Terror began in January {Terror RP} By the Light of Full Moon

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2:30pm Jun 28 2010

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Karienne smiled slightly at his joke and nodded again. "See you later then." She said before hanging up. She looked at the kitchen table and started to eat her breakfast before she went and changed for a second time. There was no way she was heading out in her sweatpants and a tank top. She quickly pulled on some jeans and a shirt that said "Muffins are just Ugly Cupcakes' and clomped back downstairs searching for her keys. He mother had told her the cops had retreived then and brought them over along with her car. She found them in drawer, she pulled on her nikes then headed outside and sure enough her black car was there.

After about half an hour or so she saw the address for Rafes house. She checked her paper she had writtin it on to see if it was right. She pulled over and got out and headed over to the door and knocked three times. She sure hoped this was right cause if if wasn't she would be really embar*censored*ed.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

2:30pm Jun 28 2010

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Posts: 3,991

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:37am Jun 30 2010

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Posts: 632

Maive heard a faint thumping coming from the front of the house. Man they had been so lucky that these people were away, othewise they would've just been stuck hiding out in the jeep! Hitting the latch to unlock the door she gently swung it open. "Hello, wow you got here fast. Dimitri must have gotten lost. He might even have to fight his male instincts and ask someone for directions." she said putting a mock horror face on as she helped Kari in.

Rafes slim shadowy figure appeared around the corner as he made his way out from the kitchen. "Here, while we wait for Dimitri, who probably just had car problems.." he glanced meaningfuly at his sister in Dimitri's defence. Maive just made a face back at him. Sighing he continued, there was no argueing with his sister. "Do you want some breakfast? Maive made bacon and eggs."


9:38am Jun 30 2010

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Posts: 632
((going to cape cod for a week after tomorow. can u guys try to wait for me till i get back?))

5:31pm Jul 2 2010

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((Well this rp isn't really going anywhere and I'm sure Stray forgot about it XP. Have fun, but i'm sure you already left...so you wont see this till you come back.))

Karienne smiled slightly as Maive warm welcome and how she pulled her in. "Oh I don't live to far." she said smiling. "And I wouldn't be surprsied." she said talking about the Dimitri thing, he probably did get lost and didnt bother to ask for directions, but then again it was a small town, with alot of dirt paths and forests...but she was sure it was probably car problemes, but then again.

She suddenly withdrew from her thoughts when she heard Rafe's voice asking her about breakfast. "Oh." she said her face going a light pink. She was sure he had said something before that but she was too busy zoning out to hear, and she really didn't want to ask him to repeat it so she just shook her head. "I already had my fill of bacon and eggs." She said patting her stomach slightly. "Just had breakfast a little while ago." 

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:37pm Jul 2 2010

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Posts: 2,092

((I have not forgot, but I could not do enough to make a decent post. Now I think I do.))

Grumbling in annoyance as the keys to his car seemed to have disappeared, Dimitri finally gave up and leaned against the counter, eyes slitted in anger. He'd moved everything from the stacks of old papers on the counter to the cushions of the couch and still the dam*ed keys evaded him. About to walk to Rafe's house instead of continue his search, he returned to his room to change into something more travel comfortable when a slight jingling by the door alerted him. Looking around the corner, he almost bashed his head into the wall in sheer frustration. Faythe leaned against the closed front door with a smirk plastered on her face, his keys dangling from her index finger.

"Looking for something?" She asked in a teasing voice, green eyes wicked. Opening his mouth to ask her how she got in, she brought up her other hand with a key chain pile with keys. "You forgot to take your house key back from me when we split up." She mused, tossing him the car keys. Cursing her for all he was worth, Dimitri made his way to his car and got in, not surprised when the p*censored*enger door opened and Faythe climbed in. "I'm not about to miss out on this. Seeing as it's normally us," She gestured to some of the shadows as if there were people in them, then again there probably were. "Who make a ruckus." She finished. The ride was silent for the most part, with Faythe making a comment every now and then about how he still owed her. It was slightly awkward to him, riding with his flame like they used to when things were easy. 

