5:32pm Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 1,786
[[ wat. 8I
I can't start right now, as I'm about to go look at my Senior Pictures. But as soon as I get back, I can post? c:
-also doesn't know why she was voted to go first- -isn't good at starting- ;c ]]
5:33pm Dec 6 2012 (last edited on 5:33pm Dec 6 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
|[ -shrug- ]|
5:37pm Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((Fab is fabulous at starting. ;D))
6:58pm Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 4,355
((I'm going to have to quit. Sorry.))
9:30pm Dec 6 2012
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Posts: 4,754
(( Aw, sorry sona :( Anyways, Fab's name was just the first name that popped into my mind. And, she IS Fabulous at starting. ))
2:56pm Dec 9 2012
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Posts: 322
(( Ermahgerd I was sure I'd posted here omg. asdajhaf.
Awh, okay Sona. ;-;
Yeah, Fab, you go first. :U ))
6:27am Dec 11 2012
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Posts: 322
8:58am Dec 13 2012
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Posts: 322
(( Pfft, fien gais.
I'll start omg. BI
But later. >> ))
6:12am Dec 14 2012
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Posts: 322
(( Pfft, brain fart coming up. :U ))
Strangely enough, Nine had grown rather fond of it. It was the one thing that'd been with her since the start, with most of her victims not even being able to scream as they died. It was night, which she also happened to prefer, with silver moonlight cascading through the gaps in the leaves, pin pricks of light scattered across the sky. Nine herself was almost completely silent, too, though the slight hum of her robotic attributes could be heard if you tried, or the ting of a small branch catching on her shoulder. As she walked, little yellow squares would pop up on various parts of her surroundings, before briefly turning green and disappearing as Nine unconsciously surveyed them. At first it'd irritated her to the point at which she'd actually stayed in the most neutral place she could find at the time.
How she missed hunting.
It was easy, too easy to enjoy, and, in the end, there was no point. Nine no longer had a stomach, an appetite, thirst. All of them had been replaced by some sort of power core. At first, Nine enjoyed 'hunting' humans, it was in her.. so called 'blood' now. But slowly, as the population of humanity dwindled, and less and less would put up a fight, it became a repetitive task with no skill involved. Nine had never seen another Alkain, not that she remembered. She'd been a solitary killer, and liked it that way. Though, now, with nothing else to do but wander, could the company of another be enjoyable? Nine shook her head. No, she'd probably not get on with other Alkain. Her way was the best way, and she had an inkling that other Alkain would have the same outlook on their ways.
Looking up to the stars briefly, Nine let out a small sigh, yellow squares popping up on all the stars for a moment, before lowering her head down to pad on through the dark forest, flicking her ears as insects landed upon them. The forest was a little thicker now, and so Nine was relying more and more on her enhanced vision as the moonlight faded, her pale yellow eyes glowing in the darkness. Though she may be pretty much all robotic, she was still a panther through and through, and so she jumped up onto her hind legs, stretching her front legs out onto the trunk of a tree. Her metal claws scraped down the moist bark, leaving prominent claw marks. Though is was a simple action, Nine fell back down onto all fours feeling slightly more satisfied, her claws retracting back neatly into her toes.
The calming sound of water began to fill Nine's ears, and her pace picked up a little, her joints making slightly louder whuurrr sounds with each movement. The large stream was flowing even faster than usual, with the past days being plagued with continuous rain and cold winds. Nine trotted up to the soggy edge, pausing. Looking down into the slightly choppy surface, Nine watched as a white square popped up around her own head. Several small fish darted to the cover of some nearby reeds, though Nine had no interest in them. She flopped down onto the moist soil, her head and front paws hanging off the bank.

