The Alkain

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4:09pm Nov 22 2012 (last edited on 5:57pm Nov 24 2012)

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Posts: 1,997
Flames danced to the pop of wood, my cheeks warmed by the fire. I was
engaged in conversation with my soldiers, though sleep gnawed at my
entire being.  It was a beautiful night, with a deep purple sky lit by
pin-pricks of light, crickets playing us all their soft chirps, and an
all-round amorous feeling in the air. The taste of food that’d been kept
 in rusted tins still lingered on my tongue, and it felt good to finally
 relax.  I could have sworn there was something watching, but I was too
foolish to alert the others.  It was only when I saw the flash of silver
 did I realised my suspicions were correct.

The words had barely formed in my head did I see, through the flames, a
fellow soldier collapse onto the floor. Seconds later, another one. The
quiet evening air was torn apart by a metallic screech, and that’s when
my suspicions were well and truly confirmed.

Out of the shadows it came, swift, silent. Half of my men never got to
see their killer, and I only got a brief glimpse, but it was long enough
 to realise that I was to meet my end at the metal claws of an Alkain. I
 felt its weight pin me down, and I stared into those programed, glowing
 eyes, meeting their gaze until my vision finally faded.



Kay, guys. Basically, a couple decades ago, the planet Varren was
 in a deep, I mean pretty darn deep, world war. And so, these two sides
were slowly ripping their planet apart, so, some bright spark on one
side, came up with these things called ‘Alkain.’ Alkain are highly
intelligent robots, infused with a certain animal spirit. So, say
there’s a cheetah Alkain, it would have been built like a cheetah, but,
since it would be mainly built for speed, the amount of damage it can
take would be compromised. But say you have an elephant Alkain (Why, I
do not know.) its speed will be compromised, but then it would be able
to take butt-loads of damage. Kay?

And so, once this side had finished perfecting the Alkain, they
unleashed them across Varren. And although Alkain can think for
themselves, they have the need to kill built into them, kinda like a
strong instinct. But, of course, there was no ‘off’ switch, and the
Alkain, instead of just getting the other side to surrender, almost
wiped them out. So, once the few remaining humans from that side went
into hiding, the Alkain moved onto their own side, with the same

So now, with Varren’s population of humans down to a couple thousand,
everyone had to group together, whether they liked it or not, and so
there’s little groups of people scattered around, slowly trying to
survive and kill of the remaining Alkain.

Seeing as the Alkain cannot reproduce, although they do have a lifespan of a couple thousand years, it’s an almost even battle.

The reason:

So, a new king came to power, Marivous, which seemed to be the end to
all of Varren's problems. But unfortunately, he quickly showed his true
colours. He created unfair rules, favoring whomever he wanted.

This meant the lower classes soon fell into poverty. Year passed, and
soon one man, Amus, got everyone together, pumping them up into an
outright war against the king. Little did they know that this would lead
 to the near extinction of humanity.

One of Varren's leading scientists was on the side of the Rebellion,
since research he had been doing for years, on the Alkain, was stopped
when Marivous came to power. And so, with make-shift equipment, the
Alkain came to life.

But seeing as this wasn't the high tech stuff Egrek had been working with, mistakes were made. With dire consequences.


1. You must be at least semi-literate to join. If we ask for an example, please comply.
2. Have fun with violence, but don't go hog-wild with the romance. And remember, keep it PG13.
3. You will listen to both SilentSteps2709, or Silent as we call her, and I.
4. Make sure to post Hydrangea to let us know you read the rules. Say something like, "I have a hydrangea in my room. o3o" or something.
5. Be nice to all users. I don't care who they are.
6. We have the right to remove you from this Roleplay at any time.
7. Seven is my favorite number. SO. We will choose your animal for you, using a series of questions that will determine what you get. You will get two choices, and you must choose which out of those two you want as your character. This is simply to determine what species of animal you get; you will still be able to customize it and make it yours.
9. Make sure to add humor and make this a good, fun roleplay.
10. You just skipped number 8 on the list.
11. No Mary/Gary sue.
12. You can not power play, you can not have the most powerful character, and you can get hurt. This is like real life.
13. Your character is allowed to swear, but only moderately. Remember to abide by all Rescreatu rules.
14. Have fun!


 Q. What do people notice about your thinking and your brains?
 They say I'm clever
They talk about my wisdom
They say I'm inquisitive
My excellent memory is noticed
They say I'm mentally unbalanced
They assume that I must be intoxicated
When people talk about me, thinking and brains aren't mentioned.
I may not be a genius, but I ain't isn't aren't am not stupid!

