8:07pm May 19 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((I promised Ser she could introduce the werewolf, so as soon as she posts ^^;))
6:29am May 20 2010
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8:44pm May 20 2010
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Lindsay smiled happily at Matt. "Thanks Matt. That's all I wanted. Now I continue on to eternity in nothingness." She giggled. She knew it would be awkward between him and her. Then she felt a twing of guilt ripple dow her spine. "Matt, you don't need to break up with Cindy. You could go back and--" She was interrupted by him. ______________________________ "Lindsay. I don't want her." He said, moving a strand of hair from her beautiful face. "But I understand that you don't want to go out with me. I still love you." _______________________________ Lindsay nodded. He was right; going out wit him again would ruin her reputation. Plus, she didn't want to get hurt again. She doubted he would do that again, but then agai, she never suspected her would the first time, either. "Yeah. I'd like to just be friends." ________________________________
"That's understandable," replied Matt. "I know I've put you through a lot. Actually, I was wondering if you would introduce me to your friends...?" Strange group to be hanging out with her. Still, I think they'd be cool. _________________________________
"Sure!" Lindsay enthused. She was glad he still wanted to be in her life. She grabbed his hand, and dragged him over to Dimitri. "Hey Dimitri.... This is Matt. I know what you're thinking, but all's cool now." _________________________________
'I know what you're thinking.' She must have talked about me. I knew she would. He thought smugly. "Hey." He stepped forward, and with his firm grip, and two pumps, shook Dimitri's hand. "Nice to know you."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:28am May 21 2010
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Posts: 632
((i think im gonna have to drop out sry :'( ))
7:04pm May 21 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Yo guys I'm back. And Tal don't drop out. I'll try and post soon.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:31pm May 21 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Why do you wanna drop out?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:03pm May 22 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm May 22 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Karienne walked of the stage just in time to see Lindsey run off and Maive follow. "Wonder what's got her knickers in a knot." she muttered to herself as she saw them walk out. She walked up to Dimitri and Rafe. "So, have you guys tried the quiche yet?" she asked trying to make small talk. She suddenly looked over when she heard Lindsey come up nehind them. When she saw Matt her smiled instantly faded into a frown. "Hey Dimitri.... This is Matt. I know what you're thinking, but all's cool now." Lindsey said smiling. She clenched her fists. "Oh I'm sure Dimitri knows who he is. We all do." - - - - - - - - - - - - The wolf looked though the forest trees. The loud music was hurting his ears. He growled. He wanted the music to stop the ringing in his sensitive ear. He heard laughter and clanging and made his way towards the noise. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paul laughed and claged his beer bottle against Austin. Him and Logand had just thrown him out of the party and they were now enjoying a beer. "You dude, Lindsey! Ow ow!" Paul said Logan laughing. Austin grinned and nodded and took a swig of his beer. "You dude, it too bad you couldn't get in her pants." Paul said punching Austin playfully. Austin rolled his eyes. 'Yo I gotta take a piss." he said as he put the bottle down and stagged drunkinly towards a bush. "You use any excuse to pull that thing out." Logan called after him grining. - - - - - - - - The wolf turned and when her felt something warm and wet his his tail. He crinkled his nose when he reconised the smell of urine. He corners of his mouth curled up and he growled and launched himself at the kid tearing his head clean of. He tore him in half. His blood ang intestins lying the floor like giant worms. He turned towards the other two. "Woah what the f*** is that?!" Paul cried falling over. Logans eyes widened and he dropped the beer. "Let's get the f*** out of here." He cried turning. The wolf launched himself at Logan and started to tear him apart. He then turned to look for the other and saw he was gone. - - - - - - - - - - - Kariennelooked down when she heard her walkie talkie make a crakling noise. She pulled it out, and heard a few words between the static. "Ari. . .giant @ss. . .here. . .Austin and Logan. . .police." Then it cut off into static. Kari tapped her walkie talkie. "Oh real funny Paul." She muttered. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Paul hit his walkie talkie. "Kari!" He called into it. He had falling on it ad it had broken. Hearinf someone shout Kari, the wolf turned and moved a mssive paw at a bush feeling it make inpact to something soft. Paul felt the claw and fall over. His arm was hit clean off. He yelled in pain and writered around. The wolf appraoched his. Those dark eyes gleaming, the wolf raised his head and holloed. Paul tried to get up. It was hard but he managed and mad his way towards the gym door. He pushed it opened then he collasped. The wolf follwed his pray and howl when the door opened the the music hit his ears making them ring even more. He let out a strangled cry and grabbed Pauls body and through him towards the DJ. Hitting the sound system. That was when the all hell broke lose. - - - - - - - - - - - - Karienne looked over when she heard the scream. She raised an eyebrow. Then the door opened and a roar erupted and something went flying. It cut of the music and Kari saw a crumpled body. Her eyes grew wide and then she felt a tear run down her face. "P-Paul?" she said. Then the monster roared once more. ((Alright. I think that was the longest post I have ever type. So enjoy that.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:46pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 632
((ill try to keep posting but I cant go on the computer a lot (I have dial up if any of you still know what that means XP) so the time I do have I want to spend on posts that have stuff happening. I’ll try to keep posting though.))
Rafe calmly took in the havoc around him, unlike the others he was totally calm. Sighing with relief to himself he began to move. Finally the wolf had stuck and they could do what they came to do in the first place. No more dancing around it, as much as Maive wanted to. Always prepared he slid his knife from the long sleeve of his dress jacket. The blade glistened, deadly in the dim lighting on the dance floor. Seeing a flash he headed toward the wolf, with a yell he launched himself at it. He wouldn’t be able to kill it, not until the moon was over and it turned back. If he killed it now it would just come back again, it had to be done while the...thing, was human. A wound would keep it away from people for now, it had already killed more than once and he knew it couldn’t wait to kill again.
8:48pm May 22 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Lindsay grimaced at Kari. "Matt isn't all bad..." She whimpered. As she was about to continue to protest, she saw Rafe slice into the werewolf, and shrieked an awful noise. It was ten times louder than the music. She couldn't take the hideous sight before her, and shuddered. She just stood still, inches from the wolf, not grasping it's enormity. She was frozen in fear. ______________________ Matt opened his eyes widely, but witout thought, shielded Lindsay from the immenent danger. He loved her. His chest hulked over her frozen body, and he never thought. All that ran through his mind was, Protect her. Protect her. Protect her... He then scowled at the wolf. I know it's retarded of me, but I am not afraid of you. Wanna take a huge bite out of my skull? Go ahead. But don't hurt her. She's the only reason I am still in the freaking town.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:27pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Not at all interested in getting to know Matt, or even be friendly with the guy, Dimitri sneered, putting more pressure into the hand-shake then was necessary. "Can say it's good to meet you, but i'll play nice seeing as I don't want to hurt Lindsey." He itched to smash the guy's head in, release his pent up anger over pretty much everything. A weird sense of de-ja vu went through his head as he watched another person hit the music stand instead. Snapped from his trance, he whirled around to stare in disbelief at the m*censored*ive wolf, blood dripping from it's lips, appeared with a grimacing smile. What is that f***ing thing! The senior could not watch as his friend, or so he considered the anti-social newbie, engage the wolf creature alone. "Oh don't play hero." He muttered. "That thing just hurtled someone a good fifteen feet." Reaching into one of the many pockets in his jeans, he produced his own knife having learned at a young age to always carry one around. Looking over his shoulder only once, he was glad to see Matt standing over Lindsey, but who was going to protect Karienne if the creature went on a rampage? "Da*m it." He cursed, thinking of a hundred other obscenities. Bolting over to the tear stricken girl, he blanched at the body laying on the ground. If the sight of a shredded corpse sickened him, then what it must do to the girl, he did not want to think about it. Grabbing her shoulder, trying not to be to rough with the girl, he placed himself between her and Paul, or what was left of him. "Go over to Matt and Lindsey, and stay with them. Try and calm the crowds though, staying in Matt's protective range. If people go crazy them more will get hurt." He hoped occupying her mind would slow the shock surely to set in. He gave her a little shove. "Go!"

