3:56pm May 4 2010
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Sighing as the bell tolled loudly for cl*censored*es to start, Dimitri was about to enter the school when he spotted one of the more popular girls sitting away from the others. He figured he'd just walk by, seeing as none of her group gave anything about the loners of the school, but seeing someone who was normally surrounded by her clique alone was a curious prospect. "What? Did they decide you were not good enough for them now?" He asked tensely, walking over with his arms crossed. He tried to remember her name, Lindsay he thought. Blinking in surprise as two new kids got out of a vehicle,e he tried not to chuckle at their awful timing to come to the small town.
4:48pm May 4 2010
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((Hey, Heart. Could Lindsey and Kari possibly be friends?)) Karienne walked around the school grounds absent mindedly, looking around to see if she anyone she knew wasn't at the memorial. Then the bell rang, she sighed and chewed her lip. She should probably get to cl*censored*. She scaned the grounds once more, she squinted her green eyes as she saw a girl sitting by herself, then she noticed a guy walk up to her. She smiled. Oh that has to be Lindsey. Boys are always around her. She thought chuckling as she made her way up to her friend as fast as her high heeled boots could possibly take her. "Heey." She said as she approached. "Are you not going to cl*censored* or something?" Then she looked towards Dimitri. She tried to remeber who he was. She was sure she had seen him by himself. Probably one of the loner, one the better looking ones that is. She pushed the last part from her head then looked back down at her friend as she awaited the answer. ((Oh and I f you say no Heart I can edit this XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:55pm May 4 2010
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Dimitri nodded in slight greeting towards Karienne, wondering to himself if he should leave for cl*censored*, or stick around. Looking at the newcomer for a second then away, he scowled at the thought of looking like some sort of fan-boy towards Lindsay because there was always some guy around her. "Your Karienne right?" He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets and slumping slightly, hoping not to be noticed by anyone else.
5:11pm May 4 2010
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"Hmm?" Karienne looking over. She hadn't expected him to know her name, but then again she had election poster all around the school earlier this year. She nodded. "Yeah." She said as she racked her name for what his name was. It was somewhere in the brain of her. It was something foreigne she thought. Something with a D. She chewed her lip, then the name came to her. "And you're Dimitri right?" she said her face giving away that she was unsure if that was his name. God, if thats no it thats gonna be really embar*censored*ing...
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:20pm May 4 2010
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Smirking slightly at her flustered look, he figured it would have been humorous to lie and see how embarr*censored*ed he could make her. But he was hated or distrusted enough around the school, no need to make another enemy. In a way he was surprised he even knew he existed, more less his name, most did not nor did they care to. "Yeah, someone who actually got it right. Give the girl a prize." He muttered sarcastically, grinning slightly to hopefully keep her from getting annoyed. He had that effect on people, to make them want to punch him. Not that he cared much.
5:37pm May 4 2010
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Karienne smiled and exhaled in relief. "Oh I was worried I said the wrong name." she said as she pushed some stray curls out of her face, as she payed no attention to the sarcasim. "Well anyways nice to offically meet you." she said smiling. Then she pulled out her phone to check the time. It's been a few minute Ms.Briggs will definately not let me in now. She thought as she chewed her lip. she sighed and put her phone away, unsure of what to say.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:21pm May 4 2010
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The two walked over to a small group of kids near what looked like a school. Rafe stopped a ways back, unwilling to go any closer. There was nothing he hated more than meeting new people... “You go on ahead, I’ll wait here.” he said uncertainly. “Sure.” said Maive, walking without him closer to the cluster. As she neared she noticed that it was a group composed of two girls and a guy. One looked like the pretty popular type and the other, maybe one of the all around kinds? Then there was the tall dark one, he slouched but that did nothing to masque him from her eyes. “Hi, I’m Maive.” she called, stopping a few feet away. “I’m new here with my brother.” Gesturing with her head the tall figure hidden in the shadows. Realizing he was being introduced Rafe quickly lifted a hand in greeting before ducking his head and sliding away. Maive rolled her eyes before turning back to the group. “So what are your names? Heck I don’t even know the name of this school.”
7:37pm May 4 2010
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Karienne turned around when she heard a new voice. She looked at the girl standing infront of her, who introduced herself as Maive. Well we're drawing in quite a crowd. She thought shaking her head slightly. Wait new? I guess it time to pull out the Student Concil welcome wagon. She smiled. "Well, pleasure to meet you." she said then waved slightly in the girls brother. "I'm Karienne, student concil Vice President." She figure the others would introduce themeselves. She'd feel weird if she introduce Dimitri considering she didn't really know him. "Oh the school's called _________"(Not sure what Stray wants to call it.) She thought it was strange thata the girl didn't know the name of her new school, you'd think her parent would tell her.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:08pm May 4 2010
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((You can name the school, I'm not picky.)) "Nice to met you Maive." He muttered, unsure how to go on. "Welcome to town I guess, you chose a lousy time to move though." Nodding in slight greeting of the girl, he backed away towards the shadows of the school, leaning against the wall so he was not in the group, yet close enough to hear and talk if he needed to. He figured Karienne would take care of them, seeing as she seemed social. He was not interested in giving his name to someone he did not know, perhaps later, she seemed friendly enough.
8:10pm May 4 2010
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((Well I gtg cant post sorry DX))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:44pm May 4 2010
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Lindsey looked up at Dimitri. "Nah. I just think they are being shallow. Someone dies, and my friend just babbled on a bout the dance..." She examined Dimitri. He was handsome, in a startlish way. "Excuse me, but I don't know your name..." ((Sure, Serenity. xD)) "Hey, Kari?" She greeted, but it was more of a question. She had a faint idea of who this girl was. They possibly were acquaintances. She was glad a girl actually didn't mind being around her. "Good to see ya." She smiled. She turned to Maive. She realized how ridiculous the group looked. A slightly emo-ish looking guy, with the cheer squad captain, and Kari, who was pretty much a social chameleon. "New here, I presume?" She smiled, trying not to sound stuck-up. "I am Lindsey. Captain of the cheer squad. Happy to show you around, if you'd like," she said, giving her an award-winning smile. She turned her thoughts inward. This is one of the strangest groups I've ever been a part of. I bet they feel the same way. What is going on with these deaths? She weaved her thoughts to the direction of the killings.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:35am May 5 2010
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"Yeah, I'm just staying here with my brother for now. Our parents....well they didn't really come." she said, lying smoothly. It was dangerous to reveal her reasons for being in this town to complete strangers. Rafe started waving from the sidelined, she knew he wanted to leave. She shook her head in his direction, moitioning for him to come over. Rolling his eyes he sauntered over to where they were. "Hey, I'm Refe, who are you?" he slouched next to her, trying to blend in...hard to do in a group of 4 people. "So what do you guys know about whats been killing the people around here, I heard it was some kind of wolf?"
3:03pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 8:27am May 7 2010)
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Karienne smiled when Lindsey said she would show her around. "Oh would you? The concil is totally swamped with the dance an all." she said. Speaking of the dance, I still have to get the streamers, and ballons, food and refreshments, then decorate and, oh god I need a dress. She thought as she spaced out. She chewed on her lip. 'So what do you guys know about whats been killing the people around here, I heard it was some kind of wolf?' The voice broke her thoughts. She blinked then turned to look at him."Hmm?" she said looking Rafe, chewing her lip. "A wolf?" Kari said as she narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking. Kinda weird thats the first thing you talk about. She pushed the thought aside. "I didn't hear anything about a wolf." She said shaking her head. "Just that they were mauled, I thought it was a cougar or something." She looked at Rafe. "Wait, how do you know about the deaths?" she said looking at him suspiciously.How could he possibly know about the deaths? She thought. I haven't ever seen him before today, so he must ave been a while to know there was more than one.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:36pm May 5 2010
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Dimitri watched the group with a keen eye, his own suspicion aroused at the questioning of Rafe about a wolf. I'v heard things going around about it, some sort of giant wolf, but those are only to scare little kids, right? Looking towards the only other guy of the group, he was a bit glad not to be the only one who looked uncomfortable, wanting to blend in. "I'v heard things about a wolf, a local preacher says that we have sinned to much and are now paying for it by demons." He sneered at this. "But thats just a load of lies." He stopped to think, tipping his head to the side slightly. "Then again another local, don't know who, said they found prints of a m*censored*ive animal in their woods." He realized he had interrupted Karienne's questioning and grinned apologetically. He motioned for her to go on. Looking over the group, he suddenly wondered what others thought of this small weird group. Surely Karienne and the two new ones being together was not weird, but add him, the silent loner, and the cheer captain and known heart-throb of the school in and it drew looks. Great, just what I needed, rumors.

5:12pm May 5 2010 (last edited on 5:16pm May 5 2010)
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Karienne looked over surprised to hear Dimitri's voice. She thought he felt awkward and left. Then as he spoke her eyes widened slightly. "M*censored*ive animal?" she reapeated to herself. She looked back at him. "Are you sure its not a bear or something, they havve rather large paws." she said as she thought about it. What if it is a wolf. Surely someone will hunt it down...She chewed her lip. Just great. Now he's got me all paranoid. She shook her head and looked around for a moment, then sighed. Kari looked back at the taller boy as she waited for an answer. He looked kind of tense or something. She looked around her and saw who she was with. A loner, two new kids and the head cheerlead, the girl almost every guy wanted. Now Kari being herself, was always with different groups socializing so she wasn't weirded out by this at all, it was normal to her, but she realized he might be, along with the others.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:28pm May 5 2010
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Posts: 632
Rafe shifted uncomfortably as Maive glared at him. He always managed to say the wrong thing, first words in the conversation and he had already set everyone on edge. “Sorry, I’ll just shut up now.” he said raising his hands and backing away to lean on a bike rack. He looked over at the shorter girl, Karienne if he’d heard her name right. As he observed Maive spoke, “We’ll like I said before, we’re new here. We haven’t even been enroled in school, which by the way, aren’t you skipping?” she raised an eyebrow, smiling at them to let them know she was joking. She sighed exasperatedly at Rafe, her brother really wasn’t a social butterfly to put it mildly.... “So what do you guys think about the killings?” The topic had already been brought up, why not expand on it. See what kind of information she could get. “Yeah, what were your ideas? You do live here, you have to have an opinion.” Rafe chimed in. “Were you guys thinking about doing anything about it? You never know who could be next....” He shut up with a look from Maive. The words couldn’t be taken back now though, they would probably come back to bite him later.
3:04pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 632
((is anyone else posting on this?))
3:13pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm May 6 2010)
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Name: Tristan Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Harsh, he is stone cold and dead inside. Reason to Kill the Wolf: No reason Family: none, he is alone Likes/Dislikes: He likes sharp things, and the smell of summer rain. He hates annoying preppy people, and mint. BF/GF/Crush: open History: Nothing to tell you! Looks: http://animeanimeanmie.deviantart.com/art/Random-Anime-Guy-130746454 Name: Cora Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Bubbly, warm, but carefull with what she says. Reason to Kill the Wolf: It is killing off her friends. Family: A brother, 21, a mother, and father. Likes/Dislikes:She likes vanilla, and nice boys. She hates people who are jerks, and carrots. BF/GF/Crush: open History: Normal life, cheerleader, but she didn't really fit into that crowd so well. Looks:http://ryugurl0083.deviantart.com/art/Eloquence-109419933
I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
3:33pm May 6 2010
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Karienne looked back at the brother sister duo and raised an eyebrow. Why all the interest in the wolf? She thought to herself. She let out a sighed and run her tongue over her straight teeth. "Well, I certainly think its terrible and hope it stops soon."she said, not really giving the idea much thought. She figured sooner or later whoever or whatever would get bored and skip town, but then what Dimitri had said... She chewed her lip looked back at her cell phone, When is the bell gonna ring, She thought uneasily. I'm not normally the one who would think a group like this strange, but, this is something different. She put her cell phone back in her pocket and looked around self conciously, then she looked back at Rafe. "But anyways, why all the intrest in the murders?" she asked. You ask that many questions and people will think you had somethin to do with it.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:30pm May 6 2010
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((Accepted!)) Looking from Rafe and back to his sister, Dimitri suddenly wondered why these people were so interested in these killings. They did not seem to horrified at them, which he found slightly odd. Looking over to the school when the bell rang, he shrugged off missing cl*censored*, he'd done it once or twice before, why not again. Back to the present conversations, he listened to their words, confused and a little worried. New people sometimes mean bad things yet the girl, Mavie seemed alright of sorts, bubbly and social, not like someone who would commit something like this. But her brother? "The killings are weird, always seem to be pin-pointed right around the middle of the month, or the full moon." He answered Rafe's question. "For a small town like this these murders are almost unheard of."