6:31pm Feb 2 2011
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"Ow!" Zane yelled. She bopped Kohaku on the head. "Bad dog!" She looked at her arm and flicked some of the blood off of her arm. "What the heck was that for?" "How the hell am I a leech?!" Lend yelled. "I am not a leech. If I wanted to kill you, I would've. But I have better plans. There is a group trying to save the human race." He looked at Calyx.
Love is all we need~
6:36pm Feb 2 2011
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Kohaku stared at Zane in disbelief. He rubbed his head, a look of bewilderment in his eyes was clearly present. Now he was mad. This puny human didn't have one bit of respect for him. He bopped her on the head, his eyes narrowing at her as he did so. Calyx flinched. "Don't yell at me," She said simply.
6:40pm Feb 2 2011
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"Don't call me a leech," Lend said simply, moving forward, clenching Calyx. "Oh so now this is a game," she said. Zane moved forward, her head hurting a bit. "I don't have time for you mutts. Especially ones that are so low down that they hit girls," she said, about two inches from his nose, before she turned around and walked away.
Love is all we need~
6:44pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Kohaku frowned. He liked this game. and what was all that crap about hitting girls? Whats wrong witht that? They deserved to be smacked just as much as we do, he thought. His tail wagged slightly as he sat up and followed her. He didn't know why, but this human interested him. Calyx stared at him dully. She opened her mouth to shoot out another sas.sy comment, but decided not to.
6:46pm Feb 2 2011
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Zane turned around, a bit paranoid. "So now I have a stalker wolf, huh?" She looked at him dully. "Why do I always have to be followed around by annoying people," she said challengingly. Lend reached the lobby of the apartment building and sat Calyx down in one of the crimson colored couches. He backed up and looked at her. "No funny stuff, okay?"
Love is all we need~
6:49pm Feb 2 2011
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Calyx stared at Lend. She let out a 'humpht' and turned around, her legs crossed. But she ended up hugging her knees again, for she was freezing. Kohaku nipped Zane, drawing a small amout of blood. If he wanted to follow her, he'd follow her. If he wanted to kill her, he'd kill her. He stuck out his chest and tail. his head held high to show that he was the boss.
6:50pm Feb 2 2011
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[[Umm.... recap? It's more or less a 1x1 between Zo and Wolfie now.]]
6:52pm Feb 2 2011
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(( We just started a few minutes ago, Tld. ^^ Kohaku's following Zane and Lend just got Calyx to the base. ))
6:53pm Feb 2 2011
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"Blankets are over there," Lend said, pointing over to a small pile of blankets. "Now you're really ticking me off," Zane said, rubbing her leg where he nipped her. She moved forward and broke into a full out sprint, trying to put as much distance between herself and Kohaku. She wasn't going to let that mutt follow her everywhere. What if he thought that he could get away with following her into the bathroom?! She shook her head and kept running, her long legs carrying her quickly.
Love is all we need~
6:55pm Feb 2 2011
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"Who said I needed a blanket?" Calyx said stubbornly, trying to hide the fact that she was freezing cold. She wasn't about to sho her weakness to a....Leech. Kohaku shrugged. He loved a good run. He lunged forward, easily catching up to Zane. His tongue flopped out as he ran. -fail-
6:59pm Feb 2 2011
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Zane zipped into the lobby of the apartment building and slammed the door behind her, quickly sealing out Kohaku. If only she would've remembered to close her bedroom window that morning... He had the perfect opportunity. "Lend! I'm being stalked," she said, trying to catch her breath as she pointed out of the window at Kohaku. "Oh god, Zane. You attract wolves like flies to honey, don't you?" Lend shook his head. He went and got the blanket and threw it ontop of Calyx. "If you don't get warm, you'll catch cold. I don't want to have to deal with a sick human," he said mildly.
Love is all we need~
7:06pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx wrapped the blanket around herself like a coat. "What ever," She replied, her eyes dull. Kohaku wagged his tail, his tongue flopping out. He stared as the human ran into a building. He tilted his head, then looked around at the window. Perfect. he jumped through it, making a but 'thud' as his rough paws hit the floor. He counded down stairs and tackled both Lend and Zane.
7:10pm Feb 2 2011
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Lend landed beside Zane. Zane pushed herself from underneath Kohaku and looked at him. "Listen, whatever your name is." She pulled some of her hair out of her face. "You are not welcome to tackle me, scratch me, nip me, or cause me physical pain." She narrowed her eyes at him. "You are not welcome to stalk me either!" Lend pushed himself out from underneat Kohaku also. He looked at the wolf and hissed slightly. "Leave the girl alone," he said madly. "The last thing that we need is for her to be royally pissed off at you. Zane can be quite the fighter when she gets really mad."
Love is all we need~
7:13pm Feb 2 2011
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Kohaku's tail swished around happily, accidently slapping Lend into the wall. He took no notice. His tong rolled out of his mouth happily. He nuzzled her hand in a friendly way, then pawing at her leg. He also took notice at what the human was saying. All he heard was 'blah, blah, blah!'. Then a familiar voice hit his ears. "Dog!" Calyx stared at Kohaku. Surely this big dog wasn't hers? Thats when she saw his multi-colored eyes. "Dog!" She exclaimed happily.
8:31pm Feb 2 2011
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Zane looked at Calyx and then at Kohaku. "Dog? What the heck?" She looked to back and forth from the two of them. Lend rubbed his head. "Oh boy, family reunion. How should we break the news to her, Zane?" Lend looked at Zane who raised her hands and backed up. She wasn't going to break the news to Calyx that Kohaku was a werewolf.
Love is all we need~
11:56pm Feb 2 2011
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Posts: 2,422
((Sorry, at church. What's happening?))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:13am Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Selina burst through the doors leading to the Rescuer's headquarters. "Hey, guys, look what I found!" She tossed in a rather petite and fragile-looking girl. "Well?" Selina looked rather proud and triumphant about her find. "She's a little shy, but it's alright." Aine trembled and looked around. "Umm... where am I?" She asked timidly. All she remembered was wandering through the streets one second, and then being taken by a rather scarily energetic girl. - Daemon and Robin burst through the doors after Selina and Aine. "Hey, we got food!" Robin crowed, dangling a plastic bag with objects inside it. Daemon smiled faintly. "Hello, I don't remember seeing you two." He said, referring to the two humans. Robin shrugged. "Who cares? We got food."
12:24am Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Nick and Kuma stood together, in wolf form, a few blocks away from the base. They pressed their bodies against each other for warmth. Nick lifted his muzzle and let out a long howl. At the end of his song, he trotted away from Kuma, towards the base. Kuma, left alone in the cold, curled up in the snow and tried to keep warm. ((Fail for Kuma, I know. Not much to do with her.))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
4:25pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx hugged Kohaku happily. "I thought the Leeches got you.." She whimpered in his ear. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't of got away." She added. Kohaku licked Calyx's cheeck affectionatly, though his multi-colored eyes stared at Zane and Lend coldly. He bared his knife-like fangs at them when Calyx wasn't looking. But when she did, kohaku returned into a big, playful 'puppy'. He let out a snarl when unfamiliar voices burst through the door, followed by many different smells. Calyx flinched. Kohaku jumped up and grabbed the bag of food from Robin's hands happily.
5:07pm Feb 3 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Zane looked at everyone and rubbed her head. "Too many people. I'm claustrophobic. I'm going outside." She left at that. She looked for where the second howl had come from. She wondered where another wolf was. Lend looked at Zane and then at Calyx. "Bipolar," he mumbled, looking at Kohaku. "Okay, Calyx... How do I break it to you... 'Dog,' is a werewolf." He smiled and said the sentence casually. Although, he knew it would be hard to accept that the playful dog that she knew is a killing machine.
Love is all we need~