Supernatural Roleplay (Anyone can join! :])

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9:10am Feb 11 2012

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Volarune sighed and shook his head. Raienzio was just standing there watching everything go on. "Volarune? You sure know how to pick a band of misfits to hang around can't you?" He said aloud, rather flustered. He then walked in front of everyone fighting screeched an Ear Splitting shrill whistle that was so loud, some of the weaker building nearby shook and crumbled. The window on the stronger buildings exploded. "That's enough! Here we are fighting and Volarune lies there in that corner, not knowing if he'll make it for the cut to his throat had gotten infected before it was healed. And his body is weak from the lack of spirit! Now Caroline I know you hate being called a Witch but only MALES can be Wizards. Now if you prefer, you should perhaps be called and Enchantress. Jaarda, believe it or not, Unknown is Volarune's force of HIS INNER DARKNESS. Make Unknown too angry, it'll Jolt on Volarune. Same if you keep hurting him. You're flying him all over the place has caused new injuries. You won't kill Unknown. But you WILL Kill Volarune. Unknown, Jaarda bears a grudge against you. Try to understand! Everyone! We need to put our heads together and work together... Or Volarune will die." He shouted. He then shook his head and shown his frustration. His gills around his neck was flapping quickly like a hummingbird's wings. He then noticed Volarune bleeding a bit again. 
Just as Raienzio told them, Volarune's new injuries was due to Unknown being hit several times. He wasn't looking good. And he was so weak he was forced back as his half Demon form. "Graaeeeghhh.... Please stop fussing... I'm not able to pick sides... Other than ALL sides...." He sighed and raspily huffed. His human face was ghostly pale. And strings of sweat were falling from it. His eye had nearly lost all they're coloring. Almost as if he was already dead. He was still laying on he belly the whole time he was laying there in Full Demon Form.


11:41am Feb 11 2012

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"I am not a boy!" THe large wind knocked her down... She then stood back up... "I am not pushing it.. Unknown is the one who needs to not throw people against the wall, and neither do you!"

12:43pm Feb 11 2012 (last edited on 12:45pm Feb 11 2012)

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Jaarda stood up from the rubble, both mad at Caroline and Unknown. I do not hold a grudge against Unknown. He may be my brother, but we are still enemies... No matter what. She crossed her arms. It was horrific to her that she had something in common with Caroline, but she decided not to show it. Her left hand was still on fire, but she clapped her right hand over it to set it out. She stood there, almost deaf from Raienzio's ceaseless screeching. Now she couldn't remember why she was a sibling to Unknown. Or to her mind, the devil. She walked over to Unknown and stood next to him. Her hand waved a large oval of ice in the air, trying to see the resemblance. You just had to be the dead one, didn't you? She swept a foot through Unknown's leg, a thing they used to do when they were little. Nothing. Just as peanut brained as a gull. Unkown seemed offended by this, because his shadow seemed to darken. "Yes, well I'm not the one who rules over gull dung." Jaarda managed a sarcastic laugh, but elbowed Unknown in the stomach. I hate you... Now they sounded like real siblings. Unknown smirked, his sharp teeth showing a little bit. "Whatever you say."

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12:52pm Feb 11 2012

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Posts: 516
Raienzio shook his head. Then he yelled, "At least you've got a family! Volarune has always wanted to have a brother and a sister. So he wouldn't be alone.... So he wouldn't die... Unfortunately he did die at age 5. Now he is a Demon Spirit brought back to life by Cursed Energy far for Evil than Unknown's... Please understand. He's Living and Dead. If Volarius and Volarune can live in the same body together, you two can get along as well." He snarled with a screechy raspy hiss. 
Volarune snarled at Raienzio's remark. "It's not exactly peaceful though. Volarius fears me... Though I created him.. I was born. But Volarius wasn't... We cheated Death AND the Devil... By living in the same body when I died in the conscious I created. But it caused an upheaval in Balance. Now we will never see each other or know if we are more than Demon Life and Human Spirit..." He scrawled to everyone. Then he eyed Caroline. "Caroline... You do have temper issues but that's your way of defense so don't get furious... I'm much too weak to survive one of those weak fireballs... That's how close I am to dying now..." he sighed with a cough to her. He shown how weak he was by trying to move. But could only manage a finger's twitch.


