6:49pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane ran into an alley, her eyes wide with fear. "Oh god. What am I going to do?" Her voice was but a whisper, but it was full of fear. She looked around for weapons and pulled out her bow and arrow. She didn't want to waste bullets, so she would use the next best thing. She pulled an arrow back, but she had no experience with bows and arrows, so she would miss anything by a mile.
Love is all we need~
7:03pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick walked up behind Zane and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry." He whispered into her ear. "I couldn't help it. I hadn't planned on that last part but I lost control when he was so close to you and snarled. It just...made me so angry." He said and lightly brushed his lips against her shoulder, waiting to see what she would do. Probably stab him with somthing.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:06pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane simply froze, dropping her bow and arrow onto the ground. It landed with a loud clang. A series of chill bumps went up her back and down her neck when he kissed her shoulder. She simply stood there, too surprised to move. She wasn't scared after that. She was just surprised.
Love is all we need~
7:14pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick picked up the bow and arrow and placing it back in it's case. He stepped around infront of Zane and looked into her eyes. "Forgive me?" He asked and gave her a sort of puppy dog face. "I really am sorry."
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:17pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane put her hands on his shoulders. She didn't cry, she just nodded and gulped. "I thought that he was going to kill me or you and then I would have to kill him and I don't have the heart to kill," she went on and on, not pausing. She took shallow breaths between every couple words and continued on. She was like an auction runner, speeding through the sentence so fast that you couldn't understand but a few words.
Love is all we need~
7:34pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her into another kiss, this time on the lips though. He considered this a nice way to say shut up. When he pulled back a sweet smile spread across his lips and his face softened.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:43pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane took the hint and shut up. She was speechless. She wrapped her arms around him and said, "Thank you." She pulled away and looked at him, not having a clue of what to do now. She felt like she'd been stuffed into a box, then sent on the bumpiest flight around the world. Yet, she felt better after all of this, like she'd drank a monster energy drink or something.
Love is all we need~
8:15pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"I would of killed him." Came the loud hiss of Kohaku as he rounded the corner. His ears were still flat against his skull, and his multi-colored eyes were threatening. He growled at the two of them. Screw this, he thought. I shouldn;t give them special treatment. Calyx is the only one. I've already killed many humans, vampires and even werewolves who tresspas.sed on my territory. I will kill them.
8:25pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((*isnt sure what to post*))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
9:34pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane looked at Kohaku, now not afraid. She picked up her pistol and pointed it in his direction. "Come any closer, and I'll blow your brains out!" Her voice was like that of a dog snarling, even though she was perfectly human. "Why are you bothering us?" She glared at him, an unforgiving glare.
Love is all we need~
9:46pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick glare at Kohaku, letting a low growl build in his throat before he brushed his lips along Zane's jaw bone and pulled back only a little, keeping her in the cirlce of his arms incase Kohaku did attack.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
10:40pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane let the gun quiver before she grabbed it with two hands. She really didn't like Kohaku now. She shivered again when he kissed her jaw bone, but didn't let the gun move. She was all business now.
Love is all we need~
10:53pm Feb 14 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Hey, you wanna do like a private with Zane and Nick while we wait on Zozo?))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:29am Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku snarled, biting down hard on the gun. His hackles raised as he swung it away and tackled Nick.
7:47pm Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Sure, Blood. We should start a seperate one with Zane and Nick. You create the thread. >.<)) Zane yelled and kicked Kohaku, hard. The impact was strong for a human, especially a girl, but Zane was no average girl. She was tough. And she had about a gallon of adrenaline pumping through her body. She looked at him with a glare. "Get. Away." She let go an almost dog like growl, "Now."
Love is all we need~
9:26pm Feb 15 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick grunted when he hit the ground and fought against Kohaku, trying not to turn into a wolf so he didn't scare Zane again. He grabbed Kohaku's throat with one hand and fixed the other hand around Kohaku's muzzle then shoved with all his might.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:28pm Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Love is all we need~
5:33pm Feb 16 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku opened his mouth to snarl at Zane, but found himself being wrestled with Nick. Squirmed, and somehow, got his hand into his mouth. He bit down hard, savoring the sweet taste of blood before he kicked Nick's gut and ran as fast as he could toward the hideout. Nick and his human friend, Zane, can't hurt him with Calyx there. When Calyx was threatened...He shivered just thinking about it. Plain and simple--she went psycho.
7:02pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane backed up against the wall of the alley, terrified. "Oh god. Oh god. Oh god." She watched Kohaku run away. What a wimp, she thought to herself. But I'm glad he's gone.
Love is all we need~
7:09pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku started to howl when the hideout was in sight. Calyx pressed her nose to the window and gasped. "Dog!" She said, running out of the room and outside. Kohaku pressed his heels to the ground to stop him from running over Calyx. Calyx wrapped her arms around of him happily. Then withdrew when something sticky hit her shirt. She stared, then whiping the blood off of her shift. "What heppened, boy?" She asked softly. Kohaku whimpered in responce, standing up. He turned to the way he came, his tail curled around her arm. he usually did this when he wanted to show her something, and in most cases, kill it. Calyx was more then ready. She puleld out s Bow and Arrow out of her jacket and mounted up on Kohaku.