5:38pm May 1 2014
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Oliver let out a soft groan, the sounds of voices slowly pulling him out of the darkness of unconsciousness. He slowly pushed himself up into an upright position, lifting a hand to lightly press it against the side of his head. The sounds of the voices grew steadily clearer and he began to open his eyes, staring at the group around him silently for several moments as his mind took a bit to process what was going on. The moment it had he let out a loud yelp, eyes flying open wider than normal as he began to scramble back.
"Who are you people? Why am I here?" he said in a panicked tone, his ex pression already purely terrified. Nothing looked familiar, nobody looked familiar. Intense panic rose further into his chest, causing him to tremble as he looked between everyone, his fingers curling withing the grass to try to find some sort of anchor.
Then his eyes started scanning, instinctively searching for a good direction to escape, to find a safe place where he could try to calm down.
7:13pm May 1 2014
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Posts: 3,135
Soledad blinked at the question; "Um, well... I guess if by situation you mean not having a clue where I am, then yeah." He managed a weak smile before another panicked voice spoke up. He glanced warily at the speaker - a small, doe-eyed kid (Kid?) who looked more terrified than even Soledad felt.
"I'm uh... Soledad. Apparent half-lizard," he murmured, taking in his clawed hands and scales for the first time.
8:59am May 2 2014
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Posts: 350
"We mean you no harm and are just as clueless about this situation as you." Valkyrie said, walking a few steps toward Oliver. "So calm down, everything will be alright." Her voice wasn't very soothing, however. In fact, it wasn't filled with much feeling at all.
"You're gonna creep him out, lady." Stan said, raising an eyebrow before looking to Oliver. "Look, as she said, we don't know much about this situation either. But, one thing we do know is that we don't know anything. So we're not gonna hurt you. You can trust us." Apparently Stan was't very good with words, but his voice sounded more sincere than Valkyrie's.
Rolling her eyes, Valkyrie turned to Lexus. "I take it you know nothing of your past either?" she asked. "We need to formulate a plan."
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
9:29am May 2 2014
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Posts: 38
This is all so confusing... What an odd group of people. Lexus thought as she watched Stan try to console the boy. She then looked back to Valkyrie. "That's right." She answered, after a bit of hesitation. Lexus wasn't one to hold a conversation, especially to strangers. This girl was right though, they couldn't just stand here waiting for something to happen. "What do you propose we do?"
9:32am May 2 2014 (last edited on 10:05am May 2 2014)
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Posts: 350
"I think we should travel to the city over there. If there are people there, they may know something about our situation." she said. "It's risky but we'll get nowhere standing around here chatting about knowing nothing." She turned her head to Stan, with a strange look. She found him very annoying, though she couldn't say why aside from his obnoxious demeanor.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
6:59pm May 2 2014
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Posts: 38
Lexus looked in the direction of the
city. It was distant, but nothing she couldn’t walk to. Maybe she could handle
these people until then. “Good idea. We should probably start walking now then.
We don’t want to waste daylight.”
7:24pm May 2 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Oliver let out a quiet whimper, scooting further back from the person who approached him. He shook his head slightly, hugging his knees to his chest as he resorted to the fetal position to protect the most...squishy areas of his body. "I don't know any of you. If I don't know you how can I trust you won't hurt me?" he said quietly, his hands soon moving to tangle within his wavy brown hair, face being buried within his knees as he huddled up even tighter. "I don't know anything about you and you don't know me so there's nothing to base a bond on."
((I did mention that he's in a near constant state of terror and paranoia :') ))
10:29pm May 2 2014
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Posts: 350
Stan heard Lexus and Valkyrie talking about going to the city in the distance. "Well," he said to Oliver, "if you don't want to come with us and find out why we're here, that's fine. But I can't say you'll feel very safe out here by yourself." With that, he left Oliver to ponder on it and caught up to Lexus and Valkyrie, waving for Soledad and Hatter to follow as well.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
7:31pm May 5 2014
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Posts: 11,785
Despite knowing that he would indeed feel safer alone, Oliver was well aware that it would be practical out here. He wasn't sure where he was so he didn't know where he could go to be safe.
"I...I can go with you, b-but if any of you do anything I'm leaving," he muttered softly, standing up with his arms drawn close in a normal vision of fear on his part, mis-matched eyes scanning over the other people as he ended up shrinking back again. This went against almost all of his instincts to flee, but he needed to know where thy were if he was going to make any decisions about being safe.
4:39pm May 9 2014
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Posts: 6
"I was just thinking. Maybe it's not a bad thing we lost our memories, I mean, what if I'm some big crime boss who ruthlessly murders all who oppose me? And now I can turn over a new leaf because I can't remember any of it." Hatter said thoughtfully as the group walked. "Or maybe, the real crime boss is that guy back there." He gestured toward Oliver. "Heh heh, I'm just joking of course. I don't really feel like the criminal type, and he doesn't look like one either."
6:55pm May 9 2014
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Posts: 38
"So what about the people who recognize you?" Lexus questioned, and turned to face Hatter. "You think it's a good thing to show your face around people who know you as a crime boss, and therefore try to take you down?" she continued. Lexus wasn't too happy about losing her memory, and she didn't hide the fact. She faced forward again and continued to walk. "You wouldn't have any idea why, but they wouldn't believe you if you told them." She told him. He's right though.. He probably wouldn't make a good criminal...