Q. Imagine that you are on a football team, what is the primary thing that the coach notice about you?
That I am fast
That I am strong
That I am slow
That I am elusive
That I am a team pla[injection]yer
That I will chase down an opponent
That I could give a darn

Q. Check your mood right now. Which of the following words describe you?
None of the above

Q. You are at a party. Who are you?
The fun-loving one
The shy wallflower
The silent type
More than silent, the tight-lipped person
The proud and boastful one
The sloppy one who spills drinks and food
The inebriated person
The unconstrained, totally at ease one
The one who whistles and howls whenever an attractive person passes
The person who removed their clothes
The good-looking one

Q. What will your boss at work most likely say about you?
That I'm industrious
That I'm busy
That I'm lazy
That I'm obstinate
That I'm loyal
That I'm easily distracted
What work?

Q. Let's discuss your income level.
I am impoverished
Somewhere in the middle
Well off, I have a large income.

Q. Which of these terms are people most likely to use to describe you?
That I am well-grounded with my feet firmly planted on the ground
That I soar above my peers. Detractors say I'm flighty
That I go with the flow
That I move slowly sliding on a slick la[injection]yer of mucus.

Q. *Which of these describe what and how you eat?*
I have frequent hunger pangs
I consume my food sloppily and quickly
I am overweight
I am a carnivore
I am an omnivore
I am a vegetarian

Okay. So the point of this is to figure out what animal you will be. You will receive two choices; you are to pick out of those two. You are not to complain about what you get. Do NOT post this on the forum. Send either SilentSteps2709 or I an R-mail with your answers. I repeat, do NOT post this on the forum. If you do post this on the forum, you will be asked to edit your post and re-read the entire first post. The questions are labeled in blue, the possible answers in brown. You may only choose from the list of answers given. Also, when I put the *'s at the beginning and end of a question, it means multiple choice. Please, answer these honestly. No one will judge you for what you get, and no one but Silent or I will even see your answers.

As a side note; Silent lives in England, so she is usually asleep by 3:00 PM Res time. If it is later than that, please R-mail me your answers. Thank you! Also, there are only four positions in this roleplay. Because Silent and I already take up two, there are only two other spots left. Make sure to snag a spot before they're all gone!

Who's Joined:


Thank you, guys. <3


4:16am Nov 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 322
(( Just suscribing. o3o ))


12:17pm Nov 23 2012 (last edited on 4:34pm Nov 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Thanks for accepting me ^^ ))

Name: Silver
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Personality: Silver knows what she wants, and if she has to fight a bear to get it, so be it. Nothing gets in her way when she desperately wants something. She can seem harsh and sarcastic, and is very blunt, but really she is sweet and kind, she just doesn't know how to express herself. She can be a little awkward and rude sometimes too, but deep down she really wants to be nice and just can't show it. She has a great sense of humor as well.
(( Picture of an Arctic Fox. It is not mine. ))
Her left front paw (the one that is lifted up) is made of metal, along with her ear on the right side and the tip of her tail. Some more metal spots along her back show when she looses her thick fluffy winter coat, but are completely concealed during snowfall.
History: She'd rather say herself.
Other: She prefers night to day, and winter to summer.

(( Edit: I did read this, I forgot about it. There is a hydrangea on my jacket ))


5:05pm Nov 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
((Thanks for letting me in even though you didn't want to at first. xD))

Name: Chance.
Gender: Male.
Age: Undetermined.
Personality: Chance is a solitary, lonely bird, preferring to rely on himself and himself only. He will only accept help as a last resort. He is generally quiet and observant, though he has his bad moments where he can't help but to get angry at everyone and everything. In battle he is fierce, but even then he stays rather quiet. RP the rest out. 
(Picture of a Steller's Jay. Photograph is not mine)
The tips of his tail feathers are made of metal, as well as he beak. His talons are made of metal, same with the tips of the crest on his head. The underside of both his wings are made of metal, and it does not keep him from flying freely.
History: His history is nothing out of the ordinary for an Alkain such as himself. 
Other: I have a Hydrangea in my pants. ;D


5:05pm Nov 24 2012 (last edited on 5:14pm Nov 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Name: Luca
Sex: Male

Luca's visible cybernetic traits are displayed mostly in the replacement of his right eye and the fur on the surrounding portion of the skull. The mechanical eyeball is composed of a black body and a single, thin ring of glowing blue iris. The skull closely resembles a true fox's bone, with the exception of sharper angles and deeper depressions. A large hole is torn in the left side of his ribcage, and reveals the flesh-like mechanisms beneath. The exposed metal is scarred and scratched from the reminder of violent battles, and shows his dedication to war.
Other: As far as personality and history, he would prefer to reveal himself in his own time. He is nocturnal by nature, and prefers to hunt on his own.

