7:17pm May 9 2010
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((Yay, oh and you know you can call me Serenity, or Ser. And yes, no man fairies XD And I can't really post until Heart gets back XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:36pm May 9 2010
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((Okay, i'll call you one of those, thanks! I'll see what I can do to p*censored* the time.)) About to hit the road to his own house, seeing as it was not that far from the school he walked, Dimitri was not surprised to see the three girls from earlier walking together. Still curious, he walked over with a nonchalant look on his face. "So, has issues been been sorted out?" He asked no one particular, tossing his head in Lindsey's direction.
8:20pm May 9 2010
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"So, has issues been been sorted out?"
Karienne jumped when she heard the male voice behind her. She spun around to see Dimitri. She saw how he flicked his head in Lindsey's direction. She raised an eyebrow then realized what he was talking about. She smiled slightly then nodded. "Yep. We're just going shopping. I still have to get decorations for the dance." she said. Then she remebered his question from earlier. "Oh and to answer your question, yes the dance is on the full moon." she said. The. She raised an eyebrow. "Why'd you want to know anyways? You gonna come or something?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:28pm May 9 2010
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Groaning under his breath and looking awkwardly at the opposite wall, Dimitri cursed his mouth for getting him in this kind of situation...again. "Yeah." He drug the word out like it was bitter and filled with needles. "But not for the party." He added quickly, throwing up his hands. "Since all the killing have happened on a full-moon, I decided to show up and see if anything happens. But i'm not wearing anything fancy." He growled, brown eyes cold with finality. "Anyway," He added, trying to shift the subject. "I thought I could be a bit of moral support for Rafe, seeing as he's going to be drug along." Grinning at the picture of Mavie dragging her much larger brother to the dance was entertaining. "So who'd the guy thats going with the Dance coordinator?" He asked wickedly, hoping to turn his own embarr*censored*ment on her.
8:53pm May 9 2010
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Karienne frowned when she heard about the murders but pushed the thought aside. The first three guys were by themselves, what idiot would enter a room full of kids an kill someone. She shook her head, then smiled slightly when he said he wasn't going to wear anything fancy. "Well I can't garantee you'll be allowed in." she chuckled. Then her face went pink when he asked who she was going with. "Well no one I guess." she said chewing her lip embarr*censored*ed.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:54pm May 9 2010
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((Aw. Well, Lindsey's dress will sparkle. Don't eat me. XD)) She smiled brightly. She loved talking about fashion, her best subject. "Yeah. I got this really cure teal dress. It looks great with my eyes. It is sparkly at the top (XD) and then has a silky bow, and then a buch of fluffy layers at the bottom. It's a cocktail dress. And then I got these super cute 5 inch high heels that are gold and have gemstones, and it matches with this gold beaded purse I have, and my corsage has yellow real roses and teal-dyed sweet pea. Her face lit up more. She turned to Dimitri. He was coming to the dance? She was tempted to force him to come with her, but decided not to. After all, it seemed she was the odd one out in their litte group, and everyone with bother her about going with him. Too much drama. Plus, there were herds of willing guys. She'd find someone, and break up with him afterwards.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:00pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 9:02pm May 9 2010)
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Crossing his arms and grinning almost cheekily at the girl, he shrugged at the 'Well I can't garantee you'll be allowed in' bit. "I have my ways, it's not like I have not gotten into places i'm not supposed to be." Trying not to laugh at the predicaments he'd gotten himself, and a few others, into he noted Karienne's embarr*censored*ed look. "Why would you want to go with someone anyway?" He asked curiously, never really thinking about the thought of actually having someone special there. "Isn't it easier just dancing with whoever you choose whenever you chose?" He asked. After hearing Lindsey speaking about forcing a guy to go to the dance with her, he was sorry for who ever she choose. "Did you know your a really vicious woman?" He muttered, rolling his eyes. "Breaking others hearts for your own needs. Haven't you ever thought about actually settling on one guy?"
