1:34am Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 11:12pm Jun 17 2011)
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You are a normal human being. A young adult in college, with your entire future ahead of you. So what if weird things happen around you sometimes? So what if that mysticisim class you decided to take as an easy A is a little weird? So what? At least, that's how you felt untill you came to class for a late night movie treat and ended up in some crazy fantasy land with witches and wizzards and... dragons? This is the story of six young adults and their slightly crazy Mysticisim professor, Ms. Sybil Meddles. They met to watch a movie in their classroom, but woke up in the land of Andrall. Andrall is in trouble. The Crown Prince has dissapeared and the King, his father, has died of a broken heart. The throne fell to a religious fanatic who only was one plan for the kingdom. The erasure of every bit of magic in existance. Can these six people, who are only now learning about the powers they themselves possess, find the prince and save magic? Each person embodies an element, has a gemstone to draw power from and has an animal to call. Fire - Ruby - Dragon - Emeraldwing Wind - Topaz - Gryphon - Graveyardfox Water - Sapphire - Hydra - Rikathefallen Earth - Emerald - Golum (not as in LOTR, but as in a massive voiceless creature made of stone.) -Nightfyre Death - Obsidion - Chimera - Emeraldwing Life - Diamond - Unicorn- Reinabella I will take Sybil and whatever is the last one left. I would prefer to keep the genders as even as possible, as I would like for everyone to have a love interest. Please follow the following bio. Name: First and last Age: No younger than 18 Gender: Element: Appearance: Either picture or deion. If it is a deion, please make it at least 4 sentences long. Personality: Not optional. Once again, please make sure you have at least 4 sentences. History: Not optional. Major: This gives us even more insight into your character. Love Interest: Open for now. Will see more as the story progresses. You may play as a gay/ or bi character, but just please ensure that there is a place for a love interest for them that is not with another one of your characters. Please be litterate. If you have more than one character, have something from each character in each post.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:44am Jun 17 2011
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Name: Professor Sybil Meddles Age: 35 Gender: Female Profession: Mysticisim Professor Appearance: Personality: Sybil is very passionate about magic and what she does. She loves to teach and share with her students. Her greatest power is her mind. She's also a bit of a fourtune teller and can read the Tarot. History: Sybil accidentaly stumbled into Andrall when she was a young child. She came to know and love the place and has adopted its people and magic as her own. She was deeply hurt when the Prince dissapeared and the King died. Now she is determined to set things to right. Love Interest: She currently has none, though is she were to meet a charming older man she would not be adverse to the idea.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:38am Jun 17 2011
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((Sorry I am late... I wont be able to post bio until later but May I have two?^.^ Death and Fire. If not, just Death. XD))
3:41am Jun 17 2011
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((May I take the Wind one? :3))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
9:15am Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 9:17am Jun 17 2011)
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((Welcome in both! And yes, Emerald, you may. Just please have one man one woman. Thanks for joining up guys!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:49am Jun 17 2011
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((Worried this is kind of a suckish Bio. xD; Also, is the animal they call on like a single familar or partner, or is it any of that species? Like... would Sable be able to call on any gryphon or just a single one?)) ~Name~ Sabastian "Sable" Tarik ~Age~ 19 ~Gender~ Male ~Element~ Wind ~Appearance~
 ~Personality~ Sable is typically a shy, friendly guy. He's not the type to socialize or talk to others, prefering to sit back and watch through his camcorder. Often quiet, he's quite content with just sitting back and listening to music or playing on his DS. When he is talked to, he tries his best to be polite and friendly, even if he isn't much of a talker. He's always been more of a listener. He also has a strong sense of adventure, and almost seems like a different, more confident person when faced with a challenge that could take him to a new place. Although he's quite the scardy cat sometimes. ~History~ Not much of interest. He grew up as the middle child with an older brother and a younger sister. His brother was a lot older than him and was a bit of a bad influence, not that it ever really changed Sable much. Hanging out with his older brother's friends influenced his sense of style, but he prefered to find more creative outlets instead of doing drugs and drinking. This caused his older brother to pick on him, which made him draw back somewhat from others. Bullying at school because of his sense of style didn't help things either, but he still never changed himself, choosing to follow his love of film in college. ~Major~ Film and Electronic Arts ~Love Interest~ Open To A Boy [Note: He is Gay]
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
11:40am Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 1:10am Jun 18 2011)
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((Psh, you know me so well! Don't worry, that was my plan to begin with, Tld's two character rule has rubbed off on me <3 )) Name: Jade Katanna Age: 19 Gender: Female Element: Death Appearance:
 ((Her hair is black and eyes are blue.)) Personality: Jade is a quiet, observant girl but with a short temper. If you know how to treat her, you have a friend for life. She will always be there, ready to lend out a helping hand or to teach lessons about not picking on others. She hates to see her friends get hurt and often ends up hurt herself. Treat her wrongly and you will forever be haunted by an evil soul. She leaves you in the midst of paranoia, and waits for you to tear yourself apart. Finaly, when you relax after months of terror, she will strike. Fast and hard. History: Coming Major: Actressing/Stunts Love Interest: Open ~~~ Name: Jake Katanna Age: 23 Gender: Male Element: Fire Appearance:
 Personality: Very unlike his sister, Jake is the partier. He will go out and rock the night like it was his last, just for the heck of it. Nothing will stop him from getting what he wants and nothing should stand between him and his goals for he is a run away train. Spontaneous and unpredictable, he often finds himself in sticky situations. As good as his intentions may be in the beginning, his actions almost always end up with some one hurt. History: Coming Major: (Can't come up with the major for Police work, DX) Love Interest: Open ((I own none of the pictures. Credit to the artist.))
