8:00pm May 12 2010
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Lanen tilted her head and looked up at Dimitri. What does he expect me to do? Sonic bark? She blinked at the door. Gla.ss. Hmm. Should be fairly easy... Backing up, Lanen crouched and sprung, charging at the door. She hit it with her shoulder and it smashed open. Her thick fur protected her from the shards, but not the daze, and she stummbled slightly, shaking her head. Then she turned and wagged her tail at the others. I did it! ((Computer ate my post. ><))
Resident mounted archer
8:16pm May 12 2010
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Nodding in thanks, Dimitri patted her shoulder while looking around at the variety of stuff. One thing he listened for was security sirens which most towns had. But in this small place, apparently they did not worry much. "Get what you need, and some other things the girls will need." He told her softly, knowing her wolf ears would hear. Without waiting for a reply, he made his way to the men's section with a sigh. It was so much like when he was normal, except it was night and this was robbery. Oh well.
8:46pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Ok I will." Dusk whispered back, knowing he could hear her perfectly with his wolf ears. "I will get the other stuff." she smiled to herself and crashed into a store...
 <-- Click me
11:48pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 11:51pm May 12 2010)
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Lanen watched Dimitri walked away, making sure he was well out of sight before shifting. She shook her head and quickly grabbed a pair of size 5 blue jeans and black t-shirt. Grabbing other nesiccary things, she went into the changing room and got dressed. The pants were big in the waist and long in the legs, but she could fix that with a belt and a needle. They were sturdy, that was all she cared for. She grabbed a couple things she figured would fit Karienne and folded them over her arm as she walked around. All her senses wer alert for the slightest alarm.
Resident mounted archer
8:27am May 13 2010
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Dusk wandered into the changing room with her usual: A size 14 pair of pants and a size 16 blue top with wolves on the side. She smield as she put them on and thoguht that she must havelost a little weight. She sighed, they didn't have the shirt a size lower, so she left it there. She grapped a belt with her quick hands and tied it over her waist to make the pants stay up. She was ready now. "I*m done, I need to head over to the food store to get some supplies." Before she left the clothing store, she ran to the front and grabbed a few sanitary girl things and then raced out. "Hmmm... Meat sounds good." she grabbed a big bucket of neetly cut steaks, chicken, and other delicacies that she hadn't had to kill and raced back top the clothing store, to motion that the sun was starting to peek over the hills...
 <-- Click me
3:16pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 6,511
( Woah. o3o I don't feel like reading. xD What happened, and where can I pop in? )
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:15pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm May 13 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Oh I don't know. The gang just broke into the clothing store so Severin could go take something for himself XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:39pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,092
((Just pop in anywhere, but i'm going to add a quick twist.)) Finding two outfits that were sturdy and fit decently, Dimitri was about to find everyone when the sounds of a scream broke through his thoughts. Nearly jumping from his skin, he cursed his stupidity not to put a guard at the door and bolted to the front, coming face to face with the rattled shop owner. Her eyes were huge and scared, as well as angry and he tried to not laugh at the small, pathetic knife in her hand. Smacking it away, he sniffed the air hungrily as blood dripped from a small prick on her finger. The it hit him, her yell would have woken up the whole town, and from the hollers and bellows of others, guns were about to be branded. "Kylie! Get ready." He snapped, backing away from the bleeding woman before blood lust truly hit and he would shred her.
4:46pm May 13 2010
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( O___o That's helpful. I'm just gonna say that Severin went somewhere else for clothes. xD ) Not even a block away, Severin's ears caught the sound of a woman's scream. He doubted it was anyone in the gang who had screamed, but even so, he shoved whatever clothes he was planning on stealing into a random bag and sprinted for the shop the others were in. At the doorway, he couldn't help but groan. "None of you were keeping watch?" he asked rather loudly, searching for a knife through his pockets. There was no doubt he'd need one pretty soon.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
4:58pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Dimitri tore his gaze from the blood as the woman backed away, taking time to glare at Severin. "Thank you for pointing out my stupidity." He growled, "Now why don't we do something productive before we get our pelts hung up on a wall?" He asked, eerily calm. Without waiting for a reply, he used his wolf skills to scale up a nearby rough wall, using small poles and cranny to make it to the top. Looking at the town, he groaned to see people, and a lot of them, rushing from their houses all screaming wolf. "Lovely." He muttered.
