Terror began in January {Terror RP} By the Light of Full Moon

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7:44pm May 28 2010

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Dimitri had to look away to keep from laughing, surprised Karienne forgave Rafe so quick. But hey, at least he was not fetching hot chocolate. In a way he figured she was a bit pi**ed at him because of his words, her angry look she shot him was proof of that. Women, nothing you say could ever pacify them. He mentally sighed, now remembering why he'd only had one, maybe two girlfriends in his life. And neither of them were anything like the people he seemed to hang out with now. If you could call them that. 

One of the police suddenly called him away, taking him to a secluded corner and getting out a pen and paper. The questioning began and he answered in monotone, having some experience with these people and knowing they took no crap. More then once the police scowled at him in a silent reprimand to watch his mouth. He ignored the looks like usual. In truth, he enjoyed baiting the police who thought they ran the town, when they did not know hardly anything that was truly going on underground. The police thought he was nothing more then a trouble maker and went out of their way to let him know their detest of his friends and himself. They did not know that the crowed he hung out with were good people, willing to protect their friends even if it meant going to jail or losing what little they had. They were a family. Once the police told him to bug off, he only shrugged and cursed the young man profusely before turning towards the entrance. He was ready to get out of there, away from the blood and death. Sure he'd meet Rafe and the others, he was not about to let them do anything alone. In a way he considered them his friends, family. 

Almost out the door, a shady person with a hood whirled around quickly and landed a hard punch against his jaw, causing his head to snap to the right and the metallic taste of blood flowed into his mouth. Jerking back around, he was about to throw a aimed punch at the others head when cold green eyes flashed from the depth of the hood with heated anger and betrayal swimming in them. Small hands, right now skinned from the connection with his face, reached up and pulled the hood from their head, revealing a small hollow face with well defined cheek bones and a stubborn cold look. "You left me to get caught!" The person hissed, voice smooth with hidden malice. "You ran off with full pockets and left me to take the heat, I lost two years of my life behind bars because you were to f***ing scared of getting caught!"

Dimitri stared at the ghost from the past in surprise and respect. "I did no such thing." He muttered, whipping one arm across his mouth to remove the small droplets of blood that dripped from his busted lip. He flinched, already able to feel the ugly bruise forming across his face. Yeah, this was the person he remembered from before, fast, mean, and able to throw a punch like any of the guys. "If you'd let me explain before you go throwing punches at me, perhaps we can clear up your hate, Faythe." He growled at the still fuming girl. "I did not run." He grabbed her upper arm to drag her out, not wanting any of his friends to see this soon to be violent display. He knew he would be dogging hits, Faythe was just aggressive like that.

((I'm adding another character because she's one of my favorites. She probably will not end up a member of the friend group by the way.)) 


8:04pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 8:05pm May 28 2010)

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Posts: 2,092


Name: Faythe Sanders
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Faythe is a very aggressive, cold person. She throws her emotions in a box and stuffs them in the back of her mind, hating it when anything leaks out. She looks at emotion like a weakness. She does not follow the law, and is not afraid to break it. The reason lies in her past. She is very loyal though, unless you break her trust she will follow her friends, her family to the end of the earth and will fight to the death to defend them. Something she hides thought is that inside she is still the scared little girl the police found inside that house. No one has ever said it will be okay, it's okay to cry, so she never does. In truth, she wishes she could tell someone about it all and let it out,. But she believes the world is a awful place, no one trustful enough not to hurt her again.
Reason to Kill the Wolf: She has no reason to want to kill the wolf, and wont unless it attacks her.
Family: She looks at the other gang members as her family. 
Likes/Dislikes: Faythe likes very little some of which includes the dark, graffiti, wolves, knives. She dislikes most things: preps, jocks, reading, school, police, jail cells, the law, and many more things|
BF/GF/Crush: Yeah right, she'd punch someone if they even thought about looking at her like that. She still has feelings for Dimitri, but ignores them.
History: This is very complicated, seeing as her life taken many turns and twists, only one time in her life was she a happy care-free child. This was when her mother was there, and tucked her in at night. The she disappeared, her father never telling her where she went. Her father, how she hated the man! After her mother disappeared, he began to drink and got violent. Unbelievably cruel to the six year old, giving spanks and blows meant for a adult. She learned to fear her fathers fists, and avoid his anger. Nothing else needs to be said of what he did, her childhood was quickly lost. When she was sixteen, she ran away, ending up in this small town a beaten, mental, starving scrap of flesh with nothing in the world. No one would take in this 'city slicker' and she gave up hope. The under ground groups saw her potential and took her in, teaching her to fight, to steal, and to block your emotions. She was one of the few girls that captured Dimitri's heart, and she was proud of this. But as he withdrew from the gangs, she got deeper into them. Soon she was second in command of a group, and Dimitri was pretty much gone, and she finally admitted to herself they could never be anything else. After a quick job, which Dimitri eerily came to, she was caught by the police and taken to jail, trial as an adult and put in jail for two years. Now she's back, and wants to become part of the gangs once more, and get her revenge on the man she (unintentionally) loves.
Looks: Coming.


