6:05pm May 24 2010
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Posts: 632
Regaining his balence Rafe moved over to the group of others. “If I were you I’d move now. It’s never good when the cops catch you after a thing like this, they wont believe your story and you’ll just end up as ‘the crazy kid’. C’mon, come back to my place if you want.” He turned and began to walk away, pulling Maive along with him. Pausing he looked back. “I know you guys are probably confused but we have everything you’d need to treat your wounds back at my place, I’ll explain there. Hurry!” his eyes darted to the side. Maive looked back, widening her eyes; silently pleading them to follow.
6:05pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 6:06pm May 24 2010)
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Posts: 632
((sry kinda lost now....)).
6:44pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 7:10pm May 24 2010)
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((Uh damn. I was planning on having Kari slap Dimitri and be all what the hell were you thinking?! You could have died! XD but I can't do that anymore DX)) Karienne nodded when she heard Dimitri say her was fine. She sucked in a breath and was about to say something when he started limping over towards Lindsey and Matt. She sighed and followed. Then suddenly she heard Rafe.“If I were you I’d move now. It’s never good when the cops catch you after a thing like this, they wont believe your story and you’ll just end up as ‘the crazy kid’. C’mon, come back to my place if you want.” She looked back at him. "Uh, I really don't think out of twenty casualties and several other witnesses they'll think of us as crazies." she snapped. "and I think if i was hurt I'd rather go to an ambulence, the professionals. And I need to identify-' she cut herself short, and whipped her eyes. "Excuse me for a moment." she said, she put her hand over her mother and hurried as fast as she could in over the bloody gym floor towards the door. She whipped her eyes then pulled of her shoes, than ran into the janitors closet and sat down on the floor. The sight of all the bodies flahing through her mind. She bite her lip and hugged her knees to her chest and started rocking back and forth trying to stop the flow of tears she was trying so hard to hide.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:06pm May 24 2010 (last edited on 7:09pm May 24 2010)
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Lindsay could sense how awful Karienne must have felt, and got up to comfort her. In pa.ssing, she faintly smiled at Dimitri, glad he wasn't harmed. She didn't mind having Dimitri around as much as she thought she would at first. She then noticed the stench of blood that was so pungent around the room, taking an unhealthy whiff. She made a pained face, and felt horribly nauseous all of a sudden. She then collapsed onto the hard floor, unconscious. __________________ Matt paused as Lindsay fell onto the scarlet-stained floor. It was as if it were in slow motion, and he couldn't erase the painful ex pression in her eyes. He tried to rush over, but the paramedics swarmed her, and he couldn't see her unconscious face. He wanted to cry, but his tear ducts failed him. He then remembered Kari, and decided he may as well help her, since Lindsay was unreachable. He slowly strode towards the Janitor's Closet door, and gave three rapid, solid knocks. "Are you okay?" He sensitively whispered.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:20pm May 24 2010
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((Thats would have been funny! To bad she can't now.)) Watching Karienne take off by herself and vaguely hearing Rafe speaking about getting out of there, Dimitri placed a palm to his head and closed his eyes. This was way more then what was bargained. "I have to agree, the police cannot pin-point us as crazy with so many dead and others having seen the wolf. And surely there are video cameras around here." Stopping to take a stabbing breath he continued. "And we need to be witnesses. Twenty or so of our cl*censored* mates died. Thats about one-fourth our tiny towns families having lost a child." Hearing a slight thud on the gyms floor, the senior turned around and flinched as Lindsey hit the floor. "Now what?" He whispered to himself, starting to go to her but being stopped by paramedics. If he was worried, then Matt must be frantic, and by the look on the guys face he was. At least he was smart enough to try and find Karienne to make sure she was alright. "You two going to be alright?" He asked Rafe and Mavie, already starting to head towards the paramedics surrounding Lindsey.

7:49pm May 24 2010
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Karienne looked up when she heard the knocks, then she frowned when she heard the voice. She was expecting Lindsey, Maive or Dimitri, hell maybe Rafe. She was not expecting Matt. "Im fine." she said rather harshly. "Why don't you go make out with Lindsey or something." she got up off the floor and picked up her shoes. She opens the door and walked past him. "I have to go give my statement." she said whipping her eyes.
