5:21pm May 30 2011
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ooc:// Aaaah! Coming! bic:// At Garrett's inquiry, Nikki's face turned thoguhtful. How long had she known them? That was quite a difficult question for her to answer. "Well... As long as I can remember, I suppose. My first memory is of my mother taking me outside, maybe three years old. I looked past her face and saw Eirian, watching me. I pointed at her and said 'shiny', or close enough to it to be understood." She smiled, shrugging, and turned to Eirian, who was nodding. "I remember that. Your house was right on the edge of the woods. I had been wandering on my way to court, enjoying the summer air, when you pointed. You were looking right at me. I knew that you truly saw. From then on, I vowed to learn more about the strange mortal who had been, apparently, born with the sight." Nicole nudged her shoulder, grinning. "I'm glad. Life would've been way different without you. Although I'm sure Shay and Monty would've come along eventually. That might've scarred me a little, now that I think about it..." She cast a joking glance at the phouka, winking as she began to munch happily on the magpie. Something about it tasted... Warm. Not temperature-wise, not spicyness. Just... warm. 'That's probably the morning dew.' She chuckled at the thought, returning her attention to Darrett. She liked it when he smiled. Lleweloth watched Faile and Melody talking, seeing how animated and energetic they were. He felt the house embrace the warmthof the gathered company, and began muncing himself. This was the most hospitality Rowan Hollow had seen in a long while. It was good to have friends and family gathered under his roof. 'Family.' The thought of it alone livened his spirits. Out the corner of his eye he caught the sight of a few of the house servants, watching the dining seen with cheer. They enjoyed the sight as much as Lleweloth did.
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8:38pm May 30 2011
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ooc:// bump
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11:32pm May 30 2011
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ooc:// All aloney, on my owny...
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11:53pm May 30 2011
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Garrett laughed at Nikki's exubriance. She seemed to be happiness personified. "That's awesome. You're really lucky to have been friends so long. It's a rare thing. I want that, more than anything for Mel." Faile noticed Lleweloth watching and directed a smile his way. "Tell us your story, Llew. I'm sure Melody wants to hear. Don't you?" she asked, looking between father and daughter. Melody gave an empathatic nod of her head. "Yes, please?" she asked quietly.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:06am May 31 2011 (last edited on 1:07am May 31 2011)
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Lleweloth was startled. He sat bug-eyed for a moment, trying to imagine what Faile had meant. She always had been a tricky one, refusing toreact to any situation in a manner he thought she would. Now appeared to be no different. He looked down at the table, then back to the two women, their closeness bringing the smile back to his features. He chewed his lip a bit before speaking. "Honestly, I have lived quite a bland life, though frankly not as bland as I would have liked." He grinned, looking briefly to Eirian. "I was born here in Rowan Hollow, as had my mother, and her mother. I was to be the only child born of my parent's marriage, and thus it was natural that I be groomed to inherit my ancestral home. My mother taught me its magicks, showing me how to work the glamour to my will, creating from its walls a world of my own fancy." The firelight caught his rich amber eyes, igniting a spark deep within. He dropped his voice, slipping with ease into the role of story teller. "Eirian lived in her father's home, her mother being younger sister to mine. Together we learned to ride horses and to craft our own steeds. It wasn't easy, but we loved it. She was such a tomboy back then, if you can imagine it, and all but demanded that she be allowed to learn the use of weapons. Her parents refused, as her father believed firmly that fighting was a man's place." Across the table Eri sniffed, obviously still bitter. "Mother didn't agree, but she did say that if I was to inherit the hold, I would need to learn to be a proper lady to carry myself in court." Llew chuckled, eyes twinkling. "I was only 97 years when I was knighted, the mortal equivalent of about 24, so you can guess that it was quite a shock. I was very young, but very good." Again Eirian interjected, leaning in closer to Melody. "You should have seen your father on the battlefield. He bested knights twice his age, seasoned by war. He was magnificent! We always said that no faerie could best him, and so far we have yet to be proven wrong." Sighing dramatically, Lleweloth feigned a swoon. "Oh, Eri! I am flattered! And yet..." He, too, leaned in. "It's true. I remain undefeated on the list. Thus I was knighted, and the rest has been errand running, court appearances, and the carrying out of the Queen's justice." He shrugged, returning to his normal position, lounging in his high-backed, ornate chair. Nikki partially listened to the story, remembering Llew having told it when she was little, though without the enthusiasm or embelishments. She sighed, looking back to Garrett. "The three of us, you Mel and I, we're the lucky ones. I can't imagine that some people go their whole lives without once having a conversation with a phouka on the topic of old-time comedy compared to what's out now, or enjoying a day at the beach with a band of roving nixies. Even when I thought they were a figment of my imagination I treated them like treasured friends. To think that some people die before getting the joy of seeing faeries dance... And now that I know it's real, I'm finding that it's that much better. Because now I have someone I can share it all with." She looked up at him meekly, still smiling, though the ex pression became the slightest touch melancholy "I love my family, don't get me wrong. But they would never understand. I think... I think maybe my dad Saw, when he was younger, then Banality -that's kind of like the Antiglamour- took over and took the Sight away, telling him that Fae were just myths, and that they didn't exist. Then one day he just stopped seeing them. The human mind can do that. It can block out what it isn't willing to believe in, until it isn't a problem." She shrugged, sighing. "I could swear that one time he came to get me out of the woods for bedtime, and... I think he Saw you Eri." At Nikki's questioning glance the sidhe nodded, the barest shadow of a frown touching her lips. "Indeed. He stayed just a few seconds after you were out of hearing distance, and said 'I don't know if you're real, but I know my Nikki thinks you are. If you aren't, I'm crazy. But if you are, keep her safe.' Then he turned and left." The two became quiet for a moment, then the cheer shot back into Nikki's face. "Well, at least now I know where I got it. I found out that O'Danaan came from the Tuatha de Danaan, who were supposedly the first Fae to cross the vale between their realm and ours. So that explains a whole lot for me."
