7:10pm Feb 17 2011
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Lend came out of the building after Calyx. "Whoah! Where are you going?" He was beside her and Kohaku in an instant.
Love is all we need~
7:15pm Feb 17 2011
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Calyx glanced at Lend. "Dog wants me to follow him. Someone hurt him. Whoever did, I must end them." She explained. Kohaku growled at Lend.
7:18pm Feb 17 2011
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Lend smelled Zane all over that wolf, and he didn't want Calyx to end Zane. Even though he knew that Zane wouldn't hurt a fly, unless she needed to. So if she did hurt Kohaku, it was necessary. But he still didn't believe that Zane would hurt a wolf. She had a soft spot for animals. Even if they did have a human form. "You know what, I think that he just ran into a wall or a pole or something, maybe you should just forget it."
Love is all we need~
7:19pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((We should wait for Blood...))
Love is all we need~
7:21pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku snarled at Lend. Stop getting in the way! He seemed to hiss. Calyx patted his back. "Dog is not stupid." She said, irritated. She turned away. "Its probrably another dog, and it attacked Dog. I will kill it." Kohaku took a step forward. (</3)
7:35pm Feb 17 2011
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Nick clutched his bleeding arm to his chest and growled curses at Kohaku. He got up and stood infront of Zane. Whatever was coming, he didn't want her to get hurt too. He gritted his teeth and quickly changed into a wolf, taking no notice of his clothes. He held his hurt paw up a bit and bent his head to lick the blood from it. Growling, he set it back down and carefully placed his weight on it till he was sure it would hold.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
7:39pm Feb 17 2011
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Kohaku let out a soft growl at Calyx. Calyx nodded, and Kohaku took off. Calyx gripped the fur on Kohaku's neck, and since it was bristling, she had no problem. Kohaku's growls became louder, so Calyx pulled back an Arrow. She saw a moving blur, and shot it. Lucky for her, it was Nick.
7:53pm Feb 17 2011
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Zane jumped in front of Nick, the arrow hitting her in the thigh. She winced, but picked Nick up. She was stronger than she looked. She dashed into a random building. Lucky for her, most humans wouldn't come in there. She didn't know if they saw her, but she hoped they didn't. A trickle of blood was going down her leg.
Love is all we need~
7:57pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,422
A shocked ex pression crossed Nick's face and he jumped from Zane's arms once they were saftley inside. He whimpered and sniffed at the shaft of the arrow then took it in his maw and looked up at Zane before biting the very end off. He went arround to the head of the arrow, gratefull it was sticking out just enough and grabbed it then pulled, carefully and quickly.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:01pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku howled with pleasure, telling Calyx that it was a hit. She purposly aimed wrong, for it would weaken her prey and leave a blood trail where it wa sheading. Hopefully, her prey would lead her into a building. Kohaku sniffed the ground, following the scent trail into a building. Yes~ She pulled back another Arrow and looked around.
8:02pm Feb 17 2011
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Zane winced and groaned. Dang that hurt. She held her leg. The bleeding was bad, but not enough to kill her. She patted Nick on the head and said, "I'm a team player." She laughed and looked at her leg again. She turned green and swallowed. She wasn't going to barf. She was just sick at the sight of her own blood.
Love is all we need~
8:14pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick turned to the door and bared his teeth, bristling the fur along his spine and down the backs of his legs. He would protect Zane for sure now. ((Sorry for the short post.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:17pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku and Calyx rouded the corner, an arrow already pulled back. Her eyes met Nick's, but she only saw a bristling mutt. She shot an arrow at him. Kohaku bared his fangs.
8:20pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick sidestepped the arrow and leapt at Kohaku, knocking him to the ground, Nick fastened his teeth into Kohaku's neck and held on. Then, thinking of Zane having to deal wiht Calyx, he stepped back to Zane and resumed a defensive stance.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:21pm Feb 17 2011 (last edited on 8:26pm Feb 17 2011)
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Love is all we need~
8:23pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku let out a yip. He struggled under the huge werewolf's grasp, his eyes rolling back to Calyx. He watched her weakly. Calyx watched, wide eyes in horror. She pulled back an arrow and shot Nick in the side. She crawled over to Kohaku, then petted him. She puleld back an arrow, aiming it at Zane.
8:27pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
"What the heck! Don't shoot at me!" Zane pulled out her gun and pointed it at Calyx. She had expert aim with guns. "Don't hurt him!" She fought back tears that were collecting in her eyes.
Love is all we need~
8:28pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick looked gratefully up at Zane as she closed the door and paced in a circle around her, waiting for whatever Calyx and her mutt would do next. The arrow in his side stung but he ignored it. ((Homg. Again, so sorry for the shorts. My mind isnt even in the Milky Way Galaxy right now.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
8:29pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku looked up at Calyx, pressing her to shoot. And she did. Reluctantly. Kohaku layed his head against 'his human'. Calyx looked away from Zane and to Nick. He was her prey right now, not Zane. She shot another arrow at him.
8:37pm Feb 17 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I edited...)) Zane shot, the bullet hitting Calyx near the leg. "I. Said. Stop." Her voice was like venom. She was going to make Calyx stop. "If you don't stop, I will aim higher." She was angry now, and when she was angry, she was furious.
Love is all we need~