2:25am Apr 3 2010
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Plot Deep underground New York City is a network of tunnels unknown to the uplanders. In these tunnels, called by the inhabitants the Razath Network, lives a large society of humans unlike us. They are wild and fierce, eking out a harsh life in the unforgiving earth. But what their most interesting and lifesaving ability is the ability to Bond with the animals that live down there. These Bonded animals can speak both in their natural language and that of the humans. They, and their bond, also have powers. For many eons they have lived a quiet life...until a group known as the Unforgiven rose up. They contested the Razathians, saying it was they who had the right to live in New York City, not the uplanders. Now they are planning a large scale attack on the city, knowing that with their powers and bonds, they can easily take over it. Are you with the Unforgive or the Razathians? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules Me and Zuleika reserve the right to kick you out Only three powers per person/animal The animals can be fantasy, made-up or real life Post .:The Bonded:. to prove you have read these rules Just join, me and Zuleika can read your BIO when we get on If someone in this RP notices something wrong with your BIO, please fix it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BIO Human Name: Age: Gender: Bond: Group: Looks: Personality: Powers: Crush: History: Other: Animal Name: Age: Gender: Bond: Species:
Group: Looks: Personality: Powers: History: Other:

2:35am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Human Name: Soul Ito
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Bond: Omens
Group: Razathians Looks:  Personality: RP it out but sweet...ish
Powers: She can control the element of Night (this gives her a range of weak powers), shadowtravel and control fire
Crush: Open
History: *hiss* D8<
Other: No
Animal Name: Omens Age: 4
Gender: Female
Bond: Soul Ito
Species: Gryphon
Group: Looks: Personality: Loyal and protective towards Soul, she is a fierce fighter Powers: She is impervious to fire, control wind and paralyise people for a short amount of time History: ... Other: No
3:19am Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:25am Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 340
Human Name: Freya Age: 17 Gender: Female Bond: Beau Group: Razathians Looks: Her two wide blood red eyes are set in a pale round face, with small nose, petite mouth and pale eyebrows and eyelashes. The face is framed by long locks of silvery white hair, which spills down her back, the tips reaching down to her waist. Her sole item of clothing is a short plain white dress with a few dirty markings on it. She is quite short for her age. Personality: She is rather quiet and withdrawn, often afraid and cowardly. She tried to avoid responsibility and violence at all costs. She is very selfish and usually only cares about her own self preservation, though if you can get close to her she may start caring for you a bit. However once she starts caring for someone she will become fiercely protective of that person and jealous of them sharing their attention with anyone else. She believes she is useless and will not act in most satiations because she believes there is nothing she can so. She probably trusts to easily and quickly which can often get her into trouble. Her mood is very quick to change, from cheery to depressive in only a short amount of time. Powers: Super Sensitivity, Telepathy, Healing Hands Crush: Open History: An orphan without much memory of origin, she has lived her life by wandering through the Razath Network and living off others kindness, though mostly keeping to herself. Other: - Animal Name: Beau Age: 2 Gender: Male Bond: Freya Species: Ferret Group: Razathians Looks: About the size of a small cat, he has short white fur covering his entire body with small beady black eyes. Personality: Playful. Powers: He also has high sensitivity and a small amount of telepathy. History: Befriended by Freya he has spent most of his life so far with her. Other: -
3:20am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Pics stretching the page D8))
3:26am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Ah well, you wanna start? I guess they're underground, say in their caves or something))
3:33am Apr 3 2010
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Soul sat in her cave, the pitch black darkness soothing her. She rested her head against the earthy wall, her hand resting on Omens's shoulders. "Life's been hard hasn't it," she whispered, her quiet voice filling the small chamber. Omens gave a burble of agreement, her eyes closed. Standing, Soul flicked on the light, a small guttery lamp switching on. "Let's go see Freya," she suggested to Omens. Yes Soul, I would like to see Beau, thought Omens happily.