1:04pm Feb 11 2012

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Unknown and Jaarda stepped over to Volarune in a stange unison, and as Jaarda helped him, Unknown sent medication and life into him. He may not be the nicest one, but he can be if he wants to. Unkown almost reached for his needle, but when he got a hold of it he snapped it in half behind his back. Jaarda kneeled close to Volarune. Paper may not allow us, but we are all family in our hearts. Even the ones with anger issues. She eyed Caroline, making sure she didn't blow up like a time bomb. Unknown shook his head. "This is silly. There shouldn't be paper ruling our lives." He looked at Jaarda and made the parchment appear. He took it out of the air and ripped it in half. He floated into a wall like a ragdoll, just to walk around the corner as an 18 year old boy. "I think I like being alive better." Jaarda stood up and looked at Unknown. She studied him closely. She looked at Volarune. This is what peace is like. Now, when I rip my parhment, Jacklyn will no longer be here. So do not... Slit your throat again. She took the parchment out of an invisible pocket in the air and ripped it. She disappeared into a cloud of silver dust, and reappeared next to Unknown looking like Felicity.

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1:24pm Feb 11 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarune eyed them curiously. He closed his eyes and flinched when Unknown jabbed himself with the needle. He then opened them and stared at them. He knew Felicity. He was glad to see her. "Don't.. worry.. Felicity... I risked my life to save you Jaarda, as Felicity.. I can live with that." He said eyeing Unknown. He slowly managed to stand up. He staggered and stumbled a bit. 
He still seemed in rough shape. His feathers were all over the place in a messy manner, his once shiny black wings were faded dark grey and drooped nearly to the ground. His eyes however shown an even greater flame than they ever had. "You've no idea how much stronger you two are.. If only you were both as one... Like Raienzio said, As long as I can coexist with my created conscious, and him with me... You can do the same with each other. Though I'll never have True Peace.. But you two can.." He sighed to them. He looked over to Caroline. "Don't blast them... Nothing wrong with Anger. It is just an emotion that must be vented at times. But try to vent it less...." He told her. He then sighed, "I better cease to exist in this part of the World and become the Spirit inside of Volarius again... So don't worry if my Feathers all fall off. Tis just Volarius again..." Volarune then closed his eyes and a strange wind blew. The wind forced Volarune's Fathers to leave and Volarune's presence was seen withdrawing itself inside of the Human. This shift and change then revealed the truth. Volarius couldn't exist in the living as long as Volarune was out in the World of the Living.
Volarius opened his eyes and stretched. He shook his head and groaned. "That's the longest time Volarune was in the Living. Forgive me if I'm weak... And you might need to fill me in... As I don't exist in this World at the same time as Volarune I've no memory of anything. And he can't feel me in for he's not in me like you think. He's half my Soul and my very Shadow..." He explained. He then walked towards Raienzio. He saw the Zoraikian was stiff as a board. He also noticed he was dry. "Uh oh!" He then looked around and saw a pale full of rainwater. He rushed to grab it and on his way to throw the water on him, tripped, still managing to throw the water onto Raienzio. But the bucket was now on top of his head. The pail was an obviously perfect shape for his fishy friend's head.
"SSScccccrrrreeesssh!" Raienzio let loose a loud echoing, startled Screech. He then shook a bit as his mouth was under the pail too. "Yikes! Volarius! I'll get you! If you did that on purpose!" 
Volarius chimed out with pure laughter. "I tripped but you look ridiculous...!" He then tried to get the pail of. "Oops! It's stuck tight on your head... Um... Unknown, Felicity? Please help? And you too Caroline? The Pail's the same shape and size as his head...." He exclaimed.


1:49pm Feb 11 2012

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Unkown and Jaarda had burt out laughing. Even though she could speak now, she was still Jaarda. "I'm still Jaarda. Felicity is a fake name. Well, its my american name. Now, the bucket is stuck tight now isn't it?" She sounded like she had a slight british accent, but she didn't notice. She took a pocket knife out of her pant pockets and cut a hole in the bucket to reveal a frowning Raienzio. "You should see your face!" Unknown elbowed Jaarda, and looked at the bucket closely. "Hey, fish guy. You should lay down so I can get that thing off" He picked a crowbar off the ground. "This might hurt a bit..." He raised the crowbar, then burst out laughing. "Kidding." He pried the bucket off with a flick of the wrist and crowbar. "There you go. But I prefer you better as a bucket head."

