Supernatural Roleplay (Anyone can join! :])

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1:55am Jan 12 2012

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Caroline looked up at Jasmine. "I-I'm Caroline... Caroline Bernal... Your a shapeshifter I see? That is nice..." Caroline pushed the special little book in her pocket all the way... The question is... What is this book used for?

2:06am Jan 12 2012

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"Yeah, I'm a shapeshifter, though I figured I'd best stay in this form for now as not to freak you out too much." Jasmine said, with a little shrug. She popped a fruit of some sort into her mouth.

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9:56am Jan 12 2012

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Jacklyn watched the conversing of the stranger, holding the icepack in her hands. "Do you faint all the time?" Packing away her medkit she sighed. This girl is really  weird. "I'm Jacklyn Tae. Call me Jacky?" The world was getting weird for her, and she wanted to know what was going on. She shook her head a little, and rubbed her arm. "Whats going on here?"

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10:19am Jan 12 2012

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Jasmine looked upwards, slowly. "Beats me." she commented, casually. "It's normally fairly peaceful around here. No alleyways filling up with water or anything like that. Actually, that never happens anywhere I've ever been to." Jasmine shrugged a little, swallowing the small fruit she had been eating. rnrn"That was a Taxus baccata." she said. "Otherwise known as the Yew Berry. Deadly poisonous. But I've never been poisoned by them. Strange, really. I just think they taste really sweet." She looked around, then glanced down at the ground.rnrn"Sorry for ranting on a bit, there..." she whispered.

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1:24pm Jan 12 2012

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"Its okay... And hi Jacky... I'm Caroline. And you being a shapeshifter doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think its not weird. I mean... If you knew what I really am, it wouldn't seem too weird. And I don't faint a lot, only when I see something like that..."

6:44pm Jan 12 2012

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Jacklyn placed her hand on her chest. "Me? Bah, no. I'm no shapeshifter. No idea exactly, only when water came out of my hands I uh... Knew something wasn't too normal..." She looked up at Jasmine, a puzzled look on her face. "Peaceful? I think not. The Haevans are going around murdering people, no one can do anything about it because their too scared." Jacklyn looked back at the alley, it was dry and normal. Akward. "Прокляття мене ... Що, чорт забирай, відбувається?" Clapping her hands over her mouth, she looked side to side. "Eheh, um.... Yeah I don't know what that was either..." Closing her eyes, she retreated to a safe place. She imagined herself floating over an ocean, she smiled at the thought. Opening her eyes, she noticed she was standing on a spout about a foot above ground. Eyes growing wide, she wobbled and the water died down making her a bit woozy.

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8:21pm Jan 12 2012 (last edited on 8:22pm Jan 12 2012)

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"Oh I didn't mean u the shapeshifter... I meant her." Caroline pointed at Jasmine. "And what did u say? Why is was there water below you?" Caroline pulled out the book in her pocket, ready to use it if she had to... Not to hit the girl, but for another reason, that the two other people didn't know about. Caroline got a some what evil smile on her face.

1:50am Jan 13 2012

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Jasmine glanced over. "Interesting book you've got there." she commented. "What are you gonna do with that? Heh heh heh, can't be anything too bad." she said. But then she noticed the grin on the girls face. "Um, I stand corrected. Maybe it IS that bad. Well, um...I suppose I'd best be off." Jasmine began pondering what to shapeshift into next. She decided on the Velociraptor again.

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2:04am Jan 13 2012

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"Well if you both try to play any tricks on me, I will give you a little surprise. As you may not know, I am a wizard..." Caroline looked up at the two. "You have to promise not to tell anyone." Caroline put the book back in her pocket.

2:07am Jan 13 2012

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"No. I won't tell." Jasmine said. She had fully shapeshifted into a Velociraptor now. "Besides, with my memory, I'll probably forget by tomorrow morning, anyway." She watched a blue butterfly flutter past.

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2:12am Jan 13 2012

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Caroline giggled at that. "Sorry don't mean to laugh at that." Caroling said with a smile on her face.

10:46am Jan 13 2012

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Jacklyn looked up, scratching her head. "Not the pile of bones again! Don't make me do... something! I have nothing to do with the lot of you." She hopped up to the lapost and imagined herself jumping in and out of water, like a dolphin. As soon as she opened her eyes, she knew something had happened again. She sat in a large tub of fresh water, a large blue fish tail covered the spot her legs used to be. "What happened this time? Was I possessed by the little mermaid?" She covered her face with her eyes, thinking all of this was really stupid. She looked at the book and nodded. "I know that book. My dad kept it to read to my brother and I at night, before they died. Thats no normal book at all.Thats the Керівництво до смерті і всіх істот!"

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11:00am Jan 13 2012

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"Right..." Jasmine muttered. Then she looked upwards, sharply. "Excuse me a moment." She took the form of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker and flew upwards, where she quickly disappeared from sight. A crow had been sitting on a rooftop and had been screeching for some time now. It ceised immediately, however, as soon as Jasmine dive-bombed the creature. "WILL YOU SHUT UP!" she screamed a the baffled creature, who fled.

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12:37pm Jan 13 2012

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Caroline giggled at the whole bird thing. She screamed this after Jasmine, "Nice one!!!" Then she looked at Jacky. "Jacky? Do you want me to make you back to normal?"

10:29pm Jan 13 2012

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Jacklyn smirked, that was just a classic. "You should have seen when my old dog Bay found out he could breath steam... He was running about town pawing at his own nose." She laughed at the nautical memory. She snapped straight and blinked, sitting still over the light stem on the lampost. "F36201536C7735D45089P," She looked aroudn and slouched. "Yes, please." Unaware of spilling out a mouthful of coded numbers, she blinked as if sand got caught in her eye.

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10:58pm Jan 13 2012

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"What the heck was that all about?" Caroline said this with a confused look on her face.

2:31am Jan 14 2012

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Jasmine returned to the ground and shifted back to her human form. "I'm glad I got that settled." she said. "That crow was beginning to REALLY get on my nerves..."

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2:32am Jan 14 2012

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Caroline stood up off the ground and looked at the two. "Well... What now?"

2:33am Jan 14 2012

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Jacklyn looked up, startled. "Hm? I didn't do anything. Again she snapped, oddly repeating her numbers. "F36201536C7735D45089P."

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2:35am Jan 14 2012

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Caroline looked at Jacky. "Stop saying random numbers!" Caroline reached over and slapped Jacky's face.
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