4:46pm May 6 2010
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Karienne looked as the kids came out of the room as the bell rang. She yearned to go to cl*censored* and and be the good kid, but the conversation was getting really good. She looked over at Dimitri when he spoke. She nodded at the last part. It was strange that a thing like this would happen in such a small town. ((Yeah, I'm braindead, no sure what to post))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:48pm May 6 2010
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((Pretty soon perhaps it would be a good idea to switch it to next full moon night? I thought it would be interesting for some students to be having a party and the wolf show up. What do you think? I want peoples opinions before I jump into anything.))
4:50pm May 6 2010
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((Yeah, that'd be cool. Heart had mention something about a school dance so maybe the wolf could show up for that or something.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:39pm May 6 2010
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((idk what to do now. Should I be the one that blurts out that theres a wolf or do I just wait till the party?)) Rafe clamped his mouth shut. He didn’t want to be involved with this, he was just here to do his job. The man had been very specific. They were to tell no one and just take care of the wolf... Maive, new this too, they were getting in over their heads with all of this. It’s just a simple job, she thought to herself, just one wolf. “So what was this you were saying about a party?” she asked “Is it just for people who go to this school or can anyone come.” Rafe’s eyes almost bugged out of his head and he stomped on her foot.
7:12pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 7:13pm May 6 2010)
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Karienne smiled when she asked about the party, then raised an eyebrow slightly when he stomped on his sisters foot. She shook her head and tried to forget about what happened there. "Well anyways student concil is planning the Spring Fling (It is spring right? I can change that)." she smiled. "The dance is open to all the school kids and because you guys a enrolled you can come. Well you can come anyways as long as you go to a highschool in ther area." She said as she thought about it. "Well anyways, its gonna be really fun. You guys should come, but its a formal type thing but not too formal you don't have to go all out. Like a suit for guys and a nice dress for girls nothing too fancy though. " She shook her head. "Oh now I''m over explaining."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:52pm May 6 2010
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((Spring is fine, and perhaps the wolf just shows up without anyone knowing it's a werewolf?)) Dimitri shivered slightly at the very thought of stepping into a dance room, especially in a suit. He'd rather be mauled by whatever was killing others then be caught dead in a tight, itchy suit. "I'm really glad these type's of things are not mandatory." He muttered, raking some of his hair back from his eyes. "Isn't the dance on a full moon night though?" He asked, almost teasingly, or as humerus as he could get, not that that's saying much. That would be interesting, seeing as all the kills were during this time. Perhaps something would happen?
8:55pm May 6 2010
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She felt excluded in the conversation, until the dance was mentioned. "God... I am not even going to this dance. It's going to be g.ay anyway." She sighed, and looked bummed. Everyone knew Lindsey always went to the dances. She never ever missed even one. "Anyway, I am not buying this wolf crap. Wolves aren't that vicious, anyway." She still sighed, her mind on the dance. She looked over at Kari pleadingly, like she wanted to talk about it, but the whole story was in her eyes. Stupid Matt. He was perfect- his hair, his eyes, the way he looked at me. We were perfect. Absolutely perfect. I picked out my dress, and all. And then I saw him looking at Cindy. Her thoughts started to get mad. Cindy's not so great. I am prettier than Cindy, and more popular, and I am the cheer captain. Why doesn't he want me? A tear trickled down her cheek. She didn't care about this werewolf business.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:35am May 7 2010
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Rafe cringed at the same time a Dimitri, just the thought of wearing a suit...ugh. But he new his sister, like always, would make him. This is why he liked the road better, not as many dances. They just had to stay here untill the full moon, then they would take care of the wolf. Maive continued the converstaion. "God are you ok?" she asked Lindsay. She was crying and looked really upset. The dance wasn't that bad was it?
8:25am May 7 2010 (last edited on 11:43am May 7 2010)
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((Sure, that'd be cool. I mean it be terrible for the dance but still really cool XD But wait if its a werewolf, does that mean its a human that changes into a wolf?)) Karienne raised an eyebrow as she saw the guys cringe. "Hey suits aren't bad. At least you don't have to wear a dress and heels." She said shaking her head. Speaking of dresses i still have to find one. She thought. Then bit her lip and tilted her head slightly when Dimitri asked if the dance night was the night of the full moon. "Uhh, maybe. I think so." She said shaking her head. "I'll have to check." Then she raised her eyebrow. "Wait, why? If its a full moon will you come or something?" She wondered why he was asking. She didn't make the connection between the full moons and the deaths. "I am not even going to this dance. It's going to be gay anyway." She heard Lindsey say. Kari felt a little hurt by that comment. She had been working hard on this dance, sure she knew it was her first time, normally the presdient planned the dances but still. Lindsey always went to the dance. She looked down at Lindsey and saw the look on her face, suddenly realizing what the reason was. Oh, god, boy problems? She thought. She noticed the small tear. "Oh, god." she muttered. "Hey Lindsey, I have something in my locker for you, did you want it now?" Karienne said. She didn't actually have something but she hoped Lindsey would catch her meaning and she could tell her what the problem was with Matt. ((BTW, who plays the Wolf? Is it you Stray?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:45pm May 7 2010
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Maive had gotten her hopes up at the thought of a dance, god she hadn't been to one of those in forever! Her face fell though when she realized she didn't have a dress. Oh well, that could be fixed. Following the girls as they walked she left her brother with Dimitri. "Hey, I'd really like to go to your dance but I don't have a dress. Couldn't take anything like that with us when we moved." she said lying smoothly. "Would one of you guys maybe want to go shopping with me? I don't really know the town and you both seem to have pretty good taste..."
4:28pm May 7 2010
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((I never really thought about making a human side of the wolf, seeing as it would only show up during full moons, and as the plot says soon it will be permanently a wolf to kill every night if it wants. I think we can all powerplay the wolf so the RP will move faster, unless someone just wants to play the wolf?)) Watching the girls talk, Dimitri looked away from Lindsey, hating to see someone in tears. He breathed a slight sigh of relief as Kari pulled her away, mentally thanking her in the process. Probably guy trouble, thats what most girls tend to freak out over. Rolling his eyes over the realization, he looked over at the only person not indulging in girl time, Rafe. "Is your sister going to drag you along?" He asked curiously, wondering if this guy even owned something to wear to the dance. He knew he didn't. ((I wont be able to get on this weekend, post what you like.))
4:42pm May 7 2010
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((Oh okay. I would offer to play the wolf but that might be weird. I might not get on on the weekend too. But I call dibs on the wolf at the begginning of the dance.)) Karienne looked back when she heard the voice pop up behind her. She turned to look at Maive and smiled. "Oh sure, I was going out tonight to look for a dress." She said. "You can come with me. We can meet at same spot we were talking at after school and drive over to the mall." she said. She hoped that the girl would agree, then head back, she didn't think Lindsey would spill with a stranger there, and she didn't want to ask the girl to leave.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:48am May 8 2010
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When Lindsey went with Kari, she felt a spark of relief, but that was diminished when Maive came. She didn't dislike her, but she wanted to tell Kari what had happened, and she didn't want to freak the new girl out on her first day. "I will come too. It'll give me something to do to p*censored* the time," she sighed. But then the tears brimmed her eyelids. She couldn't hold them back any longer, whether Maive would be freaked or not. "You know that big party we had? At the beach? All the cheer squad went, and the football team, and everything. So I was in my bikini, and I looked amazing. And while we were making out, Matt just stopped, and stared at Cindy. She was wearing practically nothing at all, the s***. So then I tried to get his attention, and he wouldn't listen... So I broke up with him. I didn't really mean it. I was just p***ed. And then, after the party, I go over to his house to apologize, and he was with her!" She sniffed. She tried to not remember the details, how she ran out the house, eating chocolate for hours. "He was so perfect..." She stopped crying, and sounded dreamier now. "You know what? I AM going to dance, if I have to force someone to ask me!" She sounded angry, like she could kill someone. Good Kari and Mauve weren't in range of her arms. ((Hehe. This is going to be hilarious. If this was Twilight, she'd probably start dating the werewolf. XD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:29am May 8 2010 (last edited on 10:53am May 8 2010)
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((Lol, yeah)) Karienne listened to the story quietly. What a jerk. She thought as Lindsey talked. Her eyes widened when she said he was with her. Well, he doesn't take long. "You know what? I AM going to dance, if I have to force someone to ask me!" Lindsey yelled causing Kari to flinch and back away. "You know, Lin, that you can just like go with a group of friends, show him what he's lost. You don't need a date." She said. "You dont need a guy to keep you happy." Kari personally didn't have a date either but she was going, but then again she had too. She was setting it up, but even if she wasn't she'd go to have a good time. You don't need a guy for that. Then she smiled suddenly remebering something. "Hey Lindsey, if you gowith out a date can dance with as many guys as you want, you don't have to save yourself for just one." she grinned, hoping it would cheer her up. ((Sorry, that was a bit of a fail.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:42am May 8 2010
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Maive didn't know what they were really talking about. It sounded like boyfriend or in this case ex-boyfirend trouble. "I don't know the story but I have to say that this guy seems like a cl*censored* A jerk. This seems like a personal topic, do you want me to leave? I could go wait with the guys..." Rafe was over with Dimitri. He was pretty awkward but it was easier when talking to a guy, they dont get worked up or insulted like girls do. Then again it might just be because girls wear deadly heels just for the oppertunity when a guy says the wrong thing. He shuddered before he heard Dimitri speak. "No, I don't have any clothes. Maives going to drag me along anyway, even though I'll probably suck all the fun out of it. I'm not a dancing guy exacly..."
4:28pm May 8 2010
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10:33pm May 8 2010
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Lindsay turned to Maive. "You don't have to." She smiled kindly, and spoke gently, her angr subsided. "It's just these mood swings..." She looked at Kari incredulously. "I have had a date to every day since the 5th grade. Do you really think I'd change that?" She laughed. "No, no. I will find someone..."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:19pm May 8 2010
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((Why do I get the feeling she'll ask Dimitri XD))
"Grade five?" Karienne said surprised. Her eyebrows were raised and her mouth was gapping. Wow, she thought. I didn't even bother going to dances. She chewed her lip. She hoped Lindsey wouldn't force some poor guy to go with her. "Well anyways I'm sure you'll find someone."
She sighed and shook her head. "Anyways find a dress yet? Or at least see on you like?" she said switching to subject.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:17pm May 9 2010
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6:40pm May 9 2010
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((You can use the wolf first SerenitySorrow, sounds fine. And if this turns into Twilight of any sorts then there shall be no Man Fairy (aka Edward) or any other creature that sparkles unless they get eaten ^^ ...Not that I have anything against the books.)) Cringing slightly at the very thought of shopping with a female, Dimitri gave Rafe a horrified look. "I'm so glad I have no siblings or anyone living at my place that can drag me out to do those kinds of things." Looking towards the area the girls disappeared off to, he was curious as to why Lindsey was crying. In a way he was pretty sure it had to do with a guy, but what had said person done? "Guess I'll see ya later." He muttered, shoving his hands comfortably into his pockets. Without another word to the other silent guy he started towards his house on foot, glad to find that not all people in this town were social butterflies.