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1:12am May 31 2011
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ooc:// ... Wow. That was way longer than I thought it would be...
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1:41am May 31 2011
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OOC: It's ok. Melody listened to Llew's story in awe. Her human daddy had been pretty amazing. He was a soldier, just like her brother, but Llew, she would have to get used to him. He seemed like something out of a dream every little girl has. The kind where the little orphan girl finds out one day that she is a farie princess who has been lost and then her great father the king comes and takes her away. She smiled at him directly for the first time, tenatively. Garrett had to agree with Nikki. He did think that they were all pretty lucky. The sad look on her face hurt him, however. He sat and tried to think of ways to make her happy again till she managed it on her own. He didn't know that his concern was written all over his face. Faile smiled at Llew again. He was so proud to be able to tell his story to his daughter. It warmed her heart, seeimg the growing love on his face. Melody was truly the best thing to happen to him. Everyone stopped short when Melody asked a simple question. "Will I get to meet the Queen?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:19am May 31 2011
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The question had also been tickling the back of Nicole's mind. She had heard mention of that famed character who so rarely visited Eirian's lesser court. Still, shehad always hoped for a glimple of the esteemed queen of all the Seelie Court. Nikki glanced between the three sidhe in the room, watching Eirian and Lleweloth both squirm. Finally one of them spoke, Lleweloth breaking the silence most tentatively, as if afraid of what such a did would bring. "If you would like to, I'm certain you could, but Her Majesty... She is not evil as is her sister, the Dark Queen, yet she is not entirely wholesome. It is not unheard of for her to play games with the lives of her most trusted and loyal of her subjects merely to cause her sister any small amount of discomfort. And she does so in such a way that makes a fae glad to agree to it, or any other thing she might think to make him do." He appeared to be on the verge of saying something else, when as thick and sweet as honey cut him short. "Oh, now, surely I can't be all that bad. Really, Sir Lleweloth, is this how all my knights speak of me when her back is turned?" The source of the voice stepped into the shadow, stunning even the stony Lleweloth into reverent silence. Her skin was fair with the slightest golden glow, her eyes as perfect in their color and brilliance as fine-cut emeralds, and her hair poured down over her shoulders like the perfect union of copper and fire. Her face was carved like an angels, though the smile set there didn't quite reach her eyes. Her curls and waves caught the light perfectly, and the air around her shimmered as if pleased to just be in her presence. Logart appeared behind her, apologetic. "Pardon, Master, but she requested entrance, and I cannot deny the Queen..." Lleweloth shook it off, a smile appearing on his face with all the sincerity that was shown by the Queen. He rose and swept into a bow so low that his forehead nearly touched the ground. Upon rising he spoke, keeping his voice even and pleasant. "My apologies, your Majesty. I was just informing my mortal companions on the method all members of court use one another. I had no intention of singling you out in particular. For such an example I would no doubt rather choose your sister, who I have heard uses her knights for literal games of chess, and upon her order they must kill one another on the chess board for her amusement. Surely we are lucky indeed to have such a benevolent Queen." Though Eirian knew a feint when she saw one, the Queen seemed to take his compliments and doting to be sincere. The smile reasserted itself more willingly, lighting up the Queen's face. "Well now. I understand. I came as quickly as I could. After all, when my Seer informed me that my greatest knight and champion had been reunited with his long-lost daughter, I simply had to come and offer my congratulations. Will you not introduce me?" Lleweloth nodded, his smile never faltering. He took a few steps forward, offering the Queen his arm. She accepted it, her ex pression like that of a mother humoring her young child. "Your Majesty, I would present to you the ladies Eirian and Faile, whom you have most likely met, and our phouka companion Shay. Beside the Fae we have to mortals gifted with the True Sight, Nicole O'Danaan-" At this the Queen laughed, the sound of it not unlike the tinkling of bells, and Lleweloth paused before continuing. "- and Garrett Michaels. The latter is half-brother to my final guest, my daughter Melody. Her mother was one of those gifted with whatever it is that makes certain mortal women irresistable, and was concieved the eve of my knighting. My friends, it is my great honor and pleasure to bring into your presence Our Majesty High Queen Silarial, mistress of all the Seelie Court, and a lady of unrivaled beauty." Silarial greeted each with a slight nod, her air one of gracious warmth and patience, though the act fooled not Lleweloth, Eirian, or Nicole, though the human was stunned by the Queen's appearance.