She pushed her way out the door and walked over to one of the cops he give her greif stricken look and sent her over to one of EMTs. He gave her a blanket and made her sit in the ambulence and told her they'd get her statment before she went into shock.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:10pm May 24 2010
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Seeing Karienne being towed around by the paramedics and stuck into a ambulance not far away, Dimitri sighed and walked over. He figured the shock would be setting in, and the grief would probably take its toll. "You ran off pretty quick." He stated softly, knowing a harsher are you insane? That wolf could still be around! would not work to well. "Is everything alright?" Noticing the stupidity of his words he rephrased it. "Is everything physically okay? The grief will last a while, but the sooner you accepted it the sooner you can get on with your life. Isn't that what Paul would want?" He was waiting for the angry outburst that would probably come, the angry/sad eyes glaring at him. He figured he deserved it, not being one good with words.
8:23pm May 24 2010
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((I might go soon...)) Karienne pulled the grey blanket they had given her around her. She didn't look up when she saw Dimitri. She just listened to what he said. When he was finished she didn't say anyhting for a while but everntually she looked up. "I'm fine." she said using the same harsh tone she had used with Matt earlier. She winced at her own words. She realized he was just trying to help, but he had no right telling her it was what Paul would want, although it was probably true. She looked him in the eyes, the tears starting once more, she quickly whiped them, and looked away not wanting him to see her cry. "Some party huh?" she said, She chuckled slightly. "Tonight was suposed to be perfect, I know it wasn't prom or anything but still. It was a chance for me to prove myself and looked what happened. I just have the worst luck."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:23pm May 24 2010
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Matt wasn't offended when Kari pushed past him. He understood she was in a lot of pain right now. He walked quietly over to the ambulance, where Kari and Dimitri were talking. When Dimitri was done, he amended, "Look, I was only trying to help. If there is anything I can do, Karienne. I don't know you well, and Lindsay may have made you think I was bad, but I am not, although I can't say I blame her..." He scratched his forehead. "Regardless, I really hope you can get through this well. Seriously." His mouth curved into the attempts of a smile, but there was no way he could actually form one.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
1:51pm May 25 2010
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Posts: 632
Rafe sighed. They had moved out of the building when the cops came in. No way would they understand, people will make up the craziest lies to cover the unknown; do anything to convince themselves that's not what happened when it really did. Maive pushed her brother back toward the enterance. "You know Dimitri better, go in and try to convince them to come with us. Tell them that we'll get the wolf that killed their friends. Anything!" she walked back toward the jeep to set everything up. Rafe sighed, his life flashing before his eyes as he thought of what Lindsay and Kari would do. Dimitri and matt too, but he hoped the dudes could stick together on this one. Entering unnoticed through the door he slid over to where Kari was talking with Dimitri. "Seriously, I don't want to leave you here. I know what's going on in a way that these guys---" he motioned toward the cops "can't exactly explain." Looing them dead in the eye he tried to get them to see his side. "We can explain about the wolf. I know that it murdured your friends. That will just keep happening until you, we, do someting!"
3:49pm May 26 2010
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Dimitri shrugged at Karienne's snappish behavior, knowing this was rough on her, as it was them all. "Not everything will turn out like this." He told her, trying to keep his usual darkness from the undertone of his voice. He pretty well failed at it. Surprised at Rafe's outburst, he nodded in acknowledgment and confusion. "You know what did this, that wolf creature?" He asked hopefully. "If you do then thats huge. It's killed dozens and the cops are no closer to catching it." He looked at everyone else. "Why don't we make a time to meet somewhere and discuss this, all of us who are willing to know?" He was pretty sure Lindsey would like to know, but she was unconscious, and Karienne was still shook up. He nodded towards his sister as a silent way to ask if he could follow. Leaning heavily against the wall, all the action now taking it's toll, he glanced in confusion between Rafe and Mavie. "I know i'm a small town country bumpkin but I know something is up with you two? Rafe says he knows what the creature was. And at the same times these killing started, the two of you came here." He scowled slightly, hating relatively new things in the normally peaceful town.

