5:14am Apr 3 2010
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Kyle held his hands up, as if to say he was innocent. His eyes showed how curious he was at this outburst. Had he said something wrong? Kyle whistled to Daemon, calling him over. "Well, for fear of our lives, I think it might be good for us to leave now..." He said quietly.
5:16am Apr 3 2010
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Omens tagged after Daemon, looking at Kyle with, err...adorable kitty-bird-dog eyes, May we talk some more? I have not had intellectually stimulating sconverstaion in years, she thought in her most piteous voice.
5:21am Apr 3 2010
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Kyle turned to look at Omens. He smiled and set Daemon down. "Of course," He said as he rubbed Omens gently on the head. "Just have her back before sun down, whenever that is." Kyle laughed and sighed. "Don't die please," He added to Daemon; she nodded obediantly.
5:24am Apr 3 2010
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Omens smiled, her beak opening, I am sure that the two of us are smart enough not to die, she berated the human, her eyes flashing.
5:29am Apr 3 2010
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"I don't know... Daemon's a curious little creature.... Always finding trouble one way or another..." Kyle said with a grin. "I'll be wandering the halls, if you need me."
5:31am Apr 3 2010
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Soul sighed, "I won't be needing you," she shot back, frowning at her sudden and intense like for the outcast. Ugh, hormones.
5:34am Apr 3 2010
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Kyle chuckled softly. "Blame it on hormones all you want, you know you want me," Kyle teased her as he rounded the corner, going out of sight. ((Gosh... xD I would just love to hit him right now! hahah!))
5:35am Apr 3 2010
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((She thought that...wait, he reads minds doesn't he o.O))
5:35am Apr 3 2010
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((Yes, He does! :DD))
5:36am Apr 3 2010
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Soul gritted her teeth and slapped Kyle hard across his face, leaving a red weal, "Let that be the first warning NOT to delve in MY head," she hissed, her eyes narrowed slits.
5:40am Apr 3 2010
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Kyle felt her hand hit him, hard. He looked at her and grabbed her wrist. "And let this be the first warning not to slap me." He said harshly. Times were different, he would hit a girl with no problem, expecially when they gave him problems. He threw her hand down and walked away, rubbing his cheek wearily.
5:42am Apr 3 2010
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Soul glared at his retreating back angrily, hating him more and more as he got further away. "Omens, stay with Daemon if you wish, I'd like to be alone," she muttered wearliy. Alright, but honestly Lady Soul, human relationships are beyond my fathoming. thought Omens.
5:47am Apr 3 2010
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I know... People are way too complicated. Daemon said, extremely confused. I don't know why she slapped him... Gosh I'm confused... Kyle sighed and sat down in an abandonded corridor. This was the reason he was an outcast, why he couldn't decide what side to be on. Human kind would always be a violent, selfish, cruel, and primative race that resorted to fights instead of words.
5:49am Apr 3 2010
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Omens nodded sagely, It's their nature dear, most humans absolutely cannot be satisfied without a fight. Let us be grateful our bonds are not like so.
5:51am Apr 3 2010
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Very much so. I can't stand violence... It's soo.... Ew. Daemon couldn't think of another way to put it. The things they even think of disgust me sometimes... How could they resort to such violence?
5:53am Apr 3 2010
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But my bond was not being like so, she was frustrated. Lady Soul can be a bit judgemental at times but her heart is in the right place, thought Omens, sighing at the thought of her bond.
5:56am Apr 3 2010
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Neither does my bond. He likes to resort to words and figure out a solution. Ask questions, never shoot later, one of those type of people. That's one of the reason he doesn't like the Unforgivens... He doesn't like how the went to violence... Daemon explained.
5:58am Apr 3 2010
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Omens nodded, I can see by his actions, though Lady Soul can be violent, it is never the sick violence of those sadist Unforgiven, Omens shuddered, her pelt rippling.
6:01am Apr 3 2010
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((Yo, I gotta go now. ): Bye!))