8:36pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey, Stray could I possibly have the Wolf character? Its so much fun playing as it XD)) Karienne tried to tare her eyes away from the Pauls remains. But she couldn't Dimitris voice sounded far away. Then he placed himself between her and the body, her eyes looked up into his dark ones. "Go over to Matt and Lindsey, and stay with them. Try and calm the crowds though, staying in Matt's protective range. If people go crazy them more will get hurt." He said. Karienne looked at him and nodded slightly. Bossing people around, yeah, she was good at that. "Go!" he said giving her a look. She nodded slowly and made her way over to the others. "Matt get Lindsey out of here. Don't bother trying to protect her." she said slowly. She was still in shock, she looked around at the other rushing about. She dried her eyes and sucked in a deep breath. "All right everyone get out. Towards the doors in an orderly fashion!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. - - - - - - - The wolf howled. There was so much noise. He closed her eyes and swung one m*censored*ive paw sending any unlucky person within its reach flying towards the wall, there bodies lying in a crumpled heap. He then hollard one more when her felt the shaprness of Rafes little knife make contact with his arm( Yeah I dont remeber what that part is called on a wolf), he swung his head in pain and hit Rafe sending him back into a rush of people and he started licking his wound.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:44pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Sure Ser!)) Glad to see Karienne doing as he had asked, and the hysterical student body rushing for the doors, he turned his attention towards the wolf. As the creature tossed Rafe away as if it was a fly, he flinched and hoped he was alright. Comforted by the feeling on the cool metal in his hand, Dimitri started for the wolves back, wondering how he was going to get high enough to hurt it before the creature swiped his own head off. Taking in a breath, Dimitri leap for the werewolves back, scowling at how thick its ruff really was. He hoped the blade had penetrated it enough to stop it's killing spree. Jerking the knife back towards himself, he dropped to the ground and backed away quickly, never taking his eyes from it's paws. Probably a mistake, considering it had fangs. Never had he had to fight something like this.
9:09pm May 23 2010 (last edited on 9:10pm May 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Sweet! Thanks Stray.)) The wolf howled in pain when it felt something land on it back. He was about to try and bite it off the way you would a tick but hten it felt a sharp pain. The wolf howled some more and spun around trying to see what was on it back. As he spun his thick tail hit Dimitri, hard enough to fall over. The wolfs yellow eyes were full of pain. He just wanted everthing to stop. His sharp teeth managed to grab a hold on the small knife and he maganed to pull it out and thought it. It landed in the back of another student. Suddenly a wailing noise hit his ears and let out a mournful cry then he swung his paw once more knocking people out of the way. He made his way towards the back door it grabbed two girls in his mouth. They shriek but it was cut short by the sound of snapping. Then he ran in a lopsided fashion into the dark forest. - - - - - - - - - "Everybody out!" Karienne said moving her arms directing the crowd out. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed someone on the back of the wolf. Her eyes suddenly widened, when she realized who it was. "Dimitri!" she yelled as she saw him do down. It wasn't as hard as the others but still. She pulled of her shoes. and through it at the wolf, off course she missed and the shoe landed a few feet away from it. When she reached Dimitri the wolf had run out, not without a few student. She went down on her knees. "Dimitri?" she asked. She hoped he wasn't dead, there was so many already, and the sight of what was left of Paul, she didnt even want to think about it. If Dimitri was dead she would lose it, she was laready on the brink of tears.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:01pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm May 24 2010)
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Posts: 632
Maive had heard the commotion inside the dance hall. Rushing in she dodged in time to see Rafe's body collide with the wall next to her. Moving over she helped him up. "Cummon." she said gently. " Wasn't that what you've been waiting for all this time? You let it get away!" she turned to watch Dimitri talk to Kiri. This was nothing like they had faced before. Walking over she moved to talk to them. ((just thinking, could there be like more than one wolf? like there is a big one infecting people in the town like in zombie movies? that way you can kill the wolves but the story won't end :) ))