10:21pm Jun 17 2011
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((I like them already. We need one or two more people, so anyone you know, invite in please!))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:39pm Jun 17 2011
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ooc:// May I choose life? Oh my gosh, please. I have to have the unicorn...
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10:42pm Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 10:43pm Jun 17 2011)
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((Of course! Oh, and yes, it is a general animal to call. Say fire got into some bad trouble, they could call any dragons in the area to come defend them.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:56pm Jun 17 2011
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((Since the only one I really have to choose from is water, can I have Water? ouo;))
10:59pm Jun 17 2011
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((There's water and Earth. Either one is fine))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:04pm Jun 17 2011
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((Yeah, but I'm not fond of golums. xD; Or Golems. I'm pretty sure they're the same thing. ouo; But yeah, I'll take water, please. c:))
11:11pm Jun 17 2011
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((Fine by me! I guess that leaves Earth for me. I can't wait to get this started! Oh, if you would like to create characters other than the six, like people from Andrall, go ahead. It'll add to the fun. You don't have to post bios for them, just add them if they fit and we'll all learn about them together.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:21pm Jun 17 2011 (last edited on 12:16am Jun 18 2011)
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Name: Darien Facklam Age:20 Gender: Female Element: Life :Appearance:
Credit to sakimichan of DeviantArt. Personality: Darien is... Difficult. If someone says she's one thing, she will go out of her way to be the opposite. Some time when she was younger, someone said, 'She's so elegantly, classicly pretty.' Since then, she went punk, then goth, then super prep, then back to punk. Right now, all she wants is to be left alone, against the world. To her few friends she's fun and cynical. To everyone else, she's a witch with a capital B, unless someone calls her that, at which point she will become the nicest person ever to them. It's complicated. History: Well, she was born to normal parents who were relatively well off. All that pampering and sheltering turned her into a high school rebel, then to a college wild child. That's pretty much how it was, and the results. Also, she was an only child. Major: (faaaaaaail) Musical Theater Love Interest: Open <3
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
11:35pm Jun 17 2011
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Name:Garrett Michaels Age: 23 Gender: Male Element:Earth Appearance:Garrett is massive, standing at 6'6", with a broad, muscular build like a warrior of old. His hair is cropped short to his head in millitary fashion. His eyes are intense blue. His favorite mode of dress is some form of fatigue pants tucked into his combat boots, paired with a grey or white wifebeater style tank. Personality: Garrett is a fighter through and through. He firmly believes in equality and is usually the first to stand up for what he believes is right. He is also stubborn to a fault. He sometimes will not back down, even in the face of proof that he is wrong. History: Garrett has a much younger sister, Melody, who is only 8. They were raised by good parents and had a verynormal childhood. Garrett joined the Army National Guard when he was 18 to help pay for college, but his contract only has a few more months untill it's over. His millitary involvement has helped shape him into who he is. Major: Criminal Justice/ biology Love Interest: Open for now. Will see more as the story progresses.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
12:00am Jun 18 2011 (last edited on 12:04am Jun 18 2011)
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Name: Niccolai Borkov Age: 22 Gender: I am a male, silly Amerikan. Element: Water Appearance:
 Personality: Niccolai seems like a really rough person when you first meet him, but once you get past his accent he's really a pretty good guy. He likes how warm it is here, having come from Moscow when he was 13. He calls his friends comrades, and when he gets nervous, which is surprisingly often, he tends to thicken up his accent or just speak flat out Russian. By the way, he tends to smoke more when he's nervous than any other time when he just lights one up every now and again. History: Born in Moscow as a single child, Niccolai grew up in a relatively harsh environment until he turned thirteen and moved to America. At first, he stuck out like a sore thumb, but now he could be any normal American until he starts talking. His accent has lightened since he moved here, as has his personality. Major: The arts. Musical and drawing.sculpting, etc. Love Interest: Open for a dude. Yup, sorry girls...he's gay~

12:51am Jun 18 2011 (last edited on 1:55am Jun 18 2011)
