4:46pm May 12 2010
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((I only said one loner, but i'll make an exception this once, so go ahead. ^^))
4:57pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 7:54pm May 12 2010)
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((Oh, I didn't see that but thank you so much. I feel special XD)) Name: Karienne Jackson Age: Twenty Gender: Female Gang Rank: Healer Looks: Karienne is a rather pretty girl. She stands at about 5'6 abd her flawless skin is a milky chocolate brown. Her curly black hair reaches her shoulders frames her round face. Her eyes are a deep forest green and are framed by dark lashes. She nose fits nicely on her face and she has a straight white smile that is ever present. Her lips aren't exactly full and large but slightly less than that and soft. Her body is thin but surprisingly curvy, a family trait. Now, being the type of person she is you would never suspect it but she has a tatoo of a dragon on her entire back, she normally hides it, rarely wearing bikinis or open back dresses that would show it, she honestly has no idea how she got it. Wolf Looks: As a wolf Kari is slightly smaller than the others, but then again much bigger than Lanen. Her body is light, built for speed and her fur is a milky chocolate brown colour, so she blends in easily with the earth. As a wolf, her eyes remain the same deep green History: Unlike some of the others, when Kari went berserk for the first time, she remembered every detail. It was after school and Kari was hanging out in her usual spot in the woods. She was relaxing when, the mean girl from school showed up. She had been tormenting Kari for year, and she finally lost it. How'd she longed to rip at that girls throat. And it happened, she was horifed at first, but then quickly covered for herself. She remembered how her mother often told her not to go into the wood for she thought they would be attack by the wolves which were seen in the area recently. So she scracthed her arn against a branch and added a few more bruises and called 911. They showed up and Kari told them they were attack by a wolf. Lucky for her the cops didn't suspect otherwise, but Kari ran away. And later she met up with the gang and became the healer. Weapon: Kari, beleive it or not, is a sniper. When she was young her father was a soldier and taught her how to snipe when they went hunter. So Kari normally has a rifle with her some where. She also carries around a small knife incase she has face to face combat. Extra: Kari is a totally up beat and friendly girl. Allways cheerful but never too in your face. She just one of those really likeable people. Once, she makes up her mind its her way or the highway. She normally jokes around and seems carefree but she can be serious at times, especially when it comes to the werewolf. She also finds it hard to forgive people if they wrong her. She's pretty much a social butterfly.(Yeah, I suck at personalities, do I need to type more?) - - - - - - - Name: Alexis (Leave it that for now) Age: Nineteen Gender: Female Gang Rank: Loner Looks: Hope you don't mind I used a real person. I can always type a deion. 
Wolf Looks: As a wolf Alexis's fur is softer than the others and a bit longer. And is is also the same orange as her hair. She is about average size and her eyes are the same blue as a wolf, and tend to look more human than the others. History: "What were you thinking!?" her father yelled at her. Slapping her across her face brutally, her face recoiling from the impact. Big tears ran down her face as she touched the red spot on her face. "I'm sorry." She said, sobbing. "But you have no right-" she was cut off by onther smack. "Don't you dare back talk me young lady!" He said again. "If you ever-" Alexis didn't hear the rest of what he was saying.His voice became a dull hum in the background as she stared at his throat. She could imagin herself just digging her claws into his neck and ripping out his windpipe. Wait claws? she thought. "You're not even listening to me are you?!" He yelled. He shoved her down roughly, and she hit her head on the corner of the table, then all hell broke loose. Alexis awoke to blood all around her. She screamed and sat up quickly, looking down to see if it was hers. Her eyes wide with fear scanned the room. She didn't know what happened. She touched the backof her head gingerly and felt the part where she had hit, some blood coming off her fingers. She stood up and hurried to the living room, then screamed. There lay broken and twisted, her father. That abusive pig, all the times she wished he was dead, there he was. Along with her mother and younger sister. Tears rushed to her eyes, then her head jerked towards the door as she heard the sirens. She knew she couldn't stay. She quickly headed out the door up the country road and into the night. Weapon: She doesnt beleive in violence but has a small knife. Extra: I can't of anything. New character.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:58pm May 12 2010
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((Can we start?))
 <-- Click me
6:10pm May 12 2010
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( Doesn't the name "Alexis Brimmings" belong to Jade? You know, DevilAngelKia... )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:13pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Really? Oh i didn't realize. I'll change that. I haven't rpied with her for I while so I don't know her new Charries XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:14pm May 12 2010
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Pacing back and forth at the edge of the tree line that bordered a small town, Dimitri itched to shift into his more powerful form. But the tree's were thin and the group needed food and other items, not to get caught again by police and forced to run. Looking around him, he spotted a tree with a lower branch that offered a little more shelter then the open group. Bounding up it, even in human form the shifters were more powerful then normal humans and considered who to send into town. Rubbing his head to stave off the oncoming headache, the wolf shifter was glad he would soon get rid of leader position. The town seemed small and relatively safe, a perfect target for their crimes. Smirking now, he looked around for any of the other gang members to send, deciding he would join them this times, seeing as there were few scavengers.
6:20pm May 12 2010
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( o3o I guess we're starting. ) Severin watched Dimitri from the bushes, debating on whether or not to step through them. Dimitri looked pretty anxious from where Severin was sitting, and he was afraid he might get yelled at or something if he did come into his sight. But, even so, he walked up to the tree Dimitri was at, giving the leader a nod for a greeting before settling down on the ground. And, instead of staying silent, Severin decided to ask a question: "So, why do you look so anxious? Are the police after us again or something?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:23pm May 12 2010
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"Is there something there?" 16 year-old Dusk asked her leader as she stood next to him. She gazed around with her sharp eyes and then shifted, hearing her clothes rip as she grew and then she fell onto four paws with a resounding thud. "I do not sense anything." she lifted ehr black head and sniffed the cold, night air. "Please, tell me, is there something you need me to do." As second, or beta, she was in charge of carrying out the leadser's orders...
