Terror began in January {Terror RP} By the Light of Full Moon

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10:57am May 16 2010

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((Oh well that makes sense XD))

Karienne laughed and nodded. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "I mean nobody saw anything." she looked around. People had started to look away and mind their own buisness. Kari looked at Lindsey. "Hey I'll be right back." she grabbed her baseball bat and head back over to the DJ. She jumped onto the stage and grabbed the mic. "Hey people. Let's forget what you just saw and get this party started!" there was a chorus of cheers and she switched the song to a fast one, then she put the bat back and made her way to Lindsey. "Hey I gotta keep my eyes on the door incase Dimitri does decide to show. I don't think the guys will let him in if he isn't dressed up."

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

10:58am May 16 2010

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Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

12:07pm May 16 2010

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((ohhh...I feel sooo lost. I couldn’t find the post.... )) Maive and Rafe stepped out of the jeep. She was wearing a black and white dress that she had gotten on their girls’ shopping day. Rafe was just...well Rafe. His eyes were dark as he scanned the hall full of kids. The moon was full which meant this was going to be a very dangerous day. There, he spotted Dimitri walking around. Relieved that he knew someone he tapped his sister on the shoulder before heading over. Maive continued forward, walking toward Lindsay and Kari. She stopped halfway, it looked like a fight was about to break out between Lindsay and her boyfriend. Kari too. Her forehead wrinkling in confusion she stalked over to were they were as Lindsay’s boyfriend roughly grabbed her shoulders. No guy, no matter how much of a jac***s should grab a girl like that! “What the hell just happened?” she called as she got closer. The situation seemed to be over, for now, but Lindsay seemed shaken.

12:44pm May 16 2010

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Dimitri glanced over at the newest car pulling into the already packed lot, glad to see someone he knew. Nodding in greeting, he could not help but smirk at his friends, or so he liked to think, cloths. "Glad i'm not the only one who will look slightly diffrent. Ready to get this over with?" He asked sarcastically. How he hated these kinds of things. When he noticed commotion inside, he quickened his footsteps to try and get a glimpse. Scowling as he noticed it was all over, the loner glanced over at Karienne. "What happened?" He asked curiously. 


1:06pm May 16 2010

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Karienne looked up. "Oh you guys came." she smiled. Then looked at Lindsey then back at the others. "Oh well Austin. Got a little rough with Lindsey when she broke it off with him." she said. "So when the guys didn't show up I hate Martin-" she stopped and waved at the DJ. "To throw me the bat I had on the stage. Then I cracked him in the head." she made a swinging motion with her hands as she said that. "You guys didn't see?"

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

2:37pm May 16 2010

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"Anyway, that's all over now," Lindsay chided. She didn't want to be scolded for going out with a guy like that. She would have liked to say that she knew she wasn't a s***, and she didn't care what people thought, but it wasn't true. At least the second part, anyway. "Oh my god. What are you wearing, Dimitri?" She laughed. "I guess you can bring a horse to water, but can't make 'em drink." She smiled brightly. She was glad the others, her friends, showed up. Wow. She couldn't believe they were real friends of hers. So different, but at least they weren't using her.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

2:37pm May 16 2010

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"Anyway, that's all over now," Lindsay chided. She didn't want to be scolded for going out with a guy like that. She would have liked to say that she knew she wasn't a s***, and she didn't care what people thought, but it wasn't true. At least the second part, anyway. "Oh my god. What are you wearing, Dimitri?" She laughed. "I guess you can bring a horse to water, but can't make 'em drink." She smiled brightly. She was glad the others, her friends, showed up. Wow. She couldn't believe they were real friends of hers. So different, but at least they weren't using her.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

6:13pm May 16 2010

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Grinning down at Karienne, eh shook his head slightly at her antics. "Well, I didn't know you had it in you, so remind me not to pi*s you off." He sneered down at the jock, hating guys that gave males a bad name for only wanting one thing. "Perhaps you should have hit him harder, knocking some sense in his retarded head." But at  Lindsey's words, he looked down at his outfit and scoffed. "Your right about that. I refuse to make myself look like a rich fru-fru, no offence to you all who look good, for the benefit of others." He had to admit, the dresses made them look diffrent, in a good way. 


