1:18pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// Bump?
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2:46pm Jun 1 2011
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Faile, who was beaming up at him, laughed at his comment. "Perhaps you are correct, mi'lord." With a giggle, she gave him a mischievious smile. "What do you say we go spy on them? Or, of course," she pressed another kiss to his lips, "We can simply stay here and discuss our future." Garrett smiled at her, the soft look on her face capturing him, the sadness there breaking his heart. "Of course. A princess should never cry." Slowly, as though asking her permission, giving her plenty of time to turn away, he lowered his face to hers and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Please don't hate me," he whispered, loosening his hold on her without letting go.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:02pm Jun 1 2011
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"I know I'm correct. That's the beauty of being me: I'm always right." He chuckled, stroking Faile's cheek. "Unless you tell me otherwise, of course." He thought about her question for a moment, then dropped his hand -the other still wrapped gently around hers- and took off down the halls, silent as a whisper. With an unmatched knowledge of the Hollow's labyrinthine corridors Lleweloth took several odd turns, bringing them to a stop in a majestic arch covered with twining vines of night-blooming jasmine, the pale yellow blossoms shining like stardust against the ancient stone. Their arch was within sight of the fountain, though shadow veiled it from view. Without words Lleweloth pointed to the couple, looking down at Faile with a grin.
After Garrett pulled away, Nicole allowed herself a small gasp,her grip suddenly becoming necessary. Without it, she would definately have fallen flat on her rump. Her smile grew, and Nikki raised her hands, holding his face between them. "How could I possibly hate you?" Knight in shining armor. She allowed herself the softest of giggles, cuddling against him with a distinct lightness of the soul. The smell of roses and the beauty of the moonlight wrapped around them, as if with a magick all their own, and filled the space. Nicole could feel it, and wondered how she could have ever thought that any of this wasn't real.Standing up on her tip-toes Nicole moved to kiss him back, unable to keep from smiling. Around the corner, hidden by a hedge, Eirian had taken a break from her dancing and was watching them knowingly. She whispered to the band, making sure to keep out of the lovebirds' line of sight, and they began playing La Bella Notte, causing Nikki to burst into tear-filled giggles.
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3:03pm Jun 1 2011
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ooc:// What a bunch of nosy nellies.
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3:33pm Jun 1 2011
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OOC: Yeah, I know. Like you wouldn't do it though. I know I would. And probably take pictures, haha. IC: Faile returned his smile, admiring the moonlight on his face for a moment before turning her eyes back to the couple. With a quickly smothered laugh she pointed across the way to where Eri's silvery head poked around a bush. Garrett gave a deep sigh of relief when Nikki returned his kiss. "It wouldn't be hard," he said. "I'm just an overgrown military grunt. While you... you belong here. You really are like a farie prinsess." He pulled her closer. "Still, I don't know that I can let you go." The last was said in a whisper. "How can I feel like this when we only just met?" He too started laughing when the song changed. "Eri's out there watching us, isn't she?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:56pm Jun 1 2011
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Lleweloth followed Faile's finger, and had to choke down the laughter bubbling up in his chest. This felt right and good, and he loved it. Being happy... like he hadn't been in a good long time. He gave Eri a nod, and she returned the gesture, then put a finger to her lips. Letting his arms fall around Faile's shoulder, he pulled her close to him, then went back to watching the drama unfold. Shaking her head, Nicole sighed. "Wrong. It's impossible to hate you. And you belong here as much as I do. You saved me from whatever life I would have lived, not knowig that this is real. Before you came along I thought I was crazy. I probably would've gotten a job, gone to college, and had a normal family. I'd probably even have lost my sight, the way my dad did. And Lleweloth would've never met Melody, and none of this between him and Faile would've been stirred up. Like a fairytale knight, your simply being here changed the whole ball game." Then she giggled, nodding. "Yeah, she probably is. This is her sense of humor. I bet just about everyone is watching. How should we react to the situation?"