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2:21am May 31 2011
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ooc:// I am really in a long-post kind of mood. For reference, This:
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2:34am May 31 2011
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OOC: Perfect. IC: Garrett pulled both Melody and Nikki a little closer to him, taking a slight step in front of them as though to shield them with his body. The queen was beautiful, there was no doubt, but she was nothing like the sidhe he stood with. Behind her gentility and beauty, he sensed a coldness that put him on edge. He snapped himself to attention and saluted crisply in the military way. "Pleased to meet you, ma'am." Faile sauntered forward and swept into a low bow, taking the queen's eyes, which had been just a little too inquisitive, away from Garrett and bringing them onto herself. "Mi'lady. How kind of you to grace you with your presence this evening. We welcome you with all humility. Come, would you sit and dine with us? Mi'Lord Lleweloth's table is as fine as many which you have graced, My Queen." The golden sidhe knew that she was laying it on thick, knew that she was saying words that should have been reserved for Lleweloth's lady, had he had one. However, she knew also that, by assming that role, she would give the queen something to focus on, other than the three mortals. Her heart told her that this was of the utmost importance. She only hoped that Llew understood what she was trying to do and did not take offense.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:51am May 31 2011
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Silarial raised a silken brow, as if to shame Faile's impudence, though Lleweloth gave her a grateful look. He knew what she was doing, and tried to express in a split second all of his undying gratitude towards her. Many other ladies would have sit back and watched, prefering to observe her Majesty in her game rather than to interfere. A little of the burden lifted from Llew's chest. The Queen sniffed, raising her chin imperiously, as if to illustrate that neither the food nor the company were to her perfectly royal standards. "I do apologize, but I have had several requests from various other noble houses for my presence, and I'm afraid that I might not have time to stop by each one. I am thankful for your hospitality, but must refuse. Who knows? Maybe I shall stop in another time." To many the sentence would have been a good natured rescheduling, but to the ears of those present tonight it was the most subtle of threats. With a nod the Queen existed, taking all the tension from the air as she did. Nicole almost instantly collapsed against Garrett, clutching him for support. Her eyes were staring and filled with fearful awe, entire body shaking and on edge. "I never thought anyone could be so... false. And she did it without even lying." Turning to Eirian she whimpered, eyes wide. "I never want to have to see her again. And I refuse to even imagine what her sister is like." The sidhe only shook her head, speaking once. "Worse." At that syllable Nikki shook, clutching tighter to Garrett and not caring a bit. Lleweloth immediately turned, moving with unnatural speed to Melody and wrapping his strong, warm arms around girl, holding her against him. "I am so very sorry, my child. I should have known. Nothing happens without her knowing, and of course she would see if there were any possible way to exploit a newfound weakness. I must find some way to protect to, to make sure she never uses her for her purposes. I can't allow it." He shook like a leaf, his voice as tight as if her were on the brink of tears. Placing a kiss upon her head he allowed himself to tremble, displaying a rare moment of vulnerability that would've shocked Eirian had she not been numbed by the encounter with her Majesty the Queen.