 <-- Click me
6:26pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm May 12 2010)
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Knowing who it was by scent before he even looked down, Dimitri nodded as well in greeting, never taking his eyes off the city. "The police are always after us, do not forget that." He muttered, trying for a semi-light heart tone. He was pretty sure he failed. "No, it's not that now. I'm anxious because i'v got so many others looking at me to lead them when I have no idea what i'm doing. But i'll make it through it and do as I see fit." He added, voice dropping lower and sounding more annoyed then he intended. Glancing up, he noted the starts were out and the moon was bright, it was almost time to go. "Would you mind to get a few others, we need to get some stuff." He was glad when Dusk appeared in fur with claws and fangs, added for the comfort. And her black pelt helped with blending. "Yes, your leading a patrol tonight to get food and cloths, and anything you think we need."
6:33pm May 12 2010
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Lanen ran up, her feet hardly seeming to touch the ground. "I'll go with Dusk," She said, tilting her head to look up at Dimitri. "I'm always up for scavenging," The girl beamed. Always ready to help the group that may have saved my life...
Resident mounted archer
6:35pm May 12 2010
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Dusk dipped her head and raced off. She sat in the forest and howlled, if the wolves heard her, they would come so they would not upset their leader. She glared into the darkness waiting for the others to come and do Dimitri's bidding...
 <-- Click me
6:40pm May 12 2010
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Glad most of the wolves seemed eager to go or help, Dimitri was surprised that everything seemed to be running smoothly for the gang, no fights, so far no deaths, the police had not found them in the past week. Somethings coming, I hate surprises. Jumping from the tree so he was level with all the others, he bend down to wait. Eyes scanning the town, he knew something was down there, waiting perhaps? He was not sure. "Be careful." He hissed to the rest of the group, glad to be going along to help keep watch. He was not about to let down his guard and one of his pack be struck down because he was careless.
6:40pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm May 12 2010)
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Severin shrugged, then flinched when he heard Dusk howl. He glared at the younger wolf. Severin was not usually a very happy person, and now was no different. It's not like he hated to do what Dimitri told him to do; no, it wasn't that at all. He was just a very irritable person. "Anxiety doesn't help when you're leading a gang," he mumbled to Dimitri, standing up with a slight grunt. "And, it's not usually in a leader's traits. Though, I do think you're good at being a leader. None of us are dead or in jail, so." He shrugged.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:42pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk glared right back at the older wolf, it wasn't her fault she was one of the youngest in the pack and also right up there in ranks next to the leader. She narrowed her eyes, motioning for him to come to her, she needed to gather a patrol...
 <-- Click me
6:47pm May 12 2010
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Kylie was a few feet away as she heard the howl. Though she was in her human form, her ears were still just as sensative as her wolf form. "I hear you, jeez," Kylie said in a complaining tone. Shaking her head, listening to the several rounds of bullets jingle, Kylie continued walking. "Dimitri," She started, "Another... raid?" Kylie asked, choosing her words carefully. "I could provide protection... At a distance," She offered, looking down at her casually scary appearence. "I think if I went along, I might scare a few of them." She thought the word human to be a disgrace after what they had done to her. Not only her, but everyone in the pack. ((Fail. xD))
6:49pm May 12 2010
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Lanen shrugged and walked over to stand beside the as.sembled. Her brow furrowed as she fingered the shirt, finally laughing. "Last pair of clothes I got. Ah well." She slipped out of her shoes and shook her head as she shifted. The change in her height was not dramatic, but also expected.
Resident mounted archer
6:50pm May 12 2010
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Severin stared at Dusk, his brow furrowed. "I don't really have to go along, right?" he asked Dimitri, glancing back at the alpha. "There's so many girls in the group...and I'm not too comfortable with any..." He stopped, blinking at what appeared to be the roots of a tree, then groaned. "Fine, I'm coming," he mumbled, walking over to where Dusk was standing.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
6:52pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 6:53pm May 12 2010)
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Lanen opened her mouth and coughed, laughing at Severin. She wagged her tail as he neared, then spun in circles. Lets go lets go lets go!! Suddenly she stopped and sneezed.
Resident mounted archer
6:57pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Wow you guys post fast XD))
Karienne walked out of the bushes. "Hey guys Im low on Asprin-" she stopped talking as she saw the other *censored*embled. She raised an eyebrow. "Now is this a patrol or a raid?" she asked. If it was a patrol, she wasn't volenteering to go. If it was a raid, she still wasn't volunteering, she preceded getting her medical stuff in human form then wolf.
((Wow. My intros are just always fails. >.<))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:57pm May 12 2010
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Name: Ian O'shay Age: 19 Gender: Male Gang Rank: A.ssa.ssin :3 Looks: Ian is rather tall, about 6' 3", with a long, athletic build. He's rather slender, but he does have a bit of muscle. Ian's skin is a tan/olive color and his hair is dark brown, just about black. It makes it easier for him to sneak around at night. His eyes are dark blue, just about black too. He's almost always seen in black: Black jeans, black shirt, even a black bandana around his neck. Wolf Looks: Ian's wolf looks are pretty much the same as his human looks. He's about 7 feet tall and about 14 and a half feet long, one of the larger wolves. His fur is completely black, not a spot or smidge of any other color. His eyes stay the same color as well. History: o-o I have to think of it. xD Weapon: He keeps his killing down to swords, poison, and his wolf form. ^-^ Extra: Ian only kills with his wolf form the night that the pack migrates to a new spot. ((We needed some more dudes. xD The ratio of boy to girl was like 2:6 xD))