|[ Thanks for inviting me, guys <3 Sona's pant hydrangeas smell nice. o_o ]|


5:57pm Nov 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Name: Lyra
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Breed: Maltese Tiger (Blue tiger)
Lyra's appearance is that of a normal Maltese Tiger, but her tongue is mechanical. Parts of her feet and legs are metal, as well as the tip of her left ear. Though these mechanical parts seem to blend in with Lyra's silver-blue coat, the longer you are around her, the more they seem to stand out. A non-mechanical feature of her is that her left eye is green, while her right eye is a dark blue, almost purple color.
Other: Lyra's breed is a very, very rare species, and it is not even proven to exist.

((Does anyone know where Fab is? Also, I made a list of who joined in the first post. ;D ))


4:07pm Nov 25 2012 (last edited on 4:34am Nov 26 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 322

Name: Nine

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Species: Panther



Nine, on first impression, looks like a completely natural
panther. Since she was designed to kill silently from the shadows, she never
really had to get into any face-to-face combat, leaving her unscathed for the
best part of time. However, should you be able to get a closer look, you’ll notice
several things that are different. For one, her claws and teeth are metal. Her
yellow eyes are in fact not natural at all, enhancing her vision, and allowing
her to lock onto targets for a short period of time. They also give off a
haunting glow in the dark, one of the only things that give her away at night.  But this equipment is not without its glitches,
though they are few and far between, and only ever include a couple jumps in
vision.  On her left shoulder, Nine has an
intentionally placed metal ‘shoulder blade’ actually on the outside of her
body, covered in a slightly scratched non-reflective coating. Engraved on this
is IX.

((Image is not mine~ ))

Personality: Nine is very much a loner, although, should she
find herself in a ‘pack’ of sorts, she’ll be the one to try take control.
Should she become the leader, and others question her on subjects she believes
she knows, Nine will most likely try put them in their place. That is one of
Nine’s flaws. She’s not one to look at things differently. Pfft, RP rest out~

Other: Not yet. c: 


8:11pm Dec 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997


8:13pm Dec 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ homg. I totally forgot to post my bio. o3o

I shall get that up right now! Sorry for the wait. ]]


8:21pm Dec 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((No problem. <3))


8:38pm Dec 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
Name: Zee
Gender: Male
Age:  Unknown
Species: Mackenzie Tundra Wolf
Personality: Zee is naturally a pack animal. He hunts much better when with others, and is definitely a team player. He's not of a dominate nature, and isn't a born leader. He is very submissive, actually, and will do pretty much what he's told. He's so go with the flow, his opinion about other species, the wolf part of him, doesn't matter. He gets along fine cats, dogs, hell, even ferrets. I'll rp the rest out. |D
Other: I haven't RPed animals in a long time, so please don't kill me if I suck. ;-;
Appearance: Zee's appearance is slightly odd. He has two mechanical eyes, but they do not enhance his vision; they actually decrease his sight and enhance his scent of smell and hearing. [He's not blind. Just think of it of a person who needs glasses who doesn't have them.] His left ear canal is mechanical, making his hearing much better on that side, which occasionally throws him off, having better hearing in one ear and all. Along with this, his front paw pads and nails are mechanical. 
He naturally has long legs, a long tail, and ears made for hearing. 


6:35pm Dec 4 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997


3:33pm Dec 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 322
(( Sorry about not bumping this up. D:

Boooomp~ ))


6:04pm Dec 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
[[ Omnomnom. 

I'm here. c: ]]


6:27pm Dec 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( I'm here along with Fab c:
Bumpe ))


6:55pm Dec 5 2012 (last edited on 6:56pm Dec 5 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
|[ Cortori is here.

Cortori is ~always~ here. o_o ]|


3:31am Dec 6 2012 (last edited on 3:32am Dec 6 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 322
(( adskjfsfaskdf


Sorry guys, I totally didn't realise Fab had gotten her bio up. o_o
Right, so since that rounds everything off, who wants to go first? ;A;
//terribleatgoingfirst ))


9:01am Dec 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
((I'm not starting either.))


3:35pm Dec 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( /can't start/ Um, not me. I vote Fab or just someone who isn't me. ))


5:30pm Dec 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
((That's two for Fab. BI -can't start anything omg-))

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