9:59pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 7:14am Mar 2 2011)
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Plot: Teenagers in highschool. Setting: Stonebrook High, Salem, Oregon. Modern times. Rules: Violence allowed, moderate romance. Keep it PG-16, and follow all roleplaying rules as determined my the guide (see Roleplaying forums thread by LeTainted). --------------------- Biography layout: Name: Age: Grade: Gender: SO: Personality: Appearance (Deion): History (Optional): Teams/ Clubs: Other (Optional): ------------------------ Members: 5 Girls: 5 Boys Iheart (Lindsay and Matthew) Radio (Lina and Dustin) Tsunade (Jesse) Stray (Jace and Faythe) Serenity (Karienne and Jesse) Zo (Calyx) ------------------------- Post profiles here, and continue on the thread named "{Actual Thread} Teenage Highschool Roleplay." http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-actual-thread-teenage-highschool-roleplay/~page/1/#post_1288666
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:50pm Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 12:11am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 50
Name: Lina Antoine Age: 16 Grade: 11th Grade Gender: Female SO: Straight for now, lets see if you can change her. Personality: She is a bit of a silver tongued female despite her typical teenaged insecurities. She is quick to dish out a remark or some s*censored*y retort sure to get her in trouble and often regrets what she says about 5 seconds after realizing what left her mouth. Day dreaming is not her favorite past time but it's about the only thing that really interest her besides annoying others who come off wrong to her or when she is reading a book, and yeah, she probably loves that book more than she loves you, you'll live. Would she like friends, sure, who wouldn't, does she need them, not if your some soft skinned wimp or inoccent by stander who can't take a hit to save your life, and if you point out that small break out on her face, you will get a girlish slap to the face or slug to the arm, so get your face guard on and be ready. Appearance : She has slightly darker than fair toned skin, like a dark ivory toned foundation. Her eyes are a slightly dull green color, freckles skip across her cheeks and down her arms. Hair that goes to the bottom of her shoulder blades is colored dark brown naturally with a little bit of pink adde din here and there, straightened every other morning to every few days, naturally a bit crinkly and curled, she usually has a head band or hair clip in it. Her chest is of average c cup size and her hips are slightly prodominate. She is usually seen with her school skirt on and her blouse untucked and a vest or jacket over it. Gl*censored*es sit on the bridge of her nose, square framed and her bangs or stray hairs generally are used to cover sight of her eyes. Her nails are alway short cut french tips and sometimes polished. she wears thigh high socks and leg warmers that match her hair accessory and her jacket usually, as well as whatever jewelry she throws on. being a bookworm with a slight sense of fashion is never easy since it makes her excluded form other book worms who see her as trying to supposedly conform to the prettier girls of school and yet she is too nerdy for the prettier girls at school. Note though she won't wear make up unless she likes you. History : Not much to say here. She doesn't quite fit in but personally she'd rather not. Her family life is decent, just her and her mother chilling out. yes she is lloaded, no, she won't help you or donate to your good cause you mooch. She doesn't particularly care for real life people though she may be caught going to certain sport games or attending most school events. She likes to sit in the library and read after school so if your looking for her, you will likely find her there. That or you will find her stopping at the store on her way home with nothing better to do then torment the workers at the store or people shopping around her. She isn't quite the friendliest person, but when your loaded, a nerd, and quit wanton of nothing more than to be in control of those around you due to lack of control of a father who left when you were younger, you'd be the same way too, or so she *censored*umes. She does have stress and problems like every other teenager. She has a tendancy to not do her homework and only do well on some test and *censored*ignments. She only joins the clubs she knows won't use her for her money and lastly, she gets acne breakouts like everyone else, midn you they aren't huge, but every girl's worst fear in highschool is a breakout on the face. you will never see her yearbook pictures from the last two years as she purposely missed those days, being known as "Brace-faced Lina" she made sure to drastically change herself, another thing she is yet ashamed of, because she wasn't always good with fashion or with her hair, she use to have a frizzy messy head of hair and braces the size of three states and some really bad skin. with a whole summertime to fix herself and rea dup she cut off all her friends, something she secretly regrets, and made herself into a brand new person, not wanting anyone to remeber her or notice her because of who she was or use to be around, she refuses to speak of those days and will blatantly ignore you if you bring it up. Teams/ Clubs: None right now, recruite her? Other (Optional): She can't draw for beans and wishes she could, she is always seen with a book and her teddy bear booksack or shoulder bag, and lastly she is a great runner but seems to have an aversion to water, due tonot knowing how to swim as well as a great dislike and inability to hold her own in most sports. You can imagine she likes track but doesn't seem to want to dedicate herself to it. She attendsall the football games, though no one is sure why since she never cheers for anyone and sits by herselfon the top bleacher, far right of the home field's set and secludes herself form most students. She has a pet Lizard named Belmont, he means the world to her. ((gonna get the next profile done in a moment.))