((She is loosely based off a friend of mine, the history with her father is anyway. I'm saying this just because the history/personality seems slightly unbelievable, but someone I know is pretty much the same person, only a diffrent gender ^^; ))


8:15pm May 28 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Woah, Fayth is kind of scary XD))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

8:25pm May 28 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((Yup, she's supposed to be, she's made to keep the guys in line. I'd like to see some guys try to flirt/get in her pants XD They would not last very long.))


9:23am May 29 2010

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Posts: 632

((i like it X3! kinda lost though, could you guys group your charactors and get them back to my place? how should rafe explain the wolf...hmmmm.....))

A grin broke out on his face as he realized he had Kari on board. "Ok, so now---" He cut himself off looking around. He had been left standing alone with Kiri. Lindsay was nowhere to be seen and Dimitri. Dimitri was...um, talking with a girl in the shadows by the enterance. It didn't look like a very friendly conversation. Grabbing Kari's hand he looked at her. "Come on, lets go see what's going on with Dimitri. I'd be nervous leaving you standing on your own."


9:59am May 29 2010

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Karienne followed Rafes gaze towards where Dimitri was talkingwas talking to some girl. It looked like an argument. She looked up at Rafe when he grabbed her hand.

 "Come on, lets go see what's going on with Dimitri. I'd be nervous leaving you standing on your own." he said. She nodded and let Rafe pull her towards the others.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

11:15am May 29 2010

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Feeling Faythe jerked from his grasp, Dimitri knew she would not be going anywhere without a explanation. "Then what was that, just bolting like some--" She stopped and turned to glare at something over his shoulder. Mentally he sighed, pretty well knowing that someone would like to see what was going on. Turning slightly so he could look at Rafe and Karienne yet keep a eye on Faythe, he shrugged helplessly. Luckily, the bruised side of his face was facing away, he'd like to hide the fact a girl got the better of him as long as he could.

"A friend from the past." He told them, offering no other explanation. He choose to ignore Faythe curse at him about not being anything along the lines of friends anymore. "Hey Rafe, should we meet at your place. I'd like to hear more about this creature." Faythe made a confused noise. "It's what killed these people." He muttered to her, forcing himself not to look at her furious eyes, but rather the wall behind her head. She reminded him way to much of a savage dog, and looking at her eyes would only pi** her off more. "I'll tell you later." 

"How about now?" She hissed. "You owe me a explanation way more important then how a bunch of high school idiots got killed." Now it was his turn to glare. "Keep your comments to yourself or when we're in private. Some of these people were good friends." He snapped, jerking his head towards Rafe and Karienne. She laughed bitterly. "Oh, now your turning to the light, even got yourself some country bumpkin friends!" She looked cruelly at the two of them.

"Don't let yourself become friends with him, it tends to turn around and bite you in the a**. Just ask the person who spent two years in prison because of him." She sneered and turned to walk away, glaring over her shoulder once. "Oh, and i'll find you, this is not finished yet." Dimitri flicked her off before she could completely dissipate. "Don't listen to what she says about the people here, she hates everyone including herself." He apologized. "Now when should we meet?" He asked, trying to change the subject quickly. 


6:56pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Karienne watched as Dimitri talked to the girl. When the apporached she saw the converation qiueted down. She bit her lip and looked down as the girl started talking, calling her a country bumpkin. Then she raised an eyebrow when the girl said not to get to close to him because it tends to turn around and bit you in the butt, and the fact that she spent two years in jail because of it. She still looked after the girl as she cotemplated about what she just said.

"Dimitri who-" Karienne started slowly when he cut her off.

"Now when should we meet?" He said. She sighed and looked back down at her hand which was still in Rafe's. she pulled her hand away slowly and looked away at the flashing lights.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:03pm May 31 2010

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He knew they, well it seemed more along the line of Karienne, wanted some sort of explanation. He sighed and rubbed his temple as if to stave off a headache, which he could already feel coming. "She's a old friend, not really sure where we stand right now though." He added. "Her temper gets the best of her most of the time, so don't let her words get to you alright? There's nothing wrong with any one here." He looked off into the night, remembering older times that he'd prefer not to. "And before you ask, most people tend to after a bit, yes the is my ex." 

He saw her pull her hand away from Rafe's and smiled slightly, almost wickedly. "Are you getting close?" He asked coolly, still not able to get rid of his grin. "I don't know, you seem a little opposites, but what do they say, opposites attract." He teased.


7:23pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Karienne looked towards him when he started about the girl. She listened quietly. "And before you ask, most people tend to after a bit, yes the is my ex." she smiled slightly. "I wasn't going to ask that. But I guess she could be your type." she said cocking her head slightly as she thought about it.