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((I actually have a good friend who's Ukranian. And he has an accent too, haha. So let's get this thing started! And please don't be offended be the cards that are drawn. They are truly random, I'm drawing them as I write, and I will explain everything once everyone gets here. Also, to see the pictures, google the Universal Waite deck.)) Sybil moved through the room, lighting candles and setting out chips and drinks. Incense burned in the corners, filling the classroom with the scents of lavender, for relaxation, and sage, for purification. Soft music played from the stero. With a sigh, she moved to her desk and drew a worn black velvet bag from the top drawer. The cards inside of it were a little tattered around the edges, the colors a little faded from age and use, but the pictures were just as vivid as they had been the day she first saw them. This deck of tarot cards had called out to her and she had been reading them ever since. She shuffled through the deck and drew out 22 of them and set them aside before putting the others away. That accomplished, she shuffled the 22 again. For a few moments, she was still, breathing in the atmosphere of the room and centering herself. Her eyes were closed as she pulled the first of six cards from the deck chanting, "Show me... Show me..." under her breath. "Sable..." she whispered as she flipped the card. "The Fool... How appropriate," she gave a little giggle. The picture on the card was of a young man carrying a pack while a white dog danced behind him. Both looked happy and carefree, as though they did not see the cliff the young man was about to step off of. The next was "Jade... The Empress. Hmm..." She trailed off, picturing her student in her head. The image on the card was reminisent of the girl. A regal young woman sat in a throne, a crown resting on her head and a scepter held in her hand. At her side lay a heart-shaped shield emblazoned with the symbol of Venus and away from her streched a road. "Jake... Judgement..." An angel playing a trumpet hovered over a young family who stood naked in open graves. The land beyond them was a desolate wastland, but they appeared to be celebrating their ressurection. An interesting card for the boy. "Darien... Justice..." On this card a blind woman was seated between two pillars, garbed in the robes of service and barefooted. On her head rested a heavy golden crown. In her right hand was an unsheathed sword, held pointing upright towards the sky. In her left rested a set of balanced scales. "Oh, how will they ever believe this?" "Garrett... The Chariot..." A knight in armour stood inside a covered chariot. There was a city behind him, but the chariot was pulled by two sphinxs, one black and the other white. "Travel... Oh dear..." "Niccolai... Death..." A skeleton in black armor bearing a flag with a Celtic knot rode it's white horse past a fallen king while a priest blesses the monarch and his family weeps. "Oh, this will play out... has it already?" Sybil asked herself as she drex one final card, almost as an afterthought. "My card, The Wheel. Fourtune will change. Something good will come. I know it. Still..." she glanced back at the Death card. "Still... the old must die..." The clock chime suddenly and she looked up, seeing the time. With a little yelp she took the cards and laid them on the students' normal seats. They would be arriving in just a few moments.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:42am Jun 18 2011
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((Emie, it's criminal justice, like Garrett.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:48am Jun 18 2011
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Sable strode down the hall that lead to his Mysticism class. His head was down and his headphones were up on his ears. He was dressed in his usual violet punk-emo clothing. He had multiple outfits of different colors similar to what he was wearing now, but this one was not only his favorite color, but also the most comfortable. His MP3 player was in his hand and two bags were slung over his shoulder; the first a rather flat messenger bag with supplies he'd need for his class, and the second that carried his camcorder and a few extra memory cards. As soon as he opened the door to the class, he blinked and looked up to observe the room, slowly pulling down his headphones so they'd hang around his neck. He was rather used to the setting of the room each day, but it still seemed unreal that a college classroom was set like this. Usually early, he wasn't surprised that he was the first one there as usual. He simply nodded politely to Sybil and heading towards his seat. Something caught his attention however, and he stared at his seat as he set his bags down beside his desk. A Tarot Card? He picked it up, twirling it through his fingers with the skill of a man that knew his way around a deck of cards. Sable raised his eyebrow at the card. The Fool? Was Professor Sybil trying to tell him something? He flicked his almost suspicious violet gaze to her briefly before sitting down at his seat, continuing to twirl the card through his fingers as he observed it carefully. It looked old, well used and faded. He wondered what they'd be doing today, doubting the card didn't have purpose. However, he kept quiet. He wasn't the type to ask and he'd simply have to wait until everyone was there to find out the reason the cards were there.
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr