Terror began in January {Terror RP} By the Light of Full Moon

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6:14pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm May 1 2010)

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Posts: 2,092
Something inhuman has come to La Harpe, as unseen as the full moon riding the night sky above. It is the werewolf, and there is no more reason for it's coming now than there would be for the arrival of cancer, or a psychotic with murder on it's mind, or a killer tornado. Its time is now, its place is here, in this little Kansas town where baked bean church suppers are a weekly event, where small boys and girls still bring apples to their teachers, where nature Outings of the Senior Citizens' Club are religiously reported in the weekly paper. Next week there will be news of a darker variety.
In the small town of La Harpe Kansas, with a population of only 250, something evil has been unleashed with a hunger that cannot be sated. The werewolf, one of their own residents, has become something out of nightmares, and at the night of the full moon it attacks, leaving at least three people a month mauled in their own homes. Schools are forced to close down during the full moon cycle, in fear of yet another child being swept from his feet and into the jaws of the m*censored*ive wolf. Now with nothing else to do, a group of avenging teens try to find, and even kill this creature that is terrorizing the town. But little do they know, the kill will be hard for it is one of their own, and that the moon no longer holds her sway on the shift. 
Reason to Kill the Wolf:

I got this idea from the book Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King. This plot is not mine.
This is what the werewolf looks like, just for reference:


9:27pm May 1 2010

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Posts: 15,067
Can I be the Wolf?


8:05am May 2 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((Sure, if you want.))


12:54pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 7,736

((Join as Drake?))


Anzu is-Online^^

1:02pm May 2 2010

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1:42pm May 2 2010

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Age: 17
Reason to Kill the Wolf:The wolf killed his little sister and his mom
Family:His dad,brothers, and older sister
BF/GF/Crush:None yet
History-He's lived in the darkness all his life and nows his chance to avenge his Mom and little sister's death.
Looks-he's the first picture on my profile

Anzu is-Online^^

4:11pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm May 2 2010)

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Name: Lindsay McCauley
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Flirty, fun, and outgoing. She loves a challenge. She is brave, but in doing so gets herself into scary situations. She can be frightened easily, despite this bravery. She is popular, and the "belle of the ball" for the town. She is a stereotypical "damsel in distress" character. She isn't extremely bratty, or mean. Think modern day Daphne from Scooby Doo.

Reason to Kill the Wolf: She kinda crushes on someone else who is trying.  
Family: She lives with her mother, who spoils her silly, because her dad left, and her mom wants her to be happy.
Likes: Boys, parties, shopping, adventure, sales, candy, soda, roses, romance, sunny days.

Dislikes: Nerds, school, work, high prices, healthy food, tests, rainy days, scary things.
BF/GF/Crush: Crushng on Drake. Also crushes on most other hot guys.  
History: Her father left her at birth, leaving her mom to care for her. She is on the cheerleading squad, and has won several beauty pagents and fairs. She has never been the dumpee, but the dumper.
Looks: ((I couldn't find a picture to describe it.))

She has long, straight, light blonde hair that reaches her chest, but ends in intricate ringlets. She usually wears a bow that matches her outfit. Her eyes are a vivid blue, and her skin is pale, but not ashen. She has no blemishes on her skin, and her lips are full and light pink, like satin. Her cheekbones are high. She is medium height, and extremely skinny. Her figure is an hourgl*censored*, and she is considered curvy. She usually wears frilly pink or blue silk school outfits, with white or black neckties. She wears fancy flats or tennis shoes with silky shoestrings to match her outfit. She is said to look like an angel.

((Guess what? I made this character so she could have a boyfriend, and be victimized by the werewolf. Then, someone could try to save her. I thought it was a good idea.))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

7:16pm May 2 2010 (last edited on 7:17pm May 2 2010)

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Posts: 2,092

((Accepted both of you.))

Name: Dimitri Ramos

Age: 19

Gender: Male

PersonalityHe’s a little gruff, blunt and straight to the point. To those he dislikes he will tell you about it and will try to keep his temper in check. But if he likes you, he’s your best friend and would do anything in the world for you. He has a quick sharp temper and when provoked can become very violent, he tends to be sorry after words, but that does no good to either a corpse or someone ready to take a swing back at you. 
Reason to Kill the Wolf: Does he need a reason to kill a monster who is killing people?
Family: Only his father who is home very little and his Doberman pincher Raze.

