5:40pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Wolfie will allow Loki to play no more than 2 males. I will make however many females are needed to keep the gender ratio even. Loki is the only exception.))
Love is all we need~
5:41pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( <3 ))
5:43pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((You're welcome, Zozo.))
Love is all we need~
5:44pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( I luff yew. We're going to get married and have 72 babies all named bob ))
5:46pm Feb 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
((Wolfie is female. That's not going to work. O_o I luff yew too. No homo.))
Love is all we need~
5:48pm Feb 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 17,364
(( Lololololololololol. ))
9:44pm Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[Crazy people. -cough- ]]
8:21am Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( Tld. By teh powur vested in meh I dub thee Nomnoms! -huggles Nomnoms- ))
8:25am Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[My name is Nomnoms? How nomtastic : D ]]
8:26am Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( djegfuegfrnlunghrullhf Nomtastic is my wurd. -noms Nomnoms- ))
8:29am Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[OH SEZ HU. asdlkfjasldfjk I clicked your weird bouncing egg. It irks me. STOP BOUNCING DANGIT D< ]]
5:17pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Wolfie will start now.)) Zane walked quietly through the halls of the abandonded apartment building which was now the Rescuers' headquarters. She had her headphones in, blasting the song Rocketeer in her ears. She hummed the tune softly and stopped at the lobby of the building. Somehow, there was still electricity in the building, that meant that not everything out there was destroyed. She looked at the snow falling onto the ground and shivered. That snow brought back bad memories. Lend was walking quietly through the city, searching for any remaining humans. He whistled a small tune, looking in every alley and window. If there were any humans left out there, he was going to find them.
Love is all we need~
5:45pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
(( i think it already evolved, it just won't change form. xDD ))
5:51pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx trudged along the alleyways, bags under her eyes. After having her fith run-in with a vampire, she was totally and utterly exhausted. She fell to the ground, not caring if the snow got into her clothes and melted. Her breath came out in short, ragged gasps as she crawled over to a wall. She hugged her knees and pulled her head under her shirt, desprate to get warm. Where was Dog? She wondered. Somehow she had lost her faithful doggie. She sighed, laying her head against the wall, her eyes heavy. A short nap wouldn't hurt.... Kohaku tore savagly at a vampire carcas.s, in wolf form, of course. When he was done, he threw the left overs--which were just a few bones--and padded away to find his 'master', who tought him of just a dog. After she had saved his life, he had devoted his to keeping her protected. But with her missing, what was he to do? He let out a lone howl, which seemed to echo off the walls of the city. Too bad Calyx couldn't hear him...
5:59pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane jumped when she heard the howl. She got up, even though Lend told her not to, and went to investigate. Her light pink hair hung on her shoulders, providing some protection from the cold. She shivered and rubbed her arms. She knew it was a werewolf, but this one seemed to be looking for something, or rather someone. She turned a couple corners to find a wolf standing there. She tried to stay out of sight just in case he was hostile. Lend heard the howl, but ignored it. He was on the scent of a human. And it was Calyx. He ran quickly through the streets to an alley. She was asleep. He figured it was for the best if she was asleep. She wouldn't freak out then. Lend picked her up gently, careful not to wake her. He cradled her like a small child, even though she was only a year younger than him.
Love is all we need~
6:08pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku padded around, looking for Calyx. She should of been here by now. What is some found her? Drained her? Or even killed her? He wondered. His ear flicked toward Zane. His multi-colored eyes stared at her coldly. His eyes went down, his tail stuck out. His hackled raised. A low growl formed at the back of his throat. Who was she? Calyx stirred. Dog/Kohaku's howl made her opened her eyes. Where was she?
6:15pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lend stopped and stared at Calyx. Dumb dog, just had to wake up the human, huh? He frowned and closed his eyes, getting ready to be slapped by Calyx. Zane looked at Kohaku and gasped. If he wasn't growling, he would be kinda cute in a wolfy kinda way. But that wasn't an option right now. He was threatening her. She was going to defend herself if necessary. "Stop growling, idiot. I'm a dang human. Can you not smell?" She looked at him and smiled. She tried to make herself look as harmless as possible.
Love is all we need~
6:20pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Huh, talk all you like human, I won't say a word. Kohaku thought. He took five steps toward her, the fur on his neck risen and her multi-colored eyes showed both hostile and curiosity. How dare that human call her an idiot! He bared his knife-like fangs, his claws digging into the soft snow/earth. If this human wanted a death wish, she'd have it. Humans tasted way better that vampires anyday. Calyx looked around, still confused. She was obviously being carried, she knew that much. But where, she wondered. She hugged nad elbows and shivered. "Who are you..?" She asked awkwardly.
6:24pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Lend opened his eyes and let out the breath that he had been holding. "My name is Lend. I'm here to help," he said happily, glad that she didn't slap him. Zane looked at Kohaku and sat down. "Look, wolfy. I'm not here to do anything to you. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop treating me like prey," she said simply, crossing her arms over her chest. She knew that he wasn't going to attack her. If he wanted her dead, she would've been dead by now.
Love is all we need~
6:28pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku glared at Zane. She obviously didn't respect him. He sat down also, though his multi-colored eyes never strained away from Zane. You don't think I'll kill you? Kohaku though. Your right. I'll let the Vampire do it for me. He got up and swiped Zane acrossed her arm with his claw, then sitting down to watch her reaction. Calyx's eyes narrowed. "Your a Leech. Why would you help me?" She hissed.