that... to her father's home. She couldn't supress her little squeal of delight when the brownie entered the room. Cutting her eyes to Garrett, who was standing close to Nikki, she saw her brother taking everything in stride, but laughing silently at her excitement. She stuck her tounge out at him and turned back to look at the brownie named Logart. Garrett couldn't supress a laugh at Melody's squeak. She was loving this. A feeling of contentment stole over him. This is what Melody had been needing. The look on her face said that she was home. He relaxed, knowing she would be ok. Turning to Nikki he said, "This is right. I know in my gut it is. I haven't seen her like this in years." Faile moved forward to stand at Llew's right, smiling. She too laughed at Melody's excitement, but was more sucessful at hiding her mirth than Garrett had been. "I believe, Mi'Lord, that we are ready," she said to Llew, eyes glowing.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:32pm May 29 2011
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Even Lleweloth, thick as he was, would've had to have been blind to not see how happy all this was making Melody. She was truly Fae; he could see the magick that held the house in its arms opening to recieve her as part of its soul. He wondered if she could feel it as he did stepping into his ancestral home, the magick of all those before him folding itself into his very being. Eirian felt a little of it, despite being of a slightly different branch. The house could trace blood better than the eye, and Lleweloth watched with a smile as it took Melody in, accepting her as its long-lost mistress. Logart looked from Faile, at her words, to Melody, and then to Llew, hardly able to contain his glee. When the house was happy, so too were all those it claimed, servant and master alike. "Then lead us to nourishment, Mister Logart. And inform the staff that this merry band of misfits -even the phouka- will be staying indefinitely. I want my home to be full in this time of celebrating." Logart chittered happily, stepping lightly towards the table. At a snap of his small, bony fingers, kitchen staff bearing the most unusual of delights, all crafted from food found within the forest surrounding their hilly haven. Flowers and leaves, chaotic and organicly set, were scattered about the settings, which, coincidentally, perfectly matched the number of the party. Nikki smiled, her eyes filling with wonder. "I don't know what half of this is, but it all smells delicious. At least I know rabbit stew when I see it, though I guess it won't be like any I've ever had." Eirian giggled, delighted. "Ah, all the delicacies of Faerie. Logart, you may tell the kitchen staff that they have truly outdone themselves." Thanking a faerie might be unacceptable, but her comment was close enough without actually thanking to make the brownie glow with pride. "It's our pleasure to serve you, Madam." He gave her a bow, and she took a seat at random. "Fresh toadstools, sauteed, fairycakes so light you'll feel as if you'll float away, magpie in a sauce of honey and the first dew of morning... All of my favorites." As she pointed out each item she put a serving of it on her plate, and both Nikki and Lleweloth followed suit. The knight, now laughing like a child at play, swept his arm graciously over the spread, beckoning his other guests. "Please, eat!"
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1:39am May 30 2011
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Melody took a seat next to Faile, who begane showing her what things she might like best from the wide variety. Garrett took the seat next to Nikki and watched the two women as they fell into deep conversation. From what he had seen of Faile, she seemed to be someone who would be good for Mel. She needed a strong female to guide her. Garrett had been all she had for most of her teenage years, but he wasn't always able to be nearby and he was afraid that she had missed out on much. She seemed to like the golden Fae. Seemed to like them all, actually. He was content with that. "So how long have you known these shining ones?" he asked Nikki, curious. The girl was so bright and perky. She caught his attention and made him wonder about her.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:15am May 30 2011
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Shay was once again her normal self again and she was seated at the table. She wasn't sure of the thought of eating this food. I mean, was it poisoned? Were they allowed to eat? The phouka became a bit skittish and unsure. But Lleweloth had already said to eat. Ah, pffft. Shay wasn't even that hungry now that she thought about it... Well, not that hungry, but still a tad hungry... Ok, ok. maybe close to starving. What was she waiting for? Permission? Someone else eating so she'd know? Come on, Shay! she thought. The phouka was about to kick herself. Finally giving in, she took a bite of the sauteed toadstool. Delicious as always.
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2:18pm May 30 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!