11:00pm Feb 26 2011
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Name: Jessie James Age: 17 Grade: 11 Gender: Male S.O.: Closet Homosexual Personality: He's shy but sweet and easy to get along with. He's smart and doesn't judge other by their looks, but by their actions. Once you get you know him, you'll be hooked ;3 History: Father died when he was young, his mother remarried, and his step father doesn't like him very much or his ways. Team(s)/Club(s)? Photography Club Other: Uhm.. No :3
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
11:14pm Feb 26 2011
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Name: Dustin Johnson Age: 18 Grade:12th Gender: Male SO: No real prefrence Personality: a bit of a jerk sometime on accident, he is generally a bit of a reclusive boy. His intellgence is furuther than his physical ability and yet, he is not thin and lanky. He takes pride in what he can do and the fact he is usually easy to make friends with him, though, at the same time, it's harder to say friends with him for long. He is studious and more concerned with his work generally than he is with those around him. He has a bit of a big brother act to certain undercl*censored* men, but anything past a bit of defensiveness and willingness to get into a fight for them is not usual and most people he will leave to deal with thier own problems. cruel, no, just rather not fight for someone he may very well not like later in life. he is slightly creative and can be pretty athletic, but once again, studies and work comes first. Appearance : his hair is slightly curly and thick, he may or amy not wear his specticals or contacts, depends on his mood that day. His clothing or uniform is always neatly pressed and with few wrinkles in it, he thinks perfection is the most important part of one's apperance. He only had to deal with acne in his 7-9th grade years and then his skin care products did magic and got rid of it. and yes girls, he probably knows more about skin care than you do, but no dear cl*censored*mates and students, he is not gay. History : Not much that he is going to say other than he has a wealthy enough family to afford whatever the heck he wants, but no, he does not abuse this. he works at the local grocery store after school usually till 8 and then heads home and does his homeowrk and anything he needs to for student council. He usually won't hang out with the popular kids unless talking to a fellow member of the SC, or someone form another club he needs to ask *censored*istance from. He has enough friends to make him happy but he would always like mroe that can put up with him and his personality. His parents are never home and seems to not care for either having few to no good things to say about either of them, so don't ask. He will go olut of his way to help you if you prove your motive or need great or just enough for him to see the reason or logic behind it. secertly he has always wanted to be bolder and more of a hero but he is very unsure of how he'd have done that, so he just lived with being th big-brother type to a selective crowd and being SC President. Teams/ Clubs: Student Council President, a Violinist of the Music Club. Other : His hair is naturally dirty blonde, but you will see it change colors through out the year. Right now it is bright brown with some blonde strips in it, otherwise, nothing new.Ouside of school you will learn him and Lina are cousins and share thier large wealth, and they both have very alternative to punk like styles when not in school, though he is more proper and well mannered than his female cousin and is less likly to be seen at a public event drastically dressed like her, but will be out in public for mall trips and such with friends in that style or a more jock like attire. He stands at 6'0 excatly and has a slightly muscular frame, a little more than lean, but is not quite as brawny as the football or base ball players and ect.