9:13pm May 9 2010
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She looked at Dimitri agrily. It seemed this would take a turn for the worst. "Do you think I haven't tried?" She was fuming. "I'm not sure you would know, but it is hard to hold on to somebody! You don't know what I have gone through. I thought I was going to marry the guy I was about to go to the dance with. Seriously, I don't want to pick a argument." She closed her eyes, sighed, and looked back at Dimtri. She wanted to cry again, but she didn't. "My selfish interests. Hah. Funny. Well, mister, there is only one thing that guys go out with me for, hoping to get. You think I am selfish? You think I am a freaking b****? No. It is hard o find the right guy. The kind of person I am determines what guys would want to go out with me, and those guys aren't the kind I need. You try being in these d*** prada shoes!" She pointed to her feet. ((Yes, I know I can say the d-word, but I don't like to. In my family, it is a curse word, and I prefer not to. Of course, I don't mind if you all curse. :D))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:16pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm May 9 2010)
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Karienne shrugged at his question. "Oh I don't know. I'm sure it's a girl thing. Anyways I never really have a date to the dances so I normally just go with friends. And whoever asks me I'll dance with them." she said her face still a light pink.
Then tried to hide her laughter at Dimitris blunt comment. It was true, it was meN Lindsey would dump some guy after but because they were friends she would never say that out right to her face.
Kati quickly looked away from the out burst. She didn't think Lindsey would take it that hard. She chewed her lip as she waited for her friend to turn her anger on her for laughing.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:36am May 10 2010
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Posts: 632
Maive saw her brother walking up, he was looking for her car keys twirling in his hand. "Hey, we're going shopping later. Do you want to come, you do need a suit." Maive said knowing it would be difficult to drag her brother along. Swallowing hard Rafe looked over to where Dimitri and Lindsay seemed to be discussing someting. "Wait I can't...um, I'm hanging out with Dimitri." He lied quickly "You three have fun shopping though..."
7:19am May 10 2010
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Blinking in surprise at Lindsey's outburst, Dimitri took a step back in case the girl swung. He'd seen it happen before, a girl insulted by a guy when he did not mean to..and she slapped him. It was humerus, but he did not fell like supporting a red mark for the rest of the day. "Hey, take it easy. I didn't mean it like that." He told her quickly, hoping to pacify her. "Sure, finding the right person is hard, not that i'd know but heck i'v seen it happen. All i'm saying is stay single and hang out with actual friends until that person comes along." Giving her a stern look, he added. "And why the h*ll would you want to get married at this age?" He muttered, forcing himself not to give Karienne a annoyed look for laughing at the whole predicament. Then again he could not blame her, he had no idea how this had all come about. When Rafe showed up he hoped it would dispel the angry air from the group, but it only made for a more awkward moment. He had no idea what the guy was talking about at first, hanging out with him. At least until he heard the words shopping. Guess that's one way to get out of it. I'm not ruining it.

11:57am May 10 2010
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"Yeah, hanging out with my new buddie Dimitri." He said, plastering on a cheesey smile, hesitating before punching him in the shoulder awkwardly. Well that was one way to get out of a day of shopping, thankfully the girls seemed to buy it. "C'mon, lets get out of here before things get ugly. I mean really, all I have is my face." he said noting the smoldering look from Lindsay before hurredly walking away. "Hey, its fine. You know everything usually works out in the end. What makes you think he's not just as miserable about losing you as you are right now?" Maive said, trying her best to comfort her new....friend?
2:58pm May 10 2010
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Karienne bit her lip as she heard Dimitri speak. She fount alot of what he was saying true but Lindsey wasn't the type of person who would wait around for her prince charming, she would go and find him, different than Kari. Kari would feel safer waiting then going out and trying to find someone and feeling the heartbreak hen they aren't the one.
She shook her head when he said the part about getting married. Lindsey never said she wanted to get married now just that she thought, hoped, she would marry Matt. It wasn't unatural most gild fantasizes about their weddings since they were twelve.
