Name: Lina
Clan Name: Lotuspaw
Age: 8 moons
Gender: She-cat
Loner, Rogue, or Kittypet: Kittypet
Clan will be: ThunderClan
Rank will be: Apprentice
Personality: Lina is hot-headed and stubborn. She likes to be the one in the center of everything and no one else. If she isn't, she'll do anything to get her way, including using her claws even though she is a kittypet. Through all that recklessness is a cat that can be a great friend. The only one who has been able to access Lina's good side so far is not even a cat, but Lina's owner.
History: Lina has a pretty normal history. She was born and raised as a kittypet.
Mate?: None
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Name: Corpsepaw
Age: 12 moons
Gender: Tom
Clan: TornClan
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Corpsepaw is cruel and cold with no care for any other cat's feelings. His mind is full of dark and nasty things to do to offending cats. All the time, Corpsepaw is obsessed with improving his fighting techniques and the way he can end someone's life. Other cats in his Clan are even freaked out by his craziness.
History: Corpsepaw was the son of a WindClan tom and a ThunderClan she-cat. He was raised in ThunderClan by his mother, which didn't care about him much. Corpsepaw was looked down upon by his Clanmates. The cruelty continued when Corpsepaw became an apprentice. An older apprentice constantly bullied him and clawed him, sending him to the medicine den almost every day to get herbs to help heal his newly inflicted wounds and old injuries that had not healed yet. The rest of the Clan did not save Corpsepaw from his older Clanmate. Soon, he became cold-hearted and took matters into his own paws. Corpsepaw went hunting with the bullying apprentice and when the apprentice wasn't looking, Corpsepaw attacked him. He was caught later by a warrior, trying to hide the dead cat's body. Corpsepaw was exiled immediately and forced to leave, never to come back. He died alone.
Mate?: None
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Name: Larine
Clan Name: Raintear
Age: 21 moons
Gender: She-cat
Loner, Rogue, or Kittypet: Loner
Clan will be: RiverClan
Rank will be: Med. Cat
Personality: Larine is quiet and patient. She doesn't demand any attention from anyone and stays in the background of every scene. Larine does not like fighting other cats because of all the blood-shed that happens. She only will fight if she really has to and there is no other way.
History: Larine used to have one brother, named Storm because of his temper tantrums. They grew up together, helping each other by hunting and fighting off anybody who tried to invade their home. Storm made friends with a group of rogues and grew close to them. Soon, Larine caught Storm taking some of her food for the rogues. She demanded that Storm stop seeing those rogues, but Storm wouldn't listen. The rogues told Storm to abandon Larine and join them. Larine tried to keep Storm from leaving, but he ignored her pleas. In order to stop him, Larine attacked, in hopes of keeping him from leaving. Storm knocked her away. He snarled menacingly at Larine and gave her a painful scar down her spine to remember him by so that she didn't follow him. Larine was left there, crying and without food since Storm took all the food there was to supply the rogues. Life was harder for Larine. Cats came more often to take the small amount of food that she collected, leaving Larine to starve. Larine, at first, tried to fight them off but in the end Larine stopped battling them. She moved away from her home to somewhere with less cats to steal her prey. There she healed her wounds, mental and physical. Larine is still living there.
Mate?: None
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((I'll add more.))