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3:22am May 31 2011
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Garrett, at Melody's slight nod, relinquished her into her father's arms. She was shaking, but still standing strong, allowing Lleweloth to comfort her, and himself. Seeing that his sister was ok, Garrett wrapped his arms tight around Nikki, trying to impart some of his strength to her. He gathered her to his chest and stroked her hair while he turned to look at the others. "We WILL protect them. Both Melody and Nikki. What do we have to do? Are they safe here?" "They're safer here than anywhere else. The mound has accepted them as it's own and will protect them. As long as they can remain safely here, no harm can befall them," Faile, who had slumped down into a chair, said. She covered her face with her hands, but her shaking was still visible. She knew that the Queen had taken offense to her stepping in. What she didn't know was if she would survive the reprecussions. If somehow she could have given some form of validity to her assumed position, there would be some protection. That, however, was out of the question. Still, she would deal. These humans were already dear to her heart. She would sacrifice, if she had to. "The real question is, what is our plan of action?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:41am May 31 2011
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Taking a deep breath Lleweloth stretched out an arm to Faile, brushing her cheek gently, the other arm remaining securely around Melody. Nikki let herself be held, taking a sense of indestructible security from the space within Garrett's arms, as if wrapped in a cocoon. Eirian also helped to comfort Faile, grasping the woman's hands in her own, the act steadying the both of them for a moment. She noted the tenderness in Lleweloth's eyes as he gazed upon the sidhe, and managed to withhold a knowing smile, keeping the secret to herself. "I am not so certain. Silarial has powers at her disposable that we cannot begin to fathom. Still, you are right in that, for now, there is no place safer for them. And you, Garrett, are right in that we will protect the two of them with all we have." Logart, who had not left with the queen but rather had remained, silent thus far, spoke up. His voice trembled with outrage, and he shook his fist. Despite his size, something in the brownie's eyes made him look positively menacing. "Don't forget us, m'lady, Master, Mistresses." At the last address he looked to both Melody and to Faile, making the grin that Erihad been trying to conceal peep through the slightest. "We'll not let her touch the young Madams, if we have to kill and be killed. Excuse me if I'm being blunt, but we common folk have magicks that you higher up kinds long forgot." That seemed help the morale, and Lleweloth brightened. "Ah, how can I worry when I have such faithful guardians? Alas, Mister Logart, you are right as always. We know little of the manner in which you can protect my noble house, nor, I think, will we ever truly understand, but I have faith in you and in the Hollow. Old magick is the strongest kind, and this house is filled with it. Faile, I agree. I can feel the Hollow even now preparing itself, intwining itself into the beings of the two young ones. They are well defended, I think." A ghost of a smile graced Nicole's lips. "I feel it, too. I think its weird even for me to notice, but it seems to really like you and me, Mel. The house, that is. It likes you, too, Garrett." With her arms wrapped around him as far as they could go she looked up into his eyes, her mirth returning by the second. "With the house and the staff here to protect us we're practically untouchable. And Llew, I think it gets stronger the closer we bond together." Lleweloth nodded, resting his free hand on Faile's shoulder. "This is true, like taking many strangs and weaving them together. A braided rope is much stronger that individual strands." Turning to Shay he smiled, looking upon the phouka warmly for perhaps the first time since he'd met her. "You are welcome among us, as well. I do not know if you feel as attached to us, but the Hollow... Well, it seems to think that a trickster would be a welcome addition to our mixed company." He managed to look humbled, which was quite difficult. He was not used to admitting a phouka his equal, though he found it to be quite... redeeming.
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3:42am May 31 2011
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ooc:// I'm gonna go to bed now. Night!
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10:43am May 31 2011
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(Hm.... I might have to drop out. :'c It seems you guys can go on without me.. and you do so very well. So, I guess I should maybe just... step out of the picture. ^^' )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
11:46am May 31 2011
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ooc:// But, but... Oh, you're probably right. But I really do want to role play with you.
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12:03pm May 31 2011
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(We're in the Fyre RP together, aren't we? )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
12:27pm May 31 2011
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ooc:// Indeed we are.
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5:31pm May 31 2011
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(Then I will have an RP with you there. c; I'll miss you and this RP both~ Good-bye~ )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
6:42pm May 31 2011
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OOC: Now I feel bad. IC: Garrett smiled down at the irrepressible girl he held before he let her go. He realized that he had been holding her just a little too posessively and that she probably didn't like it. "Just let me know what I can do. I might not have magical powers, but I can shoot with the best of them. Actually, I'm pretty good with any weapon you put in my hand. As long as I'm here, nothing is going to touch them," he said to Llew. Melody left Llew's side and ran to her brother who held her tight. "I'll send my retainers over, Llew. They can help in the defense. Honestly, I don't think it will come to physical violence. Not unless we were to be plotting to overthrow the queen. With both of our household's retainers as well as the inherrent magic here, I truly believe that the young ones will be safe," Faile said, reaching up to place her hand over Llew's.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!