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3:04pm Feb 11 2012

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Posts: 516
Raienzio somewhat shot out of the bucket one way as it went the other with Jaarda's teamwork with Unknown. "Believe it or not, I kinda agree with you Unknown. I look pathetically ugly... Even to other Zoraikians.." He said frowning. He then shook his head and his gills fluttered as he was trying to breathe again. "I couldn't breathe that way though... Not enough room for the gills..." He gasped. Volarius stood up and patted the dust off him. He then laughed a bit thinking this was all so funny. "Alright Jaarda... It's confusing a bit though. You know... So many names and Identities..." He then coughed a bit from laughing too hard. He then smiled at the two of them. Then looked at Raienzio, whom seemed sad. "Don't worry Raienzio... You may not be a looker but life is not about beauty... It is about heart most of all! And you got a ton of it..." He told him. 
Raienzio smirked a bit. Yet still looked saddened. "I know. But looks are what the female type of my kind of Siren that prefer looks...." He told him. He then stood up and shook his head again. He was very dizzy. Then his stomach made a very strange sound. He covered his stomach up and blushed. "Oops.. I think I may need to find some food...." Volarius cracked up and smiled. "I can buy some food from the market. I just prefer fresh organic foods... But too weak to shift into Volarune. But if we'd a stabilizing force to allow us to merge. It's not hat Volarune and I can't merge we just get out of control... Remember when I tried to save you Jaarda from Unknown that time? Volarune was trying to take over with his monstrous instinct then." He explained to them.


3:25pm Feb 11 2012

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Jaarda stood back. "Your tellin' me..." But when Raienzio spoke about the females she shrunk down a little bit. "Eugh..." She stepped back behind Unknown. She looked at Unknown, it had been so long since they had been human. Technically. She crossed her arms, looking around as if something was watching. "Something is here... Its close... Not a good thing, either." She actually held Unknown's arm, out of sheer fright. Unkown made a low sound, too low to hear, but held Jaarda under one arm. He looked up at the sky, waiting for whatever was coming. A huge flock of dots advanced toward them from the sky, but quickly.

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3:25pm Feb 11 2012 (last edited on 3:27pm Feb 11 2012)

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10:13pm Feb 11 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarius sensed it as well. His shadow was billowing and weaving. A sign it was powerful. "Darn... It may be other kinds of Demons... Or something as bad as Volarune.." He snarled at Unknown and Jaarda. Volarius began to shake. But it was out of Volarune's power filling his body. "Volarune... What are you doing?" he asked the Shadow that was Volarune. Then he gazed back into the skies. 
Raienzio screeched with a snarl at the incoming danger. He then extended his fins and crossed his arms. He aimed them at the dots coming at them. He then fired out the sharp fins. He saw some of the Dots move as though they've been hit. And sure enough, when the blades came back, they were covered in blood. They went back into the elbow area and he fired them back at the moving dots.


10:58pm Feb 11 2012

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One large dot had ceased to be hit. As it came closer, it apparently was a large black winged lion. "Mamma Tia."  Jaarda's voice was quiet and hoarse. The lion landed, a deadly scowl on her face. Jaarda thought she forgot to sheath her claws, but she was wrong. "Bloed van die lug, jy afstootlik wese.Wat wil jy hê?" Unknown growled under his breath, he didn't like lions too much. "Gaan weg, Mamma Tia." He held his hands up and flicked his wrists, where blades came out from his sleeves.

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1:31am Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 246
Caroline looked over at Unknown and Jaarda. "What the heck is going on!!?!" She looked up at the sky only to see he strangest thing ever... (Sorry its short I am sick, tired and on my iPod....)

3:23am Feb 12 2012

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Jaarda turned around and looked at Caroline with a concerned look on her face. "Get to hiding. We don't want to be caught in the middle, would we?" She reached behind a broken fold-up table and pulled out an oval shaped peice of scrap metal. She held Caroline's hand, holding the metal disk infront of them. Unkown continued to smack talk in african with Mamma Tia.

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10:57am Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 246
Caroline shook her head no to Jaarda's question. She went behind the metal disk with her and sat there very quietly, watching with Jaarda. 

2:28pm Feb 12 2012

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Jaarda's eyes were a series of colors, almost masking the scene reflected in her eyes. She held her hand in a claw-like way, and between her fingers was a mix of fire and lightning. She felt as if she could reach out and choke Mamma Tia while electricuting her. She motioned Caroline to stay with a free hand and climbed a random ladder. She stood on a pipe, her hand sparking with energy. Jaarda opened it all the way, were a blast of wind knocked down Mamma Tia and unwillingly Unknown. She brought her hand up in a fist which pulled Unknown up onto the pipe with her. "Your so clumsy."