6:30pm May 16 2010

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"Well, thanks. I partiularly enjoy looking like a rich fru-fru." She laughed. "It makes me feel better about myself." She smiled. "Plus, I spend hours upon hours making myself look all fancy, because I like to do acts of community service." She sarcastically retorted. "I make the world a better place," she laughed.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

6:42pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm May 16 2010)

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Karienne laughed slighlty at his comment and nodded. She then watched as the guys dragged Austin out.

She turned back and listen to Dimitri answer to Lindsey comment and shook her head smiling slightly.

"I make the world a better place," Lindsey said, and Kari rolled her eyes and smiled. "I personally, like dressing up everyonce in a while." She said as she looked back at Dimitri. "Put I'd definately take my old blue jeans over this dress any day."

((Oh I think I'll bring the wolf in soon. But I kinda want to put on a slow song and see everyones reaction XD))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:58pm May 16 2010

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Posts: 3,005

((Do the slow song. Lindsay might cry, just warning you. XD))

"Hehe. I'm a powder puff. Dresses are more my thing. But that's just me." She smiled kindly. All was well. And no one could say she went by herself. She went with the hottest guy at school.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

7:07pm May 16 2010

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Posts: 3,991

((Oh, that makes me want to do it even more XD Alright. Imma gonna do it.))

"Hey Kare." came a little buzz from under her dress. Her face went a slight pink and she pulled out her walkie talkie. "Uh yeah."

"Yep, this is Martin, you're playlist is running low and the ipods being weird."

Karienne shook hger head. She looked at Dimitri, Lindsey and the others. "Hey i'll be right back." she hurried towards the stage. She walked towards her ipod and grabbed the mic. She turned off the music. The crowd graon. "Hey, calm down people. Now for the next song, I want to everyone dancing. And yes, that includes you. Oh don't think I don't see you in the corner." She said pointing to some random guy. "Now grab a partner. "We're gonna slow things down a bit."

She put on her favourite song. You and Me by Lighthouse. (Listening to that right now) She put the mic down and hoped off the stage and headed back to her friends.

((I'll bring in the wolf after this))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

7:23pm May 16 2010

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Posts: 3,005
((Now you dunnit! XD))

Lindsay's face blushed a bright crimson, and her eyes produced a gl*censored*y film. "Oh, guys, if you'll excuse me for a moment..." She rushed into the bathroom. Tears poured down her face, and she locked herself in a stall. She didn't care that crying was messing up her mascara and that she looked pathetic, or that her hair was inches away from sinking into the toilet water. She just cried. Why does life hate me so much? It's enough to break up with Matt, but then... That's not enough. Then they decide to torment me by putting on our song!

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

12:09pm May 17 2010

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Posts: 632

"Oh, crap." Maive sighed. She saw Lindsay run out with tears in her eyes. Wrinkling her forhead in confusion she followed her out. "Wait up, whats wrong? It can't be that jerk Austin, that wouldn't make you cry. So what, what's ruining your night?" she asked, putting her hand on Lindsays shoulder to stop her from walking away.

 Inside Rafe waited awkwardly. He didn't really know what to do when there was a slow dance. Looking around for a partner his eyes landed on a girl in a large pink dress walking byl. She turned and saw him looking at her, he could see the distaste written on her face. Sighing he looked away to see what Dimitri was doing. Though he knew Dimitri hated dances as much as yhe did he looked much more welcome. Wandering around he headed for Kiri.


12:28pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 632
((is this RP dead?))

12:51pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 2,092
((I cant do much until the wolf shows up.))