"Are you getting close?" He asked coolly. She guessed he had seen her pulled her hand away. "I don't know, you seem a little opposites, but what do they say, opposites attract." he smiled.

She raised and eyebrow and ran her tongue over her back teeth annoyed. "Oh okay, opposites attract? Oh nice, you don't see me teasing you about Lindsey, do you?" she  turned her head slightly she had an annoyed smile on her face and she ran her tongue over her back teeth once more.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:37pm May 31 2010

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Dimitri scoffed loftily and shook his head, making a strand of hair fall over his eyes. Grunting in annoyance, he shoved it back into place. "Lindsey? She'd probably be the death of me I swear." He rolled his eyes at the thought of it. "I don't look to much at looks, more I'm more abut personality and how well they deal my my..err..illegal doings. Thus the reason I went out with Faythe." He flinched at the memory. 

He leaned against the wall and gently touched the bruise across his face, lost in thought. "What, have you not gone out with a guy that act's just like you? It get boring, really fast." 


7:52pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Karienne nodded and looked at Dimitri. Him and Lindsey were like polar opposites, but then again she was sure Lindsey was more looks person. Or so she seemed to come across. And Dimitri was pretty good looking she would admit that. Wait what the f***. Karienne thought, as she shook that thought from her mind. She blinked a few times then raised and eyebrow when he said:

"What, have you not gone out with a guy that act's just like you? It get boring, really fast." 

She shook her head her curls bouncing. "Dude, any guy  who's as up-beat as me has got to gay or something so no I have not dated anyone that just like me."

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

8:01pm May 31 2010

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He could not help but laugh at her statement, having never thought of that. "You've got a point there. I'v for one never met anyone, gay or not, as chipper as you." He mused, mentally shivering at the very thought of a gay guy coming anywhere within fifty feet of him. "It's kinda new." In a way she was very diffrent from people he knew, more happy-go-lucky and less depressing. 

"He looked outside at the sky, the moon full and almost seeming to be teasing them. "I hope we find out what that thing was, soon. It would be awful to see anyone else slaughtered." He looked over his shoulder at the carnage. "Sorry about your friend, by the way." He added. 


8:52pm May 31 2010

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"You've got a point there. I'v for one never met anyone, gay or not, as chipper as you. It's kinda new."

Karienne raised an eyebrow. "Uh, thank you. I think." Things had been going good for her these past few moments. The talking had gotten her mind off of the crumpled bodies in the gym, but all that calmness disapeared when he said he was sorry about Paul. Her mood suddenly dampened and looked down. "Thanks." she murmered. "I think I'll need to plan a memorial. I need to order white roses."

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

10:04am Jun 1 2010

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Posts: 632

((wow you guys did alot O.O could ya try to wait wile im in DC for a week?))

Rafe sat back like he usually did when there was drama. There seemed to be alot here between Dimitri and his ex and Kari. "Just go home for now. Tell your parents what they want to hear and call me on this number if you decide to help us. We'll come to get you if you want." He said, handing a blank piece of paper with his number to all of them. Including Fayth. "Don't give that number to anyone else ok? Maybe Lindsay but I'm not sure about her..."


10:04am Jun 1 2010

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Posts: 632
((Fail post >.< sry!))

3:36pm Jun 1 2010

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Dimitri looked at the number and nodded, not really paying attention to the 'tell your parents' part. What his father did not know would not hurt him. "If you need any help with anything, i'll gladly help." He told Karienne, not looking at anyone in particular. "Didn't know anyone well, but guess thats not a really good thing." 

He tipped his head to the side in confusion at Rafe, not really getting why he wanted to keep it a secret. "Do not give one to Faythe, that will come back around and not end well." He warned. "Just stay away from her, okay?" He told Rafe, eyes seeming to grow a color darker. 

((I doubt much will happen in the next week.)) 


8:40pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Probably not. 'Cause Heart isn't here to start Drama and the Wolf won't show till next full moon. Oh and sorry for not posting sooner.))

Karienne nodded as Dimitri spoke. "I guess you could help me set up if you really wanted to do something." she said as she looked down at the paper Rafe had just given them.

"Em, if I call this who'll pick up is it like your house phone or something?" she asked. She was vagually aware of how stupid her question was but she didn't care she had her mind on other things.

((Fail post >.< ))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:20pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 2,092

((Thats fine. Oh and as it said (At least I think it does) the full moon does not hold it's sway. Which means it can show up when it wants to now XD))

Dimitri sighed and nodded, looking around at the carnage and mentally shiver. It would have been awful if someone he knew had been int those killer jaws. "Yeah, i'll help where I can. As long as you tell me what the heck i'm doing." He sighed again leaned against the wall, sliding down until he was perpendicular with the wall. 

((Now that was a fail post...)) 


2:46pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Oh I don't remember seeing that. Anyways Im not exactly sure what o post...))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
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