6:24pm Sep 22 2010
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Azalen crouched forward, his pale, mint green eyes --he wasn't wearing his red contacts at the moment-- narrowed against the wind that whipped against his face. "Plus rapide, Michael! Plus rapide!" he shouted in French as he lowered himself further down on the back of his white American Thoroughbred/Arabian crossbreed, his white mane whipping into his face as his own black hair flew out of his eyes.
6:26pm Sep 22 2010
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Unari was about to awnser Ellia's question then he was interupted by Ace and Taelin "oh hey! How are yall Ace and Taelin?" he asked loudly excited to see people he knew smiling forgetting that there was no yelling in the libary.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
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6:28pm Sep 22 2010
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Ellia frowned suddenly knowing how her sister felt. "I'll be over there!" she said walking away.
6:32pm Sep 22 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm Sep 22 2010)
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Jaya, dieing of boredom, decided to go to the stables to pick up her pure black stallion and ride him at the horse trails and tracks. She first rinsed her hair out and it returned to the normal black she'd allways had. A few moments later... Jaya mounted her black steed, his coat gleamed in the light. She ,called him Stark, trotted him over to teh tracks, watching as someone riding a white horse sped around teh track. Jaya, bored out fo ehr mind, muttered something to Stark and the horse took off a a dead run, she was willing to ask the rider of teh white horse, eh, for a short race. ~ Taelin said,"I'm good, just decided to cruise into teh neighborhood, what a quincidence you're here." Ace nodded,"Yep, An i had to accompany her to go out of state."
6:36pm Sep 22 2010 (last edited on 6:36pm Sep 22 2010)
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Unari smiled "i had to do the same with Jotto exept Jotto lives here now mom wanted me to come spend time with him." Unari said smiling at the two.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
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6:38pm Sep 22 2010
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Ellai leaned on the book shelf. "Now I know what Fiona felt like!" she walked out of the library.
7:00pm Sep 22 2010
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(Azalen's horse's name is now Tempête, which means Storm in French.)
Azalen glanced over as a girl on a black stallion rode up beside him. "You are looking for a race, non?" he asked, his voice carrying a distinct French accent. "If so, I accept your challenge," he stated, mint green eyes determined.
7:02pm Sep 22 2010
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"Wi," Jaya replied. She never backed down to any challenge she faced,"er, how about three laps?" Taelin nodded. Ace asked,"Ah, how's Jotto doing these days?I haven't heard from him in a while."
5:09pm Sep 23 2010 (last edited on 5:11pm Sep 23 2010)
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Unari chuckled "well you know throwing him self at every girl in sight you know the usual." Unari said chuckling and smiled as he folded his arm and leaned against a book case like Jotto would do.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
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6:03pm Sep 23 2010
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((I'm surprised Unari left Ellia like that easily!)) Ellia sat outside and after waiting for 10 minutes she decided Unari had left her and started to walk home. A trail of tears left where she had walked. Fiona awoke and shook herself awake. "Ellia?" she cried. "Ellia where are you stop playing tricks this is not funny!" she cried. She ran all around. Then she exited, by that time Ellia had gotton half way home. Fiona got franic. "Unari where is Ellia?" she asked.
6:11pm Sep 23 2010
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Jotto looked at fiona then looked around "eh... she was right over there." he said pointing behind a isle of books shrugging afterwards.
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
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6:25pm Sep 23 2010
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Fiona looked. "SHE'S NOT THERE!" she cried. A Librarian ran over and yelled at her. "HELP ME FIND HER!" she cried in a whisper voice.
7:26pm Sep 23 2010
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Unari ran out side dragging Fiona he ran to his truck and put her inside and he drove a block down the road and stopped beside Ellia "ellia why did you leave? and why are you crying?" he asked worried it had to do something with him and old friends of his
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in
8:07pm Sep 23 2010
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((omg, i am so sorry Uryu!! I had a lot of homework. and gosh this post is gunna fail.)) Yukita hopped down from her seat, a smile on her face. "Why thank you fine sir." She giggled slightly as she gave a mock curtsey. "Well, lets go." She turned on her heel, waving at the nearby stable hand. "Dante, I'm heeeeeeeere!" She called out, hearing a whiny in reply.
8:15pm Sep 23 2010
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Jotto closed his car door and followed Yukita Jotto sees Dante "wow what a pretty horse." jotto said with a blush and turned his head so Yukita couldnt see ((fail))
sorry i've been goin on in off DX
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8:26pm Sep 23 2010
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((lol)) "Isnt he?" Yukita beamed extending her hand to the lock and unlatching it. Dante looked at Yukita for a moment before turning his head to look at Jotto. His hooves clicked on the floor as he calmly walked out of his stall and over to Jotto. He stared at Jotto for a moment before nudging the boy's head with his nose. "Aaaw, He liiiikes you! Well now that you met the guy, want to ride him?" She asked blushing slightly at the thought of riding with someone. ((sorry i got to go now, mom is yelling at me.))
8:30am Oct 3 2010
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((pokes... how long has this been not posted on??))