5:13pm May 13 2010
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"Knock her out," Severin said, stepping up and smacking the hilt of his knife into the back of the woman's head. The only reason he'd done so was so he wouldn't have to kill her so quickly. And, hitting the back of her head would probably cause her to lose some of her memory. But the thing that worried Severin was that he thought he might've hit the woman too hard. "And, you're welcome," Severin growled, frowning at Dimitri. "I wasn't intending to point it out, but fine."
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
5:24pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm May 13 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
Alexis opened and eye groggily, she looked over at her clock. It was late, or extremly early, whichever you prefer. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. she heard hollering and screaming outside her apartment window. She got up and rushed to window, towns people were rushing from their homes yelling wolf? She pulled on a pink robe and her bunny slippers and rushed out the door and outside onto the front step. She reached just in time to see a giant wolf climbing up a building. "What the hell?" she muttered to herself as she walked a little closer to the building. What was a wolf doing in this part. - - - - - Karienne felt a sharp sound hit her sensitive ears. Her eyes fluttered open surprised and she tumbled right out of the tree. "Ow, god." she said sitting up, rubbing her side. "Guess I dozed off." she shook herself out and listend closly, she could faintly hear screams coming from the direction of the town. "What the hell is going on?" She said. She knew someone shifted, thats the only thing that could make a whole town freak up. Still cluthing her side she walked slowly towards the town, hoping to find Kylie.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:11pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk raced out, "I told you." she growled, her ears pricked for anymroe signs of trouble. she hated disobeying Dimitri, but this was a time when it couldn't be helped. She smelt the air and then rammed into two women who were screaming on the sidewalk. She didn't hit them hard, just enough to knock them unconcious. The streets fell silent again. "h-" she was cut off from her sigh as the sound of sirens pierced her ears. "ah *bleep*" she cursed and ran off, her black tail streaming out behind her...
 <-- Click me
8:55pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen watched the people around them and dodged to the side. She picked up a nearby shoe and threw it at a man. It hit his head and he slummped to the ground. Taking a split second to put the thought away that she might have hurt him more than necissary, she jempped, using her arms to pull herself onto a tall shelf and ran the length of it.
Resident mounted archer
9:29pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Kylie looked with great eyes from above. She pulled two guns out of her pocket's on her hips. Aiming carefully, she silently shot a guy in the chest, left side so not to get his heart. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another man, this one weilding a shotgun. She quickly took him down with two shots, one to the leg to bring him down, and another to the back to knock him out. "Get out of there," She hissed to the pack. "More are coming and you're dead meat if you don't do it quickly!"
9:41pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Lanen nodded at Kylie and lept down, hitting the street running. Her calaused feet skid on the pavement and she winced as she skinned a few away. She clutched the clothes for Karienne to her chest as she ran, her legs muscles expanding and contracting as she ran with a steady speed.
Resident mounted archer
12:21am May 14 2010 (last edited on 5:38pm May 14 2010)
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Posts: 6,948
((I know. Next page where this is posted)
 <-- Click me
3:09pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Bump~ Hey Feyth, you never finished your post. xD))
3:46pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,092
Scowling as the people who intended on finishing them off kept coming, he cursed himself yet again for being careless. Not flinching as a sharp ping of a bullet sounded not far from his left shoulder, Dimitri did not hesitate to leap from his perch, grunting from the impact of the ground, and knocking the man with a loaded gun in the jaw. Better to hurt a human then hurt the others. Glancing wearily around, he wanted to make sure the rest of the pack were out before he bolted, hoping to do something right. "I really hate this position." He grumbled, scanning the people. Glad to see Dusk getting the others out, he jerked his head at Kylie to get moving. "Don't you think we know?" He asked sarcastically, listening as yet another bang of a gun went off, bullet thudding to the ground a few feet from him. "Go now!"
5:03pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 3,991
Karienne heard the thundering feet an saw a number of the members rush by her. "Hey! What's happening?" she as she started limping out of them. Damn, I can't believe I fell out of that tree. She thought. She really hoped no one was hurt she wasn't sure she had enough suplies.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.