 Likes/Dislikes: He likes very little, but includes reading Stephen King, watching cheesy horror movies, listening to heavy metal, and science cl*censored*es. He at times likes talking to friends and people who do not judge him. He dislikes most people( mostly preps, cheerleader, and jocks), being in crowds, being flirted with by people who only like him for his money or looks, math, romance

BF/GF/Crush: He discreetly looks, but pretends he does not

History: His father works most of the time, always has as long as he remembers and his mother was sick. His younger sister by two years was very attached to her mother and had mental problems. Finally they got the news their mother had cancer and was dying. His father never came back to check on her, even on her death bed. Three weeks after Sonja, their mother died Kara, his sister, killed herself.

Looks:Dimitri is not a person you would want to meet in a dark alley. He looks sorta like a guy who would slit your throat without a backwards glance. He is extremely tall, standing about 6’7 in height. He has a strong, distant face with dark brown eyes that seem to grow black when he’s angry. His hair is dark brown that reaches his neck and is slightly wavy. He wears comfortable dark jeans and a black shirt. A long black cloak covers him.A scar goes over his left eye brown and he has a tattoo around his right arm that goes down his shoulder.


8:28pm May 2 2010

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Posts: 3,005

(( So when can we start? This oughta be interesting, the three of them on a team. Not much info on Drake, but Dimitri and Lindsay seem like exact opposites. XD))

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

4:40pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 2,092

((Haha they are opposites! I guess we can start seeing as I doubt anyone else will join.))

Glowering viciously at the funeral procession driving by the front of school, Dimitri stuffed his hands in his pockets and watched. The small counties baker Mr. Hoffman, or Stuffy geezer as a lot of the kids called him, had been found three night ago mauled. Three nights ago when the full moon was just falling. Scowling yet again, he wondered if t was some sort of animal that had killed three people, three good people at that, or just a crazy lunatic that decided this was a good place to start their murders. Which ever way, he hoped that when they were caught the towns folks would flay him or it alive. Pulling his coat tighter around his frame, he blocked out the sniffling and crying of the younger kids that attended the all grades school. 



5:07pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 842
ooc; join? (will post bio soon-ish)

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!

5:16pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Stray, may I join, this sound really cool.))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

5:51pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((Sure! You may both join.))


6:07pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 4:12pm Jun 3 2010)

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Posts: 3,991

Name|| Karienne Jackson

Age|| Seventeen

Gender|| Female

Personality|| Kari is a totally up beat and friendly girl. Allways cheerful but never too in your face. She just one of those really likeable people. Once, she makes up her mind its her way or the highway. She normally jokes around and seems carefree but she can be serious at times, especially when it comes to the werewolf. She also finds it hard to forgive people if they wrong her. (Yeah, I suck at personalities, do I need to type more?)

Reason to Kill the Wolf|| Maybe the fact its a giant wolf going around and killing innocent people O.O'

Family|| Her mother, everyone else was killed(not yet).

Likes/Dislikes|| Karienne like lots of thing. Mostly the simple things, like nature, the smell of summer (Yes she's weird like that), sun showers, the smell of rain and freshly cut gr*censored*, anything sweet,white roses/lilies, animals, friends and ice cream and surprinsing hunting with her Uncle. Her dislikes include, rude/mean people, people who think that everybody is beneth them, people who don't enjoy life, heavy metal/screamo music, creepers (o.O') and whatever is killing these people.

BF/GF/Crush|| Dimitri

History|| Nothing of importance.

Looks|| Karienne is a rather pretty girl. She stands at about 5'6 abd her flawless skin is a milky chocolate brown. Her curly black hair reaches her shoulders frames her round face. Her eyes are a deep forest green and are framed by dark lashes. She nose fits nicely on her face and she has a straight white smile that is ever present. Her lips aren't exactly full and largee but slightly less than that and soft. Her body is thin but surprisingly curvy, a family trait. Now, being the type of person she is you would never suspect it but she has a tatoo of a dragon on her entire back, she normally hides it, rarely wearing bikinis or open back dresses that would show it, she honestly has no idea how she got it.