11:45pm Feb 26 2011
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Name: Jace Keir Age: 17 Grade: 11th Gender: Male SO: Bi Personality: Jace is a extremely laid back, go with the flow type of person. Little really bothers him. His not a studious person and would rather sleep in cl*censored* then learn, or perhaps annoy his teachers if the opportunity permits. Newer people, if shy, tend to find him extremely odd and even creepy due to the fact he'll randomly come up with some odd, off the wall topic that does not pertain to anything. Though little can get under his skin, stereotyping people will. He hates it when jocks pick on geeks or nerds and cheerleaders make fun of theatrical girls and does not mind to step up and say something. Jace, though he does not really look it, enjoys to sketch; most of the time the darker parts of life. He does not look like a goth (yet another stereotype he refuses to identify with) but finds that he prefers them and geeks to preps. Appearance (Deion): He is darker toned then some, looking like he'd spent the summer outside working. He stands about 6'2 in height and is somewhat lanky, though does not ill-proportioned. Jace's hair is short-ish, though not buzz cut that is darker at the roots and gets lighter as it goes out. It's a dark blonde almost brown and a light blonde at the tips. He has a opened, friendly face with high cheek bones and bright blue eyes that tends to show his emotions. Both of his ears are peirced as well as one eyebrow, and his has a tribal tattoo running from mid back and down to mid-bicep on his right arm. History (Optional): He was not born in America, rather in southern Siberia, Russia. His parents were extremely poor and already had two children before him and could not support a third. But they tried for eleven years and when things hit rock bottom they sent Jace to America to live with his aunt on his mothers side. It was a hard transition from cold Siberia to the warmth of Oregon where people looked at him odd. He knew how to speak English, though it was not his first language, so that made it slightrly more bearable. He still has a Russian accent when speaking. Teams/ Clubs: Fine Art's Society Other (Optional): Nothing. --- Name: Faythe Sanders Age: 17 Grade: 11th Gender: Female SO: No Real Orientation Personality: Faythe, though not a bully, is always cold and more then willing to fight. She has a extremely dark outlook on life, beliving everyone is secretly aginst everyone and that one day you'll get stabbed in the back. For this reaons she tends to stay away from epople unless their forced on her for something like a project. She does not like school and does not really try, finding the whole ordeal stupid. In a fight, she would much rather throw punches then words, thinking that by talking you'll never get anwhere. You have to show who's boss. She refuses to be told what to do. Friendwise she prefers to to have anym fearing, though she'd never admit it, that they'll only betray her in the end. Sharp tounged, she'll insult you for no reason other then to make you leave her alone. She finds emotion a weakness, and will exploit your if she can. Alot of her cold, hateful demanor is a act, but a good one that's hard to see through. Appearance (Deion): She stands about 5'4 and is hostile about it, with muscles unusual for a female. But she's not about looks, so this does not bother her. But she has a skinny torso and long legs and small hands. Her skin is pale with a tiny hint of a tan. Her hair reaches about mid back and is straight with side sweeping bangs. It's a dark brown almost black. Her face is closed off with a small chin, high eyebrows and cold forest green eyes. She tends to wear a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt, normally black or navy blue. A gang tatto resides on her left shoulder blade; a mark from the past. There are also multiple scars around her back and arms, but are more faded now so that their not to visible. History (Optional): Her mother died when she was eight, one of the most painful days of her life. Then her father began to drink afterwards, becoming increasingly violent. Not going into to many detasils about the next few years, they were the reason she is like she is now. Because if her father did what he did then why would others not? At age fifteen she ran away, finally tired of the abuse and suffering. The first people she came across was a inner city gang, who took her in and taught her the ways of the streets, how to survive in the hard world. But that life was not for her; the stealing and law-breaking was fine, but watching them take down some helpless old man brought back memories and she left. Knowing of a older cousin she went to find her in Salem Oregon. Teams/ Clubs: No... Other (Optional): Nothing else.

