6:58pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((No they arnt. XD And we dont post fast; we just lurk the forums til a new reply pops up....least, thats what I do. XD))
Resident mounted archer
6:59pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( xD I just have no life, Serenity. ) He heard Karienne's announcement before he actually saw her, and Daire groaned again. "That's too bad," Daire said, frowning a frown that looked more like a pout. "I just got a horrible headache. Guess I'll just have to suck it up, huh?"
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:01pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Looking over each member swiftly, he noticed most of the pack was going. That did not matter, the more now the less likely anyone was to die if things got bad. Glancing over at Kylie, he placed one hand on Lanen's furry shoulder as if to say I know your pain. They were all getting down to the bare basics now, at least some of them. "Distance would be good Kylie, you can shoot if need be and warn us as well." He nodded slightly at the plan, or what little of one they had. He thought about Severin's words, that leaders should not have anxiety. In a way he knew the only other male was right, but it was hard not to, and Dimitri was not cut out to be leader, he knew that himself. "No, you don't really have to go Severin. But thanks for leaving me with the girls. "He added sarcastically, noting he had decided to tag along anyway. Hiding a grin behind his hand, he looked at Dusk, she was the one to call the patrol to go. Glancing over at the pack healer, he was more then glad she would stay behind. "We'll get some medicines while we there. You just stay put andkeep out of sight. Dont know what we'd do if something happed to the only one of us who can heal."

7:02pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen tilted her head and looked up at Dimetri. She wished she hadnt been so fast at shifting; now she had no covers and no way to talk to anyone to comfort them. She sighed and resumed turning in tight circles, wanting to run and stretch her legs, feel the wind, and grab something from an unsuspecting person or shop.
Resident mounted archer
7:04pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Severin paused, thinking it over. If he went, he'd have to deal with a bunch of girls. If he didn't, then he'd...be alone? Or would he be with Dimitri? He wasn't sure; Dimitri wasn't being quite clear. "Wait," he said, blinking at the other male. "I don't get it. Are you coming with us? Because, I'm going. I need to run again." He grinned.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:06pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kylie nodded swiftly. She was a good shot. Well, good at anything with weapons; that's why her job was a weapon's specialist. She pulled the gun off her waste, checking to see if it had full ammo. It did. Kylie swiftly pulled a box of bullets out of her bag and grinned. "Got to make sure we're covered..." She said with a small laugh. Kylie sighed as she looked at her weapons. Dropping her two sharp swords in their cases then on the ground, Kylie remembered the old times she shared with them. Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she waited for the signal to go, knowing they desperately needed the raid.
7:08pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Looking away to hide his embarr*censored*ment for not speaking his mind, which he did not do often, and looking like a fool, Dimitri scowled to himself. "I'm going, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. You can run as you like." He shrugged nonchalantly. Looking over to Lanen, he was about to step into her pacing space just to make her stop. Her energy and ready for the hunt was dangerous, and intoxicating. Now he itched to shift and shred someone just because he could.
7:12pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,963
As if reading Dimitris thoughts, Lanen stopped abrubtly, standing still for a few seconds while regaining her stance. Her ears pricked and she turned her head, smelling the air with wuffling noises. Then she snorted. The one thing that annoyed her was that she still wasnt able to smell anything, even in this form.
Resident mounted archer
7:14pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
Severin glanced around. Everyone else seemed to be preparing, save for a few. He could clearly see that Lanen was just itching to go, just as everyone else could, but he wasn't so sure. Before he'd killed his brother, he was a good kid, doing everything his parents told him to do and rarely disobeying them. Now, he was getting ready to steal and possibly kill, just as he'd done many times before already. Swallowing, Severin walked back into the bushes and gather up his knives, along with a silenced handgun he kept only when he needed to shoot from a distance. It was like a tiny little colt, but with a bigger jolt and a deadlier shot. A colt was like a watergun compared to any other gun, including the handgun Severin carried. But, he definitely preferred knives... "Are we going now?" he asked, standing back up.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:19pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Sensing the impatience of the group, Dimitri sighed and stood the rest of the way up. He knew from experience that agitated shape-shifters were not good, and tended to lash out. Muttering a apology to Dusk, he took the raid into his own hands from now. "Alright, keep quiet and if possible lets split into teams on our way in. One for food, one for cloths and which over finishes fist try and go for medicines. If anyone catches you, you know what to do." His eyes darkened, he hated to kill but kill he did. "Lets go." He murmured, and started towards the town., placing one hand comfortingly on the blade hilt at his side.