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6:03pm Jun 1 2011
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Faile giggled silently as she leaned aginst Llew, wrapping one arm around his waist. She waved at Eri with the other hand. She wondered how long it would take before the others realized they were there. Melody, she noticed, was sneaking from shadow to shadow away from Eri and over to the place where Faile and Lleweloth stood. When the little girl reached them, she wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, happy to be holding her family. Family... She smiled and rested her head against Llew's shoulder. Meody relaxed against both of them, one tiredly excited little girl. Garrett continued looking at Nikki, unwilling to reveal to the others that they knew they were being watched. "Well, we could give them a show. If you're willing to play along with me, I think I have an idea." His smile clearly spelt out trouble. "What do you think?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:52pm Jun 1 2011
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All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:21pm Jun 1 2011
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Nicole nodded, not allowing herself to glance at either groups, though she desperately wanted to. "I'm in. Anything to shock our friends sounds like plenty of fun to me." Her body language remained relaxed as the clueless would be, and she smiled lazily up at Garrett. All those years of drama training were really starting to come in handy. With the addition of Melody, Lleweloth's smile softened even further. All the women he cared about were under one roof now. This was how life was meant to be lived, and it was never too late to start. From across the way Eirian smiled as well, taking in two touching scenes at once. Here, love at first meeting, as pure as the white roses and moonlight that surrounded the couple. There, the strangest and most loving family she had yet seen. Old friends finally recognizing the spark, both taking in the long-lost daughter of the one as if she had always been there to love. Perfect.
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12:51am Jun 2 2011
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Garrett grinned at Nikki again, making sure to not let his eyes leave her face, not that that was hard to do. "Just follow my lead and don't be suprised no matter what I do. Well, you can act suprised, but don't be." With that he swept her into a fierce kiss, then dropped to one knee before her. He lifted her hand to his lips for a soft kiss before saying loudly enough to be heard, "Nicole O'Danaan, will you marry me? I have felt drawn to you since the moment I first saw you and now I know I want to be with you forever. Please, my love, be my wife." He looked up at her with mischief shining in his eyes. Faile, watching, heard his words and gasped softly, looking up at Llew with worried eyes. "Did he just ask what I think he just asked?" she whispered.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:38pm Jun 2 2011
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First, elation. Then shock, then... Hope? Wishing? Something. These were the emotions floating through Nicole's mind when Garrett dropped to one knee. That was impossible. It was ridiculous that she should want this to be real. Only knowing a boy for one day, and wanting to marry him. Silly. So instead she took all that genuine emotion and funneled it into what was undoubtedly the most convincing performance of her life. With a choked sob she fell into Garrett's arms, kissing him, letting the tears hit his cheeks before pulling back. "Yes, yes. Of course. How could I say no? I love you, Garrett Michaels." And she meant it. But no one had to know. Except that Lleweloth knew, and Eirian knew. They had snuck into enough of her school plays to know when she was acting, and when she was pretending to be acting. This moment belonged in the second category, and they both knew it. So when Faile brought up the question, Lleweloth simply nodded. "I believe he did." Across the way, Eirian simply stared, speechless.
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12:44am Jun 3 2011
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Garrett, sighed, folding the crying girl into his arms. She didn't have to know that a big part of him wished that he could truly ask, and that she would really say yes. He didn't know what he was thinking. Instead of thinking how stupid all of this was, of the way he had always laughed at people who believed in love at first sight, he was wondering what would happen if it was real. He wondered how he would take care of her, where they would live... He wondered many things that he might never know the answer to, so he instead focused on the feeling of her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head where it rested against his chest and repeated like a mantra, "I love you... I love you..." Melody, standing with Llew and Faile, looked at the couple with wide, curoius eyes. "Faile?" the little girl asked, "Are they really getting married? I like Nikki. She's sweet and fun. I read one time that any promise you make on Farie ground sticks. Is tht true, or just made up like Tinkerbell?" Faile smilled at the girl, taking her eyes unwillingly from the pair before them for a moment, then truning to Llew. She would let him answer this question.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:59am Jun 3 2011
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"It is. They are bound, now." Even as he spoke, Nicole felt it. It was the house again, tying an invisible rope between herself and Garrett. She pondered if he could see it, then laughed with giddy delight. Whether he'd meant it or not, they were now officially engaged as far as the house was concerned. Again she kissed him, pausing her laughter for a split second. At that moment, Eirian and Lleweloth rushed out of their hiding places, pulling Nikki away from her newly won fiance and wrapping her in a hug. "Oh, my little love! Congratulations a million times over! To think you and Garrett, Llew and Faile... Rowan Hollow shall echo with childrens' laughter once more! Oh, it has been far too long. You and I must begin planning the wedding at once!" Eri turned to Lleweloth, ignoring the stupid grin and rosy blush appearing simultaneously on her face. Looked like the real joke had been on them. And yet... Llew nodded. "Of course. Maybe I can teach young Garrett here about life in the Hollow, so that he begins to feel more at home. After all, I can't very well condone the two of them choosing to live elsewhere. No, they shall remain here, unless, of course, you disagree?" Llew turned to Nicole, who turned to Garrett, eyes waiting patiently for a response.