Finally getting to the house he'd written down, he parked a few houses down and got out, ignoring the female behind him. She chuckled at his silence and followed, him knowing very well she was smirking at his irritability. Knocking on the door more forcefully then he normally would, he'd blame Faythe if anyone asked. "Can you not annoy someone else?" He asked bitterly, looking over his shoulder. She shrugged and made a rude comment and gesture. 


2:15pm Jul 7 2010

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Posts: 632

((im back!))

"We'll I'm sure Dimitri will be here soon so we can get started with this." he replied smoothly. Eyes hardening he looked her in the eye. "I have to say now what we will tell you you will find hard to believe. I as.sure you its all true. If you don't want to help us when we've explained no one will hold it against you  but i have to make sure you understand that nothing said in this room will leave." he gave her a hard look, trying to emphasize his point.

Poking her head out of the kitchen Maive gave her brother a heated glare before lookin appolegetically toward Kari. "Jeez Rafe, stop scaring the poor girl. She's been through enough with the wolf as it is." glancing Kari's way she continued. "We just want to make sure you understand what you're getting into before you agree to anything."


2:25pm Jul 7 2010

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Posts: 3,991

((Yay! How was your trip? You have fun?))

Karienne nodded slightly when her said something about Dimitri coming soon. She bit her lip and looked down as he suddenly started lecturing her about what they were going to say and what not. She really wasn't listening because once her said wolf the image of the m*censored*ive arm hitting everyone away as if the were flies played over in her head. She bit down harder as she saw Paul smack against the stage. She suddenly snapped out of it when she realized Maive was saying something, her cheeks went a light pink. "Someones at the door." She stated as she heard the hard knocking.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:23pm Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 632

((yeah it was awesome! way hot though :P what about you, how are you dealing with the brain melting sun?))

"Oh, right." Rafe rushed toward the door, to see Dimitri. He blushed as he went, hiding his face from Kari. What right did he have to go all preachy! It was just like his dad used to do to him, man he used to hate that so much! Shrugging to himself he pried open the heavy wooden slab to  greet Dimirti.

 ((guess we cant post now till stray comes back))


6:56pm Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 3,991

((Oh I'm staying inside with the AC on XD. I have no life. And theirs a huge heat wave where I am XD And i don't think I can post.))


Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:21pm Jul 8 2010

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Posts: 2,092
Glad to see someone besides the infuriating female beside him, Dimitri was about to greet Rafe when Faythe pushed roughly past him. Forcing himself not to roll his eyes as she smiled endearingly at Rafe before trotting over to sit beside Karienne, Dimitri gave him a apologetic look. "Thanks for trusting us enough to give us a bit of inside information." He mused and plopped himself onto one of the couches, nodding to Mavie and Karienne in greeting. "So, what did you want to tell us?"


7:21pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 7:26pm Jul 9 2010)

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Posts: 632

Setteling down inside after their guests had been seated Maive began talking, not waiting for her brother to join them. "I'll tell you what you came here to hear now before my tactless brother can screw this up." as Rafe pouted mockngly on the side she continued, barely sparing him a glance. "My brother and I arn't here for the reasons you think we are. We came with the intention of destroying the beast that has been terrorizing this town." She gave this information a couple seconds to sink in, glancing around at all the faces gathered. "We got a call from an elderly man describing the situation. You see, we have delt with other...situations... like this before." Shooting an uneasy look toward her brother he continued for her, his voice spreading loudly through the room. "We wern't prepared though, we underestimated the wolf. I think I can safely speak for everyone here, none of us have ever seen anything like that before. Just the size alone, it would take a large group at least to take it down." Pausing dramatically he waited before fininshing "If you haven't guessed allready, that's where you come in."


7:23pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 632
((to keep the story going (i think i mentioned this before but anyways) the wolf that attacked them could be one of the people that has  gone missing. how bout there is like a leader wolf thats super powerful and the wolves he turned keep turning others so it spreads like a virus (like in zombie movies.) unless they take down the big guy other wolves will keep attacking. That way they can kill the wolf without the story ending. they could find out later in the story when the kill the first wolf they were after but the killings dont stop :D do you guys like that idea? its sorta up to you stray if you had a different idea.))