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11:34pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarune from within Volarius's shadow snarled at Mama Tia. And all this violence. The Shadow of Volarune sifted into the wall as his Full Demon form. Volarius was also angry. He was losing control over HIS OWN powers. The Power over Dark WarVoidal Magic. "STOP!!!" he roared. "THIS Since-less fighting! As these events of Violence continue, my own urge to destroy, NOT Volarune's, becomes active... We BOTH have an uncontrollable force inside us.." He yelled at them all. He then looked at Mama Tia, and said to her, "I'm sorry for any offense. But in this you would lose.... Unless you allow one rule... And that ONE RULE is obviously most importantly needed! And that is to allow Jaarda and Unknown to become my Masters. And Caroline... It will take they're combined Energies of they're very Souls to prevent me from becoming a Monster like my Father... Whom you know more than anyone else. Mama Tia... Remember his name? His name was Volkenagrim. You was only able to Seal him with HIS help. If he didn't allow you to Seal him... This world would've never became this way. Meaning it wouldn't still live. Now HIS Darkness; Dark WarVoidal Magic is in me... And I can't control it... And the Seal of Elemental Life, the Seal keeping him from being released from the Darkgrim Voids, is breaking. My energies are too unstable to keep the Seal from breaking. Meaning my Birth and existence helped you Seal him, by moving some of his Power from his Soul and into mine... But when he's freed; and he will be... Soon, VERY Soon... The Powers he made me Inherit too soon will escape and reenter his Soul. And then Mama Tia, we must have Unknown alone become his Soul Tamer and Jaarda be mine. Caroline.. she must be a Support Soul Tamer. To both of us. Meaning using only a minor amount of her Soul Energy to bind our Souls, slowly taming the Darkness inside and Freeing us of our Many Curses..... PLEASE! Or all is to be ruined! All LIFE!" He told her. He then waited for Mama Tia's answer as well as the info to sink into everyone around him. 
Raienzio stood silent this whole time. He then backed away from Volarune's shadow. He felt the Darkness leaking out of Volarius. Energy of Darkness. This Darkness if felt too strong could actually kill anyone in contact with it. "Understand this... Volarius is right. The air... Feel it better by closing your eyes and focus. You'll notice a faint smell of Death. And a huge feeling of heaviness. Also a major tug of Dread... That means the Dark WarVoidal Magic inside of Volarius is leaking out. And that mean Volkenagrim's Power is increasing in the Seal. Uncontrollably. This will soon cause a major lack of Balance..." he warned. He backed away more from Volarius as he noticed his friend began shaking violently. He then closed his eyes and shot a bolt of Electric Barrier at Volarius knocking him out. "Sorry Volarius... The only way to keep your power from uncontrollably exploding from your body was to knock you out." He then looked at everyone. His body seemed highly tense and frightened. "You'll notice as long as he's conscious his power's strong. But when he's asleep or out cold, it becomes weaker. It should be active more if he's asleep or unconscious due to the fact he'd be more helpless.... But if you checked the air earlier you'll notice it's a ton lighter." He explained to them. 
Sure enough, the sun was bright again. The air didn't feel as heavy, and the feelings of Death and Dread were gone. But it still had a bit of heaviness to it. But was mainly focused around Volarius. It was coming from Volarune, who wasn't knocked out. But was very much awake. Yet the energy from him was actually being used to repair damages to an invisible force.


1:36am Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 246
"Don't be dragging me into something that I could get killed in!!" Caroline shot a fireball over at  he big beast. She then looked over at the fish boy, who looked like he could use some water. Out of no where, she shot a big thing of water at him, completely taking him by surprise. "Haha got ya!!"

12:10pm Feb 13 2012

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Raienzio looked at Caroline, all sopping wet with a huge grin on his face. His eyes were cheekily narrowed. "Yes... You did get me. But don't Shoot Fireballs at Volarius again. And becoming a Support Soul Tamer WON'T get you killed. And Volarune and Volarius would allow you to be hurt if it would. He's highly attached to you." He told the Enchantress. "But young Enchantress.... I've no idea why..." He frowned as he added this. Then he shook the water on his head dripping into his eyes off. He then looked at Volarius. He was now fast asleep in his wet arms. He smiled and laid him down, gently on the floor.
Volarius was okay. He'd been so exhausted all this time that when he was knocked out, he quickly fell asleep. He then felt safe. For some reason. His face then shown more like a child's. Such a helpless and young Innocent Child. Raienzio knew this all along however. He may be in his 20s but his true age is that of a 16 year old. A young boy in honest truth.


12:16pm Feb 13 2012

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Caroline looked down at the ground... Kinda upset about throwing a fireball at him... "Sorry for throwing a fireball at him..." She looked around to find Unknown and Jaarda, and found them kinda way up there... Caroline moved over to Raienzio... "Who is this Mamma Tia person?" She said this in a whisper voice, while looking at Mamma Tia...
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