4:08pm May 26 2010
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((Wow, I'm not exactly sure what to do with Kari so all I can do is make her explode with anger. So enjoy that.)) Karienne looked up at Matt. "Well that really nice and-" she stopped when she heard Rafe's her clamness erupted. "Look Rafe, I told you I'm not coming. I need to identify the bodiess and also if you all leave they'll think the wolf got you, and dont expect me to tell them you're not dead." She hugged the blanket around her and got up and moved away from the group. "I have a memorial to plan for." she said as she started walking away. Then she turned around. "Oh and next time you keep your stupid pet on a leash and don't let him out of the house!" She turned and headed towards a cop. Things looked terrible for Rafe and Maive, the day they show up was the day all the killings started. So there was only one thing she could think, whatever that giant mutated wolf thing was it had to be like their science project or pet or something. "Now Miss what can you tell me about tonight?" the officer said.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:16pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 5:51pm May 26 2010)
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((Poor Kari, nothing ever seems to go right for her.)) Dimitri flinched as Karienne's words lashed out, wondering if her anger was justified or not. Was that thing theirs? He sighed and shook his head sadly, preferring not to lose a friend if it was unneeded. "Don't mind her, I have not known her that long but I think that outburst was rare." He told the siblings, not sure weather or not to tell the cops this or not. Was these deaths their fault? ((Fail post...)
5:07pm May 26 2010
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((Yeah XD, poor her. And well I can't post, I'll do it later, anyways do you mean Kari's words not Maives?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:52pm May 26 2010
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((Hehe yeah, I meant Kari. Sorry about that.))
6:39am May 27 2010
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"No, that thing was not my pet!" he said, breath hissing through his teeth in frustration. "I'll explain there, its too risky here." he said, pointedly looking arount toward the surrounding police. ((gtg for cl*censored* ill try to go on later ))
5:03pm May 27 2010 (last edited on 5:04pm May 27 2010)
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((Man, I feel soo bad, Kari is being soo mean to Rafe. Poor guy DX)) Karienne nodded and handed the police officer her list. He had made her mark who she knew for sure was alive then made her go inside and mark who she could identify. She barfed twice, it was gruesome. The room smelt of metal, and it had a damp feeling to it. And gagged as she had p*censored*ed over to bodies and crossed out their names. Some people were too bent up and twisted for her to even identify. She knew something like htis she would never forget. Everytime she closed her eyes she could hear the screaming and the twisted broken bodies played over and over in her mind. She chewed her lip as tears welled up in her eyes. She looked over at the group and sighed, she felt for her car keys and realized she had left them in her jacket, which happened to be on the stage, probably under Martin's bloody body. She shuddered, there was no way she was going back in there. She sucked in a breath and made her way toward the group. "Could someone give me lift." She said. "I left my keys in there and there is no way I'm going back in."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:09pm May 27 2010
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Lost in his own thoughts, most of which contained brief images of the gruesome display earlier as well as past ones, Dimitri jumped when Karienne spoke. Trying not to snap at her for being a sneaky little...well he could not think of a word, he knew it was the recent turn of events that were making him irritable and cranky. But sympathy soon replaced his initial anger at her appearance and plea, both of which were in truth, pathetic. She looked like a kicked puppy. He really hated feeling pity, knowing most people hated it to be aimed at them and a girl who tried to be independent would probably snarl at him. He'd prefer to keep his head. "I'd offer a ride, but seeing as i'm not to respectful a person and rumors would spread of you going to the dark side of the law, Lindsey or Mavie would be better, hell even Rafe." He shrugged, hating for anyone to lose their reputation of being a 'good person' for something this simple. He glanced over at Rafe, glad he was not working with that creature. "Where would be a good place?" He asked.

12:20pm May 28 2010
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"We have an appartment over on the east side, everything will be explained there. This is beyond anything you could guess, I promise we'll be able to help thoggh." He said sympathetically. He knew exactly what they were going through, the same had happened to him and his sister before they began this job. Moving over to Kari he put a hand comfortingly on her shoulder. "I know you're afraid but I'm asking you to try to trust me. Please!"
7:06pm May 28 2010
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Now normally Kari would have smiled at something like her going to the dark side of the law, beacuse that just wasn't possible. She was Karienne, a goody twoshoes. Sure she cut cl*censored* every once in a while but break the law, yeah no. But either way she understood Dimitri's situtaion in a way, the fact he was worried about her reputation was touching, but alas the fact he stated he wasn't a respectful person ticked her off. She sighed and nodded. "Whatever." She said running her tongue over her back teeth the way she always did when she was annoyed. She turned and looked around, where was Lindsey anyways? She knew she could give her a ride well half way atleast, she lived two blocks away from the other girl.
She had been thinking about Lindsey when Rafe put his hand on her shoulder causing her to jump. She turned back to him. "I know you're afraid but I'm asking you to try to trust me. Please!" he said. She narrowed her eyes but sighed when she saw the desperate look on his face. She closed her eyes for a moment then looked back up at him. "Fine but only if you get me hot chocolate and let me call my mother." she said pushing some black curls from her face.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.