7:48am May 10 2014 (last edited on 7:49am May 10 2014)
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Posts: 350
"I get the feeling that none of us are criminals, I'm pretty sure no one else feels like they are, either." Valkyrie said, "And the odds of Stan turning out to be a regular idiot are high."
"Hey, did I ever do something to offend you, lady?" Stan asked, insulted.
"Your existence offends me." Valkyrie answered, walking faster.
"That's sarcastic, right? So It's a joke? Lady?" Stan questioned, trying to keep up with her.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
3:43pm Aug 19 2014 (last edited on 1:03pm Aug 27 2014)
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Posts: 350
((Figured we should pick this up again before it's too late.))
The group walked for a while, the city slowly seeming to grow larger as they went. Finally they had arrived at the outskirts. It seemed like a normal place, people were walking around doing regular things. As civilians noticed them however, they made strange faces at the party of odd people. They were especially surprised at Soledad's appearance, though no one approached the group.
"I get the feeling we're strangers here." Stan said, as they walked along the side of the street.
"It does seem that way." Valkyrie agreed, mind racing. She wondered what the deal was with these people. There was only one way to find out though; she strode up to a stranger and examined him."Excuse me," she started, "do you happen to-" But she stopped in mid sentence, noticing a blue profile appear out of thin air.
- Status Check, human.
- Status Check Complete, Jerry Wright, age 24, male.
Valkyrie stood speechless as she looked over the information. The man, apparently Jerry, had a similar confused look. "Aaare you okay, miss?"
"D-don't you see it?" Valkyrie asked, shaking her head a little to make sure she wasn't seeing things. The profile disappeared as she looked over at Stan, who shrugged.
"I don't see anything." Stan said.
Jerry glanced at the group before turning to leave, "Okay, you guys are acting really weird."
"Wait!" Stan said, grabbing his shoulder. He knew what Valkyrie was asking about as Jerry turned around again and a blue computerized profile showed up. But it seemed only he could see it... "So you're Jerry Wright... right?"
"Uhh, yeah, but how did you know that?" Jerry asked, confused and a bit creeped out.
"It's a long story. Anyway, what this strange lady here was trying to ask is if you happen to know anything about where we are." Stan questioned.
"You people are freaking me out man, I'm leaving." Jerry said, walking quickly away and retreating into a nearby building.
Valkyrie walked over to Stan. "You saw it, the profile," she said, "what is it?"
"Well how am I supposed to know?" Stan answered, throwing up his arms. "I'm just as confused as you, lady!"
"It's Valkyrie!" Valkyrie snapped, ready to strangle Stan. "And... we should probably ask someone else about this place, without scaring them." she continued, calming down. She looked around at the people surrounding them. There weren't a lot of people in the vicinity now, it seemed most of them had evacuated the area after watching them talk to Jerry.
Across the street was a quaint restaurant with some tables set up outside. There was an elderly couple at one table and a group of four teenagers at another. The teenagers seemed to be doing homework together over lunch. Down at the corner was an office building, perhaps there were helpful people in there.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
4:52pm Aug 19 2014
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Posts: 38
((We must revive the rp!!))
"What the heck was that?" Lexus questioned, rather confused at what they were going on about. She didn't know anything about this 'profile' they mentioned. "Are you trying to make a scene?" She rolled her eyes at their bickering, and crossed the street--without looking both ways--and ignoring the car that blew it's horn. She was heading for the small patio of the restaurant, the table in which the teenagers sat. "Hey." Lexus started, getting their attention, "Anyone want to tell me where I am exactly?" The question seemed strange when Lexus spoke, she never thought she'd ever have to ask it. So far, she hadn't seen that...profile.. the others were so scared of.
12:59pm Aug 27 2014
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Posts: 6
Hatter watched as the others paraded around questioning random strangers. He found the whole scene quite amusing. "I suppose I should help." he chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets. Wondering how exactly he was going to help, Hatter looked over at where Lexus was currently interrogating a group of teenagers.
-Status Check, Four teenagers at table.
3:01pm Aug 27 2014 (last edited on 3:53pm Aug 27 2014)
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Posts: 350
As Lexus approached the group of kids, Hatter examined them all, noticing blue profiles like the one Valkyrie and Stan had seen over Jerry's head earlier.
- Status Check Complete,
Melissa Starling, age 17, female.
Angela Ramirez, age 18, female.
Cameron Black, age 17, male.
Peter West, age 18, male.
Lexus, who did not see the profiles, questioned the teens about where she was. Melissa, Angela and Peter, looked up in surprise at the stranger; though Cameron seemed too deep in his homework to notice.
"What kind of question is that?" Angela asked in a bothered tone as she flicked a stray piece of long black hair out of her face.
"Angie!" Melissa scolded her friend, "Rude!"
Peter rolled his eyes at the two and looked to Lexus. "Are you looking for directions to somewhere specific in Siphor? Or are you really just asking what restaurant you're standing in?" he asked, a bit puzzled.
"Yes, I am indeed an artist! What drew you to that conclusion?"
3:14pm Nov 3 2014
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Posts: 38
Lexus ignored the girls completely, and listened to the boy's question. "Siphor, huh?" she murmured. She then looked up at the restaurant they were eating at.
-Status Check, Restaurant.