7:11pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 3,005

((No, it's not dead!))
Lindsay looked at Maive, her tears brimming over her eyelids.
"This was our song.... me and Matt." She couldn't control herself, and she slumped over in grief. This was a horrible time for her. She peeked out of the bathroom, and everyone stared at her, including Matt, who was dancing with Cindy in the opposite corner. Matt suddenly through his hands down, and walked forward. His eyes showed how much he regretted what he did. That he was sorry. But all Lindsay saw was him dancing with Cindy... and she stepped out of the bathroom towards him.

As he walked up, Lindsay focused in on his angelic face. "Like a greek god.." She mumbled quietly.

"Lindsay, I am really, really sorry. I don't know what came over me. Seriously." He looked ashamed. "But there is no way things can go back to the way they were." He wiped tears off of Lindsay's face. "I am really, really sorry. It's okay if you don't forg--"

Lindsay put her hand over his mouth. I forgive you. And I understand it's over. But please. Give me this one last dance."

Matt smiled, and took her hand. "How could I say no?"

"You couldn't." Lindsay chuckled. It was genuine. This was her happy place. With Matt.

They graceful twirled on the dance floor, and people turned to stare. They mumbled bad things about the two, but they were oblivious. This was their last moment. They were in love, but they could never be together, because of what he did. It was obvious he was sorry, and he knew that made no difference.

The song slowly tolled to a close, and Matt kissed Lindsay pa.ssionately.

All Cindy could do was stare. When the song was over, Matt told her it was over. Cindy cried, but the two didn't care. Their final seconds in utter bliss drew to a close.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

8:15pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 3,005

Name: Matt Williams
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Matt is generally a good guy. He just occasionally slips up, but when he does, he does it very badly. He is the kind of person who would be the perfect boyfriend- handsome, kind, flirty, funny, if he just stopped being so perfect to everyone. He isn't especially popular, but he is known for his handsome features. Despite what you would think, he only becomes very outgoing when you get to know him.

Reason to Kill the Wolf: Because Lindsay's there, and he will do whatever he can to show how sorry he is. He doesn't like Lindsay like that anymore, but he wants to prove he isn't as bad as he is cracked up to be.
Family: 2 sisters and a mom.

BF/GF/Crush: He used to go with Lindsay, but after that fiasco with Cindy, there's no turning back. He hopes to find someone who could replace her place in his heart, so he won't long what he can't have.

History: None of consequence. Most important things are explained earlier in the roleplay.  
Looks: Matt is considered one of the handsomest guys at school. He has dark brunette hair, with plenty of erratic highlights. His eyes are both a light brown. His skin is clear, and is a light shade. He has high cheekbones and generally full lips. He is muscular and tall, and could be on all of the sports teams, but that would draw too much attention. He wears Ed Hardy shirts with Hollister jackets, bermuda shorts, and coverse kicks on a regular basis.

Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.

5:02pm May 19 2010

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Posts: 2,092


Glancing out on the dance floor, Dimitri almost gagged at the sight before him. So many couples, so much romance and all that mush crap. Mentally shivering, he wondered why anyone would want to show their affections in front of everyone else. Sure it was okay to hold hands in public, but if it did not work out them people whispered. Rolling his eyes in exasperation, he was glad he had learned to glare at people to scare them off. Else wise he'd have been approach by more then one lonely girl wanting to prove themselves to the pother kids that they were not alone. No way in he*l was he going to be used. 

What caught his attention after a second nauseous glance was Lindsey and her ex, lip locked. Sighing in exasperation, he wondered what had came over that girl to do something as idiotic as that. Sure she still liked him, acceptable, but did she want to be hurt...again? "Women." He muttered under his breath, leaning on one of the tables. "Their trouble magnets." He was not interested in dealing with a sobbing girl if she got hurt, which she would go straight to her friends that were girls and one happened to be the sister of his own friend, making him sorta one of them by default. "I really hope she finds someone soon." He growled lowly, itching to be outside to look up at the stars instead of the rusted ceiling. 


6:10pm May 19 2010

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Posts: 632
((ummm..wolf anyone?))
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