12:26am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 12:26am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 50
Quick inquiry for everyone, would you prefer this be the profile thread and we make a seperte one for RP that way if others want to join it won't get messy? - me and iheart were making this together. XD -
12:27am Feb 27 2011
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((Can I join Heart (I'm sorry I have to ask XP) And Tsun I think you spelt Jesse the girl way, unless that was on purpose. I was just wondering))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:34am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 3:33pm Feb 27 2011)
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((Accepted, Tsu. Also, Radio is my co-leader, and holds as much authority as I do.)) Name: Lindsay Addison McCaughney. Age: 16. Grade: 11 (Junior). Gender: Female. SO: Straight. Personality: Lindsay is an intellectual, and is enrolled in all advanced cla.sses, and is secluded from "regular" kids. People tend to as.sume that because she is in special cla.sses, she is elitist and snobby, when in reality, the lack of social activity has merely made her lonely. Even in her cla.sses, where everyone is seemingly family, she has always been on the shyer side. Although mos would imagine she would be the ideal subject for bullies, she gets by thinly on her acceptable appearance and her conspicuous kindness. In her small but incredibly close group of friends, Lindsay is regarded as the girliest, vainest, and most boy-crazy of her nonselective group. Although she has little experience with boys, when she feels comfortable with one, she becomes flirty and outlandish. She easily falls in love, but is very conflicted about her feelings when in love. She doesn't find joy in physical contact whatsoever, and is likely to threaten those who attempt to poke her. In fact, she is erotophobic. Lindsay, although she is vain, does not consider herself pretty. She obsesses with her appearance because she hates how she looks. Since she has less money and material posessions than other girls her age, she tends to be seen as less beautiful, even though her facial beauty often exceeds others'. Her most common pastimes include going on the computer to visit numerous "immature" websites, reading romance novels, and filling her mind with "what-if"s. Appearance (Deion): Lindsay has fair skin, with a golden, lively tint. Her straight, bleach blonde hair is very thin, so that she cannot wear it up, as ponytails always seem to disobey her. Her hair cascades down her unathletic shoulders, and ends right above her chest. Her eyes are cornflower blue, and rather large, and are accentuated by her long, full, mascara'd eyelashes. Her eyebrows have a distinct arch, and are a rich, chocolate colour. Her nose is whimsically upturned, and is very structured, though small. Her lips are rather full and rosy, and encase her straight, white teeth. She lacks freckles, and has but a few unthreatening white-heads hidden behind her bangs. Her ears are pierced, but are usually without earrings. Her face is heart-shaped, and narrow, and is outlined by her frame of hair. Her cheekbones are rather high, and support her face nicely. Her body is somewhat curvy, but not ridiculously, and her chest is large, but no ridiculously large. Her stature is rather small, at 5'4, and she weighs little, at 97 lbs. Overall, she is attractive, but hides it unknowingly. History (Optional): Lindsay has lived an uncomfy life, but has been shielded from the vulgarity by her mother since birth. Therefore, she tends to not see the pitfalls of life, and lives in euphoria. Teams/ Clubs: Drama Society, Talented Art. Other (Optional): She engages in school activities but secludes herself naturally.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:48am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Radio- I doubt that'll be able to be organized. Too late now. Yes, Serenity may join. I will add Matthew eventually.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:51am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 50
(( Not really all you do is make another thread that claims to be the actual RP and in the firs tpost links to this as the profile thread. =o= But thats just my opinion~))
12:57am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Well, if that is what you'd like, although I think more characters would be nice.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:04am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 50
((Well we would get more characters haha, Thats what this would be for, the profiles of characters in case others want to join in later and the main thread would be where the actual RP itself takes place~))
1:19am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 3:32pm Feb 27 2011)
