11:25am Dec 31 2013 (last edited on 11:38pm Jan 24 2014)
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Posts: 292
Plot: We all have a super fantastic life - not. School sucks - you totally embarrassed yourself. How? - you by mistake drew a picture of a heart with your name and your crushes name in it and he/she (crush) found it. You realized you actually don't like them. Well, you get a new life, why? - you are moving to Los Vegas. New school, new life, new house - new everything, but everything is not the life you were expecting, it's the exact opposite!
Rules: All res rules apply You get 2 characters if you want more rmail me. And I post intro first
Bio: Name: Second name: Surname: Gender: Age: 17 Birthdate: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Boyfriend/girlfriend: Wish: Family: History: Other:
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:25am Dec 31 2013 (last edited on 11:26am Dec 31 2013)
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Posts: 292
My bio will come later, but , you guys post so long!
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:48am Dec 31 2013 (last edited on 11:48pm Jan 7 2014)
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Posts: 292
Bio: Name: Allan Second name: none Surname: Grey Gender: male Age: 17 Birthdate: 5 January 1996 Appearance:  Personality: sweet, kind, loud, adventurous, funny, loyal and truthful. Crush: Ally Boyfriend/girlfriend: none Wish: to get a dog Family: Dad (Malcolm), Mom (Emily) and Son (Allan). History: He was bullied at school and the incident happened so they moved Other: nope
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:53am Dec 31 2013 (last edited on 1:14am Jan 11 2014)
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Bio: Name: Ally Second name: none Surname: Smith Gender: female Age: 17 Birthdate: 5 February 1996 Appearance:  Personality: Sweet, kind, loyal, truthful, adventurous, funny and party animal. Crush: Allan Boyfriend/girlfriend: none Wish: to get a A+ in science and history Family: Dad (Bob), Mom (Tracy), Daughter (Ally) and Daughter (Emily). History: They were planning to move, she was very lucky. Other: nope
10:58pm Dec 31 2013
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Posts: 292
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
8:55am Jan 6 2014 (last edited on 12:52am Jan 8 2014)
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Posts: 384
Name: Tabithia Anne
Second name: N/A Gender: Female
Surname: Crenshaw
Age: 17 Birthdate: Feb 26th 1996
Appearance: Tabithia stands at 5'5. She has a thin frame, raven black hair, (Naturally dark brown. Lol tryin' to be realistic here) and bright green eyes. Tabby's hair is of medium length, and she has side sweeping bangs. (Like... the extreme sidesweep. Holy hell this is impossible to explain. Erm... emo hair. But not big emo hair. Dere we go. ^.^) If you look closely enough you might notice that she has four helix ear piercings. She also has a septum piercing, but that will be *quite* a bit harder to find. Tabby often wears regular not too revealing v neck t-shirts, and skinny jeans. She is always found in the same pair of beat up black converse, since she had worn out her other shoes while on the run. She is too broke to buy new ones. On her left wrist she wears a rainbow patterned studded wristcuff along with enough wristbands to cover the length of about 3/4ths of her lower arm.
Personality: Tabby's past has left her to be a bit socially awkward at first. She often automatically assumes she is unwanted. Although, If you get to know her, you'll certainly notice she is quite quirky and fun to hang around. Psst, if she's comfortable around you, you'll probably be used as a pillow quite often. c: She's a cuddle bug. It takes her a while to completely trust someone.
Crush: We'll see :)
Boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A refer to above
Wish: To not be alone any longer
Family: (Anita) Mother, (Robert) Father
History: Lived in an abusive house. Tabby had run away multiple times and would miss entire months of school before being found and returned back home. This resulted in her low grades. Tabby spent practically all of her after school time focused on bringing up her grades but never seemed to be able to catch up. She didn't have time for a social life and was considered to be the "dumb as dirt emo loser" at school. She had multiple bad habits and she now hides their results. Hence wristbands and such. Her parents eventually divorced and she was taken into the custody of her abusive, alcohol addicted father. Still a better option than her mother. A few months after the divorce, Tabby and her father moved to a new house in Las Vegas. You can find out the rest through the rp. :)
Other: She's bi.~ - Tabithia loves to draw and often has drawings crumpled up in her backpack. -She's allergic to blueberries. If she happens to eat them, she basically acts exactly as if she was completely drunk or high. (Lol do it do it. Please accidentally poison her at some point in time.) :0
11:23am Jan 7 2014 (last edited on 11:24am Jan 7 2014)
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Posts: 1,324
I like this bio!
4:07pm Jan 7 2014
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Posts: 970
Will be joining soon. c:
11:46pm Jan 7 2014 (last edited on 11:35pm Jan 11 2014)
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Posts: 292
Accepted! Waiting for Wise and then will start everyone here are the dorm mates I gave each of you another and used random.org okay so fair. GIRLS Ally (tinkytasha) +Tabby (flyingcheesecake) BOYS Allan (FluzzyPerson) + Ti (WiseBlueFox01)
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:49pm Jan 7 2014
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Posts: 292
Sorry guys you gonna have to redo your bios, well not completely! You just have to add gender under surname! I forgot to put it in, anyways, SORRY!
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
12:05am Jan 11 2014 (last edited on 11:32pm Jan 11 2014)
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Posts: 292
We will all start role playing after Wise has posted her bio!! -throws confetti and turns up music to Push Me To The Floor and jumps up and down and eats chips at the awesome party!!!-
Yes, I do throw awesome parties with awesome music!!! ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT!
READ THE FINE PRINT, thank you. We will start on Monday.
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
1:13am Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 1,324
11:05am Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 970
Name:Ti Second Name:None Surname:Toxic Gender:Male Age:17 Birthdate: July 21 1996 Appearance: Personality: Kind, loving, loves animals, party animal herself, and loves drawing. Crush:Open Bf/Gf: *Shrugs* Wishes: To find peace within and without hisself. Family: Zedd(Sister) and himself. History:He grew up in a rural apartment, far away from a city. His mother died when he was seven and his dad died when he was 15. He took care of his sister, who is now 15 and still living with him. They promised to stick together even in the toughest of choices. Other: He's a cubble bear, so he sometimes sleeps with his sister, ew.
6:29pm Jan 11 2014 (last edited on 1:29am Jan 12 2014)
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Posts: 384
Is starting off on a Monday alright with everyone? :3
11:26pm Jan 11 2014 (last edited on 9:29am Jan 12 2014)
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11:32pm Jan 11 2014 (last edited on 11:39pm Jan 24 2014)
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Posts: 292
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:33pm Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 292
We are starting on Monday. Flyingcheesecake, could you please remove your intro? Sorry to do this.
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:33pm Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 292
Everyone can make a second bio
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:36pm Jan 11 2014 (last edited on 8:33am Jan 29 2014)
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Posts: 292
Girls: Ally + Tabby Isabella + Nina Boys: Allan + Ti Nick + Tom
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!
11:45pm Jan 11 2014
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Posts: 292
Bio: Name: Isabella Second name: Karen Surname: Heart Gender: female Age: 17 Birthdate: 1 July 1996 Appearance:  Personality: shy, quiet, smart, loyal, honest and good sense of humor. Crushrep: Ti Boyfriend/girlfriend: none Wish: to get 85%+ for report Family: mom and herself History: her dad had died in a car crash Other: she owns a horse
I hatch spoilt eggs! Send those spoilt eggs you do not want!