3:34am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 48
.:The Bonded:. Human Name: Grant Delaney Age: 17 Gender: Male Bond: Thorn Group: Unforgiven Looks: Grant is pretty short and skinny, generally described simply as small. He's got spiky brown hair and light grey eyes. Despite his size, he can be quite intimidating. He likes to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Personality: Grant is stubborn and unreasonable. Once he's made up his mind, there is no changing it. He also doesn't really like talking to people, much preferring to fight with them. He does, however, care about Thorn, and wants to get out of the tunnels so that he can fly free. Powers: Fire-proof, telekinesis, and mild pre-cognitive abilities. Crush: Open, though unlikely History: Shortly after bonding with Thorn four years ago, Grant discovered the Unforgiven and immediately sympathized with their cause. Plus, he figured that it would be much easier for Thorn to fly out in the open air. And he definitely doesn't mind fighting all the time. Other: - Animal Name: Thorn Age: 4 Gender: Male Bond: Grant Species: Dragon Group: Unforgiven Looks: Thorn is about two feet high at the shoulders, is six feet long, from nose to tail, and has an eight foot wingspan. He usually keeps his wings folded up. He's still growing, though, and he will likely get a lot larger. He is covered in brown scales, with a few black ones around his eyes. On his head, Thorn has four pairs of horns, one set above his ears, two sets on his eyebrows, and the last set on his jaw. He had another one on the tip of his nose, but it broke in a fight and is still growing back. His tail ends in a sharp black scale. Personality: Thorn is often restless, as he loves to fly but can hardly find the space. To compensate, he jumps around a lot and tends to climb on walls and ceilings. He's loyal only to Grant, and trusts no one else. He will gladly risk his life for Grant. Powers: Fire-breathing, flight, and telekinesis History: Bonded with Grant very soon after he hatched. He was able to fly easily at first, but he grew quickly and pretty soon the tunnels didn't satisfy him any more. Other: -
3:35am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
3:42am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 48
Grant stood staring up at Thorn. The dragon had attached himself to the ceiling of the tunnel, wagging his tail a bit. Grant crossed his arms and scowled. "Get down from there." Thorn shook his head violently. "Thorn," Grant began, but he was quickly distracted. He could see the light of a lamp from farther down the tunnel creeping closer. "Come on," he pleaded, "we have to get out of here."
3:44am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul walked down the hall, her eyes narrowing at the sound of another's voice. Even down in the tunnels people couldn't be trusted. She pulled out her sword, holding loosely in her left hand while her right lay on Omens's head. Let us investigate, thought the Gryphon.
3:46am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((ohh!!! Can I be like... Not with either group? Like inbetween? :3))
3:47am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Sure, but try to join one after a while ^^))
3:50am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 48
Thorn's ears pricked up, hearing something metallic down the tunnel. He scurried down to the ground, wrapping himself around Grant protectively. Grant had to push him away carefully, freeing up his range of motion. He reached for the knife at his belt and began to back away slowly. He didn't want to attract any attention by running.
3:53am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul rounded the corner and glared at the man. "Follower of the Unforgiven, you have met your dying day by coming here," she hissed, her gold eyes turning black with rage. ((The battles will be pokemon style, with your own made up moves and turn-based battles. Just don't go crazy 8D))
4:00am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Mkay. Will do. ^.^ .::Bonded::.)) Human Name: Kyle Sanders Age: 18 Gender: Male Bond: Daemon Group: Neither yet. (though he's leaning towards the Razathians)) Looks: Personality: Rp it out? Powers: He can read/slightly control emotions, and read minds, and he can .... I dunno. He has one undiscovered power. xD Crush: None... Yet. o-o History: Rp it out? Other: He's color blind.
 ((Without the flowers. xD))
Name: Daemon Age: 3 Gender: Female Bond: Kyle Species: Siberian Tiger
Group: None Looks: Personality: Rp it out? Powers: Daemon can disappear, and she has am extreme sense of smell, and she can run really fast. History: Rp it? Other: Nope.
 ((Without the chick. o-o))
4:00am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 48
((Okay.)) Grant froze, finding no point in trying to escape now. "Dramatic much?" he couldn't help asking, shifting his grip on his knife. Thorn coughed a little bit of smoke in his odd form of laughter. "Go on, Thorn," Grant said, pointing at the Gryphon with his knife. "Sic 'em." Thorn nodded, splaying his claws and crouching down, ready to pounce.
4:01am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
4:03am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((I know! Great picture... But he covered in flowers... L-A-M-E!!! xD Uh.... I'll just randomly pop in after the fight's done. xD))
4:04am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Omens gave a leery grin and stepping in front of Soul, her wings spread wide. "As the challenger," said Soul smugly, "My move first. Omens, Soaring aura!" Omens gave a shreek of challenge and her eyes started to glow, her body following suit. She pulsed a dark black and aqua color, her wings crackling with electricity. Leapuing forwards, she slashed at the dragon with her wings, following with her beak and then claws.
4:05am Apr 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 340
((Not sure if I should post now. I think my literacy level is too high for this. --;;;))