1:13pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Uh, the wolf kinda already left when it heard the police sirens. . .))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:33pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((I like the idea of more then one wolf, but then it would get a little confusing. What if after one wolf dies, then someone it's bitten before turns into the wolf?)) Blinking back black spots that clouded his vision for a second, Dimitri was dimly aware of everything else going on around the gym. Screaming, the howling of pain, sirens. About time the idiot police got here. He thought coldly. Pushing himself up into a sitting position and now able to see clearly, the chaos around was to be expected. From the looks some of the students were giving the doors, as if they wanted nothing more then to follow let him know someone was probably taken. What was not expected was Karienne beside him with a look of terror and grief on her face. The emotions were expected having lost a friend to the wolf, but hadn't he told her to stay beside Matt and Lindsey? Go figure, since when do the female population of our 'wonderful species' ever listen? He thought sarcastically. Then again he was surprised she really cared. Getting to his feet, eyes still scanning the room for any sort of show the wolf was coming back, he held his hand out to help her up. "Are you alright?" He asked instinctively.

1:44pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Yeah that would get confusing. Hat about just pike three or something? Oh and I gtg soon.))
Karienne stood up next to him whiped her eyes she looked at him. "Oh I'm just fine." she said. Then sh looked at him up and down, her eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you?" sh asked. "Anything broken?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
3:01pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 632
((kk ill edit it :) ))
5:37pm May 24 2010
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Lindsay stared in horror at Dimitri. He wasn't as severely wounded as he could have been, but still, it was her "friend," or acquaintance at the very least. She extended an arm to him, and caught his glance concernedly for a moment, but Matt pulled her back. She shot a desperate glance at Matt, but he ignored it. She choked over the bustle of the room, "Oh, god. Dimitri..." A tear seeped down her cheek, but Matt kept her pinned to his side. ________________________ Dimitri held Lindsay easily. She was at least 75 pounds lighter than he was, with football and all. He looked worriedly at Dimitri, but wasn't so much that he'd let Lindsay out of his firm grasp. What if, by chance, the wolf came back, and killed her? She was the only one he'd ever loved. When Lindsay looked at Matt pleadingly, his face never softened. He needed to remain strong to keep her safe. When Lindsay cried, Matt held her closer, so his warm breath brushed against her wet face. He wanted to let her know he would protect her, even if random zombies and vampires got into this mess also. I mean, a werewolf just waltzed in. What was next? He shook the thought out of his head. Lord knew he didn't need any more drama. Matt shot an apologetic glance at Dimitri. He wished Dimitri would understand why he wouldn't loosen his grip on the girl. He thought maybe Dimitri would be okay with how he restrained her, since it was to save her life.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:48pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 2,092
After a quick look to make sure there was no blood or bones sticking out of her anywhere, he knew she'd probably lie if she was harmed, Dimitri shook his head. Wishing he hadn't as the world tipped uneasily, Dimitri blinked away the haze. "Only my prides hurt." He mused lightly, "Downed by a bloody tail." The doors suddenly burst open and police rushed in, paramedics not to far behind them. "They'll take care of everything now, and hopefully kill the wolf." Placing his hand on her shoulder in a sign of comfort, he figured the shock of losing a friend and watching others killed would be taking it's toll soon enough. Hearing familiar voices, Dimitri remembered the others and looked around for them swiftly. Lindsey and Matt did not seem hurt, stunned and freaked to be sure as was he, but no blood or missing limbs. Walking, or more limping, over he nodded to Matt in a show of gratitude. Not that he liked him much more, but respect was diffrent. "Either of you hurt?" He asked, already looking over his shoulder for the paramedics. "That was...diffrent. Not a way to spend a night."