7:51pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,092

((I really like the idea, it's interesting and a way to keep the RP from ending. We can use it, defiantly.))

Looking at the siblings as if they'd officially lost their minds, it took Dimitri a second to fully process their words. "So your saying you want us to help kill a creature like that? Us, a bunch of high school kids, and a drop out? Yeah, that will end well." He muttered sarcastically, crossing his arms and he leaned further into the seat. A evil cackle from Faythe, who just to pi*s him off sat down on the couch beside him, made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. Clearly she liked the whole idea, then again she liked anything that had to do with violence. "Well, seeing as your trained to do this kind of stuff, what do you have in mind for us to do? Live bait?" He asked, rolling his eyes. 


2:13pm Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 632

Maive held a thoughtful ex
pression on her face for a few moments just to tease him before getting back to buisness. "We saw you when the wolf showed up, you weren't exactly helpless." Making eye contact she emphasized her point by sliding a gun out onto the table. "We'll help you to learn how to use a knife and gun properly and go at it as a group. We might actually be able to do it with a group this size." Rafe added in before the other could comment on the idea...or the gun. "

"It's up to you though. Just remember they were your friends that are now dead because of this...thing, and it's your town. It's up to you to keep it safe."


7:13am Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 632

2:10pm Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 632
((where is you guys?))

2:42pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 2:42pm Jul 14 2010)

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Posts: 3,991

((If we go with that idea, I-I can still play the Wolf right? o.O)) 

Karienne nodded in Dimitri's direction when he came in and raised and eyebrow when she saw Fayth but she didn't say anything. She turned her attention to Maive when the girl started talking. She listened quietly when as she heard the girl explain, and the little back and forth with Dimitri.

"We'll help you to learn how to use a knife and gun properly and go at it as a group. We might actually be able to do it with a group this size." Rafe said finally speaking up.

"Already know who to use a gun..."She muttered quietly, she bit on her lip and hoped no one had heard that. She looked at the and thought a bit. "I-I think I'm in. I really don't want any more death."

((lol, fail.))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:57pm Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 2,092

((Of course Ser.))

Looking at the gun for a second, he could not help but shiver slightly at the remembrance of the weapon. Knives he liked and did not mind to use against anything. But a gun? Killing machines that spat destruction left and right and never seemed satisfied until everything in it's path was destroyed. Yeah I don't think so. He thought furiously, looking over at everyone else. Rafe and Mavie seemed cool with it, Faythe looked like she wanted to grab the gun and go bang-bang crazy, and Karienne almost seemed interested? That was a bit of a shocker. He barley heard her words, that she knew how to use a gun, but they were her words none the less. 

"You, know how to use a gun?" He mused, interlacing his fingers under his chin and resting his head on them, a curious ex
pression on his face. "Thats new." He chuckled slightly, and turned his attention back to the siblings. "I know how to fight, and am half way decent with a knife, though not the best. But put and gun in my hand and I will drop it." He warned. "I want nothing to do with those death contraptions." He growled, fixing them with hard eyes. "I guess i'll be live bait, but i'm defiantly in." He grinned slightly, already able to picture them, this odd crew of people from different backgrounds, running together with weapons and chasing after a monster from fairy tales. "When do we start?"


3:08pm Jul 15 2010

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Posts: 3,991


"You, know how to use a gun?" She heard Dimitri say.

Karienne's cheeks grew pink, she looked over at the boy. "Oh, uhh, my dad was a soldier. He used to take me hunting with him." she said softly. "I have one of those snping one's and a double-barreled shot gun." She was a little embarssed because, well it wasn't like her. She friendly, and she was a girl. It was strange that she even enjoyed hunting.

Then she sat quietly as he said he was in too. Even his friend seemed pretty excited, but she guessed that was the thought of getting to shoot something.



Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
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