6:23pm Jul 15 2010 (last edited on 6:31pm Jul 15 2010)
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6:30pm Jul 15 2010
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"I have to say I'm impressed." Rafe said smiling. "You might want to practice with this one anyway, it's got a bit more of a kick." He turned toward Dimitri with a smile in his voice. "We don't plan on useing anyone as live bait, especially after I've seen how you use a knife. It's your choice wether you want to use a gun or not but I'm just saying it would be good to learn. Just in case, you know." "As for when we start training, we'll supply the weapons if you come to the shooting range at seven sharp." Maive said winking, "Until then I thought we could use this time to get to know eachother and the plan better. This team will work much better if you know who'se got your back. Not just their name, their charactor too, we shouldn't have any secrets." Sliding her hands over her jeans she looked around "We'll work on the plan too. We'll show our version, take questions and suggestions and sharpen the edges. You're the locals, you know this place better than anyone else including us."
6:55am Jul 16 2010
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5:29pm Jul 17 2010
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10:22am Jul 18 2010
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((listening to Turn It Off by Paramore! BEST BAND EVER!!!))
9:28pm Jul 18 2010
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Dimitri tried not to let his uncomfortable side show as Rafe and Mavie moved the guns around, blanching slightly. I'd rather be live bait then touch one of those things. He thought sarcastically, leaning back slightly. He was impressed though that Karienne could use the weapon, never figuring her to allow the killing machine anywhere near her. Shows how much I know. He listened as the siblings told their plans, nodding from time to time to show his support. Though the thought of sharing anything came as a annoyance. A grunt of annoyance did not come as a surprise as Faythe got to her feet and started for the door. "I do not share anything with you. "She growled, not looking back. "But i'll be at that range at the designated time." She slammed the door behind her. Dimitri laughed, glad the nuisance was gone. She was clearly not any more open then before. "I must agree on the formulating a plan, though the whole sharing things does not come as any sort of comfort." He thought for a moment. "We know the wolf strikes on the full moon, so at least we know what time to expect it." He muttered, more to himself then anyone else. "And clearly it likes people, to kill and to eat. Do we know anything else about it?" He asked. "And i'm not about to go first with getting to know everyone."

1:08pm Jul 19 2010
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Maive hadn't really heard most of what Dimitri was talking about, she was buisy looking at the door Fayth had just slammed. "Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." she said, curling a lip. "She was here for what, ten minutes? Did she come just so she could storm off?" she said looking at Dimitri. Before waiting for an answer Rafe jumped in. "Maive, try not to stray to far from the subject. Dimitri that is pretty useful information. It explains why the wolf attacked the night of the dance and why no one can find it. It could be a werewolf not just a beast. We have to look for people too, not just the obvious monsters. Keep an eye out for anyone who's not around on the next full moon. They'd be a suspect."
1:21pm Jul 19 2010
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Hiding a laugh at Mavie's words, Dimitri turned his attention to Rafe's words first. Killing the wolf was a bit more important then dealing with his ex. The very thoughts though that the creature was a monster out of myth was not a comforting thought, particularity since they were nothing more then high school brats. "Wonderful." He muttered to himself. "Someone we've probably known forever is now turning into a monster and eating us." He mused sarcastically. "I'll keep my eyes open. There are also a few friends that will help a bit if I ask, though don't expect them to show themselves." He glanced over at Mavie. "She always wakes up on the wrong side of her coffin. Would not say she is exactly 'normal.' She should show up for practice, considering she gets a weapon." He mentally shivered.
3:45pm Jul 20 2010
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"God, thats going to be pleasant." Maive said dryly. "What about you two? Can we expect you to show or should we bring cookies to lure you." she said, leaning back onto the couch and relaxing her tensed muscles. People like that just got her on edge. "Anyway I'd like to keep the people in my house to a mininmum so please don't discuss this with anyone outside this room." Rafe said, "Any more questions?"
8:26pm Jul 21 2010
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12:19pm Jul 22 2010
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3:38pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 3:39pm Jul 23 2010)
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6:23pm Jul 23 2010
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((Psh, i don't feel like posting right now...XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:51pm Jul 23 2010
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((Me neither Ser, don't feel bad. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to re-start this RP with a few changes? Perhaps we could get a few more people interested and make this a bit more active. Would either of you like that? If so then i'll explain my idea.))
7:15pm Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Sure I'm up for that. As long as I can still play the wolf, if there is a wolf. It's just soo much fun XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:24am Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 632
((nah, ive been running out of time to rp. is it ok with you guys if i drop this one? just starting highschool and crew...dont think my parents would be ok with me on the computer this much...))
12:10pm Jul 24 2010
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((Thats fine Talilah (: I understand the whole going to high school. Ser: Sure, you can still play the wolf. Here's what I was thinking about with the new plot. It's basically the same as this one, a small rural town haunted by a werewolf. Except one main difference. There are four 'hunters' who go about killing the werewolves in what ever part of the country their in. They know how to hunt and kill the wolves and are willing to teach others. Basically the idea came from Talilah and her two characters. Hope this is already Talilah? Do you have anything you would like to add Ser, i'll incorporate it. Oh, and perhaps a ti tle, because I suck at coming up with those DX ))
5:42pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Aww, that sucks Tal. I'm starting high school too and i know my parents don't like me on the computer but they won't dare take it XD And that sounds pretty cool Stray. And Don't look at me for titles because I suck at that. I suck at basically anything creative XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:24pm Jul 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Guess we'll just have a sucky ti tle then :P I''ll start working on the new thread now.))
6:30pm Jul 24 2010 (last edited on 6:31pm Jul 24 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Sweet. Can't wait. Oh will this wolf have the weird mutation jean that will mutate people if like bitten or something. Like what Tal sugessted earlier?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.