She sighed, and looked from one face to another this was awkward and it didn't really help when Rafe came, and made the joke about only having his face. She was afraid Lindsey would explode at that too. Hoping to switch the subject, and not be sound insensitive she blurted. "Hey you guys want ice cream? That fixes everything. I'll pay."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:07pm May 10 2010
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"Sounds good to me." said Maive, looking at her brother as he walked away. She knew he didn't want to go to the dance but if he was she could at least help him out...she knew he wouldn't have the courage to do it himself. "Hey, Kari?" she said as they walked. "Do you have a date to the dance yet? If you don't yet can I maybe set you up with Rafe?" she shrugged at her "I know you probably still have plans for Matt," nodding in Lindsay's direction she tried to gauge thier reactions. "He would take some time to get used to the idea but he's never really had a proper date and you seem like a pretty good person...sorry if I'm being rude." she ducked her head, looking at the ground as she waited for an answer. Blocks away Rafe felt a chill go down his spine...ohh this couldn't be good.....
3:29pm May 10 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm May 10 2010)
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Karienne eyes went wide for a moment when Maive asked if she'd want to go with Rafe. "Oh uh," she stuttered. "Well I'm honored an all by the fact youd set me up with him, but..." she was at a loss for words. She sighed. "Well I'm going to be at the party like am hour before it starts and I might be too busy running things so I might not actually have time for an actual date." she said biting her lip. She knew it was probably a terrible excuse but she'd never given much thought about a date, and well, she didn't really know Rafe so she thought that might be really awkward, especially for him, seeing as he didn't want to go anyways.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:47pm May 10 2010
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Trying, and failing, not to laugh at Karienne's embarr*censored*ment and Mavie's innocence, Dimitri started after Rafe. Not even acknowledging the girls behind, he quickly caught up the other guy of the group. "In case you would like to know, your sister is trying to hook you up with Karienne." He muttered, grinning evilly. "Never know, a out-going girl like her would open things up in a new perspective for you." He joked, glad to be heading in the direction of his quiet house.
4:20pm May 10 2010
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"Ugg!" Rafe groaned, it was unusual but he was at ease with Dimitri. He was maybe his first friend, all the others had quickly tired of his attitude and left. "I can't believe her, what did she say exactly?" Rubbing his hands over his face he paused before quickly looking back at Dimitri, smiling. "Thanks for covering for me back there too. I mean its fine if you don't really want to hang out. Its cool." Maive grinned back at Kari who was now looking flushed. Amused at the other girls reaction she saved her from stuttering an answer. "No, its fine if yhou dont want to. I was kidding, I don't think my brother would appreciate being set up either. Actually I'd like to know where he is right now, proably throwing all my stuff from the jeep into a swamp or someting." she joked, easing into the friendly pattern she had adopted so quickly. She hoped the hunt would take a while so they could stay longer...
7:25pm May 10 2010
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9:04pm May 10 2010
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Lindsay ignored the other girls' reactions for a bit, glaring at Dimitri. She spurred a line of curses under her breath, and breathed deeply. How could he ask such insensitive questions? Then she reminded herself that he was a guy. Trying to get her mind off Dimitri, Lindsay looked at Maive. "Yeah, I am sure Matt misses me now that he is a father," she grumbled sarcastically. She had a temper. "Besides, I don't want a guy like that. I want someone who can understand me, and who judges my outbursts as moderately cute..." She chirped. She'd never find a date, she reasoned. Life hated her. "Anyway, if I am going to the dance, we may as well head to the mall. I'll pay if you need. Seriously, I am loaded. I got so much stuff from my exes. Dn't you worry 'bout it, hon." She looked at Maive indirectly. "You have a car, or should I drive?" She smiled obligingly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:23pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Aww poor Lindsey the universe is against her XD))
Karienne felt a little hurt that Lindsey had ignored her suggestion to get ice cream, but then again she probably deserved it. She looked down at her feet as she followed the other two as they decided which, car to take.
((Fail post. >.<))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.