Supernatural Roleplay (Anyone can join! :])

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2:16pm Jan 16 2012

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"Me? Hurt? Bah! Thats the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Now, you should probably get down. Beginners don't always have luck." Jacklyn randomly made a large hand out of water and lifted Caroline onto the floor. Then, she stepped onto a path of water and walked down it like a ladder.

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5:44pm Jan 16 2012

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"Ugh! Now I am wet! This is just great you jerk!" She used the drying spell and dried herself off.

5:51pm Jan 16 2012

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Jacklyn put her hands up and backed away. "Hey, hey! Yeesh, sorry! Here, you can have this book." She pulled out a really old pocket book, flipping through the pages. Forgetting the words were in an odd language that only she spoke, she handed it over. "Here. Its pretty good."

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6:36pm Jan 16 2012

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"Umm thanks..." Caroline took the book and flipped through it. "Sweet I have been trying to get my hands on a copy of this book for a long time! Its perfect!"

6:43pm Jan 16 2012

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Jacklyn nodded. "Only one left in the world."

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10:01pm Jan 16 2012

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"This is like exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!" Caroline stood up on pointe (Thanks to ballet classes) and hugged Jacky.

12:26am Jan 17 2012

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Jacklyn huffed in surprise, but smiled and patted her on the back. She, too, took ballet classes when mother was alive and they were richer. She stood with her right heel resting against her left arch. "I guess we share alot. I used to have a living mother, a richy, and did everything. But then my mother discovered my  father sponsoring a women's underwear line and freaked. She divorced him and he lost his job casting us into the streets. We were so rich we were the first family next to the president of Duvall."

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12:29am Jan 17 2012

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"Thats sad. I'm sorry Jacky. Both my parents died in a car accident when I was 6.." Caroline sat back down on the ground and put the book in her pocket. She was unsure of what to do to lighten the mood.

1:47am Jan 17 2012

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"My parents died when..." Jasmine broke off, unwilling to finish her sentence. "They left me some things. But I spend much time out here." She purred a little.

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10:42am Jan 17 2012

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Caroline continued to sit on the ground, this time putting her hands on her chin and sighing. 

11:13am Jan 17 2012

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The sun was beginning to rise again, and Jacklyn shifted a little. "Hey, um... Sun is coming back up. Might wanna get out of here before you get caught out here. Nice girls like us will be crushed in a street of ex-new yorkers." She did a backflip onto a platform and swung on a pipe into the black.

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11:23am Jan 17 2012

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"Wait where are you going? Can we come with you?" Caroline tried to look into the blackness, but couldn't see Jacky. 

11:37am Jan 17 2012

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With her feline eyes, Jasmine could see in the darkness perfectly well. She turned to Caroline.rnrn"I could take you to a seperate alley. Not far from here. A bit dark, but there's nobody else in it. Perfectly safe." she said, shapeshifting straight from the cat into a Wyvern.rnrnThere's something one must understand about Wyverns. They are not the twenty-foot-high armless dragon creatures that everyone thinks they are. They are just about seven feet tall, with dragon-like wings tipped with sharp, curved claws in place of their arms. They look a little like the Velociraptors from Jurassic Park, only a little bigger, with dark navy blue skin, with wings instead of arms, and a large, shark-like fin jutting out from their backs. But there's another thing about Wyverns that is different from legends. They are not vicious, bloodthirsty creatures. They are playful and cheerful to the extreme. So immediately after becoming a Wyvern, Jasmine burst out laughing.rnrn"I could give you a ride, if you want!" she said, grinning as much as a Wyvern ever could.

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12:21pm Jan 17 2012

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Jacklyn's heart shuddered inside her, as she sat on a pipe sharpening her knives. Willing herself up, she sent a flaming blue ball of fire towards the younger girls. "Blue, only the hottest fire in the world. This should shoot up pretty fast." She cast it rubbing by the telephone wire so it would catch fire, crashing it down setting fire to everything including the street. It was frightening enough for Jacklyn to hide her eyes, but she didn't. Fire burned inside her like the wildfire spreading outside on the street, the fire ven burned the book Jacklyn gave to Caroline. "My respects."

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12:41pm Jan 17 2012

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Even though Wyverns were naturally fun-loving, their personality can change in an instant. Right then, Jasmine changed from happy to a mixture of fear and anger. Instinctively, she flew up, but she grabbed Caroline using her strong tail and then shot upwards, placing Caroline gently on a rooftop. However, Jasmine herself did not land. Instead, she flew up a little further and looked about. Apparently seeing what she was looking for, she landed on the roof and knealt down.rnrn"Quick! Jump on!" she said to Caroline.

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1:01pm Jan 17 2012

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Caroline wasn't really paying attention very well, as she was still in shock of what had just happened. She turned around and looked at the Wyvern. She then realized that she had to jump on her. She leaped into the air and closed her eyes with a scream. She then realized she was alive, and opened her eyes. "Oh my gosh! I am flying! Sorta..." She looked down. "Woah we are high!" She then sat back up and closed her eyes and promised herself if to keep them closed till they landed again. She hadn't realized that the book that Jacky gave her had burned. 

7:10pm Jan 17 2012

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Jacklyn looked up at Jasmine and Caroline, hissing under her breath. "Curse you трансформація вона дияволи!" She shut her eyes and lifted up on a spout of water, standing eye level to the girls. "A wyvern may look odd in a chicken soup package but oh well." She cast more blue fire out of her hands and spun around. Then she made a watery hand to pluck down Caroline and set her on the next rooftop. Jacklyn advanced towards Jasmine.


(Hope you liked the Draqua I sent you, Pancakez!)

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7:29pm Jan 17 2012

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Caroline was shocked at how she was on the next roof... "Umm why did you do that?!" She screamed this at Jacky.

(And thank you!)

8:02pm Jan 17 2012

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Jacklyn shrugged. "Beats me. Now excuse me, I have a little inconvenience infront of me I need to take care of."

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9:18pm Jan 17 2012

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"I demand to be let down off this roof! I hate heights! Now put me on the ground! I don't know any transporting, or flying spells!" She then remembered she could check the book that Jacky gave her. She reached in her pocket for it, but then noticed that it was burnt. "Jacky! Did you burn my book?! Your a jerk!!!"
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