Jake had finished doing the laundary, so he finaly went to have a shower after sleeping in the same clothes all night."Thats better." he thought to himself. he chucked himself onto the sofa bed in his "make-shift"room, and lay there wondering what movie he would take lily to see but thought it best for her to choose. Eventualy he decided that he was too bored to stay inside alone, so shoved he shoes on, and then hobbled down the hall to the kitchin to get his phone, because the back of his shoe had folded over. he tied his sweatshirt around his waste, and then locked the front door.
Alexa worked at the mall in the out-door activitys place, but she was currently on her break at the coffee-hut accross the floor. "hey Al, some people want their kids bike put up, aparently its his birthday. can you do it? Joe put me on check-out." said one of her co-workers. "Why can't sam do it?" She replied agitated. "I cant find him."
"Fine." she said in a huff. Alexa scrunched up the paper cup, and chucked it into the trash can.
((this is gona get confusing, cos my character is called jake ~_~))