6:46pm May 31 2011
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OOC: By the way, I'm thinking of changing Garrett and Melody's ages. I feel like he should be a couple years older and her a few years younger. What do you think?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:25pm May 31 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:42pm May 31 2011
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With a nod Llew smiled, his gaze softening. He gave Faile's hand a squeeze, sighing. "Thank you, Faile. I am truly indebted to your help and support." Suddenly, he felt the Hollow react to Faile the way it had been reacting to Melody. The notion struck him that it might have been happening all along, and he'd just been to blind to notice. Well, he was noticing now. Before he knew what he was doing Lleweloth was leaning in, bending his knees ever so slightly, to bring himself more to Faile's level. He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, then straightene. "Thank you." Eirian turned away slightly so as not to errupt into gleeful laughter, not wanting to break the moment. With her grin widening Nikki ignored the distinct sensation of missing Garrett's arms around her, shaking it off as one of the day's many mysteries. This was a moment to just let things happen as they would. Even Logart was getting emotional, wiping a tear from his large, dark eyes.
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10:43pm May 31 2011
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ooc:// But then Garrett will be old, and Nikki will be too young for him. Though I suppose that things like that don''t really matter in Faerie...
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11:00pm May 31 2011
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OOC: I kinda thought that, but I was thinking like 23. 6 years isn't a big deal. I've dated lots of guys with bigger age differences, haha. We're already treating Melody like she's around 10, so I think that might be a better age for her. But it's up to you either way. IC: Faile looked up at Lleweloth in suprised happiness. "Mi'lord?" she whispered, more formal in her pleased shock. Shaking herself and trying not to hope, she smiled at him. "I could never leave them unprotected. I only hope whe little I can do is enough." She found herself unable to look away from him. Garrett wore a broad grin on his face as he wached Llew and Faile. Something told him that this had been a long time coming. He was unable to resist using the arm that wasn't holding Melody to hug Nikki to him for a second. No one else spoke, afraid to break the moment.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:49pm May 31 2011
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ooc:// I was totally for changing Mel's age, and I see your point with Garrett, so it's cool. They are your characters, after all. Also, the real life versions of the characters are loving this. Lleweloth isn't quite as enthused, but he enjoys that in at least one of my stories he's finding love. :3 bic:// Eirian finally looses her cool, breaking out into giggles. "Shall we leave the two of you alone, or would you like to retire to the master's quarters?" At the comment Nikki also laughs, leaning into Garrett's embrace, watching Llew's face turn red, though his ex pression remains pleasant. He glanced down at Faile, smirking slightly. "It would be crude and undignified for me to reply to that statement in polite company, so I shall refrain, cousin. I would've thought you to be of higher manners than that. Did not your mother train you to your station?" Nikki laughed a little harder, seeking out Garrett's gaze, a glint of firelight catching the golden flecks that added depth to her eyes. Looking back to Lleweloth, she shrugged. "Well, we were all thinking it. Maybe, at the least, we could leave the room and let the two of you have a nice, private conversation? It's an idea..." Lleweloth turned to Faile, seeking some kind of approval or agreement, suddenly nervous as to her reaction to his advances.
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12:04am Jun 1 2011
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Garrett gave a little happy sigh under his breath when Nikki leaned in close. Grinning at Llew he said, "Yeah, man. Maybe Eri could show us around..." Melody simply nodded her head in agreement, reaching her hand out to Eri. Faile gave a low laugh at the others' merriment, though her face was a little red. She looked up at Llew as though to say, It's your home. So it is your decision. I am willing.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:05am Jun 1 2011
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OOC: I'm glad they like it. He doesn't like Faile?

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:39am Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// He doesn't like being used in a romantic plot. He finds her interesting as a character, but, and I quote: "It would be ridiculous for me to have romantic feelings for a being who, clearly, does not exist." He's just the slightest touch snooty. :/ bic:// Catching the look intended for Lleweloth, as well as the little spark between the two mortals, Eirian chose this moment to step in. This appeared to be a day for romance. "Well, then, we shall leave the lovebirds to their roosting. In the meantime, there is a garden which is loveliest by moonlight, and on the way we could pass the Hall of Portraits." She grinned, squeezing Melody's hand and reaching for Nikki's, then took off down the hall. Nicole barely had time to giggle, dragging Garrett behind her. "To think, they made it seem as if we had a choice. This garden of yours had darn well better be flipping gorgeous, Eri." With the crowd gone Lleweloth's glush deepened, and he realized that he was still holding Faile's hand. He let go gently, smiling apologetically to her. "I am sorry for my cousin's bluntness. She's very... open. I have never quite gotten used to it, and sometimes I am still surprised by the things she will say out loud." He chuckled, the deep sound vibrating through his chest. "Alas, I love her despite all that. She is reckless, but without that she would be nothing."
