1:27pm Jul 1 2011
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((We do need her post, but you can go ahead. Let's just try not to get to far ahead of her.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:29pm Jul 1 2011
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Darien followed everyone's progress numbly, on autopilot. This was getting to be too much. Once or twice she looked to Jade, her breath shaky. So there was a limit to their powers. That small fact comforted her, though the weight of her responsibility crushed that tiniest of joys. It was more than she could bear. To go from rebel wild-child to keeper of Life itself... Too much, too fast. Silently she searched herself, feeling the spot on her forehead to which the stone had melded. She knew from her brief study of the Hindu religion and the art of meditating that it was the Third Eye Chakra, the last step to enlightenment before one reached the Crown Chakra, the key to all. In other words, they second most important to spiritual well-being. Great. Awesome. Freaking perfect. No way she could live up to this. Well, crap. ooc:// Sorry for the fail. Been a bit out of it lately.
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11:29pm Jul 1 2011
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Jake almost growled at his teacher's instructions. "Didn't you see how the last one worked out? It's not as if I can snap my fingers and it will magically light up." He sighed, snapping his fingers as if to make a point. Only he was proved wrong. A single ember that hadn't quite been extinguished from his last attempt jumped to the torch and lit up the target. Jake looked at it curiously, a smile spreading over his face. "Ok so maybe I can just snap my fingers." He chuckled, finding somewhere to sit. Jade sighed, a little disappointed by the limitations to her power. She thought it would have been cool to be sort of like the Grim Reapers in her favorite anime shows. She could almost see it, a death scythe in hand. The ability to see the chain that tied the human soul to the Earth, or what ever planet they would be on. Her scythe slicing through the chains of the souls that had turned evil and tried to attack her. The banishment of that soul... Her focus snapped back into reality, a sigh of dissapointment escaping her lungs. "If only..."
1:30am Jul 2 2011
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Sybil sat back, watching the flow of emotions across her students' faces. At Jake's remark she laughed, enjoying the young man's good humor. She hoped it would be enough to help get him through the coming events. Thinking about what was happening here, in this place she loved, was harder than she could believe. Andall had always been a beautiful country, colorful and diverse, a place where all were welcome and could feel at home. Sybil's mind traveled over the landscape. There was a bright jungle, full of butterfies the size of dinner plates, which were the steeds of the farie; tiny creatures with skin in all the colors of the rainbow, the only other sentient race. The seas were clear, Carribien blue and warm, with the hydras that lived in almost every body of water striped in bright tropical colors, green, orange, yellow, pink. The mountains, low and rounded with age except for a few, covered in pine forests. These were the home of the dragons, magnificant beasts colored, blue, silver, red, green, like jewels. They were massive, ranging from thirty to fourty feet when full grown, with wingspans as wide as fifty feet. Also in the mountains, on the highest cliffs, lived the gryphons, noble, loyal creatures who raised their young in secret, but would not hesitate to raise an abandoned baby of any species. In the dark forests at the mountains' foothills resided the chimera, strange things, eerie ones. They were usually thought of as dark, because of their appearance and where they chose to make their home, but they were truly gentle creatures, unless threatened. Golums made their homes in the deeps of the land, finding shelter in any crevase or cave available to them. They were living breathing stone that consumed the dead stone of the earth. They could manipulate rock to do anything they required. The deciduious forests near civilisation were the residence of the unicorns, brilliant white equines that had a knack for divining the truth behind a person's facade. Sybil heard Jade's sigh and was startled from her reverie. "Are you ok, Jade?"

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
1:07pm Jul 2 2011
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Darien looked to the other girl, startled out of her reverie. Whatever issues she dealt with herself, the needs of another, especially the one who balanced her gift, were far more important. She moved, going to the raven-haired girl's side with a reassuring smile. "Hey there, Ms. Reaper."
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4:52pm Jul 2 2011
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"I'm alright Ms. Sybil. Just daydreaming that's all. Thinking how cool it would be to have my power identical to that of my favoriet anime shows." Jade smiled, looking over at Darien. "If I'm Ms. Reaper then you are Ms. Angel." She laughed a little, looking about the group. She then decided to ask a question about the other people's powers. "Can they create their element or does it have to be near by?" She wondered, again thinking about her favorite TV shows. Something told her that she should probably stop watching so much television. ((Fail...))
7:48pm Jul 2 2011
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ooc:// Is someone thinking... AVATAR? Dude, I would totally be a water bender.
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8:12pm Jul 2 2011
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((Too funny guys. Has anyone heard from Rika or Fox?)) Sybil gave a nervous little laugh. She was becoming a little more frightened with every passing moment. Powers like anime shows? She sighed. "The element does not have to be close at hand, but it is extremely draining if it is not. It is best to have a small amount of your element nearby, for all of you, including you two girls. For you two and Sable, that will never be an issue. There is always life and death going on all around us, and as long as you have breath, you have air. For the others, however, keeping a small vial or water or earth, or a case of matches handy will help greatly. So long as you have a little to work with, you can create what you need."

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
8:15pm Jul 2 2011
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ooc:// OH MY GOSH DARIEN IS A LIFE BENDER! D: Anwho, Rika is lurking... somewhere...
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11:58pm Jul 2 2011
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((Omg! Jade is a Death Bender... You know, it doesn't sound as cool as Life Bender. O.o No, I don't think I have seen Fox for a little bit. Let me lurk a little.))
7:53pm Jul 3 2011
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(I'm at my dad's with family I rarely see. :U)
9:33pm Jul 3 2011
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((Ok. If you can, you and Fox both post. We'll post around you guys and keep it bumped. By the way guys, I am going to be GONE the 16 and 17 of July, as well as the last week of the month. My husband leaves for Army Basic on August 1, so I'll be with him. I might be able to get on. I certainly hope so, but it remains to be seen..))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
9:39pm Jul 3 2011
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(I'll try to remind him. C:
And I'll be gone alot all this month. Last week is band camp so I'm gonna sleep, lol.)
4:52pm Jul 4 2011
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ooc:// While we're planning around absences, I'll be gone from June 29th to August 14th, with the only signs of technology being a really old fridge, a really old microwave, a relatively new hot water heater, and an electronic talking deer's head we spray-painted white. o.e Listed out like that, it sounds a lot weirder than it actually is.
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9:15pm Jul 5 2011
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((Lol, I guess I have to add mine to the list too? I leave the 18th of July for Maine, and will be staying about a week. I am not sure yet weither internet will be an option for me or not but I know that the long drive will be computerless.))
2:52am Jul 6 2011
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((So July is pretty much a bust.))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:31am Jul 6 2011
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((Ya pretty much XP ))
10:25pm Aug 1 2011
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((Anyone up?))

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
10:26pm Aug 1 2011
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((And it returns! 8D *goes to grab Rika*))
 HypnoxSpazz 5evr
10:28pm Aug 1 2011
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