Other|| Student concil Vice President

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:21pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((Accepted! You can start when you want.))


7:24pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 632
((Join? If I can here’s my bio, it might be really messed up but thats cause of my computer :( I cant fix it...)) Bio's Name: Rafael DeVanti Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: He’s not to friendly to strangers, he’s very close to his sister though and very protective of friends. He is very closed, quiet and sometimes rude... Reason to Kill the Wolf: He’s a hunter with his sister, its their job. Family: none besides his sister Maive. He has a pet rottweiler Fare who helps them on hunts. Likes/Dislikes: Likes hunting, the peace of the woods. Hates loud people and being...ugh...fancy... BF/GF/Crush: None yet... Looks: He’s tall about 6 “3 and silent. He keeps his dark hair short, he has an ear stud. No fancy jewelry that could get caught by flailing claws.... Bio's Name: Maive DeVanti Age: 15 Gender: Female Personality: She is very close to her brother, open to making friends but not great at talking to them. She can be a scary person when hunting but usually is just quiet, not excessively rude like her brother..... Reason to Kill the Wolf: It’s her job. Family: Just her brother and her brother’s dog. Likes/Dislikes: Likes- Hunting, her brother and friends. Dislikes- Meeting new people, being in enclosed spaces. BF/GF/Crush: idk, Dimitri maybe? Looks: She’s a lot shorter than her brother about 5"5. Same hair coloring as Rafael and she keeps it short too. With side bangs her hair only comes down to her chin. She wears mostly black and dark greens to blend into the background. She, like her brother, is always armed.

7:30pm May 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
((Accepted! Start when you want.))


8:21pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Karienne looked around at the faces besides around her, some were solem, others were crying and some just seemed utterly bored. She looked at a photo on the plaque. It was the baker. She shivered slightly and popped the collor of her long trench coat. He was the third person to be mauled, it was an unselttling trend. She bowed her head to pay her respects then left, it wasway to gloomy, it was bringing her spirits down. She made her way through the crowd and headed into the school.

((Yeah, thats a fail.))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

8:38pm May 3 2010

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Posts: 3,005

Lindsay was sitting idly with the popular group at their usual picnic bench. Most of the jocks were pretending to be friends with the socially awkward kids, and the other preps were sucking up to the teachers, or planning a trip to the mall. But she sat there, watching the procession with a blank face. She didn't especially like "Stuffy Geezer," but she didn't want him to die. She remembered all those times laughing at her boyfriends while they go-karted all over his groomed lawn, and running away, laughing hysterically, when he chased them away. Now she wished she hadn't done that.

What is up with all of these deaths? she wondered. She then realized Carly, from the squad, was talking to her. She was the head cheerleader, after all.

"Lindsay? Helllooo?" Carlee laughed.

"Oh, um, yeah?" Lindsay mumbled disconnectedly, not turning away from the hearses.

"So... about the dance this week. I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping with me?"

"When?" Lindsay nonchalantly inquired.

"This afternoon?"

"Uh... sure, I guess. I don't know if I am going to the dance. I broke up with Matt yesterday..." Lindsay mumbled.

"Oh. Well, since you aren't with him anymore, could I maybe....?"

"Knock your socks off, Car. See you later," she said, grimacing at herself for allowing her best friend to go out with her ex. What was she thinking? This whole funeral thing made her out of it.
Guess I am not going to the dance, then... She frowned internally.
She walked away from Carlee as crowds of girls whispered rumors of how much of a **** she was, or coveted her popularity, or whatever. No girls were truly friendly to her, not even her "BFFs." Just waiting for a chance to stab her in the back.
She idly sat down on a convenient slab of concrete, waiting for the bell.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

6:32am May 4 2010 (last edited on 6:33am May 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 632

Rafe scanned the town as he stepped out of his jeep, Maive next to him. So this was the new town...it was quite small actually. There were alot of woods though, plenty of places for the wolf to hide. Apperantly there had been a death recently, an old baker. Maive walked over to stand next to him. "Don't worry bro, we'll find it. Then we can go somewhere else..." she knew he was uncomfortable in one place for long. Smiling down at Maive he knew what she really wanted to to. Grabbing her hand in a brotherly way he left the car, pulling her down the hill toward the small town "Come on Maive, lets go meet some locals."

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