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12:51am Jun 1 2011
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OOC: You know, some people believe that any time you tell a story, it comes alive as another possibility... IC: Faile smiled gently back. "She is truly a wonder. It amazes me how she can be so happy all the time. I envy her that. And honesty is a refreshing trait, is it not? As well as openness. I apologize for earlier. I over stepped my bounds. I only thought to protect the young ones, but that is no excuse. The Queen saw right through me, I'm afraid." She stood and wandered to the fire. As she stood watching the flames, the fire light lit up her golden coloring, warming it till her hair looked like molten gold. "I am a little afraid, I must admit. Though I would never say that in front of the others." Garrett laughed wildly as he was dragged along behind Nikki. Her laughter was infectious. The garden, when they reached it, was all silver starlight and rippling water. The flowers blooming were captivating. He smiled when Melody suddenly released Eri's hand and began to dance without music. Her hands in the air, she turned in circles as lightly as thistledown. Her childish laughter rang through the garden, a song of pure joy. He smiled at Nikki,watching the joy travel across her face the same way it did Melody's.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:09am Jun 1 2011
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Shaking his head, smiled. That she appeared to be as insecure gave Lleweloth a touch of courage. He watched Faile move, and the effect the fire had on her coloring nearly stunned him senseless. With all the grace of a hunter he moved behind her, taking her hand. "We are all frightened. It is only natural. The Queen is a ruthless woman, and she will stop at nothing to have her way. I am certain that underneath their optimistic exteriors, even Eirian and Nicole are scared, despite the appearance they put out." Using their clasped hands to turn her, he met her gaze, eyes glowing like coals in the light. "I believe that together we can protect those we hold dear. Including each other." Taking her cues from Melody, Eirian lept into the moonlight, letting it light up her fair gold-on-alabaster coloring. She laughed, the sound pure and clear like water over rocks, refreshing in its sweetness. She matched herself to Melody's mindless steps and twirls, making a pattern of it. Her skirts twirled and rustled around her feet, flaring out at just the right moments. Looking to the daughter of her soul-brother she let go of cares and woe, setting her heart loose into the night. Nicole stood back and watched, happily mesmerized by the ethereal beauty of the garden and its equally unearthly inhabitants. Still holding Garrett's hand she slowly stepped through the thick, seemingly chaotic placement of flowers. This led her to a fountain in the shape of a mermaid, surrounded by thornless flower bushes of purest white. Only then did she remember her own loose, flowing white summer dress, and smiled. She looked, to Garrett, then to the moon, letting it fill her eyes and cool her skin with its silky silver beams. "It's so beautiful. Everything white seems to glow. I can hardly believe that we're going to be living here all together. Isn't it absolutely perfect?"
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1:23am Jun 1 2011
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Looking into his eyes, Faile was momenterily at a loss for words. Gathering her courage, she gave him a slw smile and allowed herself to lean slightly closer to him. She was afraid of doing too much, of not doing enough, of anything happening that would break the spell winding around them. "Do you truly believe that? It almost seems... too much to hope. We must be in one accord." Her voice was soft as falling raindrops and she lowered her face. She had to be careful, oh so careful. Garrett was stunned speechless by the beauty of the moon on Nikki's face. "Yes, it is..." he murmmered, refering to the girl in front of him, rather than the situation. He knew the grin on his face was goofy, but he couldn't seem to calm it down. Afraid of pushing her, but afraid of letting the moment go, he held out his hand. "Dance with me, princess."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:35am Jun 1 2011
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Lleweloth brought his free hand up to cup Faile's cheek, his smile softening a touch. "I do believe it, with all my heart. Today I began to learn there there is no such thing as too much hope, not where loved ones are concerned. Hope is one thing that there should always be a more than bountiful supply of, and being near you heaps a mountain of it upon me." His hand left her cheek to tuck a finger under her chin, lifting her face back to his. Hesitantly he leaned into her, placing a give ever-so-lightly upon her lips. Upon pulling back he found his hand had left her chin, becoming intwined in the sidhe's shining hair. "I-... I am sorry. I could contain myself no longer."
A more serious kind of happiness began to fill the carnous space of Nicole's chest, drenching it in warmth the likes of which she hadn't known in a long time. She nodded shyly -a most unusual attitude for the young woman- and stepped toward him, laying her hand delicately in his. For a moment she found it comical, how small her hand looked compared to Garrett's. Nikki wasn't tall or slender like any of the others, less so than the unusually curvy Faile. It had made her feel somewhat inadequate in the past, but now she reveled in her other-ness. "But of course, my lord. For if I am the princess, then you must be my handsome knight. Or perhaps my Prince Charming. Which will it be?"