9:21am Dec 14 2012
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Posts: 4,355
((I may or may not try to get in. I'm deciding.))
4:32am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 322
(( Alright, Sona. c:
Bump, guys~ ))
10:58am Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 1,997
((I'll see if I can't post soon.))
12:01pm Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,754
(( I'll post in a little while. I'm just being lazy right now. *flails* I'll get something up soon, I promise e_e ))
12:30pm Dec 15 2012 (last edited on 12:38pm Dec 30 2012)
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Posts: 4,754
Silver padded along on the ground. Her bright eyes locked on a small hole in the ground. She walked over and found one of the food stashes she had made pack when she had been purely animal. The meat was disgusting and rotted. She was all too surprised that no carnivorous animals had found it. If there were any real carnivores left.
She sighed and started pulling the meat out of the stash. It smelled terrible, but she really didn't care. At least if it wasn't in the ground, her hard work wouldn't go to waste.
Most of her anatomic life, Silver had hunted. It was all she could remember doing. Hunting, killing, and leaving the meat for those less fortunate. Her stomach was still partially real, so she still could digest things, but there was no need. Hunger never haunted her, and she had no need for any nutrients. Therefore, everything that was caught was left out for those who still needed it. Occasionally she would take a nibble or two just to remind herself of the taste of it, but it was never more than that. Other foxes occasionally came immediately and devoured her prey, which always made her content.
Eventually she removed all of the eggs and meat out of her stash. She padded away, and only occasionally stopped to turn around and see if anyone had found her treasures. Eventually, she saw a black bear hunch over her food. When she saw this, she started to break into a run. That bear would eat it all quickly, there was no point in watching the cache anymore.
She slowed into a trot as she entered a forest. By her knowledge, there was a large stream in the forest. Water always soothed her, and the occasional drink she decided to dare was always refreshing. She didn't do it often for fear of getting her metal ear wet and having it short circuit. It was the only part of her body that would short circuit in water, but it was also the most important, so she rarely dared to take a sip since truly it had no reward for her but the taste.
She padded over to the stream, and lapped up a couple drops of the cool water. She lay down next to the water and listened to the roar that entered into her mechanical ear. The water lapped up onto her paws. She dipped the one that was still flesh into the water and kicked it around. It made an interesting splashing noise, and a couple droplets landed onto her back, which she enjoyed. If only life was still real. She would give her eternity to be a fox again.

2:45pm Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 4,355
Chance sat on his perch, the thin, rough branch of a lone oak tree. The fading moonlight seemed to collect in his cold, metal features, illuminating various parts of his body but seeping through the dull black and dusty blue feathers. He stared out to the empty night air, then let a long, lonely call; a long, drawn out noise, sharp and frigid. He liked the noise he produced, even if it did sound like a dying cat. It was the single natural thing about him he had left.
He spread his wings, the metallic underside of them gleaming and glowing like silver ice. He released another call, this one shorter and harsher. He launched off his branch and into the sky, beating his small wings. He seemed to staggered in the air for a moment, trying to keep himself balanced, before he could finally glide for a few split seconds. He pumped his wings and tried to conjure up the feeling of wind rushing beneath feathers---real, pure feathers---but it had been so long since he'd had felt anything against his wings but cold steel.
((I didn't know what to do. P:))

8:05pm Dec 15 2012
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Posts: 1,997
The light danced down onto the floor of the silent forest, causing a pattern to reflect off of Lyra's fur. The greenery around her still smelled of the fresh rain as the Maltese Tiger made her way to the river not too far away. She frequented this river regularly, so if one ever wanted to find her, it would be the first place to look. The second place, if she wasn't there, would be a the cave she called her home.
The cave wasn't very big or impressive, but it suited her needs. It was in the denser part of the forest, a place the humans didn't go often. The cave its self was hidden in a hill, the entrance small and hard to see. Inside it was even smaller than it appeared. There was enough room for Lyra to stand up without hitting her head, but that was about it. She could hardly turn around in there. That was why she liked the river. Lyra didn't like small spaces, but she didn't have anywhere else to sleep, so she slept there.
The long, harsh cry of a bird surprised Lyra as she took her next step. It had been a long time since she'd heard another animal, and the last time she did, it was a fish in the river. She turned her head towards the sound, her mechanical ear twitching for a moment. The sound came again, then stopped. After a minute Lyra looked back at the path, but the thought of the bird still in her mind. It didn't sound like a regular bird, more... mechanical.
As Lyra approached the river, she heard the sound of water splashing. Two animals in one day? This certainly was an oddity. And one of which was at her river? Well, she didn't exactly like that thought. Quickening her pace, she soon breached the trees. She saw what seemed to be a fox in the river, splashing and playing around. A low growl started in the bottom of her throat, a warning, almost. Even with this, though, she kept the majority of her body hidden in the trees, leaving only her face peering out.

5:31am Dec 17 2012
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Posts: 322
11:07pm Dec 22 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ I'm so sorry to be taking so long, everyone. My life has been constantly overwhelming lately, and I'm struggling to make Luca's character and his species match. I'm not going to be able to make a post for a while, but I will be continuing if I am allowed. I just need time.
Please continue without me for a while, I will work my introductory post as soon as things click. <3 ]|
4:10pm Jan 2 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 322
(( lolwhoops totally forgot about this. o -o
That's okay, Floppah, take your time~
I'll see if I can get another post up tomorrow, my brain has just been mush lately. e_e
Feel free to post, guys. <3 ))
9:17pm Jan 7 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
(( Bump c: Oh hey, cool, this is my 3000th post ))