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Name: Matthew Graham Reeves. Age: 18. Grade: 12 (Senior). Gender: Male. SO: Never really thought about it. Personality: Matthew is full of himself beyond what most would consider normal. The only standard he holds higher is that of a beautiful girl. Matthew is the average jock: Handsome, popular, flirty, kind when he wants to be, not doing well academically, and a bit full of himself. He goes around flirting with nearly everyone, but he is just looking for love, and failing miserably. He tries to play the role of Romeo, casually strolling in and sweeping fair maidens off of their feet. Although he can be a pain at first, it is hard to resist loving Matthew after you know him for a while. He is experienced with dating, and has hit on half of the girls around campus, usually receiving positive gestures in return. He is an intense partygoer, and is always surrounded by an air of optimism. Appearance (Deion): Matthew is handsome, with soft, sandy blonde, wavy locks that cascade past his head loosely. His complexion is sunkissed-toned, with a touch of umber developing around his cheeks in a perpetual blush. His eyes are are startling cornflower blue, that add a certain undeniably adorable quirkiness to his atmosphere. A nearly invisible path of freckles decorate his button-shaped nose, which dips, aloof in pattern, down to his semi-full satin pink lips. His cheekbones are dignified, and present a charming dimension to his face. His chin protrudes casually, and his face is composed of an ovular shape, masked by his ma.ss of hair. His shoulders are strong, as is his tall stature. He is very muscular, and chiseled, but not noticeably unless he is wearing a short-sleeved shirt. History (Optional): Matthew has always lived a comfy, happy life. His incredible ability in football lends him the oppurtunity of college scholarships, though his grades suffer. Teams/ Clubs: Center for the school's football team. Other (Optional): Just broke up with his girlfriend three days ago.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:20am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((So, we would have a different thread as the actual RP?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:31am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 50
((Mhm, that way one can RP and if they wanna glimpse back at someone's profile without having to sift through replies or othe rpeople not being able to join mid roleplay, they can just post profiles here and RP on the seperate thread, then everyone is happy and people can still join by posting profiles here~))
1:45am Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 1:47am Feb 27 2011)
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Posts: 3,005
((Okay, awesome. I am making a new thread, everyone. Post profiles here, and continue on the thread I will soon make, named "{Actual Thread} Teenage Highschool Roleplay." http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-actual-thread-teenage-highschool-roleplay/~page/1/#post_1288666))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
2:09am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 50
(( awesome, shall i start us all off then~ <3?))
2:12am Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:23pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Can people still join this? ouo))
1:52pm Feb 27 2011 (last edited on 3:16pm Mar 1 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
Name|| Karienne Jackson Age|| Seventeen Grade|| Eleven (Junior) Gender|| Female SO|| Straight Personality|| Karienne is an extremely friendly girl, really the social butterfly of the school. Being friends with almost all groups of people. Altogether a likable girl, though not totally up in your face cheerful. She is rather laid back tending to go with the flow, and do pretty everything last minute, unless she actually cares about what she is doing. She is the type of kid, who will not do her homework because she doesn't like the teacher, and does projects the day they are do. Which kinda makes her seem like a bad kid, although she's not really that bad just lazy. She is very into the arts, joining both the art club as well as drama. She also wants to help people which is why she ran for SC. It's kinda of hard not to like Kari, considering she'd be willing to do any one a favour even if she didn't really like the person. As long as it wasn't to illigle. She enjoys parties but she does't drink, considering how wasted she got at a party a couple of years ago, which her friends won't let go, although she doesn't even remember half of what she did, so she's pretty sure half the outrageous stuff is lies. She also is very quick tempered, and tends to spazz easily. And when she does she get violent and will lash out. Although she also forgives people way to quickly, tending to forget what they did to her ten minutes later. Also this girl has a sick (perverted) mind. She thinks of everything in the worst way, if you say 69 she giggles or if you say 'Oh it won't fit.' she'll be the first to say 'That whats she said'. So mind what you say to her. Love wise