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1:50am Jun 1 2011
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Faile raised her had to his face, brushing away the shock of hair that had found its way there gently. Her smile was soft and warm and more than a little dazed as she raised herself on tiptoes to return his kiss with one of her own. "As you give me hope. And courage I didn't know I had. It has seemed at times that you knew me better than anyone." She leaned into him and rested her face against his chest. Garrett gave her another goofy grin, feeling like the peasent at the ball. He didn't fit in this worls of shining silver light and princesses in white dresses. He blended in to the night, in his camo fatigues and dark tee shirt. Yet he had never been as drawn to anyone as he was to her. "I'm afraid, my lady, that I am less like a knight or prince and more like the farmer who hit the wolf over the head with a shovel."He loved the way her small pale hand looked in his large tanned one. Sweeping Nikki into his arms he said, "You grace me with your attention."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:05am Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// I almost don't want to reply for fear of ruinging something. I don't know what, but something about this seems fragile... But I must post. bic:// Her kiss sent... Butterflies. So this was what Eirian and Nicole had gone on about endlessly all these years. 'When you kiss it should be like...' 'Butterflies.' 'Yeah. And fireworks. All bright colors and tingles and warm and bright and beautiful.' 'Exactly right.' Lleweloth smiled at the memory, seeing in his mind's eye Nicole upon Eirian's knee, naught but six, smiling her gap-toothed smile. The memory fit, somehow. 'Family.' Yes, that was it. This moment was also centered upon family. The revelation struck Llew in the manner that revelations usually struck people, nearly knocking him over with the weight and heft of it. "My dear friend, though at the present time time I have no token to present to you, I do believe that the house would never forgive me if I did not ask you..." He took a deep breath, steadying himself before going to one knee in the most knightly of manners. "If you would consider taking up the ti tle of its Mistress, and all the other things that would come with such a ti tle. Nor would I forgive myself." Garrett's grin made Nicole laugh, her body shaking a little with the action as she layed her head upon his chest, which happened to be its natural level. Gently she began to sway, and much to her amusement a small group of the retainers had taken up instruments, mostly unfamiliar to her, and began to play a soft, slow tune that fit the eased contentment of the evening. Nikki sighed, and began to sway in time with the music. After that she let Garrett lead their motion, snuggling against him without a care in the world. The tune shifted, taking a shape that Nikki immediately recognized as a variation of Bye Bye Blackbird, a jazz song that her father had sung her to sleep with every night. This version matched exactly her memory, and the girl became homesick. She clung to Garrett, keeping him close as a reminder of the mortal world she left behind, and began to sing, letting her voice flow soft as silk into her lower alto range.
"Pack up all my cares and woe, here I go, singing low. Bye, bye, blackbird. Where somebody waits for me, sugar's sweet, so is he. Bye, bye, blackbird."
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2:07am Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7fPmzxZug
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2:19am Jun 1 2011
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OOC: That song is perfect! With this picture. http://www.myspace.com/my/photos/photo/41457028/Album And I know what you mean.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:43am Jun 1 2011
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Faile let out a soft gasp and raised her hand to her heart as Lleweloth knelt before her. Tears slowly slipped down her face as she gracefully sank to her knees before him. "Of course." She let out a happy little laugh. "Of course, dear heart. How could I not?" She clasped his hands tightly and leaned into him again, letting herself surrender to his strength. Her contented, and relieved, sigh was just barely audible. After a moment, she raised her eyes to his again. "Shall we go and tell them now? Or would you rather wait a while?" The music playing was perfect, Garrett thought. It was soft and sweet and fragile, like a dream barely remembered. When he heard Nikki's voice, he almost froze. Her singing was as beautiful as she was. He felt her trembling and pulled her as close as he could, stroking her hair and whispering soft things to her. He had no idea what he was even saying, but he could feel her drifting into memory. The music changed again, this time to a country song that somehow fit. For as long as I live There will always be a place you belong Here beside me... It was Andy Griggs' "You Won't Ever be Lonely". His father had always sung it to his mother, anytime she cried. He thought he understood why now.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
2:43am Jun 1 2011
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OOC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_xsyYCYIY4

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2:59am Jun 1 2011
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Lleweloth wiped away the tears that had sprung forth upon Faile's reply. His heart near exploded, and he showered her cheeks and forehead with butterfly kisses. Clutching her, he shook with soft laughter and complete relief. At her question he thought for a moment, ears flicking ever so slightly. Through the halls he could hear the faint music, judging by the echo the source to be the garden. A smirk appeared on his lips, and his eyes winked with mischief. "I think we should wait. My retainers seem to think that tonight is the night for romance. I suppose that they're completely correct. Perhaps we should wait until morning." He landed another kiss in the corner of Faile's mouth, unable to keep from smiling such was his joy. The new song washed over Nicole with a gentility that soothed her a little, though there was a feeling she could not shake. Partially turning, she looked to the nearest of the retainers, dropping her voice to barely above a whisper. "Please. Go to my house, and find my father. Tell him I will return soon, but that for now I have found my place and to never forget." The sprite nodded, taking off in a flurry of wings and effervesence. With thatout of the way Nikki let herself be ruled by the music and the mood of tranquility, burying herself deeper into Garrett's embrace. At the song's end a wordless tune took its place, soft and sweet as a lullaby, hauntingly familiar. Nicole looked up to Garrett, arms wrapped tightly around him. "Thank you." She meant the song, knowing that somehow it had come from him, most likely being that he had remembered it subconsciously and the brownies with their strange old magicks had picked it from his mind. She was thanking him for singing the song to her in his heart.
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