7:19pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 7:21pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 2,963
Yes, lets go! Lanen whinned, keeping from going in continuous circles and only completing two or three. Her tongue lolled out and she sat down with almost visible force.. However, her tail twitched and she turned and glared at it for a few seconds before turning. If anyone asked her, she would reply that yes, she was A.D.D....or was it A.D.H.D; she could never remember. When Dimitri started walking, she jumpped up and followed, trotting behind him but longing to run.
Resident mounted archer
7:23pm May 12 2010
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Finally. We can get this over with. Severin thought, trailing after Dimitri. As usual, he looked deadly. Although he thought he wasn't fit to be a leader, Severin did, as he'd said earlier. Just the way he moved was intimidating; the others looked fierce, as well, but Severin knew no one would want to mess with the leader. Severin blinked. And now, I feel like we're playing follow the leader. he thought, feeling himself attempt to copy Dimitri. He hated when he did that.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:24pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kylie stayed silent as she continued to follow behind Dimitri and Lanen, her bullets making a quiet clanging sound as they hit her thighs. Reaching a hand down, she held them in place, to stop the annoying noise. She stared ahead, wanting for once to be in the raid, instead of outside of it. She wanted to see some action in it's face, not behind it's back. Shaking out the thought, she remembered it was her place to protect the pack, other then Dimitri. She kept close behind them, but staying a distance still.
7:29pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen turned her head at the sound of Kylie's bullets and shuddered, trying to block out the memory of the sound they made as they left the gun and struck something. If shew could help it, no one would be hurt...at least not by her. She turned her head some more, nearly walking sideways now, and looked at Severin. If she could, she would have snickered at him, but then shook her head. No you wouldnt. If you were male, youd probably be doin' the same thing, tryin to copy cat the leader.
Resident mounted archer
7:36pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk called the patrol out and raced ahead, that had been her last pair of cloanes and she needed some clothes, weapons, and other santitary stuff. Also, the pack need flood and supplies... (can we stop rping for a whilw?))
 <-- Click me
7:38pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Lol. o3o )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
7:38pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 7:39pm May 12 2010)
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Posts: 2,092
Giving the group one more looking over, he blinked in confusion as the humored look on Lanen's face, wondering what was funny. Shrugging, he stopped just at the edge of the town to take it in. There were many places a person could hide to shoot, and he trusted Kylie to know how to position herself to work best with the guns. Sniffing the air, he blessed the wolf heightened sense of smell, and found nothing out of the usual. Not able to shake the uncomfortable feeling, he made his way towards the shopping district of the town, keeping to the shadows. Cloths store, where would that be? After what felt like forever, and many scares later, he finally found the store, locked of course. Muttering, he looked to Lanen to break it. ((Hehe, i'll be leaving soon so probably then.))
7:42pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Ohmigosh. How does she break it? XD))
Resident mounted archer
7:44pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Smash it in with her paw. xD)) Kylie stood from a distance, hidden behind a small clump of trees, her gun in hand. She grinned a bit as Dimitri looked disrunteled at the locked door. She waited for Lanen to break it, recognizing the signal. She also expected an alarm to go off. This was a good thing for Ian to do, hack and turn off the alarm, but he wasn't here at the moment. He was looking for 'something.' He wouldn't even tell her. Shaking yet another thought out of her head, she aimed her gun presicely at the door.
7:59pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol, just realized I never finished my bio. I'll do that. Also, i'm confused. Is it night or day?)) Karienne chuckled slightly at Severins comment, and sighed. She then frowned slightly when Dimirti said they'de pick some supplies up for her. "But you don't-" but of course they had left. "Wow, Thats just great. Lleave me here all by myself!' She called sarcasticlybut she knew they musted be long gone. She shook her head and headed to her back pack and started shuffling through her stuff. She need new clothes, other personal stuff, medical tape, gauze and advil. She sighed. She hated when they got stuff her. She was very picky about the brand. She quickly grabbed an old magazine and looked around for a good tree. She put the magazine in her mouth and hoisted herself onto a branch and started flipping through the pages.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.