also Karienne is one for looks, but she won't commit herself to anyone unless she likes their personality, which is why she's had only about two boyfriends. She's also kind of oblivious to when guys flirt with her, shrugging them off, or when she does notice she shoots them down, mostly because of bad reputations. Appearance|| Karienne stands at a height of 5'6'' and her skin is a milky chocolate brown.She has black curls that fall to her shoulders and frame her pretty face. (Hair looks similar to this, just black) Her eyes are a deep forest green and framed by dark, naturally long, eyelashes. She has few scars except for one that she hides under her side bangs. Her little nose fites nicely on her face. She has semi-full lips and straight white smile that is ever present on her face. Her body is thin and surprisingly curvy, and she has a smaller chest than other girls. Not non-excistant small, but just enough that it natrual on her thin body, so maybe a B cup-size. She wears whatever she feels like, but always wears skinny jeans over her long legs. Now, although you wouldn't think it, Kari has a tatoo. A large one in fact. She has a dragon across her entire back, although she never really shows it considering she got it when she was drunk. She is a rather attractive girl although she really think nothing of it considering she never wears make-up or anything to define any of her features. History|| Shes had a pretty pleasent life. She was born in America, but her mother was a french model so she moved them there and she gew up there until she was about five (making her fluent in french), then her mother moved them back to America to be with her father, who had divorced his other wife to be with them. And things were good, until her father went back to the military. When she was twelve he was killed by a roadside bomb. Teams/ Clubs|| Student Council Vice-President, Drama / Art Soceity Other|| Karienne is fluent in french, although when she speaks english you can't hear her accent. Karienne is good at drawing although she is terrible at drawing people. Her prefered mediums are pencil and water colour paints. And she is rather talented in both. She is also a big supporter of school events. She goes to all football games, mostly because her friend happens to be on the team, and she loves watching the guys run into each other. She also supports poetry reading, bake sales (Never by her cookies, she can't bake to save her life.) anything that the school does you can bet she'll be there to support it. She also never does any sports. She hates running, and balls (they scare her) so is on no sports teams. Although she will kick or throw around a ball just for fun. She also has a big rotweiler named Nike, who she loves more than anything. - - - - - - - - - Name|| Jesse Procter Age|| Eighteen Grade|| Twelve (Senior) Gender|| Male SO|| Straight Personality|| Jesse would pretty much be the joker of the group. He is very playful in nature, prefering to keep things light instead of talking about the heavy stuff. Although he knows when to be serious. (Is this good enough for now? He's new XP I'll add more) Appearance|| Jesse is your average teenage boy/jock. He stands at an average height of 5'11 and has an althetic build. He's pretty fit, he has a six pack and such but he doesn't have a much bulk as some of the other guys, its not noticeable, unless he is shirtless or something. He has a relatively handsome face. He has pretty cornflower blue eyes which stands out against his dark, black hair. He also has deep dimples, which show when he smiles giving him a cute, playful look. His lips, aren't exactly the fullest but he has straight white teeth, which he likes to show off, so he smiles quite often. (Fail of epic poportions, I'll try and fix this XP, just try and imagine Eddie Cibrian. He's kinda modeled after him XP) History|| Has a fairly normal upbringing. Aside from the fact his dad is like CEO of some buisness company. So because of that, his dad mostly being married to his job, ended up getting himself divorced when (Insert name) was around eight. So his mother moved them to Oregon. So his mother, who had a taste for the rich life toned it down a bit when they moved. She baught a fairly large house and paid for him to go to an expensive boarding school, until he finally talked her into letting him come back and go to normal school. So he was a pretty spoiled child, although he pretty humble about it, and isn't a comeplete snob. He also grew up next to Karienne, making them pretty good friends. Teams/ Clubs|| Football Team Other|| He was also at the party when Kari got wasted. He was pretty drunk too and he also got a tattoo. His is on his left forearm that says Approval isn't Needed, in like Old English font. It's pretty random it really doesn't mean anything. He also covers it up, considering his mother would probably kill him if she found out. Looks like this: Approval isn’t Needed
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.