12:26pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Ok,awesome. I guess I will wait on Elmo before I put up my intro. I am still thinking of mine.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:29pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,188
(LOL, i just put mine up xD)
1:04pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Oops. *Facepalm*)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:41pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Man it's I'm not on for a few hours and I have 30 unread alerts I wait on angel
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
1:48pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(My other intro was destroyed. Jane already has a great reputation with her room-mates. Lol.)
Jane went up to the room assignment board and noticed she was roomed with two of Jeff's friends and sighed. 'Great. They just had to put me with them. At-least I'm not roomed with Jeff. That would be hell.',she thought as she dragging he suitcase behind her to her assigned room. Once at her assigned room she ignored the other two rooms with Jeff's friends inside and went to the one in the middle. Setting her suitcase on the bed she closed the door and began rummaging through her suitcase,pulling out her cloths. She put them in a dresser and found a shelf for her books and drawing supplies. Then she sat down on the bed and slipped her suit case under-neath it. 'This should be an interesting time in collage. Just wait,I'll have to have classes with Jeff and his friends next.',the thought floated through her mind,but she didn't think it would actually come true.
(Other intro was better.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:03pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Ben walked down the hall with Jeff as they looked on the list again to find hoodie and maskys room " ok two doors down" Jeff didn't bother read the other name as he walked down the hall " hey Jeff want to get some Mexican food later " Jeff looked over " you know it " he said as he knocked on the door and walked in " hey masky it's Jeff you want to eat some Mexican food with us " Jeff looked as he noticed Jane " oh hell no uh I have to deal with this all year oh this is going to be the best " Jeff gave a sly look " come on masky I don't have all day I can't stand it in here with this b####" Ben looked at her as he was high as usual " woah why dose she have a poney beside her " Jeff looked down " Ben calm it down were leaving soon don't worry"
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
3:16pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Oh. I didn't get an alert for that post.)
Jane smirked and rolled her eyes. She then said,"I had a feeling you would be coming by to see yours buddies soon. Though I didn't think you would bring along Ben." Not seeming to even look at them she stared at a book and added,"I just hope you hurry and leave,potato face. I have stuff to do."
(I had to put potato face,sorry.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:19pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Hey - Jeff
Jeff scoffed " wow look who's talking gothic " Jeff laughed " hurry up masky I don't have all day I want to get my party on " ( short)
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
3:27pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(I had to. Now I will wait for others to post.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:30pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
3:33pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,667
(Where should Liu be?)
Slendy walked in annoyed as he saw he was with Ben. "Great, I have to be with the drunk idiot." He walked into the room he was in hoping Ben wouldn't be there already.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
3:34pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Slendy seems like he would be a great teacher.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
3:34pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Uh walking through the halls
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
3:35pm Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
1:07am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 1,667
I'll jut do a random post for Liu
Liu walked into the rooms not knowing what they where. "Is anybody here?"He said and read the list. As soon as he saw Jeffs name he ran into their room and tackled him to the ground. "Is that really you!"
Slendy sat there twiddling his thumbs. "Why do i have to be with Ben!"
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:42am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Um their out getting Mexican food so you can see them walking down the halls
Jeff walked down the hall as he noticed someone run into him room " hey who's that guy and who dose he think he is " jeff walked down the halls as Ben trailed behind him " fanboy maybe " jeff sighed " no Ben I don't think so " as Ben got to the room with Jeff he noticed the man on the floor on top of Jack. Jeff pulled out the knife as he pulled the man from Jack and pushed him to the side. Jeff kept his knife close his neck" what do you think your doing in my ro...............Liu is that you bro " jeff got off the man as he stood backing away dropping the knife " is it really you"
Hey I read our creepypasta and so you joined me and smile -jeff
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!
11:31am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 1,667
( 0.0 I'll make something out of that... )
Liu looked up at Jeff and said, "Sorry, i thought someone was robbing your room. Anyway, what is this place?" Liu asked and looked around. "I live outside on my own, I made a tree house and I live and sleep in a tree, its horrible." Liu sighed and sat down.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:39am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 1,188
Masky looked up at Jane as she rudely walked in without even bothering to say hi. Masky just rolled his eyes and decided to have the first say. "Well hello there, miss Jane." He said. Masky looked up when somebody else was at the door, and stood up immediately when he noticed it was Jeff. "Hoody, you stay in here with... Her. See you later," Masky called to Hoody, who nodded and looked down to the ground. Masky walked out after Jeff and laughed at Ben when he talked about ponies again. Masky simply closed his room door and walked after Jeff. He ran with Jeff into his room as he saw somebody run in. He was about to pull out his small pen knife when he saw the guy, but let go when Jeff seemed to recognise this person. "Huh?" he mumbled. Back in their room, Hoody looked up at Jane. "Hi." His strange voice murmered.
1:07pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 9,781
Jane continued to look at her book until they left and thought,'Good thing they left. They left behind their strange friend,though.' Looking up from the book she placed it behind her and looked at Hoody as he spoke. "Hi.",she replied back simply and then narrowed her eyes. "Why did they leave you behind? If I hated someone I sure as hell wouldn't leave a friend behind with them.",she added as she spoke her thoughts.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
1:38pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 1,264
Liu I I " jeff sighed " were in collage and why are you living in a tree " jeff looked at masky " this is my brother I I.........I killed him " Jeff looked at Liu and hugged him " I'm sorry for everything I did "
Do whatcha want cuz a pirate is free!!! YOU ARE A PIRATE!!!