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1:10pm Jun 3 2011
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Garrett looked back at her stupily for a second. He gazed down at the rope he could almost see out of the the corner of his eyes, glowingly tieing him to Nikki. His molassas mind took a little while to process what had just happened, but when It caught up, he gave a huge grin. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck he said, "Of... of course. So long as it's ok with Nikki." He turned to her and whispered, "I'm sorry. Do you... Do you want this? Really? I mean, it was supposed to be a joke, I didn't know it would trap you... I'm sorry." Faile had approached at a slightly more sedate pace, seeing pain on the young man's face. He felt as though he had trapped Nikki, she realized. Giving a low chuckle, Faile wondered if he knew Nikki had caught him.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:34pm Jun 3 2011
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Nicole was stunned, silent for a moment. She looked from one face to another, watching them watching her. It was almost too much. Llew and Eri were staring, having heard Garrett, and it had clicked in their heads that this whole proposal was supposed to have been a joke. Finally, it really was too much. She burst out laughing, clutching her side with the pain. She laughed so hard, it was as if her sides were going to split. Tears streamed from her eyes, and she turned to cling to Garrett, kissing him for what must have been the hundredth time. "You're kidding, right? I've wanted this since I met you! I must be a lunatic, but I want this. I want you. You're the one who's trapped, silly. These guys?" She gestured at Llew and Eri, who appeared to be severely confused. From what Llew saw of Faily, she certainly wasn't. A grin tugged at his mouth as Nikki continued. "They'll kill you if you don't follow through now!" All of this was said between erupting giggles, her cheeks sore from so much smiling. Eventually she managed to control herself, wiping the tears off her cheeks with a few last chuckles. "Oh, you men. Still thinking you can trap a woman. Silly, silly men..."
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3:47pm Jun 3 2011
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Garrett was still giving Nikki an, admittedly, stupid, confused look when Faile walked up to the couple. She hugged them both before Melody leapt into her brother's arms. "You're getting married! Yay!" She pressed a huge kiss to his cheek, then hopped down to hug Nikki. "You're going to be my sister, Nikki!" Faile, laughing softly, put her arm around Garrett. "Don't worry, Garrett. Farie grounds take intention into account. Had Nikki not wanted this, the binding would not be complete. Now your real task begins." She giggled. "Keeping Nikki happy might be a bigger job than anything." Faile left him to think and moved to stand beside Llew. She looked up at him, lovingly.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
4:01pm Jun 3 2011
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Nikki hugged Melody tight, another round of giggles leaping forth. "Darn right I am! And I'm so lucky." Turning to Faile, she attempted to pout. "C'mon. Do I really look like the kind who's hard to make happy? As long as he's here, and you all are here... Which reminds me!" She turned to Eirian, and the two spoke in perfect unison. "Two weddings to plan at once!" They laughed together, leaning against one another for support. Lleweloth hugged Faile to him, smiling warmly. He watched Melody in her innocent joy, Garrett in pleasant confusion, and his 'sisters' laughing together. Where their heads met Nicole's thick, wild black waves and Eirian's pale gold cascade mingled, providing a striking contrast in the still-soft moonlight. He kissed the top of Faile's head, smiling to himself. Eri caught his smile and mirrored it, teeth flashing.
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11:42pm Jun 3 2011
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ooc:// Bump
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1:17am Jun 4 2011
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Faile looked up at Llew and smiled, pressing a kiss to his shoulder, which was the only place she could convieniently reach. Melody stepped away from the cackleing hens that were her two new sisters and came over to them. "I'm tired, Faile," the little girl said with a yawn. "When's bedtime? And what can I sleep in?" Faile took her by the hand and pulled her close, looking up at Llew. "Why don't you and Garrett take Melody to bed? That way the ladies can discuss the upcoming ceremonies?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:12am Jun 5 2011
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OOC: bump...

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!